Friday, November 7, 2008

President Saul Alinsky. WHY didn't voters listen before the election? Here's why.........

Most of us have been saying what this linked article says, all through this campaign, BUT the ALINSKY RULES kicked in and nobody could hear the truth. Here is the Alinsky Rule that was so powerful during this time; "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

Yes, that's the Alinsky Rule that applies to Republicans now. Since Joseph McCarthy, Conservatives can't say anything about 'Socialism' or 'Communism', no matter HOW right he was, for example, because there was shame thrown on him for exposing 'innocent Hollywood types' (those types have been outed by their kids, most of them, by now, and STILL the left believes the spin!). The Alinsky-ites, teaching in our schools today stronger than ever, will come back with negative name calling and the excellent points/facts we might have are ridiculed so hard that we crumble under the political correctness of it if we even whisper 'socialism' (Heck, also don't forget that that word isn't the dirty unAmerican word it was before our professors kicked into gear).
Remember Biden "Are you kidding?" when asked if obama's plans were Marxist or Socialist?
Remember Obama's "They call me SOCIALIST!! SOCIALIST!! HAHAHA!!" (big laughter from his crowd)
When you read the article above, you'll see that we're in the described situation now and that THIS is why I have been trying to say this is NOT the America we had before, one where differing opinions were at least heard and respected and we could count on good Americans to always make the right choice.

This is a new America with indoctrinated kids who live on political correctness (a HOMELESS person is never a BUM, an abortion is THE RIGHT OF A WOMAN TO HER BODY, watching over our borders is XENOPHOBIA, a gay marriage amendment is HATE TO GAYS...all of which is rubbish, but it sure is effective in this weakened state we're in) We say BUM or STOP GAY MARRIAGE, the leftists react, the media skewers us, and we fold.

THAT is what we need to do. STOP FOLDING. No staples, no folding, no bending.......or they WILL MUTILATE.

So, what now? I think it's beatable, this stupid state of affairs, but I think it's less beatable since the election, as the linked article outlines. Read at your own risk!

z (thanks, Ron)


Rita Loca said...

An interesting note, Sal Alinsky has visited and advised president Hugo Chavez on education. One of the things he encouraged and Chavez is implementing is mandatory social service for all students. My daughter, being a Venezuelan citizen, would have been required to go and do this service at the governments whim.
What is interesting is this announcement on Obama's president elect office web page,
This calls for REQUIRING 50 hours of service by elementary and HS students.
Right our of Alinsky's educational play book!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you wanted add me to your blogroll if I was willing to add you?

Anonymous said...

Alinsky is how . . . and that’s important. But even more critical is the what. We must now be more vigilant than ever before.

Ducky's here said...

Speaking of education in South America, jungle mom. Ever hear of Paolo Friere?

Yeah, you right wingers kicked his glorious commie but out of the country when he made good on literacy and demonstrated how it could be done.

Let me know if you have an evangelical figure that gave more to the cause of educating the poor.

Rita Loca said...

Yeah, I've heard of him. Many consider most of his writings to have been plagiarized, I don't know about that...
I don't see what any of this has to do with Alinsky or Obama calling for mandatory service of our kids though...stay focused!!!!
I'm all for voluntary service, it's the mandatory that is wrong. Especially if the government I going to tell me what my kids is going to do.
Do you have children?

Anonymous said...

He was a Marxist organizer who spent much of his life organizing strikes and protesting

Z said...

oh, that's why Ducky admires him..thanks, Frank....typical

Z said...

And, by the way, Ducky? we have enough people teaching and promoting literacy here in America; it's a good thing they did "kick his commie butt" out when they did.

Too bad there are too many kids growing up admiring the Communist Manifesto, we even have a PRESIDENT who likes that drivel now.

David Wyatt said...


I believe you've hit it right there with your previous comment. The problem in America is what I have recently come to call the "Judges 2:10 Syndrome." Read that verse & I believe you'll see exactly what I mean. With all the "days of malaise" under Carter & the Clintons, you'd think folk would have had enough & saw O for what he was & sent him packing. But, the Judges 2:10 syndrome comes into play. I can think of many, many great Americans who've passed off the scene & there's just none to replace them ideologically or philosophically. Just my 2.0057 cents worth, (inflation factored in!)

Kris said...

people have scales on their eyes. Obama is a doubt...and i do believe his behavior in the yrs to come will prove this.

jungle mom...the mandatory thing is troublesome to me also. this would be one more thing to control in MY childs life where the gov. does not belong.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I'm betting Alinskyists would have trouble finding advantage in the reactions of their infuriated opponents when their brains are being splattered against a brick wall by small arms fire.

Your mileage may vary.

Incognito said...

am going to post links or embed some very scary videos...

it's been creeping slowly in for decades.

psi bond said...

jungle mum: What is interesting is this announcement on Obama's president elect office web page,
This calls for REQUIRING 50 hours of service by elementary and HS students.
Right our of Alinsky's educational play book!

Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free.

What is interesting is that, despite the shouting, there is nothing in the statement on Obama’s site about “REQUIRING 50 hours of service by elementary and HS students”. Setting goals is a traditional means of encouragement. The Boy Scouts of America practices the same thing in its playbook. According to the Scouts’ mission statement, “Character building, citizenship training, and physical fitness are our goals for every boy; and we must always keep these goals before us.”

psi bond said...

Splattering “their brains against a brick wall by small arms fire” is a bit of an over-reaction. It could fire up wide support for gun control.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Splattering “their brains against a brick wall by small arms fire” is a bit of an over-reaction. It could fire up wide support for gun control.

Uh huh.

Bullets outnumber gun control advocates.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Besides, Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur's infuriations against each other never resulted in any real call for gun control when they stopped rapping about shooting at each other on MTV and their proxies started shooting at each other for real in the streets of America. Some men like to get down to some erotic synth rhythms, revel in mysogyny, and get really catty about the sizes of each others genitals while waving guns around.

Gun culture has spread to gay culture. Er, hip hop culture.

psi bond said...

beamish: Bullets outnumber gun control advocates.

Uh huh. But bullets don’t kill gun control supporters in America. Armed Amercians do.

psi bond said...

Going after Alinskyites could banish the blues after the vanquishing of the Reds. But shooting to death alleged Alinskyites in the streets and the schools could cause a shift in the public attitude toward gun control.

psi bond said...


An Amercian is an American without mercy.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Psi Bond,

The beauty about "Going after Alinskyites" is that you don't have to. They'll come to you.

"Get in their face" politics looks funny with it's teeth knocked out.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Of course, if you really want to heel an Alinskyite, behead one in an internet video.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Or, if that's too harsh, just beat the shit out of Robert Fisk.

psi bond said...

To every action there is a reaction. Wanton shooting of Alinskyites may trigger widespread calls for disarmament.

psi bond said...

E pluirbus unum, meaning to rightwingers ‘many (bullets may be fired) out of one (gun)’, is our national motto. ‘In guns we trust’ is our other motto. We are a nation united by faith in our guns.

psi bond said...

Being too harsh is not a concern of rightwingers.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Being too harsh is not a concern of rightwingers.

Don't forget to inflate your tires.

Anonymous said...

Good going Z!


psi bond said...

Don't forget to inflate your tires.

Don’t forget to keep your guns loaded and cocked, beamish.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

To every action there is a reaction. Wanton shooting of Alinskyites may trigger widespread calls for disarmament.

Just merely talking about shooting belligerent in-your-face Alinskyite agitators has already got you equating vented Alinskyite brain matter dripping off a wall with Alinskyites possessing the moral high ground.

No. The best Alinskyites can hope for in such a scenario is for Jerry Springer to eulogize them.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Wow... using Alinsky humiliation tactics against Alinskyites is fun.


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Oh damn... right on cue.

There's an angry mob outside my house daring me to come outside and shoot them.

Oh how cute. Amy Goodman brought her camera.

Rita Loca said...

PSI, Excuse me! It does say middle schooler. Whatever, the point is, my kids do not belong to the government. I am all for voluntary service, which we do. But it is at my discretion not the governments.
Frankly, the government is going to find out that many of it's supporters are too lazy to comply, then what? And can you imagine the quality of the work those free loaders in college will be doing?

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait for when they come to arrest my kids for not complying with their social slavery edicts or try and deny them social services in the future by turning them into "second class citizens".

Z said...

JM: that is the difference...nobody should be required to and "a goal" will become a requirement, especially if he implements that "You work, we pay for your college" rubbish. And yes, SOME work they'll do in college.

FJ...they come for your kids, I'll be right behind you. (hiding, of course!LOL)

Z said...

Here is the exact reading from the Obama government site: "The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation’s challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in underserved schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start."

TO REQUIRE...not a GOAL anymore, psi bond.

Anonymous said...

Of course this plan of national service, is based on the misconception that everyone has a lot of time on their hands.

Sure, the most productive people in the world are lolling about waiting for instructions from Big Brother.

As for college students I can only speak for one. My grandson.
Let's see, he takes 16 units in school, study's and is on the Dean's list, yet works part time. In fact he barely has any social time and that he does have is supposed to be spent serving the state?

This is nothing more than a plan to force the people to serve the state. Be good little socialists. Community organizing on steroids. After all, what else do leftists know how to do, but try to bend you to their will?

Now we know why Obama wants a National Civilian Security Force, and this will be where the rubber meets the road.

"Being too harsh is not a concern of rightwingers."

PSI, The degree of harshness is directly tied to the degree of oppression.

In America, the standard is, "charity begins at home".


psi bond said...

To every action there is a reaction. Wanton shooting of Alinskyites may trigger widespread calls for disarmament.

Just merely talking about shooting belligerent in-your-face Alinskyite agitators has already got you equating vented Alinskyite brain matter dripping off a wall with Alinskyites possessing the moral high ground.

I thought you thought the moral high ground goes to those with guns enabling them to contemplate with relish (and mustard, perhaps) Alinskyite brain matter dripping off a wall.

No. The best Alinskyites can hope for in such a scenario is for Jerry Springer to eulogize them.

Seriously, though, the best you can hope for, beamish, is getting noticed by Keith Olbermann as "The Worst Person in the World".

psi bond said...

Wow... using Alinsky humiliation tactics against Alinskyites is fun.


Rightwingers who use the tactics endorsed by Alinsky are Alinskyites and must shoot themselves to cleanse the world of the contagion. ;)

psi bond said...

beamish: There's an angry mob outside my house daring me to come outside and shoot them.

Any angry mob outside your door would be one urging you to go with them to shoot some Alinskyites before breakfast.They can use helicopters in Alaska.

They would include photographers to document the glorious hunt and smear it all over the blogosphere.

psi bond said...

Pris: "Being too harsh is not a concern of rightwingers."

PSI, The degree of harshness is directly tied to the degree of oppression.

The rightwing's degree of harshness is directly proportional to the certainty in its rectitude.

Z said...

psi bond. I will remind you; you don't come to MY BLOG and insult it OR my commenters. If you feel this compulsion to comment here, keep them civil.

Thank you.

psi bond said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
psi bond said...

psi bond. I will remind you; you don't come to MY BLOG and insult it OR my commenters. If you feel this compulsion to comment here, keep them civil.

Although you have many times tried to insult me, Z, I have not personally insulted anyone here.

psi bond said...

Z, I admit I am unable to match the civility of one who can blather urbanely about using small arms fire to spray the brains of those he doesn’t like against a brick wall–––something to which you make no objection. Nothing harsh about that, huh?

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Seriously, though, the best you can hope for, beamish, is getting noticed by Keith Olbermann as "The Worst Person in the World".

As founder of the Kakistocratic Dystopian Party, I'd gladly go on Sportscenter and accept.

Z said...

I like beamish, psi bond.
He has humor and has a way with words unequaled by most people.

And you did insult in the first comment you posted and I'll not have it.

Be civil or be gone.

psi bond said...

I may be an unashamed Obama voter, but I ain't going to let you insult me, Z, by repeatedly declaring I am not civil.

Be specific. I made a personal insult in the first comment posted, you say? Really? Where? Please be so kind as to quote it, Z, because I sincerely have no idea to what specifically you are referring.

Oh, wait! It may have been uncivil of me to think the words of someone waxing enthusiastic about splattering brains against a brick wall weren't utterly humorous or totally civil. Silly, silly me!

psi bond said...

Don't jump your guns yet, beamish. You're not worthy to be noticed on Keith Olbermann's show. More blood, gore, and venom, mayhap.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Psi Bond,

Shout. Shout. Let it all out.

psi bond said...

beamish: Shout. Shout. Let it all out.

It's an apt mantra for you. Much better than, "Shoot! Shoot! Let 'em all have it!"

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

For my next mind control experiment, I'll have Psi Bond squawk some more about the efficacy of ridicule.

psi bond said...

Your mind's my plaything now.

Therein is the difference.

Z said...

psi bond..BELIEVE IT OR NOT...your words are not of such eloquence or meaning that I actually copy and paste and keep the comments I delete her. yes, you were insulting, and, by the way, it'S MY call.>MY BLOG, remember?

If you think Beamish's mind is YOUR "plaything", you've got another think coming.

And, if you can call yourself an 'unashamed obama voter', you're either too uninformed or too naive to grapple with the brain of my friend. Good luck.

HOW many times did any of us have to remind you of the myriad LIES THE ONE dropped on America? How about giving Hillary and McCain the finger 'so subtley' but enough that broke his audience up in to huge applause..? What a GREAT classy group you can count yourself among now, Psi voted for the president who thought appealing to his REALLY HIP AND COOL crowd was more important than keeping his calm and TALKING positions instead of so obviously giving them THE FINGER. I hope he doesn't do that in public again, like to Putin or something?

Sadly, I now not only have to pity you but my country, too.

psi bond said...

psi bond..BELIEVE IT OR NOT...your words are not of such eloquence or meaning that I actually copy and paste and keep the comments I delete her. yes, you were insulting, and, by the way, it'S MY call.>MY BLOG, remember?

Not to worry, Z: I’m not insulted because you find my words of little eloquence or meaning. I am not that much enamored with them myself.

The Internet is not yours, Z. Except in autocratic countries like China (abetted by Microsoft and Google), it is accessible to everyone. The Internet, fair and balanced, enables all blogs–––including yours, in which you have so much proprietary zeal, Z.

It is odd, Z, that, although you cannot remember words of mine that you allegedly understood as an unforgettable personal insult, you are continually crying that I am being insulting or uncivil.

I remember you declared that you liked my coming here to correct mistakes on this blog.

If you think Beamish's mind is YOUR "plaything", you've got another think coming.

Up beside his big brick wall, I am in luck that my brains are still whole, but beamish is too squeamish to be much of a challenge.

And, if you can call yourself an 'unashamed obama voter', you're either too uninformed or too naive to grapple with the brain of my friend. Good luck.

It has no logical relationship to your terrorizing, violence-worshiping pal. On the contrary, it shows strength of mind to resist the persistent LIES of the rightwing that you still worship as THE TRUTH. The majority of Americans must be uninformed or naïve, according to your “humble” opinion. You may recall that it was you who said Obama voters should be ashamed. You're sour now since they had good luck.

HOW many times did any of us have to remind you of the myriad LIES THE ONE dropped on America? How about giving Hillary and McCain the finger 'so subtley' but enough that broke his audience up in to huge applause..? What a GREAT classy group you can count yourself among now, Psi voted for the president who thought appealing to his REALLY HIP AND COOL crowd was more important than keeping his calm and TALKING positions instead of so obviously giving them THE FINGER. I hope he doesn't do that in public again, like to Putin or something?

So you think he should TALK to Putin (but you have preconditions about his fingers)? Anyone who believes Obama intentionally gave “THE FINGER” to Hillary or mccain when scratching his cheek is an unclassy diehard rightwinger.

Sadly, I now not only have to pity you but my country, too.

In electing Obama, America has decisively rejected the divisive bush-rove politics promoted by the palin-mccain campaign. The polls find that more and more self-described conservatives no longer consider themselves Republicans. Americans now say they favor government doing more (51 percent), not less (43) — an 11-point swing since 2004. Indeed, the post-bush-rove Republican Party is in the minority because it has driven away women, the young, suburbanites, black Americans, Latino-Americans, Asian-Americans, educated Americans, gay Americans and, increasingly, working-class Americans. Who’s left? The only states where the G.O.P. increased its percentage of the presidential vote relative to the Democrats were West Virginia, Tennessee, Louisiana and Arkansas. Even the North Carolina county where palin expressed her delight at being in the “real America” went for Obama by more than 18 percentage points. Still, there are many like you who cannot accept the will of the people and indulge themselves by excoriating in advance the administration yet to unfold (or by heavily arming themselves)–––that is a personal problem they have. I do not pity them. America won.

psi bond said...

Z: Here is the exact reading from the Obama government site: "The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation’s challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in underserved schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start."

TO REQUIRE...not a GOAL anymore, psi bond.

Z, the wording of the version you quote, which is no longer on the site, indicates that the plan, in order to qualify for its benefits, will require x number of hours of community service. The statement has been clarified to call for setting goals. It is Obamaphobic rightwingers’ paranoia requiring you to interpret that withdrawn wording as specifying a requirement placed on individuals rather than one placed on the plan’s structure.

psi bond said...

jungle mum: PSI, Excuse me! It does say middle schooler. Whatever, the point is, my kids do not belong to the government. I am all for voluntary service, which we do. But it is at my discretion not the governments.
Frankly, the government is going to find out that many of it's supporters are too lazy to comply, then what? And can you imagine the quality of the work those free loaders in college will be doing?

Your inattention to detail appears endemic at this blog. In my humble opinion, your kids are no one's property. Voluntary service should, of course, be at the child's discretion.They should be permitted to opt out of character building, citizenship training, or physical fitness. I know, for instance, that many boys go to Scout meetings just for the fun and games and don't bother about any merit badges.

The quality of work of students wanting a college education is not dependent on whether their tuition is paid in exchange for community service. There is no simple equation relating the two.