Saturday, November 8, 2008

Someone meets Obama.... quite interesting revelations, don't you think?

By Pico Iyer: (BOLD is Z''ll understand why......those lines I put in red AND bold..well, you'll definitely see why...Of course, it's a YAHOO headline story....!)

It was three days before the new year in late 2006, and I was eating a burger with the traveler and writer Paul Theroux on Oahu's North Shore. Beside us in the rickety little shack was a quintessentially Hawaiian group of Chinese Americans, African Americans, semi-Southeast Asians and kids who could have been any or all of the above, waiting for the dad in the group to bring over their avocado burgers from the counter. It took Paul and me a few seconds to realize that the dad in question - who looked like a skinny teenager - was, in fact, the freshman Senator from Illinois, who was expected to enter the presidential race in the next week or two. (See pictures of presidential First Dogs.)

We couldn't help breaking in on his private moment to say hello, and Barack Obama, intruded upon in a place he'd probably come to get away from people like us, could not have been more friendly and engaged; we felt we could have talked burgers - and places and books - with him all day. But you expect that of a politician, whose livelihood depends on winning hearts. The more remarkable thing, we both felt, was that this sparkling stranger was so much like the kind of people we meet in Paris, in Hong Kong, in the Middle East: difficult to place and connected to everywhere. Like the air of his home island (not really Eastern or Western, but a vibrant mingling of the two), he spoke for the dawning global melting pot of today. (See pictures of Barack Obama's family tree.)

It has become part of the familiar story now, repeated so often we can barely hear it, but anyone who steps out of the U.S. today, in any direction, quickly sees that the American Century has become the Global Century and that where a generation ago much of the globe was trying to look like America, now it's America that needs to get in tune with the rest of the globe. The very presence of someone like Obama shows this is possible. But the story of the 21st century so far has been of a fast-moving train that the U.S. (like its enemies) declines to board.

Everywhere I've been this year - from Jerusalem to Japan to Colombia to Italy and back again - I've heard people essentially say that America is an overweight, white plutocrat who is not only out of touch with the world but also shows no signs of wanting to grow closer to it. This is as unfair as any image - contradicted at every moment by the kindness and curiosity of many Americans - but it remains a potent one in a world where people communicate more with images than ideas and assumptions travel faster than truths. The best way to begin to correct it is to show the world a leader who can't really say how much he's African or Asian or American or just a product of their mixing in Hawaii. The point is not just that Obama will bring globalism to America; in his name, his face and his issues, he'll bring America back to the globe.

You could, in fact, say it is the questions that he draws from his experience that are as important as any answers he may come up with. How to make a peace between the black and the white inside him (or inside our cities and our country)? How to do right by our relatives in Africa without dishonoring the grandparents from Kansas who raised us? How to bring the modest Muslim school in Java together with Harvard Law School? The questions Obama has been thinking about all his life are the very ones that dominate the world today. And the mounting economic crisis only makes the construction of a wider identity - and conversing across the waters - more urgent, not less so. I happened to be in Alaska the week Sarah Palin was introduced to the world, and around me I saw the America I had grown up on: full of open space and possibility, blessed with great oil reserves and immigrants from everywhere, scenically gorgeous - but tied to the go-it-alone spirit of a "last frontier." It looked as much like the America of my boyhood as Hawaii and the burger joint looked like the America of tomorrow. The kids next to us in the North Shore shack seemed much less concerned with where they came from than with where they were headed.

Barack Obama the man is sure to disappoint some of the expectations his fans have; any man would, especially in the age of the 24/7 news cycle. But the past and the future that he speaks for are precisely the ones that belong so uniquely to the new century and the 95% of humans who are our neighbors at the global burger table. It's more than possible to make your fortune in Alaska - but I'd much rather find the future in Hawaii.

IS THIS WHAT AMERICANS REALLY WANT? It's one thing to have a man who will engage the world, Reagan did, Bush would have had other countries wanted to solve the muslim extremist problem more than they wanted to hate le Cowboy Americain.... but THIS? "Obama spoke for the dawning of the global melting pot ....?" Is THAT what he meant when he said so often "We will change America and we will CHANGE THE WORLD!" (WHAT?)

and Mr. Bush had this to say today about Obama's win: "No matter how we cast our ballots, all Americans have reason to be proud of our democracy. Our citizens have chosen a president who represents a triumph of the American story -- a testament to hard work, optimism and faith in the enduring promise of our nation." COME AGAIN???



Always On Watch said...

iaObama is such a globalist. I don't see him as putting American interests first. Instead, we'll be supporting the world and impoverishing ourselves!

Z said...

Exactly right, AOW...this is positively frightening. I have NEVER seen him SHOW he loves this country..and his books show such confusion and conflict within himself and discomfort with his White's just AWFUL. He almost doesn't seem grounded. And, with the people who formed him, his Ayers, Wright, (who's that Communist he adores?), his father, his mother......ALL socialists or anarchists or America-hating.

But, we've all rehashed that stuff enough........time to move on and fight when we can. It's all we've got!! This GLOBALIST thing is getting very scary.....why so much so suddenly??

Anonymous said...

This is all part of the globalist/multicultural pap that socialists hope will destroy us. And please note, this can only happen from WITHIN. It can only happen if WE THE PEOPLE allow the distillation of our cultural values, pride in our history, and if we agree to give up our fierce individualism.

I'm not one of those people. So the globalists can kiss my . . . well, you get the picture.

Z said...

Mustang, I've been thinking the same thing.
WE are the only ones who can stop this stupid globalist stuff and my Alinsky article I wrote below pretty much shows why we WON'T. Unless we REALLY stand up, DEMAND the media's honesty, demands the truth from our politicians planning this and RISE UP and tell them STOP.

Short of that, we're sheeple being led to the slaughter. It's utterly ridiculous, but I DO see a civil war, I really do. And I blame the left..ENTIRELY. And Bush and his dad and Clinton and all the others I believe are also complicit in this one world order stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Z....good post! That's all we need right now is to go "Global!" We should be concentrating on America and what we need to keep her the great nation she is. I agree that is our job to do it. Nobody, especially the media is going to help. With Obama as president we need to fight for all we are worth against his liberal agenda!

I've just partnered with a friend of mine named Robert on a new blog called Conservative Convictions. (The link is on my blog) It's our goal to do everything humanly possible to bring Conservatism back to where it should be, where it needs to be! Please stop by and spread the word. The only way to stop this is one voice at a time and eventually we will be heard!

Ducky's here said...

I think what you are all expressing is a belief in evangelic exceptionalism with America as a stand in for Israel until the temple is rebuilt and they find the red heifer.

I also know that none of you have the vaguest clue of what defines state capitalism (what you are seeing now) and socialism.

Well folks, like Gunter Grass said in "The Tin Drum". You gotts grow.

The world is tired of our little jingoist blechtrommel and so are the majority of Americans.

Please note z's reference to "white blood". We know what your act is about.

Anonymous said...

And we know what yours is ducky. A useful idiot.

Anonymous said...

If you’ll pardon me for saying so, I believe the foregoing statement includes an erroneous conclusion predicated on a false premise. There is no scientific evidence of Ducky’s usefulness, whatsoever. FJ should retract his statement.

Z said...

Yes, please DO notice MY reference to WHITE BLOOD....I found it shocking that a mixed race politician would focus on that, too. Thanks, Ducky, it does bear noticing. HE said these things, not I.

You should have read obama's books before you voted. NOW you're learning?

Our 'jingoism' is what's saved the world's arse for years and while I'm sure Germany and France and every other country we're paying for won't appreciate having to pay for their OWN security from now on, I was wondering which entity you will feel MORE comfortable considering your world power because there will always be one:


Or, the socialist favorite and the one I'm pretty sure THE ONE is rooting for: THE UNITED NATIONS

By the way, I have tried very hard to NEVER slam your faith, but I'm REAL REAL tired of you insulting Protestants here, so let me finally just say one thing, Ducky: When you go to church to worship, what the heck DO you look to? It can't be God because He gave us the Bible for ALL (All, not the vatican's version, not vatican advice) our information...but you find disdainful Protestants who actually try to LIVE by the Word...

Why not visit Marianne Williamson or Oprah's guru, what's his name? Or Voodoo, maybe?

And, you have your theology wrong...most people are not replacement theology believers...but good try. If ANYTHING you could have learned from the bible possibly stuck, if you have read any of it at all, I'd have thought God's great love for Israel would have been one of them?

This is not a besmirching of Roman Catholicism, only the practice of following that and vehemently and constantly insulting other denominations (something I have never seen another Catholic do, by the way). And, most of my Catholic friends DO believe in Christ, the Virgin birth, and DO understand the love of God for Israel.

Mustang, I think FJ ought to retract, too. Sad. We can't even have a decent conversation without Ducky insulting SOMEONE.

Anonymous said...

These paeans of praise to The One will start disappearing once his acolytes start realizing he is not a supernatural being.

Anonymous said...

Some conservatives and indeed Joseph Farah of world net daily have put forth the idea that we conservative Americans shoud secede from the blue states. The more I think about this the more appeal the notion has to me. We divorced England for reasons far less harmful to us then the way we are being treated by blue state post America. Thankfully I was able to divorce my last life. The reason was irreconsilable differences. It is the only reasonable and humane thing to do. If not we face certain extinction at worst or at least slavery.
Remember that the ottoman turks held eastern Europe in slavery for almost 500 years. They did so while only accounting for about 10%of the population. The turkish oppressors thought they were getting a good deal by charging 20 % tax on the slavs (slaves). What do we pay?
Just a thought.
I believe Texas has a secession clause built into it's constitution.
I am angry and want a divorce.

Lost in aztlan

Brooke said...


(((Thought Criminal))) said...


I'll say it since you won't.

Roman Catholicism is a little over three centuries younger than Christianity, and the two should never be confused with each other on theological grounds.