I'm just your every day woman living in Los Angeles, California, and I have a bog I really enjoy but I don't have any political clout..... So, it's probably hubristic on my part to tell you anything, but I thought I'd write before your debate and give you some advice, if you don't mind.
Here it is, Sarah, in a nutshell: Don't give it a second thought.
That's it...just don't worry, Sarah. ANYTHING you do or say is going to be shredded to pieces by the American media, all the networks, most of the cable shows, 99% of all celebrities, those who aren't curious enough to get the real truth, 99% of American professors (which caused the last listed item) and everybody ELSE in the Obama campaign. You know that.
So, learn your facts, they say you're an incredibly quick learn, and remember that President Clinton had even less foreign experience than you did (his claim to fame was having marched in London against the Viet Nam war while there on a scholarship) (oh, and while our kids were dying for a cause many thought righteous, including many Vietnamese, but that's another post).
Here's another tip: When Biden starts smiling REALLY widely, get ready; that's when the really, really evil stuff comes out. The more the evil and the bigger the lie, the wider that smile gets. Trust me.
Just be yourself. Liberals react to Conservatives like vampires react to the cross.."The LIGHT...get the LIGHT out of my eyes!" Be a light, Sarah. Shine all over Biden, maybe he'll be on the floor yelling "I'm MELLLLLLTING!!" if you crank up the smile and be your most authentic, bright, cheerful and earnest self.
We know YOU love America. Show the country that, Sarah; that's what's going to diminish the huge anti-Sarah bomb that's going to hit Americans after the debate. We'll be rooting for you. (like you can't EVEN imagine)
Love, Z
I'VE POSTED THIS EARLY TODAY SO WE HAVE A DAY TO PRAY FOR SARAH, THOSE OF YOU WHO PRAY. PRAY THAT SHE FEELS CALM, SHE FEELS OUR SUPPORT, SHE'S HERSELF AND THE SPIRIT FLOWS........you can also pray Biden steps onto the podium and trips, or gets hysterically angry.......(naaa, I shouldn't encourage that. I should delete that. Ooops, I FORGOT to delete it !!)
I think she'll do just fine, and even if she doesn't, Sarah Palin is going places and what she can't beat will only make her stronger. Sometimes it's good to fall on your ass or your face, it'll teach you valuable lessons that you will carry for the next time.
She has the looks, the charisma, the love of country, belief in God and life, she also has the right leadership instincts. When she was picked i remember saying we should be careful not to expect too much of her, though she has excelled beyond all expectations, i still feel the same way.
Despite the herculean efforts of the left to smear and tar her, she has emerged largely unscathed and her opponents bloodied and empty handed. The future in this dark and dangerous world is growing ever more bleak and it is yet to dawn upon many of us. When it does, we will need leaders like her to lead us through the dark and back to the righteous path.
thanks for the reminder to pray...i will
well, mk, I don't think Americans quite realize how different this country will be when Obama gets finished with it.
No other country would EVER elect someone with the ties/associations he has, at least not a country like America was...We used to make sure the candidate fit our vision for America, had a good, healthy past, and wanted to keep her as she is but make her even better and in SOME keeping with that wonderful past!......we judged by one's character, but not anymore.
But, our media's refusing to expose and really discuss this.
He can do NO WRONG as far as CNN, etc., and ALL the other liberal venues view him; the past of Ayers' continuing friendship, Alinsky training, Wright's sermons, etc., Rezko, questionable actions in Kenya (at least INVESTIGATE!?)etc etc, did nothing to tarnish him because HE PROMISES WEAK PEOPLE the world.
And they don't even ask HOW he'll do this!!!!
People are voting for ANYTHING now, thinking ANY change is good, which is scary and naive, you know that!!!
Just this morning, Yahoo's headline says "Analysis: Obama health plan insures more Americans"
Do you think that, if McCain's did, they'd cover it? Of course not. They have NEVER had ANY headline like this for him.
They refuse to really analyze and, even if they did, the media thinks socialized healthcare is the answer; You see? They haven't even been honest with themselves about how Canadians come HERE for good healthcare! They've never even told America how Germany begs their people to buy private healthcare now because the State can't afford it! NO news here on that, you know why!
IT's a level of dishonesty and intellectual dullness that's surprised even me this election.
And, America will be a completely different country - foreign cuontries don't even realize that they'll miss the world's superpower being US and not China or some other non-benevolent, even dangerous entity!!
But...the Left doesn't see it that way, and they've convinced themselves and their sycophants that all will be a liberal utopia now.
it's worse than you think. The future IS 'dark' as you say, and this man isn't going to help.....
Would YOU vote for a person whom Hamas, Farrakhan, Wright, Ayers, Rezko, etc. etc. LIKE? George Soros, Moveon.org, KOS, etc...the extremists? This has never happened in America. Extremists like this have never appealed.
oh, well........I start my WEE AMERICANS class today. Maybe I can at least build in those preschool minds some semblance of what WAS America, right!?
Sorry to sound so down, but I am!! And I'm not a 'down' type of person usually!
Would I mind his presidency QUITE so much if this fight had been an equal, fair one? MAYBE not. I guess I feel the old America I know could survive anything, but the dishonesty and mischaracterizatinos of our Left is growing and people believe things now Americans never believed....and THAT is what's REALLY scary.
The Left has exchanged LIBERTY for EQUALITY. THAT is scary...on all levels.
just looked back at YAHOO "37% of Americans qualified to serve as PRESIDENT!"
WHAT?? 90% of Americans don't think Pelosi is. And SHE's a REAL (pace maker on Cheney!) heartbeat from the president. now THAT is scary.
But...the Yahoo headline is fascinating, isn't it? I wonder how many will quickly read that and think it says Vice president? OR think it through to realize she is not RUNNING for president?
AND, what...about 50% of America knows OBAMA shouldn't be our president? WHERE is the headline?
I am praying, constantly, and doing what I can here. My neck of the woods, admittedly a small neck of it, is firmly McCain but there's a big world of brainwashed socialist zombies out there.
shoprat, welcome TO MY WORLD!! You said it!!
Hi Z, Thursday happens to be the regular day of prayer that many evangelicals have signed up for across the country to continue at least through the election. I'm sure thousands will be praying their hearts out for Sarah today. Good timing.
(You have a typo by the way: It may FEEL like a "bog" today of course.)
Well, I was thinking. Here's a way to counter the Democratic propaganda machine and appeal to the evangelicals who don't like McCain. I don't like him either, of course, but I'm just thinking out loud here. When Biden gets to the point where he is his usual sarcastic, condescending, obnoxious self at his worst, Sara could look heavenward and cry out "Lord, send us a sign!" Then Hermit rushes out from behind the curtains and bashes Biden with an axe handle! What do you think. I believe this has legs!
Or if that idea is too violent and might get me into trouble with the Feds courtesy of "predator", I could use a whip cream pie I guess.
I greatly fear the political spin doctors have beaten the Sarah out of her. She appears to be losing her pluck in their attempt to redesign someone who didn't need any redesign.
You are right. Doesn't matter how she performs tonight. She'll be spoken about and written about in the worst terms possible. Suddenly Joe Biden will be the most brilliant man in the world. Irony.
I hope she'll relax enough to just get out there and enjoy herself. This is an incredible time for her and her family. I say do your best and enjoy the ride.
Well, take a look at today's unemployment figures and the state of our capital markets.
Gonna be some tough questions about the "bailout" bill and Sarah better have a little more in the tank than "I can see Russia from my house".
Biden knows what's in that bill and his task will be to come off as less of a policy wank.
Palin is going to constantly refer to McCain because she wants attention of her own shallowness. Trouble is that McCain has failed badly with his grandstanding "suspend the campaign" stunt. He's invisible right now, thankfully.
Sarah keeps referring to McCain only because that's her job as VP nominee and I personally wish she could be set free from that role to just be herself. I'm afraid, like granny annie, that she's been so put through the image mill the real Sarah we all immediately loved is nowhere to be found any more. I've seen the signs of this growing over the last few weeks. But I can still pray and hope she'll come through tonight.
From your blog to Sarah's ears. Let's hope she takes your advice.
Let's face it, if she were a democrat & NObama's VP pick, she'd have nothing to worry about from the MSM.
What real Sarah? Katie Couric asked her a simple question like "What periodicals do you read" and Palin comes up blank.
Now maybe that is "the real Sarah".
Asked to name another important Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade and you come up empty? You can't even talk about the very recent critical case that affirmed your side on gun control?
Hell she couldn't even mention the recent SCOTUS decision on the Exxon Valdez liability and that directly affected the state she governs.
The woman has very little curiosity about the world and that should come out to a large national audience tonight.
I have been very suspect of most polls so far. You cannot convince me that more people think Obama is qualified to be president than Palin. I am not saying Palin has tons of experience over him, I just refuse to believe very many people believe Obama is qualified. What could they possibly be basing it on?
Three years in the Senate? He's been there a total of approximately six months of that time.
Running a Presidential campaign? This makes Pat Paulsen qualified.
Community organizer? This makes my dad qualified.
Bonus: couple of Pat Paulsen quotes
Presidential Campaign Slogan: "I've upped my standards. Now, up yours."
"I don’t want to say too much about illegal immigration. I’m afraid my views will be reported on the Cinco O’Clock News"
Ducky, just stop.
Even some of the liberal pundits thought the criticism of her was WAY over the top.
You're just starting to sound like a liberal wonk and even I think you're better than that.
Obama hadn't ever considered Roe when Rick Warren asked him when a child's conceived, remember?
I'd rather have someone who's apparently got the sharpest and quickest learning curve some of the pundits helping her have seen and who'll be surrounded by good advisors than someone with the kind of character Obama has.
You should be UTTERLY ashamed at what our media's turned into, too..it's like they're little 16 year olds on their first date with the prom king. And don't know what he wants to DO to her when she's finally HIS!
And that's just Wolf Blitzer.
Ducky, by the way: How do you feel about the fact that Gwen Ifill never brought up her book to the commission before this debate, that the McCain people weren't told she's got a book coming out in January which paints Obama like the Prom King in my previous comment?
IMAGINE what your media would do had this happened to a Republican? ..if a moderator had written a book supporting McCain and then was "modetator"?
I'm guessing you "won't have time to come back and comment", but you know I'll know you were here and couldn't answer, don't you.
Any answer other than the truth needs not apply...don't spin, Ducky, this is a tough one. This is a travesty. There is no more SEMBLANCE of honesty in your media. No balance in this election.
I think this is great! I wrote a letter to Sarah, but did not publish it on my blog. I am so happy so many of us are supporting her. After what the msm and Gibson and Couric and the rest of the leftist pigs have done to diminish her character - she needs to know we are out her praying for her and supporting not just her, but her lovely family.
On my blog, to one of my posts one commenter on "KOOK-AID" actually asked, "What color dress will Bristol wear to her wedding and what color will Sarah's dress be?" These folks are so sick. Somedays I just turn it all off because I cannot stomach the insanity and the filth.
Great write-up!
z, I am merely repeating her answers. That is she, the thumbscrews were not being applied.
As far as Gwen Ifill of NPR (Nice Polite Republicans), I don't think her writing a book on Obama is much one way or the other. We have no idea what is in the book and I'd be extremely surprised if Ifill ventured out of very safe mundane topics.
The questions will be the questions and nobody will be using the thumbscrews on Palin. The strategy is to just let her talk.
preach it z!!!!
If Palin will just be herself, she'll mop the floor with the Gaff Man.
Yes, the DEM will misreport everything; Biden will be the HUGE winner and Palin will be the fool. That's a given. But your readers are smart enough to know the difference.
Here's how you can tell if Ifill is being willfully biased.
If she asks Palin a question about dinosaurs or geology then we have bias.
Sarah Palin is the only one of the candidates who has made ANY executive decisions and run any executive branch of a government....ANY!
All the others including Barack Hussein Obama "Chosen One" himself have only looked in from the outside. 0bama's trip to Germany where he spoke as if he was running for President of the World , turned out to be the second attraction of a "Rock Concert"
Ok, so Sarah Palain’s weakness is foreign policy experience. How much foreign policy experience did Bill Clinton have when he ran for president as the Governor from Arkansas? Or how much foreign policy experience did Jimmy Carter have coming from a farming town in Plains, Georgia?
But no one even questions 0bama’s foreign policy experience! After all, he’s the one that’
BZ...not ALL my readers, TRUST me (look around)
Ducky (oops, all you had to do was look HERE, BZ!), here's the problem:
We have FAR FAR more gaffes in Biden AND Obama than Sarah's ever dreamt of. When the media and you start skewering your own, let's talk.
And, by the way, McCain did exactly the IDIOTIC thing Bush did on the issue of Gwen Ifill "We're sure she'll do a fine job" It's incredible.
The book's premise is clear, Ducky. PLEASE, I keep asking you...DO THE HOMEWORK, THEN BLOG.
sorry, but.........it's tough to navigate around your untruths and misinformation. Bad enough to try to reconcile your politics. Thankz
Ducky said: "Asked to name another important Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade and you come up empty? You can't even talk about the very recent critical case that affirmed your side on gun control?"
She was not asked to name another important Supreme Court case. She was asked what other Supreme Court decisions did she DISAGREE with. Your bias is coming out loud and clear. She was being asked to pit herself against Justices and against an issue which would have been a land mine for her. She was intelligent to remain silent and not hand actual ammunition to the leftards instead of your uneducated idea of what was asked to her. Please deal in reality here Ducky and not what you wish she would have been asked or what you wish she said.
Ducky...as I suspected, you were here a few minutes ago, on sitemeter, and couldn't respond.
I think that tonight's debate will be watched by a record number of people.
I can't remember a debate between VP candidates receiving this much attention ahead of time.
Biden is a bloviator and doesn't know when to shut up, then trips himself up. I think that Palin may wipe the floor with him. We'll see.
I'm staying up for this debate, even if I have to drink an entire pot of coffee. The debate will end past my bedtime, but I can sleep in tomorrow, which isn't a work day for me.
Hi. I'm a friend of Ex-Preacherman & I came over from his link to you. I certainly appreciate you from what I've seen here, & just wanted to say hello. My wife & I work at BBN & we were not able to watch Sarah rip into ol' Biden, but we prayed for her too. God Bless you all!
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