In about a week, he's taken 22% of the vote from the two other Republican candidates either one of whom could have very possibly defeated Harry Reid in the Senatorial election in Nevada.
Here's a bit from THIS ARTICLE:
"Ashjian admits he has not actively participated in Tea Party movement events, such as the 9/12 Taxpayer March in Washington, D.C. But he said he feels a growing frustration among his fellow Americans about the way elected officials on both sides of the aisle are representing voters, which is why he formed the Tea Party of Nevada in January."
Yup...isn't it just wild that he's suddenly declared himself a candidate using "Tea Party" in his 'party name'? Odd, too, is that he owes $200K in back taxes to the government and has some other questionable things in his past. I wonder if anybody will ever know if that $200,000.00 debt (to us) is ...shall we say... erased?
HERE is another article entitled "Tea Party Candidate Could Siphon GOP Votes in Bid To Remove Harry Reid". Ya, it's very much worth reading, too.
Who's really behind this candidate? OR ANY Tea Party candidate, I'm starting to wonder........? Sure doesn't seem to working for Conservatives.........
P.S....I tried to get an image of Ashjian but can't find any on Google. I Googled Jon Scott Ashjian and found nothing...I Googled just Jon Ashjian and guess whose picture came up? HARRY REID. Keep praying, just might ruin this country yet.
This new candidate might steal votes from the Republicans but they only have themselves to blame for driving voters away.
If they had stuck to real Conservatism, there wouldn't be any need for a tea party or anything.
Is there not some way that the three (2 Rep. & 1 Tea) could make a public pact, that whom ever does the best in the primary, the other two back out and support the one?
Ah, the beauty of leaderless resistance and false flag operations.
Think about this:
A unknown conservative candidate emerges from obscurity, declares himself under the Tea Party banner and pulls 22% of the anti-Reid sentiment to himself.
No Tea Party in Nevada? Or no public face of the Tea Party in Nevada until now?
The movement is that BIG. It will effect how Republicans and Democrats run for office this year.
The funny thing is now Democrats are compelled to fight a political movement they want to believe doesn't exist, which only serves to highlight how out of touch they actually are.
It is possible that what you say is correct, he could be a plant. He very well could upset the cart this November. The problem with this November is that all bets are off. This election is going to be an unknown.
I saw him on Fox yesterday morning though and I'm thinking nut. He is just a goof-ball that thinks he has an opening. I would be mildly surprised if he even makes it on the ballot.
Scott Brown won not only because of the tea party, voter anger, and his opponent, he won because he made a good candidate. From I saw of this guy, he's no Scott Brown.
I agree completely with MK but I hope that by November the true nature of this guy's run will be apparent, if it is indeed a farce. There's Beck,, Breitbart and others on the hunt for corruption in politics, he won't get away with it if that is what it is.
Beamish is spot on, especially with the following:
The funny thing is now Democrats are compelled to fight a political movement they want to believe doesn't exist, which only serves to highlight how out of touch they actually are.
Didn't I read somewhere that the Dems want to start a Coffee Party Movement. What's the historical basis of that name? LOL.
Sounds like Harry found a shill. Kudos to the tea baggers. Now we all get to enjoy Harry for another six years.
Ducky, please. My toe jam outpolls Harry Reid by 30%. Nevadans want him gone, and so he'll be gone.
I'm still undecided on this Ashjian dude. Maybe he's a shill, maybe he's the real deal.
I'm just impressed that the "Tea Party" is becoming a brand name so fast and with the draw power it has.
If he's not endorsed by the national TP organization, he just gave that national organization free press and a controversy to refute that allows the TP to get its message in the news even further and the movement grows stronger.
Democrats don't know how to fight intelligent political opposition.
All it does is create more desillusion to people. At least in my case.
Only solution left once all the money is gone and the country is in turmoil: a nice revolution 2.0 where those parties won't really matter anymore. That'll be people vs. corrupted politicians.
The election won't take place TODAY. With any luck at all, this will work itself out in the next few months before the Republican Primary.
There is a lot of animosity toward Reid in Nevada. That will all come out in November.
I personally Don't think that Dingy Harry has a chance!
Beamish..."No Tea Party in Nevada? Or no public face of the Tea Party in Nevada until now?:" Think, who COULD do that and run with literally no money? Think that's a Conservative=backed candidate???
BAA...not a bad idea.
MK...some conservatives thought they'd teach the RNC a lesson in the last national election and now look what we got. Sadly, it's more America which is learning a REALLY destructive lesson...
Chuck, right! and he always has drawn 22% ..that's eager tea partiers grasping on his youth and naivite, I think.
LL..thanks for coming by, I think you're right....the election isn't today (thank goodness)
Beamish, as you could see, I'm not totally convinced he's a shill but it sure stinks when a guy apparently invents a new incorporation name and other members don't know WHO HE IS, doesn't it?
We should therefore make the best of a bad situation. Allow Reid to continue in office and make a spectacle of the Democrats.
//I personally Don't think that Dingy Harry has a chance!//
There was a time when I didn't think that Community Organizer Obama had a chance either. I never imagined the American people could be THAT stupid. But of course, now we know.
We do have to be very careful and vet candidates throughly. We can't just jump on a tea party candidate and think that is the way to go. It is not. The primary processes is where we need to do this and not in the general. We also need to discourage third party candidates this season. It only works to the advantage of the democrats.
There's another angle to this.
Reid is just enough of an idiot to relax and continue his ruination of America if he thinks a 3rd party candidate can save him. Coakley lost partly because she got comfortable.
There has also been a statement from one of the national Tea Party organizers that Mr Ashjian is not endorsed by them.
Well, if the TP doesn't endorse this guy, now they can endorse someone else, drown this guy out, and the controversy generated highlights the movement further.
Still win-win to me.
From my info from the Tea Party Express, who checked with tea party organizers in Nevada, there is a tea party in Nevada. They never heard of this guy.
The thing is, the name tea party is not owned by any one person or group, so this man was able to file under the name of the Tea Party.
He does not have any endorsement of any known tea party at this point.
The position of the movement as well as we can judge, is that none that are known as of now, want to become a third party.
A fellow from the local Tea Party of which I am a member, has decided to run for the State Assembly. As a Republican.
We do not support a third party.
Even though he is not from my district I did donate to his campaign. He's a solid conservative.
As far as Nevada goes, we'll see how the primary goes, and who the voters in Nevada choose to run on the Republican ticket.
By then Nevadans will have found out Ashjian can't seem to run a business, owes back taxes, and seems to be somewhat of a loser if you ask me.
I have the distinct impression he's a wheeler dealer, and not a particularly effective one at that.
The danger is, if he gets money from the dems, if he hasn't already. Something about this doesn't pass the smell test.
Beamish, you're spot on.
AOW, are you serious? You heard the Dems want to start a Coffee Party Movement? That must be a joke, right?
Actually, a better name for them would be The Hemlock Party. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
Obviously a Demo-Plant. Probably a complete fake, and I'll bet the "polls" have been doctored up too.
Our enemies will stop at NOTHING.
We live in a Chicago-style Thugocracy now where blackmail, bribery, corruption and the threat of violent reprisal reign supreme.
When people are so STUPID as to fall for a cheap trick like this, they DESERVE to lose.
~ FreeThinke aka Your Cynic-in-Residence
A unknown conservative candidate emerges from obscurity, declares himself under the Tea Party banner and pulls 22% of the anti-Reid sentiment to himself.
No Tea Party in Nevada? Or no public face of the Tea Party in Nevada until now?... Bemish
These points did not escape me, but also... 2 or 3 weeks ago there was scuttle butt about "The Clinton Machine" organizing to take on the Tea Party movement. It is quite possible that the odor of a RAT could be picked up by one's olfactory in the state of Nevada. This guy could well be a plant!!!!
HAM, Pris and I are praying that, if this guy is a plant (and how COULD he not be? the man came from nowhere and owes money and is in other types of trouble and just decides he's running for US SENATE?????) it's CLINTON AND CARVILLE behind it and it comes out.
You know, my friends...Z doesn't pat herself on the back THAT often (heh heh!) but you heard it HEAR, and MONTHS AND MONTHS AGO, that the Democrats themselves would expose this administration...and, hmmm.
Robt Byrd's come out angrily against CZARS (and other things)...MASSA is telling the truth, it looks like (watch Glenn Beck and there's a rerun at 11 pm PST if you couldn't watch), AND Bayh stepped down just short of saying "This guy is a SNEAKY CROOK"
Landrieu can't be too happy, Nelson can't be too happy.
I'm athinkin' that something's a brewin'...and it ain't TEA :-)
"These points did not escape me, but also... 2 or 3 weeks ago there was scuttle butt about "The Clinton Machine" organizing to take on the Tea Party movement. It is quite possible that the odor of a RAT could be picked up by one's olfactory in the state of Nevada. This guy could well be a plant!!!!"
Yessirree Ham.
Does the name Perot ring a bell? I may be the only one in the country who believes this, but, I've always believed there was a deal between Perot and Clinton. Perot hated Bush Sr. and, he relied on government contracts for his business.
Now, the Clinton/Carville factor is known publicly, to be "investigating" the tea party movement. Investigating? Yeah, sure! Supposedly they're looking for a leader to demonize, except there isn't one.
However, that could be a cover for what they're really up to. They want to weaken and ultimately destroy it. So, why not use it to their advantage to discredit it, and ultimately, make it go away.
That's not going to happen. We're too committed and gaining in numbers and clout.
I never thought my own party (Republican) would be "bashing", "hating" and trying to diminsh a guy trying to make a difference! ESPECIALLY WITH CONSERVATIVE VIEWS..........NEWSFLASH-----------
Americans dont care about partys anymore .... they are fed up and they both stink!!!!!!!! WE NEED TO VOTE THE MAN!!!!!!!!!! ASHJIAN IS MY MAN!!!!!!!!!!!
Phone Numbers of Dubious Members of Congress on the fence about Healthcare PLEASE CALL THEM and register your protest against this government takeover of our medical care. Also, please spread this list to as many as possible. - FT
Harry Mitchell (202) 225-2190
Gabrielle Giffords (202) 225-2542
Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315
Jerry McNerney (202) 225-1947
John Salazar 202-225-4761
Jim Himes (202) 225-5541
Alan Grayson (202) 225-2176
Bill Foster (202) 225-2976
Baron Hill (202) 225 5315
Mark Schauer (202) 225-6276
Gary Peters (202) 225-5802
Dina Titus (202) 225-3252
Carol Shea-Porter (202) 225-5456
Tim Bishop (202) 225-3826
John Hall (202) 225-5441
Bill Owens (202) 225-4611
Mike Arcuri (202) 225-3665
Dan Maffei (202) 225-3701
Earl Pomneroy (202) 225-2611
Steven Driehaus (202) 225-2216
Mary Jo Kilroy (202) 225-2015
Zach Space (202) 225-6265
Kathy Dahlkemper (202) 225-5406
Patrick Murphy (202) 225-4276
Christopher Carney (202) 225-3731
Paul Kanjorski (202) 225-6511
John Spratt (202) 225-5501
Tom Perriello (202) 225-4711
Alan Mollohan (202) 225-4172
Nick Rahall (202) 225-3452
Steve Kagen (202) 225-5665
Let’s get busy to save quality private health care in America! Thank you. Information posted at
~ FreeThinke
BROOKE, please don't let yourself be DUPED. This man whoever he is is throwing a monkey wrench into the works. I'd bet the farm he's a Reid or DNC Operative.
Remember Ross Perot? He played a similar stunt, and THAT'S why we got BILL CLINTON.
I fell for Perot, and so did many of my closest friends. We were IDIOTS, because all Perot wanted to do was spite George H.W. Bush. The Perot campaign was a VENDETTA against Bush the elder.
~ FreeThinke
BROOKE, please don't let yourself be DUPED. This man whoever he is is throwing a monkey wrench into the works. I'd bet the farm he's a Reid or DNC Operative.
Remember Ross Perot? He played a similar stunt, and THAT'S why we got BILL CLINTON.
I fell for Perot, and so did many of my closest friends. We were IDIOTS, because all Perot wanted to do was spite George H.W. Bush. The Perot campaign was a VENDETTA against Bush the elder.
~ FreeThinke
I don't know why my stuff is posting twice. I'm sorry, but it's not my interntion.
~ FT
Well, everyone has the right to vote or support whomever they choose.
In 1992, Bush Sr. looked like a shoe-in. My mother liked Perot. She thought he was right. I told her I thought it was a mistake, and that the Reform Party was pretty popular and it could take votes away from Bush.
She said, "oh Bush has it won anyway". Of course I said, "then why vote for Perot unless you think he can win"? She said "I like him." I gave up, and she voted for Perot.
Of course we all know Clinton won. The reform party went nowhere and Perot went to the same place, except he did alright getting those government contracts from the Clinton administration.
And Clinton won. Only once did I tell my Mom, "You can't say I didn't warn you"!
The point here is, today, we have much more to lose than we did in
'92. Our country as we have always known it.
If you want to feel good like my Mom did, it's up to you. She didn't feel so good when Clinton won, and conservatives won't feel so good if the Dems keep the Senate, and/or the House, or at least their majority.
We can have at least two more years of dictates, and being steamrolled. This election will be a watershed moment.
I'm supporting Tarkanian in the primary in Nevada. He believes he can make a difference with his conservative views. There's no reason to believe that he's not a conservative.
He takes the same conservative positions I do. Whoever the Republican winner is in that primary I will contribute to.
Whether we like it or not, that's the only chance we have to defeat the current majority, and to limit Obama's power.
For me, the task is to take the power away from the left, which they enjoy with an overwhelming majority.
It's not the Republican party who is bashing Ashjian it's the tea party movement which is. He's willing to usurp that movement to get votes, even though it is not endorsing him. And he won't have to face a primary.
I don't believe a true conservative would be that underhanded but, maybe that's just me.
Thanks FT - you saved me a lot of time!! I appreciate this very much.
brooke...we all HOPE he's 'our man', trust me, but there's just too much 'there there'....too much smoke to not have a fire there....
even the tea partiers in NV don't know who he is but he used TEA PARTY NEVADA as his party affiliation.
i SO SO SO hope we're all wrong.
Wanted for Reality Series: One man to pretend to be more left-wing than Harry and run on the Green Party ticket.
No experience necessary.
ditto -MK!!!
Pris, good for you for supporting Tarkanian...I think I'm going to send him money, too..ANYTHING to help get REID OUT. I think Nevada will forever be in our debt, too, to say nothing of AMERICA!
Third Party's DEATH to America, sadly. I wish someone wonderful who isn't connected to the two big parties WOULD come on the scene but it'll take tons of money, tons of integrity and a media that recognizes integrity.
Fat chance!
I think my time on the Perot train can be measured in minutes. I think it was on Larry King that Perot said something like "The Constitution is 200 years old and needs to be discarded for a more modern nation." (not an exact quote, but same sentiment)
I dove off that train pretty fast.
beamish, Perot said something like THAT? Sounds like Obama!
Why wouldn't Reid use filthy, dirty maneuvers, like supplying a vote draining candidate, to manipulate the election in order to stay in office? They are using "reconciliation" in a totally improper fashion, they (and Obama) have no respect for the Constitution (or the law for that matter), in fact, they seem to have contempt for it. Our problem with the Democrat leadership is similar to what Victor Davis Hanson said about the Soviets: "They are capable of a level of duplicity that is unknown in the West." And we are simply unable to predict to what level the opposition will sink to because we don't think that way. hence, we are always on defense and they are always on offense.
MGM in Anderson, IN
The most important thing we could possibly do is set aside our differences and PRESENT A UNITED FRONT MILITANTLY OPPOSED TO ANY AND ALL DEMOCRATS.
The Republican Party under both Bushes was eminently unsatisfactory, BUT The Black Knight and the Scourge he has brought to our nation's capital is worse than ANYTHING that has EVER happened before in our history.
DEFEATING D'RATS should be uppermost in our minds. Forget Abortion. Forget homosexuality. Forget the assault on Christmas and the attempts to discredit and subvert Christianity. Instead focus like a LASER on hobbling, crippling and ultimately RIDDING ourselves of the DEATH GRIP on POWER currently held by DEMOCRATS.
CALL every available congressdog and congressbitch, and GIVE IT TO 'EM GOOD.
~ FreeThinke
PS: Sorry to insult the canine world. THEY deserve better than that.
~ FT
PS: Sorry to insult the canine world. THEY deserve better than that.
~ FT
PS: Sorry to insult the canine world. THEY deserve better than that.
~ FT
PS: Sorry to insult the canine world. THEY deserve better than that.
~ FT
PS: Sorry to insult the canine world. THEY deserve better than that.
~ FT
Sorry, but there's something wrong with the site software or that wouldn't happen.
Maybe it's the CIA putting spokes in Z's wheel?
~ FreeThinke
Sorry, but there's something wrong with the site software or that wouldn't happen.
Maybe it's the CIA putting spokes in Z's wheel?
~ FreeThinke
YEP! Definitely something screwed up with the software.
~ FT
YEP! Definitely something screwed up with the software.
~ FT
AHA! At LAST it did what it was SUPPOSED to do.
FT, are you accidentally hitting PUBLISH too many times? It happens to nobody else...
I'd rather have you here and commenting than not, but I know it embarrasses you and I just don't have the energy to keep deleting, especially when there were SO many here!?
I wish we could figure it out! Just glad you're here, anyhow! :-)
Usually when things go right, a little sign appears at the top in green lettering that says, "Your comments have been published. Often it adds "at the original site."
When I see that, I know all is well.
BUT what has happened today is this: My remarks remain in the box, and a little RED sign appears saying the letters I've punched in do not match the code word. So, naturally, I punch in the next code word, and usually that odes it, but today it kept saying over and over again that my punched in letters did not match the code word.
I'm glad you realize I'm not deliberately trying to litter your site. I think what I may do in future is copy, cut, then save it in Word, and try again later.
TECHNOLOGY! What a mixed blessing!
~ FT
Well, FT, thanks a lot for letting me know what you're seeing...isn't that weird?
I know you don't do that on purpose...I was never bugged by it and felt badly when you apologized.
so it's a word verification problem, sounds like.......
sorry I can't help :-(
Sometimes I have trouble getting into my OWN online banking no matter how many times I type in the ID code. And LOTS of weird things happen with email all the time.
Several who are close to me CANNOT RECEIVE my emails, though I get theirs. No one can figure out what's happening, because it's so CAPRICIOUS. I mean you never know when, where or if it's going to strike again.
Maybe it's 'cause I'm so wordy/ ;-)
Who knows?
~ FT
FT, maybe you need someone to come in and look into that? Hopefully, it could be an easy cure that only a real computer geek could help you with? xx
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