WAIT till you see THIS POST at our friend Bunkerville's blog...........Make sure you read the CNN part, it looks a little like two posts for the headline size but it's not. Could a president do something this questionable just for reelection? (is it ME asking this question? Even I think this is so deplorable it can't be true) Obama's already taken millions of barrels and not returned it and he wants to take more now.I could go on and on, but Bunkerville's post says it all.
PLEASE CHECK IT OUT..it's very important information.
10 Akun Depo 5k Paling Populer di Indonesia
10 hours ago
The good news just keeps on coming. [heavy sarcasm]
OH, LIb dude.. What you need to learn is that it was Bush's signature that started the 350% increase.
You read nothing but liberal rags and you laugh at the HERITAGE FOUNDATION? :-)
Listen up...the president can start us going toward energy independence but he won't. He doesn't have to get us into lousy GREEN programs we spend billions on and then lose all our investment.
AOW...it's really tough. Especially because people like Libdude don't understand and then vote :-(
Presidents do tap into the reserve, but they try to keep it down......
"In her letter, Pelosi points out that Bush, his father and former President Bill Clinton all tapped into the strategic reserves at some point during their respective presidencies. George H.W. Bush did small test sales in 1990 and again in 1991 right before the Persian Gulf War. Clinton released 30 million barrels from the reserves during his final year in the White House to help lower the costs of home heating oil. And Bush himself withdrew 11 million barrels (after offering to withdraw 30 million barrels) in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina damaged refineries and pipelines along the Gulf Coast."
Have you all heard the left on television news shows talking about how much extra oil there is? As if Obama's magic? Not one of them has remembered that we've had the warmest winter in years and so the oil is up. unreal
The Left absolutely will not read information from the Right -- except to denigrate that information and any who post that information.
In my experience, the Left is more intolerant of the Right than the other way around.
Ah, well. We seem not to live in the age of reason (I'm not referring to the Age of Reason).
This little thimble-full of oil (the SPR) is not worth squabbling over. Of around 3/4 of a billion barrels currently in inventory, our current consumption of oil is around 20 million barrels a day, and the total SPR would amount to about a month's supply. Big whoop.
Let Obama suck it dry, for all that it really matters, and then he can take the hit politically.
Yeah, I'll believe anything from the Heritage Foundation....NOT!How do yo think Bush got gas prices down? He depleted it so far it was at emergency status when he left office and it took Obama to increase them when he was elected. And this story is a lie. You guys will believe anything to fit your narrow viewpoints.
Obama's has increased production by 350% and our number one export is now...oil! Talk to the oil companies and speculators. Talk to the GOP whose constant rhetoric about invading Iran is helping to drive prices up.
Mitt Romney: The President Can't Control the Price of Gas (Video) http://www.treehugger.com/envi...
Z said: "OH, LIb dude.. What you need to learn is that it was Bush's signature that started the 350% increase."
Really? Lol! You've got to show me prove of this, cause you are wrong, wrong, wrong!
Just an attempt to appear to be doing something.
Again, if we are running refineries at capacity what effect does increasing supply have?
Answer: None
Just more kabuki.
Liberaldude.....read much?
Hey Z:
Remember when music was on vinyl and the record would get scratched? The record player needle would skip on the grooves and play the same thing over and over and over not making music, but just scratchy noise sounds over and over that made no sense.
Kinda like the same commenter using the same uninformed words over and over and over again.
Libboy's continued nonsense makes me realize how much more I appreciate Ducky.
The future is in algae dontcha know LOL!
"The record player needle would skip on the grooves and play the same thing over and over and over not making music, but just scratchy noise sounds over and over that made no sense..."
Thanks Rita...we needed that...it's perfect.
Except libdoofus keeps playing the record..."Revolution" backwards....looking and listening for secret messages from Keith Olberfurher and Pelosi.
Hilarious Imp.
The SOR was set up to guarantee that our military would have a secure supply of oil and fuel in the event of global disruptions. Not to dip into to ease the price of gas a few pennies downward.
However, knowing the commie in cheats disdain for our military ( Panetta's too ) I'd say he knows what he's doing. He is scaling back our forces including the Navy. Thus another part of his plan to keep us up the asses of his Saudi masters.
Yes...most of our war ships are now nuclear powered as well as our subs...yet ground forces, mobile forces are still gas / diesel powered.
Yep...the Navy has been forcing out mid to upper level enlisted the last couple of years.
"Hilarious Imp...."
Yes...the libtard loons are..aren't they Rita?
I'd say my life would be nearly perfect with out them...like life without mosquitos or other blood sucking parasites....
Alas....what would a George Carlin do without some butt head like libdoofus for fodder?
They're insane....simply bonkers.
What Fredd Said
The bottom line is Fredd's right...thought there does seem to be an important point of NOT using the reserves if we can't replenish fairly quickly.
I think it's only 300 million barrels in there now...not that much in the long run.
But this is about Obama's election; first he says he thinks it's good to have gas prices up, then he says "how can a president win reelection with prices up?" ..then he says it's good to have prices up again (and his Czar Chu agrees), now he's hoping to bring it down by using OUR OIL.
"Here, the country owns this, but I'm going to set some loose and maybe you'll vote for me again" as if the amount would make a big whoop.
The important thing is that the left wouldn't let us start taking care of having more oil ten years ago because "it won't help now" and, here we are ten years later, and we've got zilch.
Elbro, thanks for that link!
" What you need to learn is that it was Bush's signature that started the 350% increase...."
That's because the libtards don't understand the production and fulfillment process. They believe that if we say "Drill now"...next week the price of a gallon will fall by half.
It takes years...yes...and since Bush signed that ( and rescinded by the greenie moonbeam in chief ) it's now coming on line.
Also...the "threat" to the saudi / opec criminals that we are prisoners of...would shit a camel when a Pres says....open up the taps here in America.
Within months the price of oil drops ( as it did in 2008 )...but it's manipulated by the saudi pigs to distract and placate us again. If oil drops to $40 a barrel again...big deal for the opec thieves....they know damn well we'll suck it up and forget about our long term goals.
Then..here we are gain...them reaping the bennies and the shorfalls are all covered once more....hence...they win.
What we need to do is.....reduce our dependency on them by 50% or more ( the Keystone pipeline would have done just that )...our long term goals would be to import from our own....and our reliable...NON MUSLIM / OPEC thieves.
Even the creep in Venezuela....understands that. Would he rather ship oil halfway across the world in tankers ( risky ) or send it to us in a few hours across some navigable waters?
"first he says he thinks it's good to have gas prices up......"
Ummmmm...is that the definition of a "flip flopper" or a very confused lying hypocrite?
Imp, and we GAVE the Saudis their opportunities of digging oil..making them rich as rich can be.
Man, Mr. Z hated that :-)
Imp, it's the sign of a president who wants to ruin his country and who feels he needs to spank Americans for using too much oil...to teach us all a lesson.
"Let prices get so high that they'll learn not to use it again..shame on them"
I had a video or link here recently where liberal news readers are saying it's saving lives that gas prices are up because there are less harmful molecules in the air; I swear.
""Let prices get so high that they'll learn not to use it again..shame on them"...
Z...it's really time for a discussion on this. How do we replace millions of jobs....millions of vehicles....millions of industries from medical to corn flakes...with a technology called "green" in...say the same 10 years that the loons say we'll need to bring new oil on line?
What do we do to replace oil / gas / coal fired plants that now produce our electrical needs.....our heating...our transportation..our lighting with solar, wind or bird farts?
How do we replace 200,000,000 fossil fueled vehicles ( that many of us are contracted into by loans or leases ) including aircraft on a whim?
A silly dream that knowing we have 250 years of oil on hand....that we just discard?
While...we can rely on...and be independent of the thieves ( and bankrupting them in the interim ) while fine tuning and "R & D'ing" future energy?
These jerks....want to shut down the entire infrastructure.....NOW. These morons...don't realize where we get energy from.
Volts? Don't make me laugh...these ignorant fools haven't the faintest idea what happens when they plug their dream cars into a wall. Or where that charge comes from
"Imp, and we GAVE the Saudis their opportunities of digging oil...."
Which is why the next war...will be about taking it back once we deplete the SOR.
Elmers Brother
said.."Liberaldude.....read much?(link)"
Lol, yeah, I'll believe another wakco wingnut site. That site lies with every post. I've been there.
Obama is NOT depleting the reserves. Think about if he did the speculator's would be screwed and prices would come down.
But...I think he should tap them. Guess what...he will...at the right TIME! LOL!!
Did anyone else just hate those JC Penny commercials where there were nothing but a bunch of people screaming, "NO"
Fact remains folks, that he'll claim to open the reserve but won't drain any.
Again, we are exporting refined product. Why would draining the reserve have any effect on the availability of refined product if we are operating refineries at capacity.
The switch from winter blend is just about over and I predict prices have just about peaked and will start to decline in April unless Nuttyahoo does something stupid.
The petroleum reserve is strictly Kabuki.
I don't even know where to begin. I am so tired worrying, when every time I pass our gas station it is up at least 10 cents more than it was in the morning.
I thank God, my job is only five minutes away, but my church is pretty far away. :(
"it is up at least 10 cents more than it was in the morning...."
Did you ever wonder...like I do....how a futures price of oil 3 months from now could raise the price of a gallon of gas...that the retailer bought 4 months ago at a much lower price?
Do you know we're getting ripped off...gouged?
"The petroleum reserve is strictly Kabuki."
As I keep trying to say the oil reserve situation might be kabuki, Obama's irresponsibility isn't.
For the record,
Imagine liberals like LIberaldude coming to our sites and wanting so badly to be as ugly and insulting as they can be. Why? WHat's the draw? Imagine Libdude telling AOW she's a 'liar' at her site...She had EVERY right to delete that. It's her blog but liberals move in like ours are theirs... or think that we don't mind their nastiness.
They quote from things like TREEHUGGER then slam The Heritage Foundation!
They don't get all the facts and believe the liberal rags but put FOX down.
I hope the ugliness can stop or I'll just go back on Comment Moderation and not publish them.
OH! And then, when AOW or I delete, we're accused of censorship, or not wanting to fight their facts!
I believe most bloggers know that she and I only delete for insults to us or our commenters....Neither of us has EVER deleted for content.
SO...let's try and ALL be adults, not just the Conservatives...let's see if Libs can grow up and either find something better to do with their time or at least TRY to talk like adults eager for exchanges of ideas.
fat chance
Imp..talk about Derrick Bell; check this out
Z: Your blog, your rules.
If Libboy wants to spew his nastiness, let him start his own site where he can be surrounded by those that agree with him.
I have no doubt the poor child needs a lot of "atta boys" so his self esteem would be so much better if he went off with "those of his kind".
It's just such a waste of comment space and interferes with great dialog from intelligent debates.
Rita, I couldn't agree with you more.
Imp...but the Soledad O'Brien, from the "real news..CNN!" (Smile) is so telling. They scoff FOX? amazing.
Imp, he hates Obama? I love your friend!
The reunion is this weekend??
He sounds like an amazing man of any color, Imp.
I"m so glad you told me about him. xx
<< Remember when music was on vinyl >>
I happen to have a large vinyl collection in excellent condition. As well, Bang @ Olufsen turntable with new cartridge. Add that to the Kenwood KR 7050 Receiver and JBL L-65 Jubal speakers that were in a class of their own: vintage.
50th class reunions rock. I gotta last another 18 years. Well done Imp!
Liberaldude....notice where the charts etc come from? Yes that's right....the gubmint.
Listen to duhkkky LD.
Today, the Department of Energy’s independent U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their latest Short Term Energy Outlook for projected crude oil production in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and net U.S. imports (see charts below). Despite the misleading comments made by Interior Secretary Salazar last week, GOM crude oil production has continued to significantly decline since the Obama Administration’s de facto moratorium. EIA’s latest numbers also show the Obama Administration’s anti-energy policies have made us more vulnerable to energy price spikes as we have become increasingly reliant on unstable foreign energy....
KP: I've heard there are some music "rebels" that are insisting the digital music has ruined the real sound.
I think they are planning a coup to return to vinyl.
Libdude is like the 10 year old mentally challenged kid I had on my case load at one time except the 10 year old was more polite and more intelligent.
Thanks for the shout out. The Trolls are busy these days@
it wouldn't surprise me that obama would resort to this sort of thing. After all, his record is so pathetic, so utterly devoid of any accomplishment as seen by the common man, he'll have to resort to all sorts of contemptible acts to try and stay in power.
KP..cool! I have records, too, but I"m not sure where they are, which is a lousy sign that they're probably in a box in storage! And ruined.
I do keep ONE album in the house, however...a bootleg album of Neil YOung at the LA Music Center :-) LOVE IT. And, I've kept my cheap stereo equipment! Not SO cheap, but not like yours, that's for sure.
I think Rita's right...I'd love a return to that sound of vinyl!
Elbro: I learn an AWFUL lot just from your teaching LIbdude..thanks for that..SO MUCH.
Bunkerville; you think the trolls are busy NOW? Wait till the Summer and Fall. And you'll hear them on Talk Radio, too..cracks me up every election year "Hi, I used to be a Republican, but I just CAN'T vote Republican ANY MORE, because........." Usually, the host recognizes the voice after a few days and says "Thanks, by byeeee!"
The left is so transparent.
And the nasty lib trolls will be in full force here, too.
I think some of them are getting paid already. LIbdude just CAN'T have anything better to do with his time than comment at all our blogs, copy/pasting from the last he visited....posting information we're already well aware of (Obama's rave-film about how fabulous he's been!!) to just plain insulting.
No prob. I'm just trying to kick him to the curb.
"I happen to have a large vinyl collection in excellent condition..."
Ha...so do I KP...but I'm an old fart and can't part with them. All the original Beatles and Stones albums...as well as Billy Joel and lots of others.
Still have my Advent stuff too..LOL
Elmers Brother said...
"Liberaldude....notice where the charts etc come from? Yes that's right....the gubmint."
Ah...no....they did not.
Rita, as you say, vinyl may be better quality than digital.
Find that stuff, Z.
Imp, Advent receivers and loud speakers were some top of the shelf stuff!
Imp, not sure why I said I have 18 years to my 50th reunion. Could be because I was 18 when I graduated. It's 12 years to my 50th. I am almost as old as you are you salty dawg!
HELLO!??? Anyone home.
I guess all those purple fingers mean nothing duhkkky.
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