Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fight for Liberty!

Do all you can, bloggers....this poster is from World War II, but we can't ever forget. Liberty from Socialism, liberty to own guns, liberty to protect life, liberty to openly disagree, liberty to....................keep blogging.


Greywolfe said...

blogging is a good place to start, but I'd suggest getting involved in other movements. is a good place to take another step.

Brooke said...

Yes, ma'am!


Ducky's here said...

Don't miss this one either

Anonymous said...

Strangely enough, I was just thinking the other day how many people who had good blogs and were interesting to read have simply given up. Some burned out, but more were concerned about being on the sky line these days.

highboy said...

Blogging can become an obsession as well, so watch yourself.

Z said...

thanks, Greywolfe, very interesting site.

Hermit, "sky line"...?
Some have burned out...most good Americans are in shock at what's going on and feel like the administration's just expecting us to follow.
Some are joking about how he's "Still in campaign mode" But, they're right because he's still pushing socialism..he has a LOT of explaining and cajoling and lying and mischaracterizing to do to get his agenda pushed through.
The big guys behind him are doing the work, he's the puppet. squawk, squawk, squawk.
People are wearing down..and the Soros' of the world know it......

highboy, you are SO RIGHT.

Pat Jenkins said...

AMEN sister!!

Anonymous said...

Take a few minutes to read what Sunset has to say about radical changes. My comment to him was that if we are concerned about Obama’s communist agenda now, it will only get worse. I daresay, much worse. With Acorn receiving massive amounts of taxpayer funding, they are already spinning up to reelect democrats in both houses of congress, and they are already formulating herculean efforts to have dead people and utter morons reelect Barack Obama in 2012.

They will succeed in this endeavor if we allow them to do it. If our total contribution to the electoral process is blogging, or showing up on election day to cast our vote, then we are delusional if we think we’ve expended enough effort. Now as it happens, Sunset has a theory that we can fix our problem in congress by showing up to vote for the new guy; even if we elect an idiot for two years, the result cannot possibly be worse than it is now, and we can always make a course correction two years later. And it so happens that this is what the SCOTUS intended in their last ruling about term limitations.

So, either we “silent majority” care about this country, or we don’t. If we do, then we need to take our country back from the communist hordes, and we need to start working on this NOW. If we don’t, then we have no right to complain when we suddenly realize we’ve traded our freedom for a piece of moldy bread.

Anonymous said...

The Emperor: [to the Senate] In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society which I assure you will last for ten thousand years.
[Senate fills with enormous applause]

Padmé: [to Bail Organa] So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause.

Ducky's here said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ducky's here said...

With Acorn receiving massive amounts of taxpayer funding ...


Any hard data? This contention has been discredited.

Who writes your material, Glen Beck?

Anticipating your question: Christian Pareti at the moment

Anonymous said...

We can deduce two things about Daffy: he is either delusional, grossly uninformed, or a pathological liar. Acorn received $31 million from state and federal agencies since 1998. Translated, that means taxpayer money.

As reported by the Associated Press, Acorn is under an FBI investigation for serious voter fraud in Florida, Minnesota, New Mexico, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania — information independently verified by James Terry, Chief Advocate for the Consumer’s Right’s league.

So maybe these are just a bunch of sore-loser republicans and fascists. I suppose it is possible that state officials from seven sovereign states and independent news media conspired to misrepresent the facts, but it is probably more likely that once again, Daffy has his head up his ass.

Z said...

Ducky, who did you THINK supported ACORN? You couldn't have thought Ayers and obama alone could have contributed that much, could you? or even Soros?
Thanks, Mustang.

Average American said...

"Americans will always fight for liberty"

I hope that, but I also wonder if, we will still say that in 2043? or even in 2013?

Greywolfe said...

Here as well as other posts ducky just likes to show that no amount of coolaid is beyond his ability to drink. He is eithe too invested in his tired old lines to admit he's been wrong, or he is truly delusional about the reality of the world in which he lives, and if that is the case I feel for his safety.

With that level of self-delusion, he might mistake a gun for a telephone and shoot himself. Oh, wait, he's a card carrying lib, he won't be owning a gun.. (sigh) never mind, he'll be around to throw his crap grenades and run for several years to come.

Anonymous said...

With that level of self-delusion, he might mistake a gun for a telephone and shoot himself. Oh, wait, he's a card carrying lib, he won't be owning a gun.

you slay me greywolfe!!!

Anonymous said...

z, i am certain that the majority of people in this country - ne this world - want liberty. i am equally certain that there are few who understand that liberty and freedom are not free, neither are they natural state of affairs when government is involved.

so many will not become involved for fear of appearing out of step with others around them. or maybe it's fear of retribution from the obama-ites who are busily gathering the names of those who are for and against the one's policies. or maybe it's because they have some ridiculous notion that we should all support obama blindly because he's the president.

whatever the reason, people are not getting involved to fight the fight against this subversion of the constitution. and until people do, we're heading to hell in the proverbial handbasket.

we have to realize that right now we are behaving as they did in early days of hitler in germany - just certain it won't get any worse and that some sanity will prevail. it won't change unless we meet the challenge head-on and keep at it until we've turned the tide.

our founding fathers recognized that it is dangerous and unpopular to stand against the tyrants, but that their liberty and opportunity for life and the pursuit of happiness depended on it. ben franklin, perhaps, recognized this best when he said "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."

Z said...

Heidianne, I think most people think they want freedom but don't understand that the kind of freedom they really would thrive better under is the freedom to do one's OWN thinking, buying, etc. Not having someone tell us if we can own guns, if we can eat fast food, etc...

Right now, they think FREEDOM is freedom from monthly healthcare premiums, free tuition for their kids, etc. They don't understand they'll have NO FREEDOM of which doc to pick, what school to go to, etc etc.......

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right Z. Liberty is under serious assault, probably the worst since Woodrow Wilson or FDR.


Papa Frank said...

General Patton would be proud of you, my friend!!!

Rita Loca said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Z. I have recently been banned form commenting on a blog because my blog 'promoted hate' merely because I do not support Obama.
Interestingly enough, the blogger is not even an American!

Z said...

Jm, there's a blogger called something like Gray Haired Brother and he's going around blogging telling conservatives "Your blog is full of hate", too.
He only came here once...I went to his, and wrote something I thought was quite positive and the criticism of obama was very was deleted.

That's the left, JM...that's so typical