Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This just made me feel too good to not post....

Just listen to them.......Americans are speaking out. It'll put a smile on your face today, I PROMISE. Keep watching, the speeches come on and you'll appreciate them!

Thanks to Culturist John for the find...it made my day.



~Leslie said...

That's AWESOME! We will hopefully see so many more of these rallys all across America. We are the only ones that we can rely on to stand up for our rights. If the American people don't stand up for themselves, no one else will.

Be proactive!
*it did make me smile!

christian soldier said...

suggestion - to CA voters-Walter Moore for Mayor

Z said...

WALTER MOORE FOR MAYOR, indeed! Thanks for the reminder, CS.
For those of you NON California residents (that'll be 99% of you, I guess), we're trying to kick Villaraigossa out (firstly, because I can never spell his name, secondly,because he's totally RUINED this city with his self aggrandizing lies and total neglect)
And please don't remind us WE VOTED FOR HIM. WE did NOT.

Leslie....I'm glad you enjoyed it, too!! Come back and watch again! I AM! WE MUST ORGANIZE!!

Always Right said...

That really was great.
Yes indeed we must stand up for our rights before we lose them

kevin said...

No flags burning, just good old fashioned free speech :D

I.H.S. said...

Kevin, I agree with you.


Susannah said...

This is FANTASTIC!!! Thanks so much for putting this up, Z. (And thanks for your comment on the snow post. I had to replace the post - like you said, too much space. The video piece was causing problems. Unfortunately, your comment was lost too!)

I love this, though. I hope the 'silent majority' is FINALLY waking up!

Ducky's here said...


Ducky's here said...

I'm not sure how that rally constitutes "culturism". Seems like a bunch of folks who tried to start "Atlas Shrugged" and figured they'd just fake it.

Pat Jenkins said...

a movement of the people z! a movement of the people!!!

Z said...

Ducky, it doesn't have much to do with culturism, but John does. We're not all lock step on our blogs...we vary.
Also, it IS a bit about culturism because patriotism has to do with culturism and most of us believe that putting America first IS part of our culture. Not getting us so deeply into debt we may never recover. Not spending money on tattoo removal and frisbee parks when Americans need food.

We are all for helping....but we believe Americans would help their neighbors and faith-based institutions should be allowed to help too..making them financially unviable is NOT American, TRUST me.

Pat! You're right! I hope it grows and grows as O's numbers are apparently going down and down..

Ducky's here said...

Not getting us so deeply into debt we may never recover.


Reagan taught us that deficits don't count.

--- Vice President Dick Chaney.

The thing that strikes me about right wingers is they just don't walk the walk.

"Putting the country first" What does that mean? Letting Reagan and Bush run it into the ground?

Anonymous said...

The Senate just voted 63 Yeahs for leaving 8,600 earmarks in the latest congressional appropraitions bill. There's even an urgently needed "green" bridge to nowhere.

Perhaps they should relabel this bill, the "Omnibus Bill to Nowhere" or perhaps the "Stimulus to Economic Poverty Act of 2009".

Anonymous said...

An Israeli doctor remarked, 'Medicine in my country is so advanced we can take a kidney out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in six weeks'.

A German doctor countered, 'That's nothing! In Germany we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in four weeks'.

A Russian doctor then added, 'In my country medicine is so advanced we can take half a heart from one person, put it in another, and have them both looking for work in two weeks'.

The American doctor, not to be outdone, said 'Hah!. We can take a few assholes out of Chicago, put them in Washington DC and have half the country looking for work within twenty-four hours!"

Ducky's here said...

We are all for helping....but we believe Americans would help their neighbors and faith-based institutions should be allowed to help too..

1. This IS NOT a question of helping. This is a question of how to manage an INSOLVENT WORLD banking system.

2. You local church got a couple hundred billion to help out? Or do you think what's in the collection plate is enough.

Come on z, get on the page. This is a MAJOR financial collapse. Private parties are limited help because they are BROKE.

Have you noticed that charitable giving is way down? Foundations are strapped because their net worth is in the tank?

Now as for what made them financially nonviable, and it happened long before Obama, I must say that the right will not enter into that discussion honestly because a few of your sacred oxes would be badly gored and you know it.

Anonymous said...

Z, This is music to my ears. I particularly like the lyrics! Yahoo!!

"The thing that strikes me about right wingers is they just don't walk the walk."

Ducky, you mean like Pelosi? You know, the one who said "we'll have civility, transparency, bipartisanship. That walk?

There's been so much transparency, it's been invisible! No debate, no "advise and consent", just hammer your way through, and to hell with the people.

You hitched yourself to an arrogant bs artist, who's in over his head. He thinks he can have his leftist agenda, with no way to pay for it. And what's more, I don't think he cares if the country sinks to the bottom.

Other dictators have done this to their countries, and they didn't care either. As long as they kept their power.

He campaigned on "repairing" our image in the world. He begins with an outreach to the muslim world, which fell on deaf ears.

Now we hear he sent back to Britain a bust of Winston Churchill which was a gift to President Bush who left it in the White House.

The people's house Ducky, it wasn't Obama's to give back and in the process insult a staunch ally.

Now, Prime Minister Brown makes his first visit to the new President, and instead of following protocol with a proper welcome, he treats Brown and his wife like bothersome neighbors.

We've been told for years by the left that dissent is a good thing, that we should question authority. Well hello.........guess who's the authority! From Kindergarten all the way to Congress and the White House.

I hope the people form grassroots groups everywhere in the U.S.A. It's time for the far left to get a dose of their own medicine. We're just following your rules Ducky. We're questioning your authority. We will not lose our country without a fight.

FJ, love that joke!


Anonymous said...

Charitable giving is way down?

Look for it to go down more. It seems Obama is omitting the deduction for charitable giving.

Keep up Ducky, you're falling behind.


Papa Frank said...

I'm smiling now!!!

Ducky's here said...

Pris, do you ever get anything right? He is not eliminating it but he is capping it for high income filers.

Now, say someone making 50,000 makes a 500 contribution. They get about a 75 dollar deduction.

Someone making 500,000 makes the same contribution and gets a 175 dollar deduction.

See the problem? So he's going to close a loophole. The upper income filer gets a deduction consistent with the average filers deduction.

As usual, you jump to conclusions.

Ducky's here said...

Now, Prime Minister Brown makes his first visit to the new President, and instead of following protocol with a proper welcome, he treats Brown and his wife like bothersome neighbors.


I missed that. He dissed that closet Thatcherite clown?

I can't get too upset.

Ducky's here said...

He campaigned on "repairing" our image in the world. He begins with an outreach to the muslim world, which fell on deaf ears.


You know this how?

Thomas Lawrence said...

2000 people showed up in the rain to rally in Greenville South Carolina. Unfortunately, I was not among them due to an unforseen problem that took me out of town. This is a great movement.

Ducky is a broken record. I started to say a broken clock, but a broken clock is right twice a day and the Duckmeister is rarely ever right.

Anonymous said...

Larry ... please. Ducky is delusional. What are you trying to do, screw him up?

Anonymous said...

Well Ducky, Perhaps I misunderstood the news report on the charity deduction. I'll give you that while holding in abeyance a final mea culpa until I know for sure.

"See the problem? So he's going to close a loophole. The upper income filer gets a deduction consistent with the average filers deduction."

No I don't see the problem since the man making $500,000 pays a tax rate of what, 35%, and the man making $50,000 pays a tax rate of 15%.

It was reported that muslim countries gave Obama's remarks a cool response.

As to your comment: "do you ever get anything right"?

Since you only reply to, or answer a direct question from me about 2% of the time. When it comes to you, I'll settle for being right 98% of the time!


Z said...

So, Ducky, the rich will give LESS then, right? Looks to me like that might not be 'omitting' the deductions but the end product's the same to those in need. Sad.

DUCKY: ONE MORE THING! Don't let the echo in your head get too deafening, okay?


What anybody with a brain realizes, though, is that WE NEED SPECIFIC FOCUSED HELP, NOT earmarks...GET IT? There's a million dollars in this bill to control Mormon Crickets in Utah.


FJ..GREAT joke...fabulous!

Now obama's promising Russians that if they put the good word into Iran, we'll remove anything the Russians don't like.
AND WE BELIEVE THE RUSSIANS AND IRANIAN these days..ain't THAT CUTE? Oh, my GOSH. Please get on your knees, everyone, and thank GOD the Russians were too clever for obama and said "We don't DO deals" Oh, man.
Now we're subservient..isnt that super? The Left took away ALL credibility and superiority we had by dissing the war, misrepresenting nearly everything about it and not even giving it a CHANCE the first 7 years, until it started to go well and now it'll be obama's success *(!!!!!), they do nothing but slam us overseas (celebs, journalists, etc.), the left barred our REALLY putting the screws to Iran in re: to nukes and we're DONE. How does America negotiate now?

Thanks, Lefties....

Larry, sorry you missed that. Great to know 2000 showed up in the rain!!
Mustang....it's fun, though!

Anonymous said...

I was glad to see americans speaking out. I got a list of some of the cities that had a tea party. Z, I like your blog!!

Anonymous said...

"So, Ducky, the rich will give LESS then, right? Looks to me like that might not be 'omitting' the deductions but the end product's the same to those in need. Sad."

Z, this is what Obama and his cronies want. To force those in need to turn to the government. This is a power play. All of it. No stone unturned.

We don't matter, the poor don't matter, all that matters to them is that the left consolidates their power. This is the goal, and it's happening before our eyes.


~Leslie said...

Pris, your last comment is EXACTLY right. Everything is for more power and control.

And would someone PLEASE tell me what is wrong with working hard and earning your own money so that you may spend your own money the way you want?

Why is strength, fortitude, hardwork, earnings, success, and accomplishment now a bad thing that needs to be punished? Because those who don't have these qualities like to whine "it's unfair" well get off your hindside and make something of yourself. (This coming from someone who has had to work ALL her life and struggle, so don't even try to take up an argument against opportunity and all that blah blah...you make your own opportunities, this is America--just ask the first immigrants that came to this country...ask the people who traversed the Atlantic to help develop this country --anyone have a loud speaker...I think I am writing my speech for a TEA PARTY!)

When our earnings are stolen from us it is a little hard to be giving. YET Americans remain the MOST CHARITABLE people in the whole world.

So don't tell me that the government knows how to spend my money better than I do.

And, this video is a perfect example of our right to free speech. And notice (unlike the leftist liberals and their rallies) no police were needed, no one started any violence, no need for water hoses or the national guard, no one calling any one names, no one throwing anything or cussing anyone out. Only free speech. Nice.

The lefties need to take a lesson from it.

David Wyatt said...


Thank you so much for posting this. These type folk are the heart & soul of America, the ones who make it great & the ones Hussein wants to step on & destroy. It does my old tired heart so much good to see this! God Bless 'em! And God Bless YOU, Z!

Z said...

yes, it IS all about forcing the American people to drop self reliance (they've learned entitlement in schools, too, of course..) and go to the government..for everything.

And yes, every single gathering for this 'tea party' was peaceful. The left can't do that.

David, thanks...I'm glad you're here.xxx

Anonymous said...

Leslie, There is everything right in what you say. We have to remember there are more millions of Americans just like us, than aren't.

They just have to get the word that we stand together and will not succumb to tyranny, which this administraton exemplifies.

This is America, and she deserves our best effort to keep her free.


Anonymous said...

We need to see more rallies like this, in cities all over the country. I think that was John at the end.

Khaki Elephant said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Ducky's here said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ducky's here said...

Pris, the deduction level is capped at 28%. I don't think that's unreasonable and it shouldn't be a deterrent to donations.

You know any investment right now yielding 28%?

I was thinking about this last night. Recently a private donor gave 9 dutch paintings to the MFA. It is not clear if this is a loan or a permanent donation, but let's assume it's permanent.

The paintings are astounding. Clearly these folks were specializing in small to medium size Dutch paintings and what they have may be the absolute best ever done.

There is a Gerrit Dou which is jaw dropping. I've looked for hours and still can't figure out how he managed. The brush work is flawless.

Avercamp. van Ostade ... best of class examples of their work.

Riverscape with Ferry and a Boat Carrying Cattle by van Ruysdael may be the best example of his work I've ever seen.

So they make the donation and under the new law they can probably only deduct 8 million dollars, my estimate. I guess that's a terrible deterrent.

Of course there's the question of the wealthy controlling the art market but that's a different topic.

And we should make charity a game for maximizing personal gain?

~Leslie said...

Ducky, what do you have against the wealthy? The fact that they provide the personal risk to start businesses and hire a bunch of people?
Or is it that they have used their ingenuity and minds and talents to make something of themselves?
Or is it because you are not wealthy? (I don't know if you are or not, but I can only assume...)
Or is it because they pay the highest tax rate among ALL wage earners?
Or is it because they can use their wealth to buy themselves things they want? (If we didn't have anyone with wealth...who would buy those expense paintings?)
Or is it because you want to hamper, destroy, and totally ruin any motivation to work, invent, and make our lives better?

Which is it?

Anonymous said...

"And we should make charity a game for maximizing personal gain?"

Ducky, what difference does it make? It's benefitting others who would not otherwise benefit.

Better to do that than send it down the bloated government rathole to be wasted.

Let's just call it "stimulus".


Ducky's here said...

Ducky, what do you have against the wealthy?


Leslie, I am wealthy. Why would you assume I am not?

~Leslie said...

Then tell me, how did you get your wealth? Did you work for it?

Anonymous said...

Leslie, I think there are two groups who are socialists. The poor, who want something for nothing.

And, the guilty elitists like Ducky, who figure it won't affect them. After all they're above all this. They have the money to pay their way, under the table if they have to.

The rules don't apply to them.


Z said...

excellent, pris..me, too...I agree 100%

~Leslie said...

LOL Pris, that was going to be my next point! LOL, exactly true.

~Leslie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
~Leslie said...

LOL Z, somehow I get the feeling that I keep drawing out comments from a certain person that you have to delete. Sorry about that.

:D And I keep missing them before I can read them. LOL

Did you ever notice just how angry the lefty liberals are?

Z said...

Leslie, I've only deleted 2 or 3 of Ducky's over the last year...no worries!