Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Liberman to Obama.........perfect!!! Earth to Lieberman...we get that you're a Democrat again

Lieberman says Obama's cabinet picks so far are "Almost perfect". I wonder what position he'll be getting....anybody got a suggestion?


Papa Frank said...

I'd say his position will be Secretary General to the Obama Posterior. Better known as ass-kisser!!!

Z said...

So far, SO good, Pops!!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

...or following pf's lead, his "position" will be on his knees with lips pressed firmly against Obama's bare posterior.

Anonymous said...

If he is a former member of the Clinton administration sure he will get a spot

Law and Order Teacher said...

Joe's just thankful BO let him keep his committee. He has to spend the rest of his term on his knees begging for BO's forgiveness. BO's the organgrinder, Joe's the monkey. I admire Joe as a person, but we shouldn't forget he is a committed liberal. Always has been.

MathewK said...

Perfect pick eh. Gee, what a closet liberal. Guess he didn't learn when the mad-left kicked him in the teeth.

Z said...

Ducky, he votes your way every time but a few and he's disgraceful?

WOW. I always say Republicans eat their young...nice to see the left dump on their grand old man...only because he left the reservation for a few minutes..had an idea the left didn't agree with..so OFF WITH HIS HEAD, huh?


Anonymous said...

Gentleman Joe may be guilty of talking a better game than he actually plays --- that has always been his stock-in-trade, frankly --- but VULGAR one thing he most emphatically is not.

Now that other Joe --- aka the vice-president-elect --- is the PERSONIFICATION of vulgarity.

There are many vulgar individuals in both houses of Congress, but that must be deemed acceptable because there are so many vulgar citizens to represent.

God must have loved vulgar people, because He made so many of them. So, it's okay to be vulgar. but please let's not confuse the meaning of the term.

One thing for which I am grateful is TRUTH --- even when it hurts.

~ FreeThinke