...and I'd like to address Z's readers here at geeeZ...I see you're mostly all bright and love America and some of you have major doubts about me. Z said she wouldn't mind if I had my say, so here it goes:
Let me just get this out of the way: I'm a pretty wealthy man. Yes, my wife Ann has two Cadillacs, one at our East Coast home, and one at our West Coast home. I've received some flack for that but wonder why. Isn't it good to "buy American?" And buy American
twice? What's the downside? Why insult me for it? And isn't it good to succeed in America? I've worked hard, you work hard. We need to get jobs going so we can ALL work hard and see the American cogs turning again...get us pumping oil, get our small businesses too busy to fill orders~ That is the America I think we can have again!
I'm also a Mormon, so let's get by that as fast as we can so we can get down to what's really important in America.
I'm not running for Pastor in Chief. Period. My faith is my faith, yours is yours. Enough said. I respect most religions, if not all, and I happen to be a Mormon. Sorry if you turn from me for that, but I can't help that.
Having said all that, let's get to the important stuff; Something that's been said about me is that I have fired people as if I like to fire people.
What you need to know is I only fire those who don't deserve to be working at their job. Firing anybody was never done out of caprice, it was out of sound business practice. If I need you and you do your job, you're not getting fired. Nobody should in that case. If someone likes firing people they need to be institutionalized.
I was a governor of Massachusetts. I was a Conservative who won in Massachusetts, imagine that? Maybe I can with the national in November because of that. I believe I did the right thing for Massachusetts and things went pretty well in that state. Except for health care.
I am sorry for the health care program I signed into being in Massachusetts. I'm sorry mostly because it was the springboard for the large, awful Obama Health Care Plan which I do not support. Yes, you might say I screwed up in Massachusetts' health care and you might be right. That's the past, and this is now. I don't want an Obama-like health insurance situation in America because nobody should be told what to do in regard to his health care. Or anything else, for that matter. And, I think most Americans agree, at least from what I can see in the polls, that their health care will cost more if this plan goes into affect, and it'll be worse health care. I'm against it. You can condemn me for Massachusetts but that's in the past and I want to move on. I don't call that flip flopping, I call that learning from mistakes and
being man enough to admit it.
Rick and Newt are good acquaintances of mine and have been for some time.
I wish them well but they can't beat Obama. Rick's values are excellent but they're being mischaracterized by a blood-smelling leftwing media and the American public sometimes listen to the media more than they listen to the words out of candidates' mouths. Sad, but true. The media will slaughter Santorum. Newt's a nut. He's the smartest guy in any room but he's got an ego the size of Georgia and has tons of plans but doesn't implement well. I like both of their opinions and hope to make use of them in my White House, but none of us will get the White House out of Obama's hands unless they stand behind me and let me get elected.
I AM A REPUBLICAN but WHO CARES? We need an AMERICAN who will stop the socialist creep that has been brought by our, well.........socialist
creep, President Obama! We need to move forward and not play PARTIES. We need to choose someone who wants to bring America back to its senses; not gut the military, not force anybody to do anything, not to apologize to our enemies, not stand in the way of businesses, not slam capitalism, not condemn people like the cops in Harvard before getting the facts, not letting Panthers who did intimidate voters go free, not building a racial or class divide in America, the country which developed and grew on the premise that there should be no divides!
Americans...listen to me, please! You may not think much of me, but I think a lot of you and I'm counting on you to stop listening only to the mainstream media and start listening to all sides of every position and then deciding what to do. We need better COMMUNITY, but not community organizers! We need to respect Democrats like they haven't respected Republicans in 30 years, and educate them, remind them that this is a country built not on dependency, but INdependence.
America.......wise up. I may not be your first pick, but I'm hoping you pick me and we can move on .... beyond division, beyond anger, beyond Obama.
Thanks very much.
Z: Think it would fly if he made a speech similar to this to the whole country and not just to my readers? (smile) What might you add to that speech?