I mean, didn't "stimulus" mean ECONOMIC STIMULUS? Isn't THAT what we're concentrating on these days? VOLCANO MONITORING!?? So, we have a science writer describing why VOLCANO MONITORING is so very, very important....wherein she lists volcanos, how they have erupted, why, when, how VERY imporant volcano monitoring is. Fine. But, to an ECONOMIC stimulus package? Is that like STD prevention is stimulating to our economy?
And YAHOO posts it in their morning headlines. THAT is why I wrote about this here. Funny, if Jindal did so badly, that Yahoo would highlight an article picking on his having dissed volcano scientists... It even adds: "The criticism of government funding of scientific research was similar to remarks made last fall during the presidential campaign by vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who was dismissive of fruit fly research." (message: You just can't trust those Republicans to care about volcanos or fruit flies. Response: Maybe I wouldn't dismiss this research out of hand, BUT........think straight, lefties: ON AN ECONOMIC STIMULUS PLAN?)
Oh, I KNOW, a volcano could go off and hurt an economy somewhere in this great land, but is this the VITAL, important, TIMELY kind of thing we need NOW, when we're supposed to be fiscally responsible and have "no earmarks"?!! (I had to turn the speech off when Obama looked into the camera and actually reminded us how there are no earmarks in this bill! Sort of like Clinton...who did "NOT have sexual relations with...")
They're sounding a little desperate at YAHOO, aren't they!? Couldn't they highlight an article slamming Jindal on any of his other criticisms? We know his STYLE didn't wow anybody...and Obama's did. I'm just wishing STYLE wasn't quite so important in America these days....
Maybe Jindal should have discussed the FRISBEE PARK on the stimulus package, instead. Or a museum honoring Sam Rayburn? No pork there...............right?!!
Sorry, Ducky!
You just can't stop the name calling, you're going to be deleted.
Try again, thanks.
I think the best pork in the bill is the part about the "beautification" of Chicago. Can't Chicago beautify themselves?
p.s. I'm the one who left a comment on Pasadena Closet Conservative that said we need more intelligent people in California. I actually have relatives out there. I'm just worried that there will be no conservatives left there in a few years. But I can see that you are intelligent. ;-)
Thanks, Elm...welcome to my site!
Yes, there are a LOT of very intelligent people in California.
Look at Pasadena Closet Conservative! (thanks, by the way!)
I'm going to an affair soon where actors, directors, producers, grips, musicians, etc., get together and actually can TALK OUT LOUD in this city and not be scoffed. You see, the conservatives are HERE, but the 'big open minded liberal mentality' and the LA Times mentality both ridicule so much that one has to be careful. (the group is growing by leaps and bounds and meets quite frequently and there are some quite famous people in it)
And, of course, question the libeal OPEN MINDS (as witnessed by the Oscar 'speeches'...SO open minded, huh!?) and you're in TROUBLE! (that's an OPEN MIND!?)
Sure z:
But this is who we are now; a nation divided between the largely sane people on the Left who would very much like for the various conflagrations left burning out of control thanks to 30 years of Republican policies to be put out even if that means a big, short blast of Big Gummint
...and the millions of absolutely unhinged berserkers on the Right who believe what the fire really needs is More Freaking Gasoline.
Ugh. This is so ridiculous. Fruit flies and volcanoes. Wow.
Economic stiumuls. STD's.
One of these things is not like the other....
I just can't even listen to Obama yet. He sounds too much like a preacher trying to whip people up into a frenzy and give them false hope, which is exactly what he IS trying to do.
Ducky, if you really think this is all a Republican problem, you're not thinking straight. How many years there did we have Dem congresses?
I don't think we need to do NOTHING, I ask you to address the post.
If you think volcano research is an economic stimulus, then fine. you seemed to think STD prevention was.
I ask you to consider TIMELINESS...maybe SOMEDAY we can afford to thrw almost a billion at STD prevention...right now, we don't HAVE THE MONEY.
We need MONEY TO STIMULATE, not to prevent syphillis.
Pinky...well said. He does.
And the LIE! "NO EARMARKS ON THIS PACKAGE" WHO does he think's THAT STUPID? He's so disdainful.
By the way, people...did anybody catch the prefunctory kiss on Hillary? The look he gave her...? Ooooooooooo
Pinky, just a reminder that flies are important in genetic research and this particular fly was a threat to a very large California cash crop.
I know the right is against waste like medical and agricultural research but give it a chance.
May lead to a cure for polio some day, ya know?
And again, I will ask why the governor of Louisiana of all states does not seem to understand the value of early warning of natural catastrophes.
Pinky and Z: Let's be more specific of the type of preacher for the sake of us real preachers preaching real hope.
He's more the televangelist type preacher. Preaching all that GobbleDeeGoop!
Ducky, if you really think this is all a Republican problem, you're not thinking straight. How many years there did we have Dem congresses?
Seriously, z, I think this is an AMERICAN problem and yes, I think it is pretty damn serious.
You are never going to get a bill that doesn't have a few clauses in it that you can snipe at. Perfection is not going to happen this side of the grave. Just ain't.
I DO NOT understand why Republicans, after seeing the devastation that tax cuts and lax regulation have generated want more of the same. I DO NOT understand it.
Become a loyal opposition by all means but try to be constructive. Screaming "tax cut, tax cut" and playing the one trick pony ain't gonna get this done.
We are in a deep hole and we MUST cooperate to get out of it before even more serious damage is done. So yes, I believe Republicans deserve serious criticism for their inability to admit that much of the program of the last thirty years laid down by Reagan has had serious, serious flaws.
Pinky, just a reminder that flies are important in genetic research...
LOL! Using THAT as an argument for MORE Government spending is about the most cynical self-serving political phrase ever spoken.
Craig Vetner of Celera Genomics used sequencing the fruit fly genome as a test case to PROVE that the feds were unnecessarily spending BILLIONS on the Human Genome sequencing Project. Vetner man demonstrated the efficacy of his massively parallel "shotgun" DNA sequencing method with the fruit fly genome and subsequently sequenced the entire human genome for a fraction of the time and cost that the federal government had slated to spend. As a reward for all his hard work, US and British government authorities confiscated credit for his work and cancelled all his patents. Fortunately I sold all my Celera stock before the government confiscation announcement in 2001.
Here's an "airbrushed" history of the events.
Celera sequenced the human genome at a fraction of the cost of the public project (approximately $3 billion of taxpayer dollars versus about $300 million of private funding). However, it must be noted that a significant portion of the human genome had already been sequenced when Celera entered the field and thus Celera did not incur any costs with obtaining the existing data, which was freely available to the public from GenBank. Celera's use of the shotgun strategy spurred the public HGP to change its own strategy, leading to a rapid acceleration of the public effort.
Interesting excerpt, eh Farmer.
You also fail to note that Celera was largely a publicity stunt. Quickly completing the mapping was not of immediate value. The brief speed up in mapping which was not a critical problem was done primarily for Rollo.
It provided a couple of columns for Thomas Sowell and the research goes on and doesn't go on at any more accelerated pace because of Celera.
Explain this away, duckmeister...
Eventually a tie was declared, and on the 26 June,2000, in a shared announcement from the White House, Bill Clinton and Tony Blair acclaimed Craig Venter and Francis Collins (the leader of the government scientists) the joint winners of the race to determine the sequence of the human genome.
Joint victory was declared... had it not been, the government's humiliation would have complete as Celetra had the genome and the government had about 2-3% of one.
The government's piece ended up being the "quality" check.
...and you're right about one thing. Correctly sequencing a 6 billion digit number isn't nearly as challenging as understanding what each group of digits mean and why their in the places they are...
Although Celera still provides many of the software analysis tools being used in figuring that out.
And can now rapidly sequence the "other" billions of different lifeforms that will eventually have to be performed in the future.
Let me go slow, Farmer. It was a publicity stunt. There was no particular value in finishing the mapping early and what Celera wanted to do was claim a patent.
It was the typical private sector stunt that was done for the benefit of a few scam artists.
Now you are old enough and there is no reason you shouldn't remember when these stooges tried to claim the sequencing as their private property simply because they:
1. Built their research on earlier government work.
2. Recast the rules of the research to make the complete mapping the primary objective.
It was a scam and I'm sure the writers at the Ayn Rand Institute were ga-ga but Celare did none of the heavy lifting. Just another crew out to scam the American sucker.
Just another crew out to scam the American sucker.
ahh like the grifters in Congress...now we're getting somewhere.
DUcky, Ducky...you said this:
"Seriously, z, I think this is an AMERICAN problem and yes, I think it is pretty damn serious.
You are never going to get a bill that doesn't have a few clauses in it that you can snipe at. Perfection is not going to happen this side of the grave. Just ain't."
How many times have I told you that? But, you keep BLAMING.
Here's the thing: No, there IS no perfect bill, absolutely not.
YOU, the LEFT, are those who want perfection, utopia..EVERYBODY has to have the same amount as HIS NEIGHBOR! (You lefties are practically telling us "Don't work next year to make ONE CENT more than $249,999.99 or YOU WILL PAY 40% federal taxes! Don't take that extra contract you might be offered! And America can't have you corporate execs flying around in planes making your job easier, you need to FLY WITH US...NOBODY succeeds, nobody deserves luxury, we are all Americans." That's BUNK, Ducky...is obama passing around mao jackets soon?...WHY put that rubbish in our kids' ears? Americans WANT OUR KIDS TO MAKE MORE THAN THEIR FATHER OR THEIR NEIGHBOR...WHY is that not okay? etc etc.)
It's not WE who want perfection.
What we DO want is STOP THE LYING (that telepreacher type pie in the sky promising thing I.H.S. so rightly suggests) ..And STOP telling us there's NO PORK, that's just a DAMNED LIE, Ducky, and YOU know it and OBAMA and Pelosi and Reid etc.
WE wanted a bill which ONLY kick started this economy.
Biden's quote this morning is "we need to DROP KICK the economy"
DROPPING is, so far, the operative word...or KICK, because he's kicking down the businessman in this country.
WE WANT RICH HERE, DUCKY...Republicans ADMIRE successful people and admire those who give on their own volition to those who have LESS.
We want a bill that ONLY helped the economy, Ducky...and here's the BIGGEST REASON MOST OF US ARE UPSET (if I can speak for others):
If this president had GIVEN US A BILL THAT REALLY ONLY ONLY ONLY STIMULATED THE ECONOMY...MAYBE we wouldn't be quite so critical? Ya THINK?
ahh like the grifters in Congress...now we're getting somewhere.
Kapital's henchman. Now we're getting someplace, elmer.
EVERYBODY has to have the same amount as HIS NEIGHBOR!
What put that silly idea in your head, z. I swear, I don't know where the right comes up with this material.
I will say that any leftist does want to limit the income disparity. Let the disparity get too wide and create an underclass and you create serious problems. Not to mention that if the disparity gets to wide it causes a lot of stress on the middle class and weakens any democracy as a result.
But I absolutely swear,z, that when I read the far right commenting on what they think the left believes I get the idea I'm in a comedy club.
Everyone has the same? Wouldn't do it even if it were possible. You aren't even wrong.
Capitals henchmen?
you mean those who actually provide the jobs?
Can you tell me duhkky how many jobs will be created by spending millions on volcano research?
How many middle class Americans can expect to go back to work by studying volcanoes?
Is there an estimate?
as far there being no 'perfect' bill...let's just say we want it closer to perfection than it is
Ducky, we all speak in hyperbole to MAKE OUR POINTS, do you get that?
Yes, the left's dream seems to be EVENING THE PLAYING FIELD...when I see that liberal unions are implementing things like:
NO SCORING in T ball or soccer..the children might get upset the lost
ONLY winners of scholastic awards can come to the ceremony so the losers don't feel badly
Obama disgustedly mentioning corporate execs like they're Satans. And he does this constantly.
I could go on, but ...what's the point. You'll never see it, I guess.
Become a loyal opposition by all means but try to be constructive.
You mean like calling the President Chucklenuts. We gotcha Duhkkky.
Not surprisingly, the Obama/Democrat hypocrisy is without bounds. No pork? No "business as usual" Washington payback with taxpayer money (see ACORN) etc., etc. But this isn't even the worst of it. I have read two accounts (admittedly unsubstantiated), of Obama signing Presidential Orders WITHOUT MEDIA ATTENDANCE (remember the promise of transparent government?) which will firstly; only allow union labor on ALL government construction projects contained in the porkulus package (therefore no independent competitive bidding as well as shutting out the lower bids of non union shops), and secondly: to give refugee status to 100,000 to 200,000 Palestinians who will be moved to the US with all attendant financial benefits. 55% of these people voted for Hamas!
Can you tell me duhkky how many jobs will be created by spending millions on volcano research?
How many middle class Americans can expect to go back to work by studying volcanoes?
Is there an estimate?
Come on Elmo, cut it out. If you live in Hawaii or Alaska or Washington State and want an accurate warning of volcanic activity, it's useful.
Also there is a possibility that scientific research leads to other uses.
Also, picking a minor item in a 700 billion dollar bill is not indicative.
I have read two accounts (admittedly unsubstantiated)
Why does that distinguish them from anything else Newsmax is posting up?
Try Drudge for better unsubstantiated stuff.
I think it would be more correctly said that we haven't had any conservative policies for the last eight years. Bush spent too much, his immigrant policy was a disaster, and he was afraid to veto anything for fear he might make the Dems mad. Thirty years of Republican policy? We haven't had any since 1989.
The only thing I agreed with Bush on was the War on Terror. Apparently that's taboo now as is spending on the military which is going to be cut.
Maybe BO will take the money he cuts from our military and use that to prop up Hamas. Then he can hire another volcano watcher.
Also, picking a minor item in a 700 billion dollar bill is not indicative.
it's the aggregate of minor items DUHkkky!
I DO NOT understand why Republicans, after seeing the devastation that tax cuts and lax regulation have generated want more of the same. I DO NOT understand it.
and we do not see why bigger government and increased spending on the Grifters pork barrel projects will help one iota
frankly the economic disparity/'justice' you talk about is a pretense for tyranny
We're not agains research...duhkster...we're just not for sticking it in a bill that's meant to bring jobs
I would think if YOU really cared about the middle class and poor you'd be railing against this
spendulus bill
if you didn't know how many jobs were to be created by the volcano research all you had to do was say no...
why change the subject?
it was meant to be tongue in cheek anyway
Ducky, it's not complicated. First of all, the more money that's left in the economy, in peoples wallets, and businesses, the more the economy is likely to thrive.
The more money that Congress spends, the more they need, the more they take, the less that is working in the economy.
Secondly, the only thing that's run efficiently by the Government, is our military.
Somehow you seem to think if the politicians and bureaucrats have control of our money the economy would work more efficiently.
Are you kidding? Lax regulation? Have you bought or sold a house in recent years? You practically need a lawyer for that.
Not, of course, if there's a government backed program that permits unqualified people to buy a house, and the overseers are corrupt politicians! Real efficient, eh Ducky?
This is announced today:
WASHINGTON (Associated Press) -- President Barack Obama wants a significant "down payment" for overhauling the health care system: $634 billion over 10 years.
Also from the AP, the house just passed a bill at a cost of 410 billion dollars , which is reported to be loaded with earmarks. Who's going to pay for it?
Now you explain to me how all this spending is going to relieve the pressure on the economy. Your far left is taking over, and to hell with responsible governance.
They're going to go right on with the left's agenda come hell or high water.
Now Ducky, if you had no money, would you be spending like a drunken sailor? You could always rob a bank I guess.
In this case it's the people who are being robbed, and we're told not only is it good for us, we're supposed to say "thank you"!
You are a real piece of work Ducky, we gave up on fairy tales a long time ago.
Also there is a possibility that scientific research leads to other uses.
There's a better chance of pigs spontaneously sprouting wings.
All earmarks are important to someone.
But they're still earmarks.
Keep It Simple, stupid.
Z, I'm not just blowing smoke for the sake of a compliment, but YOU ARE ACTUALLY ON FIRE HERE! With the post and your slap down on poor ducky here in the comments.
As for Jindal, this guy is the real deal (as Rush calls him). He espouses true conservative principles that are the only tried and true principles that actually work! That is, if the goal is to revive our economy and not just spread equal misery. I just about expelled a semi-digested paczki when I heard the messiah-in-chief utter this nonsense... "A surplus became an excuse to transfer wealth to the wealthy"... music to the quackers ears I'm sure.
DaBlade, BLOW SMOKE, I LIKE IT (Smile!) Seriously, tho..thanks a lot.
This just irked me SO So much (as if nothing else IS about Mr. Obama?) VOLCANO MONITORING. oh, brother.
Everybody's doing a fantastic job with Ducky.......
Ducky holds his own, but even HE would have to agree this is NOT THE TIME TO BE THROWING BILLIONS AT FRISBEE PARKS, STD PREVENTION, SAM RAYBURN MUSEUMS, etc etc. (i'll bet the Rayburn museum isn't earmarks! LOL)
Z, Cube posted where Olbermann uttered "oh God" right before Jindal gave his speech the other night.
How distasteful.
As to the question about why Yahoo was going after Jindal on the volcano issue, yes, I would suspect there are certain parties who are looking to cut out any serious contenders to challenge the O in 2012.
Looks like the Palin -Quayle treatment has begun.
Obviously the volcano study thing being put in the stim u less bill IS an earmark..
Hawaii, Californina, Washington , Oregon, ..makes sense.
I don't knock the study of vulcanism, but in a stim u less bill , it should not be be placed.
Anyone who really , wanted to help the economy would stick with real programs designed to stimulate, not this stuff.
We on the right, just get tired of having stand up and lie and then expect us to ignore the lies.
I mean please.
I know Obama is used to not being questioned and his every word being treated as gospel, but it just isn't the way real people are.
Jimma Obama is a flim flam man, out hustling the country.
WV: You said "Anyone who really , wanted to help the economy would stick with real programs designed to stimulate, not this stuff."
Truer words were never spoken. Very sad stuff.
Thanks, Pinky, I'll go look...wow
I think "economic stimuls" is the new "necessary and proper" or "interstate commerce" clause. Has there ever been a law that has not affected some sector of the economy in some way? Justifying a spending bill by saying it will affect some sector of the economy is to repudiate limited governement.
Some (viz Ducky) may support the idea of big government. Most of us understand James Madison's assessment that if men were angels, we wouldn't need government; if men were governed by angels we wouldn't need limited government.
Ducky mentions the values of studies on tsetse flies. The question should not be if these studies have value, but if the value exceeds their costs. Another relevant question is who should make this decision. The free market, I believe, allows the decisions to be made democratically while creating incentives to make efficient decisions.
Moving through some stuff quickly because I want to go to bed...yes, imperfect decisions are made in the free market. To think that a Congressman who studied political science can make better decisions about the value of tsetse fly research seems naive to me. As does assuming that Congressman doesn't have ulterior motives.
Ducky mentions a short blast of big government. Smarter people than I have noted the reluctance of people to relinquish benefits they are already receiving from the government. There is something of a ratchet affect where government programs are increased to address some urgent need, yet never reduced, lest the recipient think he is being robbed. It's kind of like the Brezhnev doctrine that you can go from free to socialist, but not socialist to free. It takes a great leader to refute this doctrine, which is why I'm prone to change the "All in the Family" lyrics to "Mr, we could use a man like Ronald Reagan again."
I'm too tired to be trying to argue the merits of a free market. I feel my time may be better spent arguing the existence of gravity.
Good night (and thank you Magaldi).
Tio Bowser
Actual text from the bill:
US Geological Survey
For an additional amount for ''Surveys, Investigations, and Research'', $140,000,000, for repair, construction and restoration of facilities; equipment replacement and upgrades including stream gauges, and seismic and volcano monitoring systems; national map activities; and other critical deferred maintenance and improvement projects.
It appears that Republicans are telling another fib. What a surprise. Hard to translate that paragraph as simply money for seismic study.
But pitch till you win folks.
all part of the 3% of the bill that went to infrastructure?
The USGS and PHIVOLCS estimate that their forecasts saved at least 5,000 lives and perhaps as many as 20,000. The people living in the lowlands around Mount Pinatubo were alerted to the impending eruption by the forecasts, and many fled to towns at safer distances from the volcano or took shelter in buildings with strong roofs. Additionally, more than 18,000 American servicemen and their dependents were evacuated from Clark Air Base prior to the June 15 eruption. In the eruption, thousands of weaker roofs, including some on Clark, collapsed under the weight of ash made wet by heavy rains, yet only about 250 lowland residents were killed. Of the 20,000 indigenous Aeta highlanders who lived on the slopes of Mount Pinatubo, all but about 120 were safely evacuated before the eruption completely devastated their villages.
In addition to the many lives saved, property worth hundreds of millions of dollars was protected from damage or destruction in the eruption. When aircraft and other equipment at the U.S. bases were flown to safe areas or covered, losses of at least $200 to 275 million were averted. Philippine and other commercial airlines prevented at least another $50 to 100 million in damage to aircraft by taking similar actions. By heeding warnings of hazardous volcanic ash clouds from Pinatubo, commercial and military pilots avoided severe damage to their aircraft and potentially saved hundreds of lives.
-- The United States Geological Survey
Interesting, one eruption and more lives saved than were lost in 9/11 but Republicans don't believe this is a proper function of government.
America's in VERY bad shape TODAY.
Read your comments and tell us again how we have to go to China to pay for these things because THEY ARE SO TIMELY
When your house is going into foreclosure and your family's sick, you talk to your mortgage broker and go to the doctor, you don't put new grass in the backyard. Until you've solved your crises.
Thanks for the try. But, it's just plain silly.
I must admit watching the lefties squirm as they attempt to defend BO and his profligate spending is somewhat gratifying.
It is our duty as Americans to hold the government's feet to the fire. Ah, the loyal opposition.
The worrisome thing is watching the debt pile high and deeper as our politicians on both sides flush our country.
In the new spending, it's getting hard to keep track, of those 8,000 or so earmarks, about 40% of them are from Republicans. We ought to flush those scofflaws with their lefty spending buddies.
Big spenders don't know a party, they are only interested in self preservation. There are some Republicans speaking up, but they aren't speaking loudly enough. It's time for the people to speak loudly enough to be heard.
I intend to vote against my congressman if he is on the spending list. If he's involved in this porkfest I want him out of office. I will only vote for people who respect our country and stop spending it into oblivion.
A good start would be to go back on the gold standard. It was good enough from the beginning of the country until 1934 when FDR temporarily suspended it. He reinstated it in 1935 and it was the policy until 1971.
It's no accident that when the government into the money printing business, or money managing as they call it, that it began to issue fiat money.
Unlike American families the government just prints the money it needs to fund its spending. Therefore, our money is devalued. Sooner or later, we will have to pay the piper. Mostly in yen.
once again duhkkky we're not against research or saving lives...it's putting it into a bill that's supposed to create jobs and stimulate the economy...hellloooo!
Law & Order.."mostly in yen" made my stomach hurt. oh, man.
Elbro...he just DOES NOT GET IT.
He just wants new grass planted everywhere and the family's losing their home. GO FREAKIN' FIGURE.
Well Elmo, I'm glad you admit defeat on your initial snotty position that the research is strictly pork.
Now if you look at the bill it is omnibus funding for the U.S. Geological survey. Includes things like mapping which may even prove relevant when you one trick ponies start drilling for oil all over the planet.
Or are you foolish enough to believe private industry does all its own mapping?
I'm glad you admit defeat on your initial snotty position that the research is strictly pork.
Where did I say that research is strictly pork?
do bother reading anything?
I said it TWICE (2:54 and 8:50 p.m.) that none of us are against research...the point this WHOLE time duhkkky is that it does not belong in the stimulus package.
duhkkky mapping the continental shelf is important for oil drilling, I've been involved in ocean mapping. These are highly skilled positions. So skilled in fact that they have to import foreigners or interns (who don't get a salary, but work for perdiem only) to do the work...seems there aren't enough people with the requisite skills here in the US.
So I guess Obama's little stimulus package will probably do more to provide jobs to others outside of the US, at least in this case.
and they've already been conducting this mapping for since the LOS treaty.
private industry does do most of it. The Corps of Engineers does very little or sub contracts.
Elbro...ducky thinks you're 'snotty'...you've read his comments..how's that for irony?
Interesting on that job you describe. Isn't it wonderful for US to pay for other country's experts to find jobs..HERE? WHOOPEEE!
I'll say it again: You don't resod your lawn and add a fountain in the patio when you're facing foreclosure and have a sick kid. You pay for the things which FIRST need help with whatever funds you've got...
Why can't American economists sucking up to THE ONE see that?
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