Here's a tidbit from the linked article:
"Regardless of who eventually comes out on top, the results of the March 7 elections suggest that millions of Iraqis are fed up with a political system that revolves around membership in one of the two major Islamic sects."
more good news: "They also show that Iraqis — both Shiite and Sunni — are suspicious of Iranian influence. Allawi was widely seen as closer to the region's Arab governments than to neighboring Shiite Iran."
Of course, Al-Maliki's FURIOUS and promising to win no matter WHAT, and he still could...but....
This doesn't mean free sailing by a LONG shot for Iraq OR America in our relations with them, but I thought it was a pretty good steps, for sure, but baby steps in the right direction?
Well..I just saw THIS...maybe we're not as far along as I thought. The Anti-American cleric is running third.................ugh. Well, I'm trying to stay positive, but it's getting tougher and tougher...
I don't doubt that millions of Iraqis are fed up with the sectarianism.
But millions of Iraqis may not ultimately influence the outcome, either.
The Islamic world is filled with dictators who don't respond to the will of the people.
Always On Watch..
"The Islamic world is filled with dictators who don't respond to the will of the people."
Gee, where have we FELT that before? Who'd have thought,
No wonder Obama feels more at home with Iran these days than israel, huh?
But clearly, as our OWN government shows, there is a massive DISCONNECT between what the people want and what controlling governments deliver.
Z, yes we scrutinize the Iraqis about their divisions amongst the population as if it's so terrible, and yet, we're suffering the same thing here.
Unfortunately in Iraq, they tend to blow each other up, and that's the worry. They'll always resort to violence I think, but if the government remains in tact, and their security forces can handle it, they'll hav taken a giant step.
I like Alawi from what I remember when he led the country in the beginning. He came here and spoke to congress, and thanked America for freeing them from Hussein.
I believe he's more moderate, and leads a more secular party which is best for a country with two such diametrically opposed religious factions.
I hope, for the success of that country, Alawi can form a coalition and become President. Perhaps it would weaken a bit, Iran's influence there, and strengthen relations with the US.
As far as that cleric is concerned, it's too bad we didn't take him out when we had the chance.
Positive sign.
The real test is if they can transition.
"...millions of Iraqis are fed up with a political system that revolves around membership in one of the two major Islamic sects.""
WONDERFUL find, Z. Who does this sound like? Uh-huh.
"The Islamic world is filled with dictators who don't respond to the will of the people.
I'm laughing my ass off....look around...we have the "untouchables" running our government. Maybe we should adopt Islamic solutions to our dictators as well?
I'm all for it...I've seen the results first hand.
This government....has to go down.
"I like Alawi from what I remember when he led the country in the beginning.
Sorry Pris...he's a scumbag like Stupak. A lying, power mad, narcissistic , hedonist, islamic, sharia loving bastard. They'll NEVER...NEVER...change. Pity...we don't..or won't...understand these bastards.
And...we continue to die for these pieces of shit.
You have a good heart...a good head...but you like 99% of not understand these animals.
We should begin to worry whenever the US State Department endorses men like Ayad Allawi. Allawi is an opportunist of the first order and there is no basis for believing that Allawi is good for Iraq. One may recall that our State Department mostly consists of rolex wearing incompetents, a proven fact over the past 65 years.
We should endorse Iraquis based upon the premise that they will be good for Iraq, rather than most suitable for kissing US State Department ass.
Major, & Mustang - Well, I know they're barbarians. I'd be happy if they all went away.
So now the question is what would you suggest?
Someone will lead that country, the third place winner was Sadr, the crazy cleric.
So, I ask you, who is good for Iraq? More to the point, who is best for the US, if there's anyone.
Thanks for the link Z. It's pretty much what I thought. Let's face it, what happens in Iraq, is up to the Iraqi people, and this is how they voted.
Now, we'll see. Geopolitically, if Iraq succeeds as a democracy, it will have proved our sacrifices there to have been an essential step in influencing the ME as a whole.
I believe this election is a positive sign.
And if Iraq doesn't conform to our concept of government then by all means send in more marines. That always fixes everything.
Of course, Iraq doesn't conform to that conception so just keep pounding till they get it right.
Only the U.S. military can possibly know what's good for Iraq.
Ducky, only Iraq can know what's right for Iraq...too bad Iraq thought killing Americans was what's right for Iraq before Saddam was captured, huh?
Well, z, we did invade so you had to expect some issues.
What has happened is that the hard core Islamists completely alienated the population. Iraqis are glad to have them gone. Unfortunately by bringing them into the country through our invasion we managed to ethnically cleanse the country and drive out a lot of the professional class.
Still a ways for that poor country to go.
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