"Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum. Ann Romney. Now do you really think our country is ready for a white First Lady?" De Niro asked, according to a pool report from the fundraiser.
All that came from THIS ARTICLE...Gingrich says it's inexcusable for De Niro to have said this. The statement was made at an Obama fundraiser...think Obama will apologize for De Niro? Gingrich wants him to. I don't. Obama probably didn't know he'd say something that stupid. Let De Niro be held accountable (ya, that'll happen!!).
I ask you more than that: WHAT DO YOU THINK WOULD HAVE HAPPENED HAD A REPUBLICAN SAID "Now do you really think our country is ready for a black First Lady?"
Ya, that's what I think, too, folks.
I keep saying. It's not about Obama's blackness. It's about his redness.
Is the country ready for 4 more years with the communists in the White House? I pray not.
Eh. I think it's an attempt at humor.
It's a play on the situation.
There's nothing trivial about the situation, but his comment is.
Z - I have it on the best authority - that there were folks -even possibly Republicans - that did say that they were not 'ready' for a Black President - and that may be why RDN made that comment - in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way.
What a great actor.
Black president okay; red president unacceptable.
A competent president would be a bonus, although given Obama's redness, we should be grateful for his incompetence.
Robert De Niro is an actor. He get's paid large sums of money for pretending he's someone else. He does this well, which explains the large sums of money. That doesn't make him a very astute person, or even intelligent. It just makes him rich and mouthy.
So is De Niro a racist, or just a useful idiot?
SH - Ya gotta love him in Heat - though.
& al pacino
America is definitely ready for our first black ex-president!
De Niro should stick to what he knows. It isn't politics. He was a magnificent actor in Awakenings.
AOW - The thing I didn't like about Awakenings - was when he when back into himeself.
'our first black ex-president!'
Good one - SF.
As jokes go I'd give it a 5. Kinda flat.
Thanks, everybody;
I guess my point was more the HYPOCRISY. Yes, it was said in a small setting and into a microphone and with people there who were happy to repeat it.
It was said as a nice thing to Michelle Obama, I'm sure.
But, I asked in my post how it might have gone over had a Republican said anything like that about a Black First Lady?
That's all.
HYPOCRISY.......that's all I was trying to discuss here...
Think I'm wrong and the media'd let it go like it did this remark?
The remark isn't so serious, so awful, but just think how it would have been twisted.
Silverfiddle...Amen to that.
Sue...I believe there were people on both sides who didn't think we were ready for a Black President, that he couldn't get elected...that made sense. Thankfully, all were wrong. That was less racist than practical.
I only wish they'd known the truth about this particular one's past before voting for him.
Great minds think alike, I just blogged on the same story.
If we weren't' supposedly ready for a black president why did Obama get such a high percentage of the white vote?
All those raaaaaaaaacists voted for him.
Republicans were ready for a black president just not this "Resident"
Love SF's comment.
ducky - ya simply have no sense of humor - big guy.
Z - And you are so right to call me on that - I'm sure there WERE people on both sides - that weren't ready for a Black President.
But I Believe that it was time - and I also Believe that the whole World was watching - to see if we would be willing to try - it.
And I also Believe that it was the right thing - to do.
Before I'd even scrolled down, I was thinking, what a hypocrite. You're right, were the shoe on the other foot the outrage would never die!
"Obama probably didn't know he'd say something that stupid."
Then Obama is even more stupid than I thought, if that is possible.
This from an actor whose wife (wives?) and girlfriends all appear to be Black women? Racism? Prejudice? Stupidity?
This from the Liberals who claim Republicans are 'racists'. At least the White House spoke out against the statement and he eventually apologized.
Right Truth
When I first heard this story, I assumed the next story was, "Fart-Gate: Obama Had Gas Last Week"
Deniro's joke was of the Milquetoast "banquet-level" variety. Not the least bit offensive.
America has seen around 40 white first ladies, I think. Deniro was obviously being silly.
Would a similar joke about black first ladies be received differently? Pre-Obama? Absolutely. Today? I'm not so sure.
We've had a black first lady for the last three years. A joke like Deniro's may not be so offensive today. In fact, it may even get a few laughs from decent people across the spectrum.
Now, would that same joke be received differently if a GOP-er delivered it?
Probably, yes. But that, too, would depend on who the GOP-er was. What if it was Strom Thurmond? What if it was Clarence Thomas' wife?
I think the argumentative tactic of "What if 'x' said 'y' about 'z' as opposed to 'z' saying 'y' about 'x'?" isn't particularly useful as a broad brush.
If someone produced a sit-com featuring women slapping men around all the time, some might watch, others wouldn't and most couldn't care less. But if someone produced a sit-com featuring men slapping women around all the time, a scandal would surely ensue. Simply because we live in a society with established norms and historical backdrops.
We have collectively concluded that a man slapping a woman isn't as funny a woman slapping a man. And guess what? Most of us aren't bothered by the ostensible "inconsistency".
In fact, most of us would look very strangely at someone who was.
sue hanes - Some time back you mentioned Bill Maher to me. Actually I do listen to audio podcasts of his HBO program.
My opinion of Maher is mixed. The most troubling thing about him is in fact something Z pointed out to me a few months ago. I didn't know Maher had a thing for "barely legal" females.
He's 56, which is ten years my senior, and the thought of a guy MY age being turned on by a female who just became eligible to vote last week makes me wince.
But as far as his show, I liked it a lot more in the earlier days. Maher basically does the opposite of FoxNews' "The Five" (i.e., one lone opposing voice on the panel) but with the obvious added ingredient of a edgy professional comedian.
It is what it is. But overall I still find it entertaining and sometimes stimulating and funny. I just wish the opinions expressed were a little less predictable. I don't mind the over-the-top insult-humor because Maher's an long-established comedian. If he were viewed as a more serious political figure, I would probably see it differently.
Actors not named James Woods are not clever enough to do much more than read other peoples words.
Are we ready for a President that has a spine and can lead. Has Obama ever had a good idea?
"because Maher's an long-established comedian..."
I disagree Net...Jon Stewart is a comedian with a political bent...George Carlin was a populist comedian and an astute observer of the human condition.
BM is a filthy potty mouthed pedophile that only gets away with his sick misogynistic "humor" is because he's on HBO.
His audiences are just as sick and sycophants too. They must have "dumb as dirt laughing liberal loon" stamped on their foreheads to get into his..."shows". He must screen them and get them from the local DNC.
That his audience laughs at his sick, twisted filth speaks volumes to me about elitist liberals.
net...what do you think of Strom Thurmond? I wonder if you know Robert Byrd's background as a Klan recruiter and wouldever use his name instead of Thurmond's in an example like this? That's never mentioned in the media but Thurmond's past sure is, being a Republican...though he's apologized for it so many times.
I used to think Maher was very funny back in the day, too. I find him despicable and predictable and self aggrandizing now.
Odd you see this as a man/woman thing...that didn't even occur to me but I've never felt much sexism so that's the last place "I go".....
I just look at DeNiro as having said something funny that would never EVER have escaped the radar screen as it did had ANY REPUBLICAN said it..ANY. They'd have made racism out of it somehow, I think we all know that.
Right Truth; The WH first poopoo'd it (at least Carney did)...I don't think the WH should have apologized, they didn't do it...I'm not even real sure De Niro should have because it seems less offensive to me than it did yesterday (I kind of see where he was going better than I did when I first saw it), BUT, I'm glad he did apologize mostly because I'm delighted that maybe we ARE getting equal treatment in the media finally? SOMEBODY impressed it upon De Niro and the WH that they'd better say something, after all.
namaste, good to see you...
I'm glad to get black opinion on this (from you and net observer) because I'm one who thinks we all NEVER know how the shoe really feels on others' feet.
I love your truth and
discernment..as always.
Brooke...I thought you'd agree with the hypocrisy.
Sue, yes, I do...I do think it was about time we had a black president; I just wish he was more of a 'president for us all'..somehow, one never gets the feeling that HE'S got past being a BLACK AMERICAN PRESIDENT.
I don't think about his color....it just doesn't occur to me to think of his skin color; I don't like his history, I don't blame him for who he is because of that history...how could he have EVER been a pro capitalist, even Pro American, with parents and mentors like his? NO WAY!
Anyway, yes...I got TROUNCED here at my blog the day he won the DNC nomination because I had to admit I had tears in my eyes watching black American kids at the convention crying that they'd finally got a black man nominated. THat really moved me. (I got com "how could you cry for that jerk?" etc.)
It also affected me greatly when Whoopi Goldberg said so simply "Now we can unpack our luggage".
I really REALLY got that.
Yes, we were ready...but not for this man. He's actually done a lot to harm race relations...if nothing else that some nuts are silly enough to blame Obama's actions on his color and not on his heart and his terribly anti American upbringing. sad.
Beak, no he hasn't...
You a big James Woods fan? I think he's terrific.
Imp; excellent points there. Maher isn't so funny anymore as he is repulsively foul mouthed and demeaning. I admire comedians who are smart and articulate; I can laugh with the best of them at Republican jokes if they're not witheringly dismissive and mean-spirited. you are so right.
Of course, his hitting on 18 yr olds makes my stomach turn.
AS does, by the way, the fact that the young woman who relayed me those first-hand stories (she was there)...also told me that her college, Loyola Marymount, never EVER invites Republicans anymore...all libs. When she was editor of that college newspaper, she had the job of inviting speakers and she'd invited Maher and Coulter...left/right, every other time.
"America is definitely ready for our first black ex-president!..."
Yep...we tried. He's not as bad as a Dinkins or a Marion Barry but he's just as useless.
Mostly cause he has the Chicago mob behind him. All white guys.
Z - 'his hitting on 18 year olds'
some girls just want to be ho's
net observer - I am mentioning Bill Maher here because you addressed the subject to me.
But I would like to point out that Z has asked me NOT to talk about B
Bill Maher anymore on her blog.
I am doing so now - in answer to your comment - directed to me.
If Bill Maher chooses to hit on 18 year old girls - that is his choice. I have never met him - although anyone reading my blog knows that I 'like' him very much.
As for the 18 year old girls that he hits on at Loyola Marymount College - I could only criticize him - which I wouldn't - for doing that the first time. After that - if this poor innocent girl spilled her guts about what occurred behind closed doors - then surely they would be wise not to invite that worthless piece of sh*t scumbag back the second year.
Not if they - in fact - DID invite Bill Maher - the worthless piece of sh*t scumbag - back for a second time - and a third and fourth - then THEY SHOULD HAVE FORWARDED THESE POOOR INNOCENT GIRLS ABOUT HIM - AND HIS WORLDLY WAYS - and not allowed them to go with him to his hotel room after the lecture.
It has always seemed odd to me that they would invite the likes of Bill Maher BACK - if he had hit on an innocent girl the firs time.
Or - maybe some girls just want to be ho's.
Wooops - Sorry Z.
I meant to say 'forwarned' and not forwarded.
also sorry about the other couple of typos.
Thanks Z.
Hmmm, I wonder, would DeNiro have been for Mrs. Herman Cain being a black first lady?
If DeNiro was joking, it's the first time I ever heard of him trying to be funny! And since when does a joke get a pass? Since the left decided it should, that's when. Unless of course it's a conservative jokester, or entertainer.
So, hiding behind being a comedian, or a joke, makes anything one says A-OK? What a dumb excuse for saying something as absurd as this.
Z, I think Byrd and Thurmond (while alive) are basically two peas in a pod. The ugliness of their pasts is undeniable. At the same, they clearly aren't/weren't the same people once they crossed their 80s. But neither is the country.
But yes, most media do treat them differently.
Sue "Z - 'his hitting on 18 year olds'
some girls just want to be ho's"
If they'd wanted to be whores, they'd have gone to his hotel room, not whined about it to their friends and those in charge. You're right, she shouldn't have invited him back.
But imagine a woman who'd blame 18 yr old girls for 'wanting to be ho's' because HE hit on THEM, and still idolizing the guy.
Hey, that's YOU! :-)
Imp...what the heck brought California into this? Man, you are fixated...or just want to hurt?
I'm a little sick of it.
Pris, Mrs. Cain would be considered white by DeNiro..because she doesn't walk lockstep with what he thinks Blacks ought to be.
net...Yes "MOST"(other than FOX) treat them differently. No doubt about it.
re the country? I think racism has become worse only because it's more on our minds again...we'd got over it, I thought. This president, in my opinion, has done absolutely nothing positive for race relations except his people broke the glass ceiling. Which is a good thing, in my opinion.
"Z, I think Byrd and Thurmond"....
let"s not forget Gore Sr either friend. As racist as they come Net. Or millions of white Jim Crow pure southern democrats.
They weren't getting hosed down in Boston Net.
"Imp...what the heck brought California into this? Man, you are fixated...or just want to hurt?
I'm a little sick of it."...
Throw it back then. No reason to take it personally. I live in DWS land....chad land...FlaDUH....look at the map..it's in the shape of a dong.
A completely ass backwards state because we have them coming here from everywhere...escapees from Long Island wanting it to be the way it is up there......Mass, CT...then the idiots from Michigan on the other sided of the state.
We have our issues with illegals as much as you or Texas has...we have hurricanes...you have earthquakes. Want to trade? Now we have Al Sharpton marching in a little florida town cause a hood from Miami got capped.
Z - I tried to be honest in answering net observer' comment about Bill Maher. I did not bring up the subject myself.
I am trying to abide by your suggestions as to what I should NOT comment about.
Just say the word - and I will not comment here anymore - or at least will lay off for a while.
It is up to you. If my opinions upset you - please tell me.
Beak, what's your favorite of Woods' films, Scary Movie 2?
Ghosts of Mississippi
"Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: I totally didn’t say that thing that I said on camera on television last year..."
Debbie...does.....lie like a pig at a flea market selling old bernie maddof stocks. She'd make a wonderful used car sales thief too.
The white booted yenta from Aventura mall is the epitome of liberal, hate mongering and the racist lie machine.
I would love to be behind her on I95 one day.
Woods...the Onion Field or Once upon a Time in America.
He's a Mensa too along with Sharon Stone.
."Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum. Ann Romney. Now do you really think our country is ready for a white First Lady?"
It was not funny, and what I would consider an insult to all the ladies mentioned by name.
It was like he was implying that if THAT was the line-up for white first ladies, that it would be a real come-down.
If a Republican had said anything like it, naming several black ladies, they would be labeled RACIST, and forced to apologize, immediately, if not sooner.
However, Mrs. Obama, I'm sure, had no idea that he would say something so insensitive.
Just my own personal opinion about it.
How I wish that the President would have been a President who really cares for the well being of ALL the people, and not only for chosen groups.
That has not been the case, and now our country is more divided, on so many levels, than I can ever remember.
"."Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum. Ann Romney. Now do you really think our country is ready for a white First Lady?"..."
This is from a man that's married to a black woman....his choice....God Bless him. And her. Was his comment racist? I think so given his situation.
"How I wish that the President would have been a President who really cares for the well being of ALL the people, and not only for chosen groups....."
Yea...we all thought that and hoped for it...didn't we? Those of us who were sick and tired of all the GD bromides and accusations of the past 50 years. We voted fdor him because we wanted and end to the racial divisions....we wanted EQUALITY...we longed for a healing. We actually thought all this racial SHIT...would be done with.
So we voted for this..."clean articulate black guy ( Joe Biden )".
What did we get? Sharpton...Holder...the most obnoxious racist scumbag that some of his best prosecutors have abandoned him... An Attorney General that labels Americans...COWARDS...who prosecutes states that want to enforce FEDERAL Immigration laws....Prosecutes states that want voter ID...Prosecutes anyone who claims that blacks are just as racist....as his minions are.
Meanwhile...Negros in Chicago killed 11 of their own last weekend. 49 people shot in Chicago in the past week...And Al Sharpton...the pig that he is.....says not one GD word. 50 years of "fixes"...50 years of wasting gazillions of dolllars...and these assholes are still killing each other. All...with ILLEGAL guns...since Illinois and Chicago....DO NOT recognize the 2nd Amendment or legal ownership of guns.
Nope...not Holder....Not Sharpton....he's after one asshole in Sanford Florida who may have...may have....fired in self defense.
Imp, I'd never 'take it personally' except that I've asked you so many times to think twice about whose blog you're at.
Please don't bother to respond on that..I'm just sayin'..
I'm born here, live here, love it here. 'nuff said.
And know the greatest Conservatives ever here.
I call her Debbie WasserPERSON Schultz...Beamish coined that, I think, and it's perfect. LIbs don't like anything too gender specific :)
Sue, you treat me like a jailer here and I wish you'd stop.
Everyone comments on all sorts of things but nobody expects others to hold their tongues in response like you do.
Say what you will...just don't expect a lot of applause when you come to blogs where Obama's true self is understood or we don't find Maher less than despicable.
That's all. I don't think that's too much to ask.
Jan, there isn't ONE sentiment I disagree with.
I believe that's something nobody else has commented on and I'd thought that but didn't articulate it; it's the white Republican women he was bashing, indeed. "THEM?"
This, from the "open minded, non sexist" liberals :-) Man, they sure don't act like they preach or how they expect US to, do they. amazing.
Meanwhile...Jesse Jackson Jr...wins in Chicago...DESPITE etchics and the incumbent’s alleged involvement with trying to secure appointment to Barack Obama’s former Senate seat from disgraced former Democratic Gov. (2002-09) Rod Blagojevich....
So...the white goes to the slammer for 14 years...and Jackson...gets reelected? And we wonder why shit never changes?
Hush...don't concern yourself.....it's OK.
Jackson also had several leaders of the Chicago black clergy refuse to help him because of his public admission of an extramarital affair...At least they tried to oust his corrupt ass...
Well Like Daddy.....like son. remember Daddy's illegitimate kid?
A great actor who should have known to keep that particular comment to himself. It was in bad taste, but what do you expect from a multi-millionaire who doesn't struggle with the day to day struggles the average American does.
And what also isn't surprising that it was an actor making a lame joke. Who obviously still has his blinders on regarding the Obama's.
Z - I'm hanging it up now.
I'm truly sorry for my part in how things unfolded today.
Your blog has been doing so great -but tomorrow is a new day - and I promise to try harder.
(It's Really net observer's fault for opening the can of worms.)
Thanks Z - for not kicking me off.
Goodnight - all.
Leticia...we're supposed to believe those people REALLY CARE but I think they care less than anybody else...he's rich, people fawn all over him; life's sweet, huh? :-)
Sue....I just wish you didn't seem to think you're on thin ice here. Just be yourself and don't take it personally when you say how much you adore Obama and Maher and folks go a little nuts. What do you EXPECT to hear from my good COnservative commenters here, congratulations and adoration?
We're all human, we all have beliefs and this shouldn't be personal.
have a nice night.
He said, she said. Shiny balls to dangle in front of the cats.
Not directed at you Z. Some of it deserves examination, but in the final analysis it is all misdirection while politicians on both sides rape us with telephone poles. On our way to the rape rooms.
Hey Sue Hanes. I jsut wanted to interject that True Conservatives are far lefties Socially.
Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of happiness.
People should do anything they want as long as it is legal, (or illegal in some cases as far as I'm concerned) as as long as We don't have to pay for it.
I have this idea that people who support obama generally listen to the propaganda feed of the democrat media. They lie, they misinform, and worst of all, They Don't inform.
Anyway, I'd be interested in Your honest impressions of conservatives. And I won't be offended. It's a survey question.
Under the category of what is different today....
Research some 1950's and 60's actors. The vast majority of them are WWII veterans.
Audey Murphy - 2nd most decorated soldier ever.
James Stewart - Bomber pilot over Germany, flew as an observer on a B52 over Vietnam.
Lee Marvin - Veteran.
The lost goes on and on.
Compare that to today, people like tom cruise making cartoonish movies like TOPGUN. charlie sheen being a total A in the movies he made, all of them running around spouting self serving BS.
I can't think of a single hollywood actor who served, though there are a few who support the military regardless - Gary Sinese for example.
And Check THIS out. Gary was in the top 5 of the cast of that movie right? IMDB's got himlisted WAY down the list. below nameless 'club patrons' and 'pickup truck drivers'. Seriously, check it out here
Can you say Working the Propaganda-Rewrite History machine hard at work???
Honestly, check out the inconsequential extras listed about Captain Dan - Gary Sinese.
I went here to check his name spelling and was shocked at what I found.
The only movie I plan on seeing in the near future is Act of Valor. A movie made using only Active Duty Navy SEALS in the respective roles.
hollywood can .... well, you know.
Sad state of affairs.
Senise is a man among men and was a friend of Breitbart's (well, everyone who met Breitbart was a friend very soon, even liberals who tried to hate him, believe me)...
Ya, I thought Captain Dan was a pretty big part of the film...he wasn't in it a lot but he was important and in it more than those listed above him.
I once emailed him information some years back and his assistant sent me an email from him (so I couldn't get his email address, of course)...SO respectful, SO gracious...amazing guy.
Kid - My Honest Impression Of Conservatives:
First - I am nothing - if not honest. And what I say now - is what I am feeling NOW. At 11:10 ET.
Also - my view of Conservatives - as I say it tonight - will be based primarily on two things -
Z's blog (& her commenters)
My family - which are all Conservative
I am a Liberal - through and through - but I resent very much being lumped together with other Liberals - because I think as an individual.
I find dealing with Conseratives here at Z's blog - Great. But it has taken my over three years to learn how to deal with the people here.
I can never get used to the fact that when I am on a Conservative Blog - that the opinions are going to be so Conservative - sounds kinda stupid - that's me. I can be slow - at times.
I find Conservative opinions to be rather closeminded - and at times narrow. I am especially upset sometimes to see the morally rigid attitudes. Now I am not a morally loose person - but I fear what would happen if a Conservative - such as the likes of Rick Santorum - or maybe not so much with Mitt Romney took hold of this country - as President.
My daughters and their husbands - and as a result my grandchildren are all Conservative - they are very strong in their Faith - as am I - but they tend to live their daily lives according to the Bible -whereas I live - with the Love and Respect for the Bible - having studied very closely about 15 years ago - more in a close relationship with God - rather than the obsessing with the day to day closeness of the Bible.
On the more positive side - I find Conservatives to be Wonderful People - kind and loving and Loyal.
Z - for intstance and the Others here on her blog. As are my daughters - and their husbands. I have great respect for them.
I would like to say at this point -that my husband is a Republican in the worst since of the word - for me as a Liberal - and I am in the process of divorcing him right now.
He is not a bad person - but we have just grown away from each other - and are too different to pretend anymore.
One thing I will say - however - is that I find that Conseratives can be Mean - I'm sorry - but I find that to be true.
I don't want to end on that note - so again - the reason I come here is because I have grown to care for the people here.
Let's leave it at that. I will check back in a few minutes - and if you want question anything I have said - Please do so.
Thanks Kid.
No comment on my comment - which I was invited to give?
I may wake up in a few hours - or in the morning - and see if there is a response.
Sue, I'm sure Kid will read your comment...he probably wasn't hanging around waiting for you, not knowing if you were going to come back tonight or not.
By the way, I'm sorry about your marriage...
And I'm sorry everybody, lefties or the right, can be mean.
Z - Now I just knew you would call me on that one - and rightfully so. You are so right - that anyone can be mean. Maybe I should say that it was unfair of me to say that. But you know how it is - once ya make a comment - it's there. And I'd hate to lose the whole thing. I'm sorry - if that was unfair.
What I do appreciate - Z - is your comment about my marriage. I've tried to tell you before - but you know how you've always felt about that.
I feel that it will be ok - and that we are just going through the
Really hard part now - where family members are grasping the reality of it all.
Once they see that it IS going to happen - and can accept that - maybe it will be somewhat easier.
Anyway - thanks Z. What you think means a lot to me.
I will check back in the morning - in case Kid - or anyone else has a comment - on my comment.
And consider the 'mean' part of it withdrawn.
What he said was disgraceful.
A couple of points for clarification:
I don't see the Deniro comments as a male-female thing at all. I was merely drawing an analogy. That yes, there's a difference between how some would react to a GOP-er saying the same thing about a black first lady. But that doesn't necessarily equate to an unfair double-standard.
I used the example of how a sitcom about a man who commonly slapped a woman would be unacceptable, but the reverse might be totally acceptable, to demonstrate this. On its face, it's the same thing. Beyond the surface, it isn't.
Why couldn't a GOP-er get away with a similar kind of statement? Because it's not the same thing. Other factors come into play. For one, the GOP's CURRENT relationship with African-American voters -- not the best.
The other clarification: I will never understand when people imply that "racism" (however one defines it) has worsened in recent years. The only people I hear saying this are self-described conservatives (particularly white conservatives) and I have no idea what they're talking about.
If anybody can enlighten me in this respect, please feel free. I really wanna know.
net observer, it seems like all we talk about the last 3 years is race in the media, etc. That had practically stopped..in a good way. I think anybody'd agree there.
Actually, I believe it was the Harvard Prof mess and how Obama handled it that suddenly made a lot of people realize this isn't going to be what we thought; this isn't a president who's going to look at people as people and not remind us that RACE COUNTS.
YOu say "Why couldn't a GOP-er get away with a similar kind of statement? Because it's not the same thing. Other factors come into play. For one, the GOP's CURRENT relationship with African-American voters -- not the best."
"It's not the same thing?" What a horrid thing. And it's not the GOP which should be ashamed of itself but Black voters , our media and other factors. I'm hoping you read BLACKLASH by a Black Conservative writer ....
I don't really give a crap what the GOP relationship is with special interest voters; it's time we got over that and it's time for Black Americans and everyone else to vote for their country and not what it can do for them. The GOP isn't against Black Americans and it doesn't take too much to realize that...but let them ONCE suggest some program should be cut and we only hear from the Black community.
I know PLENTY of Conservative Blacks who agree with me on that....also some we all know, like Alan West, ALan Keyes, JC Watt...the Black leader of the Tea Party, Lloyd Something or other?
Ya, time to vote with our heads...
Time for the whole country to understand that the Left has done much harm to the Black community...if that community doesn't see it, that's their problem. Sadly, it's America's, too.
I'm SO SICK of this.
Sue Hanes, Regards your reply March 21, 2012 8:23 PM
Thank you. I understand.
FWIW, I'm thinking you get some of your impressions of 'conservatives' from: the media, republican politicians, and some people who say they're conservative and who are not.
Sad state of affairs as far as I'm concerned.
A Treu conservative wants every one to be successful, enjoying Life Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. Period.
There are all these stereotypes constantly pushed by the left giving people the idea that conservatives want to control people live, religion and everything/anything else.
We Don't.
This is the result of the politicians wanting to dangle a little fuzzy ball (he said, she said's) for the public cats to play with and keep their attention to how the government is doing us so wrong. Misdirection.
Again, I am honored you stated your true feelings for me and us.
I hope we as a society can shed these stereotypes and make some real progress at fixing this country which #1 means creating an environment so EVERYONE can be successful.
Net Said "The other clarification: I will never understand when people imply that "racism" (however one defines it) has worsened in recent years. The only people I hear saying this are self-described conservatives (particularly white conservatives) and I have no idea what they're talking about.
If anybody can enlighten me in this respect, please feel free. I really wanna know."
Net, In my opinion, (as I just said to Sue) racism and all of these other "catalysts" that pit race vs race, and left vs right and Guitar vs Saxaphone are all intentionally escalated by the political body to keep us cats batting away at shiny fuzzy balls as opposed to focusing on what they are doing to us. Controlling us, Stealing from us, Providing no value to us. etc, etc.
He said, She said. All forgotten in a week, But Oops there goes, Ooops there goes. OOOPS, there goes another INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM FOREVER.
Good Lord.
The hollyweirdos should stick to acting, they're good at that, stick to it, stay out of politics. It's an easy way to avoid making an ass of yourself.
Kid - It is impossible for me to have NOT gotten some of my impressions of what a Conservative is - from sources external to me.
Because everthing we are - is made up of what we get from those - and the World - around us.
One thing I have noticed - is that although my husband and I were not so definitive in our Political leanings earlier in our marriage - in the last few years we have each become more of what we tend to be -and this seems to be the Problem.
He is more Conservative - or Republican - than I have ever thought of him to be. But part of that seems to be just the way things are these days.
People seems to be coming to the realization - that they CAN be what they Really are - and that is a good thing - we just have to learn to all get along together.
"I think anybody'd agree there."
Might wanna re-think that one.
"it seems like all we talk about the last 3 years is race in the media, etc. That had practically stopped...in a good way."
Z, apparently one of us is living in an alternate universe. I swear I don't know WHERE you're coming from on this one.
You're saying that the media, etc. used to talk less about "race"? You're saying that the media, etc. "practically stopped" talking about race prior to three years ago? Seriously?
When was this? Apparently I was in Rumpelstiltskin mode.
"Actually, I believe it was the Harvard Prof mess and how Obama handled it that suddenly made a lot of people realize this isn't going to be what we thought; this isn't a president who's going to look at people as people and not remind us that RACE COUNTS."
I would have preferred that Obama stayed out of that but I hardly view his comments on that incident as an indication of an over-the-top concern about race.
"YOu say "Why couldn't a GOP-er get away with a similar kind of statement? Because it's not the same thing. Other factors come into play. For one, the GOP's CURRENT relationship with African-American voters -- not the best."
"It's not the same thing?" What a horrid thing."
Z, the reason I said "it's not the same thing" is because it isn't. There are different factors at play in those two scenarios. I understand that you don't LIKE the fact that those other factors change the game. Regardless, they do.
Different situations, different factors, different outcomes:
Is it more socially acceptable to denounce Obama or Bush? Well it depends on who your crowd is, right?
Is it more socially acceptable to denounce oil companies or Hollywood? Well it depends on who your crowd is, right?
Is it more socially acceptable to denounce Jay-Z or Taylor Swift? Well it depends on who your crowd is, right?
Do you think it's "horrid" that a sitcom about a woman slapping a man wouldn't be as offensive as a man slapping a woman? Or do you think it's all the same thing?
"And it's not the GOP which should be ashamed of itself but Black voters , our media and other factors. I'm hoping you read BLACKLASH by a Black Conservative writer"
For the record, I never said or thought that anybody should be "ashamed" of GOP-Black relations. (believe me, I'm the probably the only one here who REALLY, really doesn't give a crap about that)
I was merely stating an obvious fact (God forbid, don't state a fact): That the GOP and African-Americans (as a group) aren't exactly allies these days. I'm basing that on voting patterns over the last 30-plus years. Is there a better way to judge?
I wasn't passing a value judgement in any direction. I was just stating a fact to make a larger point.
I haven't read BLACKLASH but I've read a lot of Sowell, Williams, etc. For some reason, I suspect I wouldn't be all that enlightened. But I will try to check it out anyway.
"it's time we got over that and it's time for Black Americans and everyone else to vote for their country and not what it can do for them."
Well I couldn't possibly care less what either party does or doesn't for this or that group. If nothing else, THAT part of my personality should be obvious.
Both parties can pretty much go to h*ll as far as I'm concerned. But putting that aside, I honestly don't know if most people vote based on "what their country can do for them".
More importantly, how would you know either way, Z? I hope you're not saying that a vote for a Dem is an inherently selfish act while a vote for a GOP-er is an inherently selfless act. I see no evidence to support that, nor the reverse.
"The GOP isn't against Black Americans and it doesn't take too much to realize that..."
I agree. And by the way, conversely, your average Obama-supporter or Dem doesn't "hate America", contrary to popular belief in certain circles.
"but let them ONCE suggest some program should be cut and we only hear from the Black community."
'Only from the black community?' Well, if we're gonna have a p!ssing contest over which side or which ethnic group whines and b!tches the most over threats to their favorite gov't program, I'm pretty sure we'd see strong representation from across the spectrum.
(Can anyone say "farm subsidies'?)
"I know PLENTY of Conservative Blacks who agree with me on that....also some we all know, like Alan West, ALan Keyes, JC Watt...the Black leader of the Tea Party, Lloyd Something or other?"
Z, none of those guys would ever say that the only people who complain about cuts in gov't programs are black. I hope that's not what you're saying.
"Ya, time to vote with our heads."
When was it NOT time?
"Time for the whole country to understand that the Left has done much harm to the Black community...if that community doesn't see it, that's their problem."
Z, I would love for you to define "the left" and "the right", just for the record here. Because frankly, from my vantage point, those terms have become practically useless today.
To some people, if you don't believe in the supernatural, you're "on the left". To some people, if you think Rush Limbaugh is an obnoxious SOB, you're "on the left". To some people, if you think Herman Cain is a hustler and a charlatan, you're "on the left".
To some people, if you speak as John McWhorter does on the issues black social problems, you're "on the right". That is, until they find out, as in McWhorter's case, that you're really "on the left".
Apparently nowadays, it doesn't matter if you're a staunch advocate of individual liberty and free markets. If you don't have the properly sanctioned opinion of Palin, Levin, Hannity, Limbaugh, Cain et al, you're "on the left" (even if you're not).
For the record, I think it's utterly foolish for anyone to place too much of their stock into either political party. Find me a black person who thinks voting Democrat OR Republican is somehow the key to his/her group's social and economic uplift, and I will show you someone who likely hasn't thought through this issue.
"I'm SO SICK of this."
lol Sick of what?
Right Wing Theocrat - I disagree that actors should stay out of politics. Acting is a profession just as any other profession is.
The problem is that actors have more of a chance to make their opinions public.
It is up to US to be discerning - and decide whose opinion counts - for each of us.
Sue, Said another way... The media and other public sources will always hold up the extremes of left and right.
When was the last time you hear "Conservaive", without some qualifier?
Rich conservative
Religious right
Evangelical conservatives
Religious conservatives.
And from the democrats and especially the incredibly incompetent head of DHS janet who warned us to watch out for people on the right as they should be considered the most likely to be Domestic Terrorists?
Good Lord.
That's what i'm saying as far as external input.
If someone out there is being an a**, it's not a coservative, its a redneck
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