THIS is why I did this piece......... Please, attention! Then read the Sowell article I posted today, at the top of my HOME PAGE......PLEASE. Click on my blog roll and you'll find more excellent bloggers and good information. WE NEED SOMEONE WHO LOVES AMERICA AND NOT SOMEONE WHO HAS LIED THIS MUCH, WHO IS THIS EGOCENTRIC, WHO......(too much to enumerate here) .... JUST THINK, PLEASE. WE HAVE A COUNTRY TO SAVE. Thanks..and thanks for coming to geeeeeZ. (and I want to send condolences to Mr. Obama for the loss of his grandmother today)
Barack Obama's birth certificate has been sealed by the Republican governor of Hawaii.
This happened, 'coincidentally' just after his sudden trip to Hawaii, without his family, to say goodbye to his dying grandmother. Thankfully, his grandmother seems to be hanging on and we wish her well.
Influential and party-important Democrat Philip Berg, who had a lawsuit asking for proof that Mr. Obama's birth certificate is valid, has had his suit thrown out because "an ordinary citizen of the United States does not have the right to file a case in Federal Court to challenge the credentials of a candidate for President of the United States."
Now, this Hawaiian governor has sealed the birth certificate (how unusual, no?)...Courts in Hawaii, a state controlled by liberal Democrats, have denied the public access to Obama's birth records by finding that the American people do not have "a tangible interest" in Obama's birth records. In addition, Barack Obama and his lawyers have stopped the release of his records at Columbia University, Occidental College, and Harvard Law School, all of which should include his birth information.
Americans have no "tangible interest" in making sure a candidate is an American citizen when our constitution calls for it? Americans, "ordinary citizens" do not have the right to file a case questioning that a candidate for president is qualified?
All records are sealed because they might have information regarding his birth? His Grandmother says she remembers being at his birth in Kenya.
Is Barack Hussein Obama REALLY so special that he can't be asked to just provide solid proof that he's constitutionally able to become president of these United States?
"ordinary citizens" the "American people" have no rights to know? WHY? Just why?? All it would take is positive proof. WHY NOT?
Good going! Not only that, but the ONE group allowed to loom at his "birth certificate" was They verified it, but remeber they are part of the FAR LEFT Annenberg Foundation and would walk over a mile of broken glass to get him elected.
WOW, Morgan...someone VERIFIED? Then WHY THE SEALING? Isn't it just SILLY? What's he got, an extra toe and he doesn't want that known BUT all the rest says he is legally American?
People are voting for a LIAR but he fears an extra toe, or whatever else is on this certificate, will disqualify him? Could it be his name? WHAT IS IT?
I guess I'm part of the aluminum foil hat wearing crowd that thinks there is something waaaay stinky about Nobammy's lack of releasing the most basic of records about his past.
Could a republican get away with this kind of secrecy? Nope!
The time has long passed for anyone to worry about the legitimacy of Obama’s birth certificate. I honestly do not think that Obama’s birth certificate is phony, but there is a genuine concern. The first is whether the document is in fact a legal certificate, and the second is the perception among many that it is not. A wise politician would work as hard to dispel the second concern, as he would endeavor to prove the first. It is Obama’s unwillingness — or his inability — to be forthright with the American people that concerns me more than any other trends. Again, two points. Either Obama has much to hide, or he regards the concerns of the American people with such disdain and arrogance that he simply refuses any attempt to deal with us in a straightforward manner.
Nevertheless, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) does provide the following: public access to U. S. government records, which would seem to include Obama’s application to the Federal Elections Commission, and which we presume includes evidence of US birth. Since the actual birth certificate is not a federal record, FOIA would not apply, but there may be statutes that govern the release of this information.
With 48 hours until the election is over, it’s a bit late to worry about his birth records. And while this is off-topic, it does relate to Obama’s honesty (or perceived lack of it). Obama urged people to vote early . . . so the revelation about his plan to bankrupt the coal industry and cause skyrocketing utility bills comes a little late for those suckers. I never vote early. But then, there was never any danger of me voting for Barack Obama.
He couldn't even renew his driver's license in Missouri much less run our country. SHEESH!!! whole point is HONESTY. Obama's LIES.
if it's real, SHOW US.
I've heard that Phillip Berg himself is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, which automatically subtracts 50 IQ points from any assumptions I'd make about his intellect, on top of the 40 I'd subtract for his publically admitting to be a Democrat.
Maybe he just doesn't have a case.
But, it is unusual to hear a verdict which denies a redress of grievance on a matter that should have immediately gone to the Supreme Court, the arbiters of Constitutionality.
Has Obama filed his income taxes as an American citizen?
The officials in Hawaii have said that they saw a birth certificate in his files. The US state department has taken a document, possibly the certificate of live birth, from Hawaii as proof that he is a US citizen and issued him with a passport.
There is NO documentary evidence from Kenya that Obama was born there. There is a tape, but it is by no means clear that the grandmother understood the question.
Good evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii. No evidence he was born in Kenya.
Why doesn't Obama release the birth certificate? He has released the certificate of live birth, which was accepted by the state department. He has received confirmation from officials in Hawaii (who are apparently Republicans, since they were appointed by a Republican governor) that there is a birth certificate in his files in Hawaii.
The idea that the certificate in the files in Hawaii was from Kenya is laughable (though I have seen one Web comment that they thought that could have happened).
Then why doesn't he release his birth certificate? 1) the certificate of live birth was good enough for the State Department; 2) the officials in Hawaii have confirmed that there is a birth certificate backing up the certificate of live birth; 3, the election will be in one day and the provision of another document will not change the result; 4, the people who claim he was born in Kenya have not proven he was born in Kenya.
No evidence he was born in Kenya. Good evidence he was born in Hawaii.
well, for goodness sake...answer your question. WHY NOT RELEASE IT if everybody including the State Dept(that does NOT reassure me, by the way) has seen it??
Tell us why Obama said he only lived in Ayers' neighborhood until the truth came tumbling out (Annenberg, boards, first political event in the Ayers home).
Tell us why the Obama people were so cruel and intrusive to a poor guy who only dared disagree with Mr. Obama.
Tell us why he felt the need to make speeches in Europe.
Tell us why the Germans felt he'd misspoken in Iraq and now we find he asked the Iraqi gov't something that should never been asked ...and why one statement by the only other person there, an Obama advisor, saying he never asked what the Germans heard, was all the media needed to not investigate more thoroughly.
Tell us why he doesn't call taking my money and giving it to someone else socialism.
Tell us why he sat in a church for twenty years and is smart enough to run a country but not smart enough to figure out his good friend and pastor was a racist.
Tell us why Farrakhan and Hammas support him.
Tell us why he took favors from Rezko.
Tell us why Jesse Jackson and Sharpton have been virtually invisible when they finally have a Black candidate and should be RIGHT THERE with him, wouldn't you THINK?
Tell us why Mrs. Obama has never loved this country until her husband was a candidate.
Tell us why Mr. Obama's college records are SEALED.
Tell us who paid for Mr. Obama's Harvard education.
Tell us why Biden says he graduated top of his class and he was something like 75 in 86.
Tell us why Biden (per a staff member) wanted to give $200 million to Iran after 9/11 to make sure they knew we still like them but our media won't investigate that.
Tell us why Obama denied working with ACORN and still says he has nothing to do with them BUT he told them on video he'd have them to the WH before he's inaugurated to set the WH agenda and why he gave this group he has no interest in $800K
Tell us why he never admitted his wife worked with Bernadine Dorn.
Tell us why the only two years in the last twenty years that Ayers hasn't come out with a book are the very two years Obama DID. Do the research.
Tell us why he told AIPAC he'd protect Jerusalem and, the next day, told another group quite the opposite..
OH, we could all go on and ON and on, and I"m sure I've left out really obvious ones.
I'll wait..thanks. have no blog and you got a screen name in June 2008. working for Obama?
This man has enormous power. He is, quite simply, above the law, at least so far as it is being applied in the America we thought we knew.
Never has any candidate been considered so powerful, so important, that his machine can just ride all over the law and in the end, the constitution. God help us! (And I mean that).
It seems to me that the question of Obama's citizenship could have been answered early on, as John McCain did about his own Constitutional qualifications.
I have the distinct feeling that Obama is hiding something related to that birth certificate. If not his citizenship, what?
What bothers me even more: the court's wording in the ruling against Berg. I know that Berg has some reliability issues, but the judge's ruling leaves me alarmed. Why wasn't the issue of citizenship even addressed?
To Barack Obama,
I know you are busy running for President of the greatest country in the world, but there are a couple of things about your background and qualifications for the office that concern me and many of my fellow Americans. Never before has a Presidential candidate failed to fully disclose routine information about their background that might help the voters make an informed choice in an election.
It seems that many records concerning your background have either been sealed or are temporarily unavailable for review. I know that any honest person like yourself, who is running for the highest office in the land, would never overtly want to keep such information from public review.
Here's a partial list:
1. College records from Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard -- Not available and locked down by college administrators.
2. Columbia Thesis paper -- not available, locked down by college administrators
3. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate - - Not released (sealed?)
4. Certified Copy of Certification of Live Birth -- Not released (sealed?)
5. Birth records from Kenya (sealed by the government of Kenya until after Election Day)
I believe items #3,4 and 5 are the most critical and they concern two issues that are very important to the American people:
1. Are Are you a Natural Born Citizen of the U.S.? and
2. Are you legally qualified to hold the Office of President?
In a recent federal court case in Pennsylvania, an American citizen, Philip Berg, filed a lawsuit claiming you were not a natural born citizen of the United States and therefore not qualified to be President. During that case, you never denied Mr. Berg's claims, but neither did you provide a valid birth certificate or other proof that you are a natural born citizen of the United States and therefore qualified under the Constitution to be President. Rather, you hid behind technicalities in the law to avoid the issue and the federal judge hearing the case dismissed Mr. Berg's lawsuit stating that Mr. Berg, acting as a "citizen," did not have legal standing to make such a challenge. This is a prime example of another outrageous decision by a federal judge to deny the American people their rights clearly outlined in the constitution.
There have been several lawsuits filed, or currently being filed, in 7 or 8 states with various state Boards of Elections, claiming you are ineligible to be on their ballots because you have not produced proof that you are a natural born citizen of the United States.
This past weekend, Hawai’s Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said that there is a valid 1961 Certificate of Live Birth (“COLB”) in the file for Barack Obama. That's great, but one of the questions that has arisen during the past few months is whether or not the document that appears in the file is authentic, or has is been recently placed in the file. Dr. Fukino issued a very limited opinion based on a review of the supposedly "original" document in the file that may or may not be accurate. As you may recall, there was a COLB for you posted on the internet in the recent past that was reported as an original, but which was later found to be only an abstract of a computer record having no connection to the original 1961 COLB document. The abstract was later taken down.
In an election of a President, where being a "Natural Born Citizen" is a requirement for the position, I believe that the American people have a right to know if the document reviewed by Dr. Fukino is the actual original document and what does it say about the birth? What hospital were you born in? Who was the attending physician? What was the date and time? What names are listed on the COLB? I think the question of your birth is a very important constitutional issue and the issue should be publicly put to rest one way or the other.
Mr Obama, it seems that you are creating needless confusion when you could easily avoid all of this doubt simply by asking for release of your original 1961 document and let it be examined. Why haven't you done this? and why have you fought against every attempt to produce the document?
Mr. Obama, if you are truly and honorable man and a "Natural Born Citizen of the United States" you can clear up this issue very quickly. Just sign a release to have the full document examined and made available for public scrutiny in any one of the names you have been know by (Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham and Barry Dunham).
Your avoidance of the issue and your subsequent failure to provide proof that you are a "Natural Born Citizen of the United States" is very suspicious and raises a very important constitutional issue that must be addressed before the November 4th election. I am asking you to stop using legal technicalities, record sealing and courtroom maneuvers to avoid the issue. The American people have every constitutional right to know whether or not you are a "Natural Born Citizen" and they will eventually find out.
Let's put this issue to rest once and for all. Either prove that you are a "Natural Born Citizen of the U.S." and are legally qualified to hold the Office of President, or withdraw the race.
If you do not provide the necessary proof, or withdraw from the race, and win the election on November 4th, rest assured that the American people, regardless of party affiliation, will stand up for their constitution and remove you from office.
John Wallace
If he has an Hawaii birth certificate then how could he have been born in Kenya?
Hey John Wallace, thanks.
We need more like you because no matter what happens tomorrow we are going to slip further and further into disintegration.
There will be no way for this country to unite behind the president and from the left I'd have to say it's because we've had enough of white supremacists masquerading as "culturists" and the mud slingers like yourself.
Thanks for doing your part to make any reconciliation impossible in this country. Thanks for right wing rabies radio and religious intolerance and pretending you have standing to define "real America".
Really, thanks. No matter what happens tomorrow we'll still be at each others throats and fighting on a slow boat to oblivion.
DUCKY! Are you starting Obama-Alinsky tactics ALREADY? Here is that the commenter asked
"Mr. Obama, if you are truly and honorable man and a "Natural Born Citizen of the United States" you can clear up this issue very quickly. Just sign a release to have the full document examined and made available for public scrutiny in any one of the names you have been know by (Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham and Barry Dunham)."
Ducky..why is it okay to hide the truth? Why not do exactly what this fellow requests? You don't ask yourself "Man, can I VOTE for this liar who hasn't even got the guts to present a real birth certificate once and for all? Is he so conceited he feels it's beneath him, or is he hiding something?" Those are your choices, Ducky...which is it?
Do you find it just a coincidence that his grandmother became terribly ill and he went to Hawaii and BOOM, the birth certificate's sealed? You want to see how long it'll take before Obama appoints some Hawaiian Dem to his cabinet or some ambassadorship? I'm going to keep track on that and I'll let you know.
And no, Ducky....reconciliation between Americans will not happen with this president.
But, you blame REPUBLICANS!? "RIGHTWINGERS" Are you kidding? We have to eat dirt and see our economy destroyed, see the poor who've been promised the world disappointed, see our standing in the world soiled because, suddenly, we're only "like any other country, not the world superpower"? Who do YOU want as a superpower OVER America, Ducky?
Wake up. You're smarter than this.
Ducky, you came on my site and were here for quite a while after I posted this comment to you...wassup? No response? hmmm
Can't look into his records but Joe the Plumber gets a bureaucratic colonoscopy? Geeez!
Hey all. Nickname's Genesis, just want to point something out:
Every filing in that court case from the defense repeatedly stated that the allegations were patently false. Don't pretend that Obama and the DNC didn't deny it, because they did, over and over again. The only reason it was even looked at as fact was because the law requires the judge to look at it as fact when evaluating a motion to dismiss.
What's curious is what is NOT there about Obama's birth. No relative, neighbor or attending hospital staff recall being there in Hawaii.
That is a mother and child that would have stood out in the neighborhood immediately and been remembered.
His sister says he was born in two different hospitals in Honolulu. Is either of those hospitals making a fuss over being the place where he was born? If not,why not.
Why are there no newborn baby pictures of Barack Obama? The only one we've seen are of a toddler about a year old.
His mother's mother has never said --yes or no whether Obama was born in Hawaii. Now she can't.
His father's mother and aunt both say they were present at his birth in Mombasa.
What other politician can you name tha has had ALL his records, birth, school, etc. sealed.
If there is nothing there to hide, then why are these records being sealed and made unnai available?
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