Thursday, November 6, 2008

An American teacher in a Finnish Documentary.....wait till you see this.

Dishonesty, indoctrination, and humiliation in a children's classroom, and I'll bet she is still teaching.



(((Thought Criminal))) said...

That's nothing.

When I was these kids' age [I'm guessing 4th graders], I had a history teacher in Birmingham, Alabama that was old enough to have been there for the attack dogs and firehoses trying to tell me Bull Connor himself was a Republican.

Maybe now Republicans will get serious about demolishing the Department of Education, in the name of the 1st Amendment's ban of establishing a religion.

WomanHonorThyself said...

saw this and puked!

Z said...

oh, man, this all over the blogosphere and I missed it?

beamish...good one.

Mike said...

Sadly, you don't have to go all the way to Finland to find this type of indoctrination. It's happening in U.S. schools as well.

Z said...

Hi, m.a...the video IS from an American school but it was only caught on tape for a Finnish documentary..........that's the sad part. People here don't notice this stuff and then wonder what happened to our kids!

Anonymous said...

The only way this can be stopped, is for parents to to care enough about their children to have a clue about what's going on in their children's classrooms.

But first, they have to care about something besides their own wants and needs. I'm not indicting all parents, but I am indicting a hell of alot of them.

Tuesday, in California, an initiative requiring parental notification of a minor's intent to have an abortion was voted down 52%-48%.

I mention this because as I read these results it occurred to me alot of those people that voted no were parents. Why? Is it possible that if their child was going to have this medical procedure the parents just don't want to know, and are willing for their daughter to go through this frightening time with a stranger? Could they be so disconnected from their children's lives?

If this is so, why should we think that this documentary would be alarming to them? Or even if it is, would they do anything about it? Or is it too much trouble.

Oh, but the people of California are deeply concerned about the comfort of egg laying chickens. At about a 2-1 ratio, they care plenty. They voted 62%-37% for more humane standards for farm animals.

As I have said before, children are the most at-risk group in America, and it seems like nobody cares.


Average American said...

Z, I can't finish watching it. I wont use the C word in here, but I sure do feel like it! GGGRRRRRRRRRR!!

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

Maybe now Republicans will get serious about demolishing the Department of Education, in the name of the 1st Amendment's ban of establishing a religion.

Probably won't happen under Barack, Reid, and Nancy's watch.

oh, man, this all over the blogosphere and I missed it?

Seems to be making it's rounds; saw it over at Flopping Aces, too (decided it was worth talking about at my place, too).

kevin said...

I saw at Malkin.
Vouchers, Homeschool, or private school. Public schools will continue their inevitable course.

Anonymous said...

Folks, this sort of thing have been going on for a long, long time in American classrooms. The list of grievances is long. It would include teachers like the one displayed in this video, pushing their politics on children too young to understand issues (let alone consequences). It would include the teacher in NH who openly berated a child because his military father was fighting in Iraq, and told the child he (the teacher) hopes her father dies. It would include the teacher in Texas who allowed freshmen students to watch “Saving Private Ryan” (with all of the profanity), and then told them “this is what will happen to you if you join the military.” These examples are but a few of the horrendous abuses occurring every single day in America’s classrooms. We have teachers forcing students to wear Islamic clothing, who rely on “free” teaching materials provided by the government of Saudi Arabia, and who present this material as factual. There are thousands more egregious examples of teachers who have violated the trust placed in them by taxpayers and parents.

But as I am in almost perpetual agreement with Pris, let me add it is not the teachers who should disgust us; it is rather parents who permit these conditions to exist in our classrooms. Any parent who loves their children, and who wants to see them properly educated, will not send them to a public school.

Semper Fi

Anonymous said...

Teachers who are politically biased should not be teaching children.

Christopher Hamilton

cube said...

It isn't just public schools. My girls heard plenty of bad things about President Bush over the years at the Catholic school they attended. The worse offender was a black teacher who would castigate a student for making anti-Gore or anti-Kerry remarks, yet laughing about anti-Bush remarks.

My girls have graduated the school so they're not witnessing the orgasms she must be experiencing over Obama's win.

The problem starts at the universities that are hotbeds of liberal lunacy.

Z said...

Christopher Hamilton's site has a VERY worrisome piece should all go look,

Mustang; you're right, and Pris is (she's always right...:0) ...the PARENTS NEED TO ASK. Especially now with proof that Arabs have bought into so many American textbook companies.
We need to be teaching HISTORY, not American racism or xenophobia or the right to a woman's body.


oh. I fogot..we have obama.

Cube...that's can't GET more unAmerican than a teacher who's stupid and goes against everything this country stands for.

Law and Order Teacher said...

As a teacher I am sickened by what I just saw. I hate that the teacher then talked about how balanced her teaching was. That is what you would see at the NEA. I got a great compliment from an African-American student of mine who told me that she couldn't tell by what I said in class who I voted for. I strive to let the students take the information I give them and make up their own mind. The students parents thanked me for the even-handed way I dealt with the election. Many times in class I gritted my teeth and held my tongue, but I will not be an indoctrinator, I am a teacher.

CJ said...

I had a math teacher in high school in 1957 who ridiculed religion and ridiculed McCarthy of the HCUA hearings, as just about daily fare.

On this teacher, I just saw a news clip showing her being supported by the parents of the girl who said her parents were voting for McCain.

Incognito said...

yep... saw this as well... typical.

Z said...

Incog..they finally got in to FOX last night..we had it HERE FIRST (Smile!)

CJ..TYPICAL Alinksy PC indoctrination. "Oh, we SUPPORT FREE SPEECH"
Imagine parents whose daughter's been browbeaten and indoctrinated agreeing with the WOMAN?
Were she White, would they have?
WHY would they, we have to ask ourselves.

First, the children are FAR TOO YOUNG to get into a conversation like that...
Second, the woman's clearly supporting one side and slamming the other using CNN tactics..WHY?

But, the parents are shamed into LOOKING COOL. This is the ONE REASON I think the left could completely destroy this country and I describe it in my Alinsky article above on my homepage.