Thursday, March 26, 2009

Two MUST SEE things....

Check out Leslie's Blog and see a British Conservative Parliamentarian give Gordon Brown the awful truth about his failing liberal agenda (and, OURS)
Then check out Mustang's excellent writing....he nails it. He should be on every big city paper's front page.
Then weigh in on my contest below! thanks! z


Law and Order Teacher said...

I wanted to read both your links before I commented. As a student of history, this situation is traveling down a familiar road. I hesitate to cite the familiar quote about those who don't remember history, but it would seem we are hoeing the same row.

One thing that is something to get to the core of any situation is when someone in power is requesting that citizens take pledges. There was the anticommunist pledge of the 40s and 50s. That was a situation that was accepted but not an American way of looking at things. But it was tolerated.

The beauty of America is that no military member, police officer or firefighter is asked to pledge an oath to any person. We were asked to take an oath to the constitution. Nazis took an oath to Hitler. Big difference.

Now Americans are being asked to take a pledge to support a politicians policies. Harmless? What happens after you completely identify yourself and you fail to support the pledge? Will you be harassed? Will you be threatened? Who knows.

Why does the Obama administration want to compile a list of people who have pledged to support the president's policies? What is the purpose of stockpiling a list of people who took a pledge?

These are just some of the questions that Americans should ask themselves in these times. Pledges? Take a deep breath.

Anonymous said...

"Why does the Obama administration want to compile a list of people who have pledged to support the president's policies? What is the purpose of stockpiling a list of people who took a pledge? "

L&O - I think it is a way of flexing his muscle. Intimidation and a veiled implication of threat. Perhaps more to the point, it's also a way of establishing a list of those who refuse. An enemies list of sorts.

Thuggery, is what it is. He's establishing his national civilian security force under the guise of campaigning, and he ought to be exposed and called on it by our so-called conservative politicians in Washington.

Every door they knock on is private property, they're trespassing. This is not free speech, there is no right to harass people in their homes.

Perhaps it's time to get "Keep Out, Private Property" signs.

Welcome to America, 2009.


~Leslie said...

Excellent points both of you. I agree, it is to more or less intimidate. There are a lot of people who can't say "No".

L&O that is exactly what they did: pledge to Hitler, not a constitution, not a country etc. to Hitler. Why does Obama want to repeat this history? He has many reasons.

Thanks so much Z for linking!

Z said...

But, of course, we have to fight for The Pledge of Allegiance in our schools, right?

Anonymous said...

Z, we have to fight for everything we can. They throw as much as they can at us, to overwhelm, and hope to render us resigned to the inevitable. We can't let that happen. We just do everything we can.

We have to talk to people, share our misgivings and urge folks to get involved. This is no time to stand down, we have to stand up, we have to call our representatives, and engage people.

Go to Tax revolt protests. In other words it's time for activism. Let's go folks! It's late but not too late. Give 'em hell!

The other side has had their turn, and we can see what they have in mind. If we love America, the time is now.


~Leslie said...

Pris you make an excellent point:
"This is no time to stand down, we have to stand up,"

Because to be honest, when I saw all this starting I felt like shutting completely off, turning off the radio, not keeping up with the issues, etc.; the problem looked too great, too big, too overwhelming and I was only one voice...

But I am an American, I have too much fight inside of me to ever give up. I am not only one voice, Z is not only one voice,you, L&O, Mustang, Chuck...the list goes on and on...together we are many voices and we need to stand up and make our voices heard.

Z said...

I agree about standing UP...
but I feel myself tiring and weakening somehow.

We're letting Palestinians here as refugees and paying for that

We're over in Mexico telling them the drug wars are largely our fault

we're seeing OUR COUNTRY nationalize businesses

We have a president who wants to tell CEO's how much they can make!

We are facing unbelievable taxes, no matter how much they say "no middle class tax hikes"...lessening deductibles is a tax hike

all the good charity places in this country will be suffering because that deduction's been lessened

we have innocent citizens insulted and brought down for questioning THE ONE

we have a president who actually names names of conservatives he doesn't like

We have someone who giggled through an interview when we are facing such hardship

The WH has cocktail parties with rock bands on Wednesday nights at the height of America's economic problems

We've dissed foreign dignitaries

The President now goes on late night talk shows.

they're talking about taking guns away

they're talking about shutting down talk radio but bailing out newspapers (isn't the next step telling them what to print, as if the papers aren't on the fascists' sides already?)

We're taking from the rich and insulting their success while we're at it, and giving to those who not only can't work but won't work

well, you could all chime in better than I can.

And this is America.

Anonymous said...

Z, I had a long day and I'm too tired to stay up and read the WONDERFUL posts on your blog. I'll be here tomorrow to take it all in!


Z said...

Morgan, there's nobody more welcome! Rest up! xx

Anonymous said...

I have private property and no tresspassing signs up , already.

And the only pledge I am taking is the one to defend my country and constitution.

If these thugs show up here, they will be told what I think about their little un American activities, and that is not a threat, but a promise.