Saturday, November 15, 2008

California fires....please offer a prayer

Mr and Mrs Z are fine where we live but there are plenty of people who are losing their homes in this weekend's fires. Extreme heat, winds and low humidity are making it difficult to fight the fires, too. Please pray for the people losing their homes, for their calm and the kind of peace "which transcends all understanding" because I imagine that losing one's home is quite the tough ordeal, to say the least. Pray also for the heroic fire fighters who do such amazing jobs in such terrible hot, dirty, dangerous conditions, too.

There was a fellow whose name I'll use here because it was on our local channel: Steve Sprenger. I use his name because he and his wife and children deserve your particular prayers, too. He called into the channel and said he was very sure his house was gone, but he'd sent his wife and their kids in their cars to safety and stayed behind to do some watering of his backyard which he almost said had helped save ten homes (i'm thinking there had been an ember fire he'd put out just in time in his yard but not in time for his own house)....I say "almost said" because he swallowed his words when he realized it sounded like he was calling himself heroic but it was clear what he'd almost said. And it was seemed clear from the little he said that it was heroic.) What a man. The newscasters gave him their condolences and he said "I've lived here for 45 years and there have been many fires we've escaped but I've been lucky and now, I guess, it's my turn. Please, my family will be just fine, I ask that you and your listeners pray for all the other families losing everything they have today. They're the ones who really need it." He was so amazing I had to share that with you.

Pray for the Sprenger family and all those who are losing their homes, please. It's like chicken soup (even you atheist palshere), it can't "hoit!" Thanks so much.

UPDATE: I'm now hearing our electricity may need rolling black outs throughout LA due to the fire......I get nuts just having no computer for a while...sure puts into perspective losing one's home. Please pray for this situation, too.


Anonymous said...

You're all in our thoughts.

Frasypoo said...

Hi Z
Praying for you.
Hope everything is okay

Anonymous said...

I ditto FJ.

I was wondering how close the fires were to you, Z.

Prayers are offered up.

Z said...

thanks SO

Anonymous said...

My prayers to all those affected.

Z, there was a fire at or near the Trump golf course up here, but they got it out, pronto.

Looks like the firebugs are at it again. I wish the media wouldn't give the fires such wall to wall coverage. It just encourages the arsonists.


cube said...

They are in my prayers.

Always On Watch said...

I just send up a prayer!

Z said...

thanks, everyone.
BOY, it STINKS around here and we're pretty close to the beach here..and the fire is MILES away.
Mr. Z took pictures on his walk at the marina today and they're positively eery...a kind of pink golden haze, but not a pleasant one, a creepy one.

Pray the winds die down!!

Chuck said...

Watching on the news horrified, stay safe.

Z said...

thanks, Chuck..As with most of these TV accounts, they show the same burning homes over and over...which is bad enough, don't get me wrong...but most of Los Angeles is just fine.

My heart just breaks for these others...SO MANY homes have been lost; that's a little unusual.

The smell here, though, is QUITE something. I remember Bloviating Zeppelin living through the immense fires in N. California a few months back and can't imagine how terrible the stench was because he was SO much closer than I am. wow.

Pris, is Trump in PV? I'd heard there was a fire there...stay safe!

elmers brother said...

Praying for you and all those affected.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Oh great. Now the Midwest will get more air quality restrictions on vehicle emissions because winds from California keep increasing our carbon footprint.

Missouri should declare war on California.

Now that you're smiling, stay safe.


Z said...

thanks, Beamish!