Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tea Partiers win over Congress.....take a look:

This article is from RASMUSSEN REPORTS....

In official Washington, some consider the Tea Party movement a fringe element in society, but voters across the nation feel closer to the Tea Party movement than they do to Congress.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 52% of U.S. voters believe the average member of the Tea Party movement has a better understanding of the issues facing America today than the average member of Congress. Only 30% believe that those in Congress have a better understanding of the key issues facing the nation.

When it comes to those issues, 47% think that their own political views are closer to those of the average Tea Party member than to the views of the average member of Congress. On this point, 26% feel closer to Congress.

Finally, 46% of voters say that the average Tea Party member is more ethical than the average member of Congress. Twenty-seven percent (27%) say that the average

As you would expect, there is a wide divide between the Political Class and Mainstream Americans on these questions. Seventy-five percent (75%) of those in the Political Class say that members of Congress are better informed on the issues. Among Mainstream Americans, 68% have the opposite view, and only 16% believe Congress is better informed.

By a 62% to 12% margin, Mainstream Americans say the Tea Party is closer to their views. By a 90% to one percent (1%) margin, the Political Class feels closer to Congress.

“The gap between Americans who want to govern themselves and politicians who want to rule over them may be as big today as the gap between the colonies and England during the 18th century,” Scott Rasmussen, president of Rasmussen Reports, says in his new book, In Search of Self-Governance. “If we had to rely on politicians to fix these problems, the outlook for the nation would be bleak indeed. Fortunately, in America, the politicians aren’t nearly as important as they think they are.”

Earlier polling found that just 16% of voters nationwide consider themselves part of the Tea Party Movement. However, just 11% believe Congress is doing a good or an excellent job. Seventy-six percent (76%) think most members of Congress are more interested in their own careers than in helping people.

On all questions, Republicans overwhelming prefer the Tea Party. Unaffiliated voters also prefer the Tea Party by wide margins, but Congress fares a bit better with unaffiliateds than they do with Republicans. (Z: Oops! Don't tell those unaffiliateds they ARE Republicans for agreeing with so much of the TP movement, they'd hate that, I know that by personal experience!)

Democrats, perhaps not surprisingly since their party currently controls both the House and Senate, are more evenly divided. Forty-five percent (45%) of those in Nancy Pelosi’s party say that their views are closer to the average member of Congress. However, 28% of Democrats say their views are closer to the average member of the Tea Party.

Men are more likely to align with the Tea Party than women, but a plurality of women prefer the Tea Party over Congress on every question in the survey.

If the Tea Party was organized as a political party, 34% of voters would prefer a Democrat in a three-way congressional race. In that hypothetical match-up, the Republican gets 27% of the vote with the Tea Party hopeful in third at 21%. (Z: See the liberal mind? They may poll preferring the TP movement but "OH, MY, if there's an election, I'd vote DEMOCRAT...I GOTTA!" hee hee)

However, if only the Democrat or Republican had a real chance to win, most of the Tea Party supporters would vote for the Republican. (Z: except they also might be the NEW ROSS PEROTs so I look at that stat with a grain of salt)

Fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans had a favorable view of the so-called “tea party” protests just after they were held on Tax Day, April 15, last year. It was those events around the country that gelled into the Tea Party movement, a protest largely against what are viewed as the big government policies of both major political parties.

I hope they do another poll THIS April 15...after THIS year, there's no telling how much higher the numbers will be FOR the TPers...and, don't kid yourselves folks....there are Dems and Indies IN the TP movement, but those stances are PURE REPUBLICAN...but sshhhhh!! Dems don't like to realize they're Republicans and might only finally get down to seeing their true selves in the mirror when they're in the voting booth...I hope)

z (thanks for the link, Pris)


Opus #6 said...

Yay for Tea Parties. I'll have a nice, steaming cup with sugar, please.

Anonymous said...

“The gap between Americans who want to govern themselves and politicians who want to rule over them may be as big today as the gap between the colonies and England during the 18th century."


How do we explain the election of communists to the white house and to the Congress?

Just asking ...

Mustang sends

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


I don't know about where you live, but most of the residents of cemeteries and pet stores around here vote solidly Democrat ticket all the way.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mustang, I think they're now confronting what they hadn't thought was possible.

People are waking up. Perhaps the people see that the suvival of America as we've known it, can indeed be in jeopardy.

I think many, just never believed this could happen here. Now we're seeing it can.

When push comes to shove, one has to choose. I think the people are choosing America.


LA Sunset said...

//I don't know about where you live, but most of the residents of cemeteries and pet stores around here vote solidly Democrat ticket all the way.//

You forgot the nursing home residents that have dementia. They too are a valid demographic... much overlooked.

TickedMD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RightKlik said...

The GOP is still so out of touch it's really alarming. I think they've been lulled to complacency by NC, NJ and MA. They haven't learned one thing from their mistakes over the last decade. NOT ONE THING.

The GOP needs to listen to the voices of the Tea Party. We have to work together to defeat the NeoComms.

Chuck said...

The interesting thing about these polls are the Democrat numbers. Take this for example:

However, 28% of Democrats say their views are closer to the average member of the Tea Party.

The media will spin this and say that only 28% of the Dems support the Tea Party.

This sounds like a small number until you realize that it means that over 1 in 4 Democrats support the Tea Party instead of the Democratic Party. That is not a small number when you realize that only about 5% of the overall vote determines elections.

Throw in the independents trending right lately and the Democrats could have a rough time this year.

Anonymous said...

This is so good for me to read, Z.
I've been in a dialogue with someone regarding this very issue.
It's so incredibly frustrating.

David Wyatt said...

They are right! Congress on the whole couldn't be more out of touch with heartland America. The whole Tea party concept arose out of this "out-of-touchness" if I may coin a phrase! (Of course, I better be careful, that "coin" will be taxed to death if the Dems hear about it!)

FrogBurger said...

Nice survey.
I feel close, especially when I see the taxes I'm paying, plus my self employement tax. Honestly we're getting dangerously very close to France when you leave in CA.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I'm going to a tea party next week. Working at it actually. This movement has kept its momentum to the point that it now is a force that can't be ignored. I'm with RK, the Repubs better pay attention to what these citizens are saying, because the activism is much needed in their tired party. They could use some new blood to replace the Grahams and the Maine girls (golden girls?). Good information from Pris.

Z said...

Law and Order, I salute you for doing the TPs....I just pray that they don't start coming up with 3rd party candidates...Reid's winning in NV after having been behind because of one who's not even IN the party but says he is.
We need to get the RNC in line with the TPers... suis tres desole, mon ami.......c'est ne pas l'Etat Unis que j'ai connu.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

You forgot the nursing home residents that have dementia. They too are a valid demographic... much overlooked.

Ah yes, the people who think their TVs only pick up CBS, or are too confused by the remote control and wonder why Walter Conkrite wears a dress these days...

FrogBurger said...

Not your fault, Z. Just the hippy generation that's screwing us big time.

But I won't stay in CA for sure. It's just a matter of time. Either I strike it rich and I don't care about paying taxes or I leave. Being in the middle and self employed really hurts.