Monday, February 1, 2010

A "Proud RACIST?" Why can't the media get it right?

Tell me if the writer of this piece got this right...









Z: I think the writer of the above piece DID get it right...........are we nuts? OH, no, I remember: "We're BETTER and KINDER than the rest of the countries," as leftwingers like to say (unless they don't like the cause, then Americans can't do ANYTHING right).

Odd..I had the following post all ready to publish and sitting as a 'draft' until I got to publishing it when the above email came into me......They go together, I'm adding this to the above information..... They show what's wrong with our media AND our immigration stance. Here's my other story:

HERE is an article that doesn't tell the whole story but in its lack of truth has created a fairly significant and biased scandal here in Southern California... It's about a California Councilman who said he was a 'proud racist'. The linked article left out the total context of "I am a racist".... Here's the whole story that you might want to see before reading more of this post. Councilman Kellar says that, after quoting Theodore Roosevelt at a City Council meeting.... "The only thing I heard back from a couple of people was `Bob, you sound like a racist.' "I said, `That's good. If that's what you think I am because I happen to believe in America, then I'm a proud racist. You're darn right I am".........The Roosevelt statement Kellar refers to is "America only has room for one flag and one language."

IS it "RACIST" to believe the US should only have one flag and one language? When President Teddy Roosevelt said that did Americans call him a racist or did everybody back then believe we should only have one flag and one language? What happened to change that sentiment? And, by 'only one language', do you think Kellar meant nobody should be able to speak another language in America? Really?

Of course, the Democrats are seizing on this..."Some Democrats seized on Kellar's remarks as symbolic of the Republican Party's attitudes toward immigration in general....'The Democratic Party will make a point of singling this out in the upcoming campaign season,' said Eric Bauman, chairman of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party." Oh, I'm sure of that! Don't let a good crisis go to waste. Can WE believe in an America whose journalists only print half the truth (see my first link) in an obvious attempt toward bias and seized upon as political fodder by the Democrats?

What do you think of what he said? I'd like to hear what you think after reading the whole context and how the media handled it by only mentioning "I am a proud racist"......

SO...combining that top story (in purple text) and this older post I added to the bottom of it, what do you think? Where do we go from here? How can a media get a quote so out of context and run with it so blatantly? And how do we continue to give the handouts which are breaking our country to people who broke in? And, of my closest friends is the loveliest and most patriotic Conservative American I KNOW and she is MORE against illegal immigration than most of us are AND SHE IS FROM MEXICO, from a proud, beautiful family of well brought-up Americans. So, don't even try to tell me I am not an enthusiast of LEGAL IMMIGRATION (my mother being a legal immigrant who had to run through difficult immigration hoops just to stay here almost 60 years ago, by the way)...



Law and Order Teacher said...

We all know the answer to that question. The MSM is in the bag for their people. When someone actually strays from the reservation he/she is ripe for personal destruction.

I posted about the Secretary of State election here in Ohio and the withdrawal of the leading Dem after it was found she held unacceptable social beliefs.

Tolerance? Not really.

Trekkie4Ever said...

I am Hispanic. My family has been in America for generations, my grandfather received two purple hearts in WWII and my dad served in Korea.

We are against illegal immigration. Why? Try living on the border. It is hell on earth. And I am talking about the crime rate. Undocumented illegals can commit heinous crimes and get away scott free. Drugs are everywhere.

And then there is everything you mentioned in your post, everything is handed to them on a silver platter.

I firmly believe that English should be our chosen language and ONE AMERICAN flag, this is America afterall. I find it dispicable to see illegals protesting waving the Mexican flag so proudly. If they are that proud they need to go home.

I guess I am a racist as well. I love my country.

Linda said...

I am racist! I want one language, one flag! I want our government to stand tall for America, and our president to quit 'bowing' to everyone. I think that is one time his 'nose in the air' might be okay.

Bring back the ideals of our country that our forefathers wanted.

JINGOIST said...

Great post Z, as usual you have nailed it. I guess I must be a racist too. After all, I'm descended from grandparents and great-grandparents who hail from all over Europe and spoke Yiddish, German, Ukranian, Swedish, and even Galic.

With all of that they believed in the promise of America with all of their hearts and souls, and wanted their offspring to thrive and ASSIMILATE and become Americans!

Being a fully vested American involves speaking English as your first language. That must be the racist in me talking...I wrote about this tactic.

Anonymous said...

How do you convince people who'll accept selling out their children's future in return for "feeling good" about their so-called tolerance in the name of diversity.

Everywhere we turn, the economy, illegal immigration, national security, and our freedom, are in question. But for political correctness and self-flagellation (figuratively speaking), this would not be so.

I think the best answer to the idiots who name call, and ignore the problems, is to say, give it your best shot. Have fun.
When all of this comes back to bite us, don't cry and complain to those of us who say, I told you so.

The other side want's us on the defensive. As long as we are, nothing will change for the better.


Bloviating Zeppelin said...

As long as our economy sucks, Mexicans OUT.

When our economy recovers, Mexicans IN.

Simple as THAT.


TOM said...

You would have us become the equals of oppressive and murderous societies like Iran and China? You want America to treat boarder trespassers as other countries? What other offenses should America follow the use of the so called justice of oppressive and murderous societies. If you prefer the justice system of those countries you listed; you (as a free American) have the right to, and should, move and take residence in one of those countries you listed.

Chuck said...

Tom, did you read the blog? Z was not advocating anything like that. There is a hell of a difference between shooting people as they cross the border and supporting them for life.


As far as the blog, good read Z.

You forget though: if you cross the southern Mexico border they send you back home. Mexico is very intolerant of illegal immigrants coming the other way.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I say trash the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and finish annexing Mexico. Then Mexicans wouldn't have to cross the Rio Grande to be in the United States of America to find work, and there would be a literal gold rush boom of economic development in Mexico that might even see people from Maine moving south of Texas to find jobs.

Plus, the Guatemala / Belize border is shorter and easier to defend.

I have an uncle of Mexican heritage that got three Purple Hearts and two Bronze Stars from his service in the Vietnam War.

If I'm a "racist" for wanting to take over Mexico and raise the prosperity of both America and Mexico the word has no meaning.

Z said...

Tom. Who would ever advocate any of THAT? Please read the whole post.

Thanks, Chuck..And ya, I've heard it's tough to own land in MX, least for us. just dawned on me that your name is the same as my friend I spoke about at the end of my post...we call her Letty!! But, she's a Leticia, too! I guess all Leticia's from MX are beautiful, conservative, and LOVE THIS COUNTRY !OLE!
We need MORE OF YOU!!

Law and Order, The MSM is so unethical.

Linda..the sad thing is there ARE immigrants who want what our forefathers wanted and these many who come illegally spoil it for all of them.

Jingo...I'm a first gen. on one side and second generation on the other! I KNOW from immigration..LEGAL immigration.
What bothers me is this nutty idea that because we feel our country's good enough to warrant ONLY people who work hard to get in thru legal avenues, we're RACISTS! It's unbelievable..

Pris, America's stopped standing up for herself, demanding the respect we've always we let scrawny Somali pirates threaten NAVAL SHIPS! etc etc...let all these illegals come in and live off's awful.

Elbro...not sure!!!

Beamish...what would that 'annexing Mexico' entail exactly?
I, too, would love Mexicans to be more prosperous in their country; it would do us ALL a hell of a lot of good, you're right.

Joe said...

Tom cannnot read, think or get the point. I wonder why?

The MSM can't seem to connect the idea of their freedom of the press with the concept of freedom in general. The only conclusion one can draw is that they are diliberately complicit in the attempt to distroy this country.

Z said...

Joe, I think Tom didn't read it through or something; he sure put an unusual and completely nonsequitor spin on what was written.

And've just GOT to think the media's aware of what they're doing. We are NOT a FREE AMERICA if we don't have freedom of OUR's anathema to all we've stood for. What the HECk are the journalism profs THINKING?

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Beamish...what would that 'annexing Mexico' entail exactly?

Replacing the Mexican constitution with ours and sewing 31 more stars on our flag. ;)

psi bond said...

Kellar quotes Teddy Roosevelt as saying, "One flag, one language." What Roosevelt, in fact, said in 1919 was:

There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.

The crucible must turn our people out as Americans. Ya! Ya!

Historically, we have always had room for more than one language here. And in war in foreign lands, immigrant Americans with non-English language abilities have rendered valuable service in the military. Let us respect the Navajo code talkers who played an important role in the Pacific during WWII. “Were it not for the Navajos the Marines would never have taken Iwo Jima.” So said Major Howard M. Conner.

psi bond said...

As a matter of principle, I don’t call any opponent a racist, but those who, like Santa Clarita Councilman Bob Kellar, proudly call themselves racists apparently identify with No Chiggers, a poster on another rightwing blog, who wrote: “Bring back Papa Doc. And don't spend my tax money on chiggers (colored haitian 'iggers),” as well as with those who want Haitian illegal immigrants sent home without delay.

Perhaps, Americans with imperialist zeal will call for the annexation of Haiti. Of that aggression, plenty of jobs for teachers of English and American Studies might be one of the few blessings. Plus a godsend for evangelical missionaries conveying to them the blessings of “appropriate” civilized thought.

In my humble opinion, America ought to be tolerant of diverse notions of America’s essence---i.e., of many Americas in one.

Always On Watch said...

Often one knows that someone is making a cogent argument because the epithet of "racist" is hurled, thus allowing the left to supposedly end the discussion.

National sovereignty is the big barrier to globalism.

psi bond said...

Both sides have used the word “racist” (including Glenn Beck against Obama).

The use of inflammatory epithets, from whichever side, is always an inarticulate substitute for rational argument. It is an end to sensible discussion.

Anonymous said...

There's a huge difference between "progressives" who have advocated for a more benevolent government to provide "stuff" for the citizens from public education to the current health care. They pretend that progressive thinkers who advocate for expanded government services are compassionate and that this is just a hallmark of socialist states.

Reality proves the opposite — the greater power seized by the state results in greater tyranny. The "progressive compassion" is a facade hiding the real nature of those calling for expanded power of the state. All true socialists such as Lenin, John Maynard Keynes and George Bernard Shaw knew that once power was seized and socialism had taken root that "undesirables" would be dealt with harshly — i.e. liquidated. Lenin and Keynes both knew that the surest way to undermine and destroy capitalism was to debauch the currency — one doesn't have to look to far to see that this has happened. The irony here is that the road to progress has led to the ultimate in regression — regression to the precipice of ancient feudalism/serfdom.

Breaking the bank by expanding the idiocy of the progressive programs is a means that has been used in every Western country including what was seen as the first great hope of mankind on Earth the United States of America. That hope is waning as now the idiot in chief calls for a bankrupt country to pull itself out of its downward spiral by invoking more government spending programs.


HoosierArmyMom said...

You know, as long as we have so many people who hate our country, they will continue to be manipulated by the "not in touch with reality left wing lunatics". They are a voting base that the Progressives can use while they scheme to destroy America and turn it into a 2 class cesspool... the Elite Progressives in control (about 1 % of the population) and the imprisoned serfs, dependent on the 1%. If any of those people (so called leaders) gave a hang about the people they represent, they would have made a "path to citizenship" that required public service or military service at the start of the War on Terrorists. Allow one to serve 4 years and in trade they can bring in their parents, wife and children. Make it so that they don't get citizenship until "they speak English and are employed for a certain length of time or are in school making passing grades. You know, showing that like immigrants that came here a hundred years ago, they are prepared to contribute, instead of taking!

It has been demonstrated that Mexican immigrants from the past have done so without government demands. Many Mexican-American families have a proud tradition of hard work and service and they tend to be politically conservative. What the Progressives have done is create so many handouts, keeping them coming over illegally, that they have become part of the entitlement crowd. You take so much away from anyone when you give handouts instead of enabling people to earn their way in life. This is something that moonbats just don't understand since they steal tax dollars for fancy aircraft, high end food and booze, etc. and to pay off their campaign contributors.

Z said...

Waylon, I believe this is what's driving Obama's polls down; many people are starting to feel his leadership is more tyranny than anything else.
He makes what he feels are innocent comments but that line about the Senate being against something so he's going to enact it anyway doesn't fly with even liberals, I believe. Even some of them understand the rules here. Odd that he was a constitutional professor, and frightening, when you consider how many minds he tainted.

Hoosier Army Mom, I worry about how the humiliation Americans with Mexican heritage might feel about those who come here with hands stretched out for a free dollar instead of how they came to contribute and love this country....and then hear our criticisms here ALTHOUGH they agree with us. I know it's painful because Armenians from Russia have swarmed some parts of LA and are a blackmarket menality and are getting thrown in jail now in large numbers because they're just plain crooks. it hurts me to hear people ragging on Armenians when a cop told me once that thye'd never HAD an Armenian in jail until 10 years ago or they're half full of them! it hurts when some in your heritage group are so different and so tagged as bad...

And yes, everybody; many of us realize that the left has courted illegals....
WHY is it that Conservatives want everyone to play by the rules and others don't.
Because we appreciate LEGAL immigration, are we racist for wanting to stop ILLEGALS? Why is that? Are we unkind for expecting immigrants to contribute to our country, or insist we do have a culture so we're not multicultural but multiETHNIC?

lots of questions.....and it's a problem I fear won't be solved unless we do something like a five year moratorium and seriously delve into finding people and figuring out what to do........I'm not against sending them all back, I just want to know what's going on. The moratorium on ALL IMMIGRATION could keep us safer plus give us time to catch up on our immigration laxities of the past?

Brooke said...

The MSM is a rag. You get better info from the tabloids anymore.

psi bond said...

Glenn Beck, who doesn’t think he has used the word ‘slaughtered’, shrilly warned on his videotaped program: “They are taking you to a place to be slaughtered.”

Ah, yes, Beck acolytes, liberals have paid court to the humanity of illegal immigrants. Some people realize there are times when aging rules call out for change and a measure of amnesty, though opponents try to muddy the waters and end discussion with raucous whining that they are being maligned as racists.

Many liberals have expressed sympathy with the problems of those who have contributed much to this country while lacking up-to-date documents and being slandered as slackers. And rightwingers insist, as if defining an ideological distinction creates a moral difference, that we are multiethnic not multicultural. This is their rallying cry, but the world is multiethnic and multicultural, and that, much to its credit, is reflected in America. Many cultures in one is America’s strength.

Anonymous said...

"Glenn Beck, who doesn’t think he has used the word ‘slaughtered’, shrilly warned on his videotaped program: “They are taking you to a place to be slaughtered.”"

I never heard him say he didn't think he used the word "slaughtered" — he pointed out that it was used in the larger context of pointing out the failure of socialist economics. Bond, are you implying that one should take the word of a George Soros mouth piece from HuffPoo instead of Glenn Beck? We can all decide who is more trustworthy and IMO, neither Soros of Huffington are honest brokers of the truth.

If Beck makes you froth at the mouth why not just stick with Chris Matthews, ED Schultz, Olbermenn and Rachel Maddow — they need viewers like you since they are swirling down the toilet bowl as we speak.


Brooke said...

Right, 'cause Beck is NEVER taken out of context by the left and the MSM...

Z said...

Good, Waylon...
and right, Brooke.

I think Beck's STILL waiting for that phone on his set to ring. Wouldn't you love it if we had a WH which could call and actually tell him he's wrong?

They haven't the guts or the facts. Or facts they LIKE, anyway.

psi bond said...

… we'll do better than survive, we will thrive. As long as these people are not in control. They are taking you to a place to be slaughtered!
— Glenn Beck

psi bond: Glenn Beck, who doesn’t think he has used the word ‘slaughtered’, shrilly warned on his videotaped program: “They are taking you to a place to be slaughtered.”

Waylon: I never heard him say he didn't think he used the word "slaughtered" — he pointed out that it was used in the larger context of pointing out the failure of socialist economics.

On his Monday show, when he had been called on it, Beck (a graduate of Sehome High School and a recovering alcoholic and drug addict) said he didn’t think he had ever used the word ‘slaughtered’, apparently not realizing he left a video trail.

On Tuesday, after non-Fox news channels had played the tape confirming he had used the word in the sentence, “They are taking you to a place to be slaughtered,” he played it on his show and attempted to explain with much huffing and puffing and self-righteous posturing that he didn’t mean to say that the ones that he warns must be feared were taking people someplace to be physically killed.

What he meant to do, he said, was to use ‘slaughtered’ in an altogether different sense, which he declined to elucidate. However, on several recent earlier shows, teacher’s pointer in hand, he had energetically lectured his captivated rightwing audience on the history of the tortures and slaughters ordered by Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Che, and Pinochet. My mistake — not Pinochet.

So, when Ariana Huffington confronted his boss Roger Ailes on a TV program with Beck’s apparently panic-stricken warning, Ailes was forgivably confused and defensive, saying he thought it a reference to the slaughters under totalitarian governments abroad.

On his Wednesday show, Beck disingenuously remarked that his opponents were saying that he wanted to slaughter people, thus reversing it so as to claim victimhood for himself.

Bond, are you implying that one should take the word of a George Soros mouth piece from HuffPoo instead of Glenn Beck? We can all decide who is more trustworthy and IMO, neither Soros of Huffington are honest brokers of the truth.

Waylon, I am implying that I watched Glen Beck’s show — and my reporting of what he said is firsthand.

IMHO, Beck acolytes are hardly honest brokers as to who are honest brokers of the truth.

If Beck makes you froth at the mouth why not just stick with Chris Matthews, ED Schultz [who unequivocally called Sen. Lieberman “a coward” tonight], Olbermenn and Rachel Maddow — they need viewers like you since they are swirling down the toilet bowl as we speak.

I am an equal-time viewer.

O”Reilly, who tries hard to create for himself an impression of levelheadedness, insists Beck is just funny, and he says he doesn’t take his histrionic warnings seriously. I agree: Beck’s over-the-top fearmongering is hilarious, not anything to froth over hysterically. It’s good for ratings, not for serious reflection.

psi bond said...

Brooke: Right, 'cause Beck is NEVER taken out of context by the left and the MSM...

Beck is forever taking history out of context.

psi bond said...

The most used phrase in my administration if I were to be President would be "What the hell you mean we're out of missiles?"
— Glenn Beck

Z: I think Beck's STILL waiting for that phone on his set to ring. Wouldn't you love it if we had a WH which could call and actually tell him he's wrong?

Beck is so vain — that’s plain — if he really imagines the White House is going to call him up, thus magnifying his overblown stature immeasurably.

They haven't the guts or the facts. Or facts they LIKE, anyway.

They haven't the time or sufficient esteem for his rightie buffoonery. Besides, the only facts Beck LIKES are the ones he can kick and maul to do his beck and call.

Z said...

psi bond, so glad you're watching enough beck to have a comment to Brooke!
I'd have thought any WH content with their honesty and great integrity would have no problem questioning his context, his supposed inaccuracies..
Meanwhile, the phone doesn't ring.
That says a lot.
Man, they might be 'above' Glenn Beck, but they sure do slam him every chance they get .... scares them. He's not THEM. OUCH!

psi bond said...

Z, I'm soooooo glad you approve the TV fare that provides the basis for my discussion of Beck’s remarks in context.

No matter who one is, one can't really debate an ideological rightwing TV host who despotically controls the message on each of his shows, with or without guests, and directs the post-game analysis in subsequent shows — with teacher’s pointer handy to underline his purported points.

Although a red phone is great theater that resonates with Beck’s fan base (base fans?), it suffices for serious-minded Americans that it’s self-evident how over the top his manipulations of fact and history are for crafting his copious conspiracy theories.

That Beck is not in the White House may be definitive proof that God is wise. The WH has many more important things to do than to get down with Beck or Limbaugh in their primal mental mud. Doing so would be great for their shows’ ratings, but it is far from what is needed for sober political debate.

If the mountain were smooth, only those with cleats could climb it. OY!