Saturday, March 6, 2010

WHO warned about the financial collapse?

WHY won't the media tell Americans the TRUTH? Watch this video and weep.....We could have had a chance if only people had listened. If only Barney Frank and Chuck Schumer were thinking people and had taken the time to look into the problems before standing up so vehemently for their ideology and warning against PESSIMISM in the economy !(isn't THAT rich, considering our president's constant pessimism especially early last year which certainly didn't help anything but get his stimulus package passed?). Watch this if you can, IT MIGHT HURT:

And why does it take Canadian news to put these things together?


The Born Again American said...

It's Bush's fault...

When Barney Frank "The Banking Queen" sits there and defiantly insists that Fanny & Freddie are stable, it is clear that Frank has spent far to much time with his head up Freddie's Fanny...

I've never been a huge Greenspan fan, but it appears he was right on this one...

Chuck said...

Z, this has to be doctored. Everyone knows that it's Bush's fault.

I will say in all seriousness though that the GOP had a chance to act before they lost Congress and they did not. This may have been because of Democratic opposition but in reality, they didn't try very hard. If they had put it to a floor vote they may have shamed the Dems into not blocking it. If they did block it they would have been on record doing so. The GOP in Congress have to share equal blame.

Sam Huntington said...
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Anonymous said...

Z .. You always do ask the best questions; common sense questions. But I fear you over-look one thing. Schumer and a far-too-long list of names are not interested in what is good for our country or its people. They are involved in the great game, you see. Oh yes, the Democrats do think that socialism is good for this country; they cannot help that because they are committed socialists. It is what they believe. And the Republicans are not far behind them in this thinking.

Now I want you to notice that every time Ducky comes over here to comment, he always makes reference to the ‘right wing’ as if conservatives were bad people, uncaring people. It is part of the plan; it is the Democratic strategy. And it is working. So you will notice that Republicans are not conservatives any more. You will notice that very slowly but surely, Republicans are buying into the kinder-gentler crap so that we end up with men like McCain who thinks of himself as a conservative politician, but is little if any removed from Barack Obama. And very soon, both parties will merge into a definite socialist party platform —and Saul Alinsky will have won the day.

Both sides have learned that in order to “widen the tent” it is necessary to give away more stuff to the American people. Because, you see, if the American people see a politician as someone who cares about them, someone who is committed to giving away more programs benefitting voters, then they quadruple the chance of winning election/reelection. Why do we need a wider tent? I mean, either one is committed to conservative ideology, or they are not. This business of pandering to a particular community in order to recruit more voters resulted in no more than giving up conservative ideals.

And in the process, Democrats rail against Republicans, and Republicans rail against Democrats, when actually there is NO difference between them. And this is the great game I mentioned above: which side can bull-taco the American people enough to win a seat in Congress?

My suggestion is … let us stop paying so much attention to Democrats. They are who and what they are. Let us rather focus on the reemerging of conservatives … true conservatives, within the Republican Party and let us find people who can explain it to thinking voters in such a way that they will embrace conservativism. We won’t recruit non-thinking people; the Democrats already own them and we should be happy with that.

Mustang Sends

Brooke said...

Great comments here. I can't think of a thing to add!

Anonymous said...

No truer words spoken than those of Mustang.

I think this is why the far left shills are trying so hard to merge the Tea Party movement with the Republican Party. Lots of luck with that liberal idiots... it's not about a party, it's about returning to common sense and thinking about who you are electing to represent you.


Joe said...

Mustang's point is well taken, but there is this to consider:

If we fail to point out and to recognize the TRUTH of what got us into this mess, as outlined in the video, we are doomed not to learn its lessons and prone to continue to listen to the idiots who lead us along the way who are still in their positions of leadership.

They are "in control," and their decisions will lead us down the same paths in health care and other legislation, that they did in housing.

Z said...

Born Again...I don't know what's happened to Greenspan, he's kind of gone squishy again. I swear I wonder if people are paid off...

Chuck, yes, it must have been doctored :-) I think you're right about the Republicans, that they're shamed into going soft, into DEMOCRAT LITE mode because of the media and their constant drumbeat that Republicans DON"T CARE...

Mustang; I agree with you on all that you said, I just see FIGHTING and no THINKING going's all about posturing, smiling for the cameras.... We do need a really strong conservative to speak OUT and grab America's attention...warn them of what they're facing if we don't make a HUGE change in the GIVE AWAYS...

TERM LIMITS might solve some of what you've complained about so wisely in your comment.

Joe..the TRUTH about the video? Obama's suggesting MORE Freddie and Fannie loans, right? THE MAN IS INSANE. ..he won't learn because he's so ideologically driven he CAN'T LEARN.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

What financial collapse? I thought government saved us from that?

Z said...

Pris just emailed me the above article proving what I'd said....Obama's all over UPPING the Freddie and Fannie silliness!

Always On Watch said...

I plan to post this video on Monday -- with something else to tie in.

Good find.

Anonymous said...

I would put a little reminder in here. If the Republicans had taken this on, the left (democrats), would have used the same tactic they used against the financial institutions.

They would have accused them of racial discrimination and being against the underprivileged, and they would have had the media as willing dupes to hype their argument.

That's how ACORN and the CRA, with the help of young lawyers like Barack Obama got us into this mess in the first place, along with President Clinton who signed an order to loosen even more the financial requirements to get home mortgages. They sued the banks who resisted.

Thus, making Republican spines more like silly putty, than spines.
Republicans and institutions need pressure from special interest groups like the tea party coalition to prop them up like Move-on and ACORN do from the left.

The administration is now tossing around banning foreclosures. Now, how are lenders going to recoup even part of the money they're losing if this happens.

They'd be stuck with these losses, and at the same time are expected to continue the same practices that got us into this crisis from the beginning.

IMO, this is a created crisis mode which is intentional and ongoing. You know, "never let a good crisis go to waste". If there isn't one, create one.

A redistribution of wealth under the guise of "helping" those unable, or unwilling to help themselves.

Ironically, I just received a message marketer on my phone telling me "President Obama want's to help homeowners, and if your loan is higher than a 4.5%, 30 year loan, please press one".

This is our government folks. They're in the real estate business. They run it through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, because they fully own them.

The real crisis is the Thugocracy in Washington DC.


Z said...

I'm considering writing to a more liberal cousin of mine.
What I'm considering saying is a tag-line to the email I just sent her....she'd responded to an anti-Soros email I'd rec'd and sent around...she quoted the Brazil/oil/Obama story in the anti-soros information that SNOPES says is only partly true (!) and asked, essentially, how we could believe the rest of the damning Soros information if that one point isn't 100% true...which is a valid question.
I finally linked her a lot of the sources for the article...

It occurred to me how much she could learn from my blog, but NOT MY POSTS so much as YOUR COMMENTS, everybody.
I WISH more left leaning people would wake up to how many millions of great AMericans think.....

Anonymous said...
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Bloviating Zeppelin said...

But it wasn't the Canadians who "put it together." It was that horrible, biased, child-burning and racism-promoting FOX NEWS (insert canned "BWA-HA-HAAA" here)!

The problem is that the information exists but it's being, in my estimation, buried and, further, PURPOSELY not covered.

There really is a war, ladies and gentlemen. The days of sitting back and not caring are over. The war is here and it's in our faces and it's being fought day in and day out.

It's a societal war. It's a war for our future and our power and our very way of life. It's a war that, if lost, EVERYONE will wish it had not. Everyone on the PLANET.


Anonymous said...

"There really is a war, ladies and gentlemen. The days of sitting back and not caring are over. The war is here and it's in our faces and it's being fought day in and day out.

It's a societal war. It's a war for our future and our power and our very way of life. It's a war that, if lost, EVERYONE will wish it had not. Everyone on the PLANET."



Z said...

"It's a societal war. It's a war for our future and our power and our very way of life. It's a war that, if lost, EVERYONE will wish it had not. Everyone on the PLANET."

Ya, BZ..but the leftists are already doing that Alinksy thing where any time a Conservative says anything like you said, which is sound and rational and TRUE to ME, we're gun totin' nuts who're spouting SECESSION or NO GOVERNMENT, or something WILD....
See, they get us AHEAD OF TIME, like CNN did before FOX even went on the air; I distinctly remember the giggles and guffaws over a CONSERVATIVE CABLE CHANNEL and how ridiculous that was, yadda yadda....well, it's got better ratings than CNN ever DREAMED of...but they'd already set it up for marginalization and that's still the say dems and most indies look at it.

you know?

Anonymous said...

We all know blarney sucks...and what he sucks. But Screwmer? Maybe barney knows what his preferred diet is?

You may not like's the word.