In this article I found today was the sentence: "The arrests point to how the Midwest in particular has become a hotbed for patriot activity."
What's the term PATRIOT started to mean, at least according to the American mainstream meida!!?? I found that odd. This group is carrying on PATRIOT ACTIVITY?
Then, we had Juan Williams decrying the Serpent flag of REAL PATRIOTS. He got kind of confused, apparently, and actually tried to pin Timothy McVeigh on the Tea Partiers, too. I suppose Williams thinks Tim McVeigh was a PATRIOT, TOO?
Hey, Juan? Don't tread on US. z
Yep, a bit odd. Apparently, the
Southern Poverty Law Center , which tracks various militias, coined the term 'patriot
group' as a category for those which are worried about a 'New World Order' and follow "extreme
anti-opvernment doctrines'. The whole thing is odd, considering there are still some who consider
Timothy McVeigh a 'patriot'. Let's hope 'patriot' doesn't devolve into one of those meaningless mutterings so popular in this age
of instant communication and vilification...
Great point, BB, thanks.
We may disagree on some things, but we both love this country and know what PATRIOT means.
I have the thought that the msm IS trying to disparage this term because it's "too patriotic"...
I always thought PATRIOT meant what John Adams and Thomas Jefferson would have said it means...someone who loves this country and will fight for her best, not militia nuts who take the 'law' into their own hands in violent ways.
I heard Juan last night and that flag misrepresentation. He is very mistaken when he tries to pin McVeigh on tea parties. I have a "tread" flag hanging in my classroom. The design dates from the very beginnings of our revolution and some consider it to be the first American flag. It is a patriotic symbol in the best sense of the word. Juan is too locked into his liberal view of the world to get it. The SPLC is an organization that sees miltia members under every rock. Mostly they don't like white, male, veterans who know how to use firearms. Oops, I'm on the list.
I smell revolution...
By all means —let us rely upon this person to tell us what patriotism is. The question is … if the government makes war upon the people, do the people have a right to defend themselves? We ought to wonder if the government has it coming. The ‘militia movement’ may, or may not be related to patriotism. I daresay that most of these groups have as much to do with patriotism as the Muslim Brotherhood pursues a religion of peace. You are right Z … this is pure leftist filth.
I was talking to LA Sunset today (our weekly “Come to Jesus meeting”) and we observed how various people regard the Tea Party and Acorn organizations. We determined that the White House (and all of its miserable hacks) has gone out of their way to castigate the Tea Party Movement, where as the Acorn organizations essentially shot themselves in the foot. Don’t worry though; we fixed all of those problems when Acorn became an underground movement. Meanwhile, Mark Guarino knows as much about patriotism as Ducky knows about heterosexual relationships.
Great catch Z. The old democratist media is trying to turn everything we stand for into dirty words.
The FBI's investigation into the Hutaree group began over 2 years ago, and registered Democrat and anti-Iraq War protester Tim McVeigh was executed just shy of 9 years ago, so any attempt to tie the two to the Tea Party movement is going to require some sort of time travel machine.
The whining that's occurring on the left, trying to tie in the militias with the tea parties, is an orchestrated, planned, strategy, right in line with the usual Alinsky method of destrucion of a person or persons, based on innuendo and implication of wrongdoing.
They will repeat and repeat it, until it becomes the "truth"!?
It doesn't matter to them whether it's true, because for them, the ends justify the means. These are the people btw, who supposedly dream of utopia. Uh huh.
No, these people dream of absolute power over the masses. They're drunk with it. Addicted to it. If you're not like them, or disagree with them, you don't exist in their world.
You are the enemy. In this case, millions of us are the enemy. The American people, as a whole, are the enemy.
I would remind everyone, that Carville and Clinton are said to be searching out a leader of the TP movement to investigate. Unfortunately for them there isn't one. So theyr'e taking on the American people. A more difficult task, to say the least.
We're being painted as dangerous, and I believe they hope there will be violence. They're doing their best to incite it. I would urge everyone to avoid that at all costs. It's what they want.
Now, to the Gadsden Flag. Here is an excerpt of a quote which is thought to have been written by Ben Franklin.
Below the quote is a link to the history of this flag, which includes the entire quote.
"The rattlesnake also has sharp eyes, and "may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance."
"She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. ... she never wounds 'till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her."
The entire link didn't print. I'll move up the http and see if I can get it to fit.
OK, It works.
" any attempt to tie the two to the Tea Party movement is going to require some sort of time travel machine."
which only our liberal biased media CAN do, of course, Beamish.
Pris.."I would remind everyone, that Carville and Clinton are said to be searching out a leader of the TP movement to investigate. Unfortunately for them there isn't one. So theyr'e taking on the American people. A more difficult task, to say the least."
SO SO TRUE. And SO unAmerican.
"not militia nuts who take the 'law' into their own hands in violent ways.
Nuts????? I fear dear're watching way too much of CNN or MSNBC?
We it or not...heading into a time of...taking the measure of our enemies...our borders...and realizing that this federal government has no intention of defending us...will have to...HAVE TO...take up arms in self defense. Remember...this country was founded on revolution...and militia..."nuts". Thank God for that.
Bring my comrades home from the shitholes of Arabia...muslim scum and savages....and protect my country from an invasion of determined parasites that will turn the USA...into the same 3rd world shithole ( like california ) that these leeches left behind. And when the freebies run they will...what do you think these mutts would do? Riot...murder...burn...attack and turn on us like the savages they are. To this day...I don't need a Mexican to cut my lawn. Why do you?
When the people fear the's called tyranny.
When the government fears the's called...FREEDOM.
I call this a Hate Crime...Christian Church vandalized....
My friends' church was vandalized...
Please keep the congregation in your prayers...
"I call this a Hate Crime...Christian Church vandalized....
My friends' church was vandalized...
Tell your friend to convert the steeple into a minaret...with a tower for calls to..."prayer"...then they'll be safe. Until we get our shit together and finally admit..that mosques are safe havens for murdering scum.
I cannot stand Juan Williams. Now, I suppose I am a racist too.
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