Friday, October 10, 2008

An important blog piece by SHOPRAT

I think everyone in this country should read this. Just thought I'd pass it on.


da patriot said...

Shop rat nailed that one down. When I was a member of the American Left, we had a saying when ever anyone had a moral conflict with what we were doing; "There ain't no sin, and there ain't no virtue, there is just stuff people do." Without God, without a moral compass, it is way too easy to assume that the end justifies the means. It is a blank check to lie, to cheat, to commit violence. Shop Rat is exactly right in assuming that there will be violence in the comming years. I believe that it will be soon if Obama does not win the election.

Granny Annie said...

And the topic for this week is impending violence. It seems everyone is bringing it up. One of my favorite quotes is "Worry is a prayer for something you don't want". The more we dwell on this, the more likely it will come to pass.

CJ said...

Now some groups of McCain supporters are getting pretty loud and raucus, condemning Obama and wanting McCain to denounce him more strongly. This has all started in the last few days, apparently in response to complaints such as in the blogs that McCain was pulling his punches. So the "gloves came off" etc and now the audiences are getting into the act. McCain sometimes agrees with them and sometimes says Obama is just a nice family man and nobody needs to fear his winning the Presidency. For that he got booed.

Does McCain believe that?

I hope the Right doesn't start any riots, but I'd sure like us to be prepared when the Left starts them.

shoprat said...

Thanks for the link.

I too fear a civil war and do not look forward to it, but believe that it could well be inevitable.

CJ said...

I'm not completely sure about Shoprat's analysis of the two competing philosophies. It sure seems that way now, and has been getting more so over the last few decades, but wasn't there a time when the Democrats weren't out and out socialists and the divide wasn't so drastic? In other words, isn't this divide the result of the Marxist push that came in the sixties, captured the Democratic Party and redefined everything by its artificial and violent class warfare analysis?

Also, I'm not a conservative because of some philosophy about personal responsibility. In fact I'm usually irritated by that moralistic way of looking at life and judging individuals. American freedom does depend on a basic moral conscience, as the Founding Fathers affirmed -- honesty, fairness, civility and kindness at the very least -- but this self-responsibility ethic owes more to Existentialism than it does to anything American.

American freedom is a simple thing that derives from the kind of freedom the early colonies enjoyed, that the Constitution aimed to preserve. that is, freedom from tyranny, from government oppression and excessive interference. Period. The role of government was to be mostly protective of that freedom, and that includes prosecuting criminal activity that infringes on other's freedoms.

However, when "freedom" gets redefined as freedom for traditionally immoral and even criminal activity, as it has in the last few decades under Cultural Marxism, then Shoprat's view of the philosophical divide does seem to be ruling the country.

We do need a Republican party that protects capitalism and free enterprise and a Democratic party that works to protect workers and the Little Guy from capitalism and free enterprise run amok, but these functions are compatible with American freedom and not mutually exclusive. It's the Marxist spin that has brought about the mutually exclusive divide, so I can imagine it being possible to get back to that basic philosophical division -- if we could only give Marxism the boot. Until then, of course, I too see violence in our future.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to Z and especially Shoprat! Outstanding piece.


Anonymous said...

This day has been a long time coming , I think.

Remembering those horrible days in the late 1960's and the early 1970's...I feel that same horrible something that used to really bother me as a kid.

As a middle aged person, I see now the time has come to deal with the rot that has been growing for a long time in this country.

Bill Ayers, and others of that ilk are finally getting so close to what they have been trying to bring about; an overthrow of our country.

They and their kind have been in league with AMerica Haters and have been making their plans and grooming their guy.

I think about how we are held hostage for energy dependence, and what the McCain-Palin ticket states about our having a real energy policy for this country and how vital it is to our national security..well, it is.

Gas prices are dropping, but Opec is wanting to cut down now on production, which will of course bring the prices up again.

Yes, AMerica , is slowly waking up , I think.

As for the so called angry people at these rallys of McCain's, I would say people are angry all right, but I suspect some of these people are plants, trying to make something happen.
It's an old tactic.

Stay strong and stand tall.

I love that all the voter fraud is being reported on..not like this is the first time it ever happened.

None of what is happening now is being noticed because it is new.

It is just that the left is over reaching so much they are being very clutzy in their manner and the masks are slipping away.


Z said...

cj.. Glad you're here. But I don't believe that anymore. I believe that capitalism/democracy, etc.., can ONLY work with benevolence, kindness, goodness, caring for the little guy, protecting the man who's worked and earned, so he can keep what he's made.

We turn from God, we turn from altruism, goodness, kindness, caring...and democracy/capitalism have trouble; you've now got a system that starts acting badly towards its people (corporate lust, tremendous CEO salaries, etc.) and the left comes sneaking in denouncing Capitalism as 'evil' (as is precisely what has happened, yes?) and moving in permanently. This is what's happening.

da can't know what it means to read your comments knowing you were a member of the Left; you're smart and concerned and you made the Right turn. God bless you, if you were here, you'd be getting slobbered on!!!

Granny, I love that phrase. We have to stop putting it 'out there'. I hope we can. I'd hate to see bloodshed on our streets. It's difficult to imagine this happening in America, but ... pray hard!

WV..I'm so with you on this. I firmly believe Obama's been groomed for the last twenty years....Ayers, WRight, Daly...Soros..Khalid Al Man sour.......they're all in on this. And we'll find out soon enough.

Z said...

shoprat. You are a very special man.

Anonymous said...

You said some profound things. Free Market, Capitalism, etc..these are great things, but if everything and everyone participating are corrupt and goes bad and people get hurt.

This country is not supposed to be a true democracy.

I wish people got that.
None the less, as you say, have to have morals and ethics.

These things are based on religion, and other high minded trains of thought.
When all of that is taken and turned into mere repeating of something from the fearless leader, religion and true compassion , empathy for our sisters and brothers, you get humans being encouraged to be pure predatory creatures.

Actually, I am expounding on what SHoprat said.
If it feels good it!
Remember that one?

Do your own thing.
( That was one of those cute saying.)
Hey, don't hassle me, don't lay your values on me!

See the over riding theme here?

Be bad, be your own sin , no crime, etc.

Well, here we all are now, some of those same people are in positions of power and they are showing us their hand.

And yes. Obama was groomed.
His mommy was most likely very closely allied with the Radicals.

I am not an Obama expert, but I suspect he has been handled by the unseen forces for at least 20 years or better, as you say.

Way obvious.

ANd what about scheduling Obama's little infomerical on Oct.29, the anniversary of the stock Market crash?

That is so creepy , call me crazy but this whole thing smells.

At a rally today in Ohio, Mr. Obama said to some youths they should not be so happy about the sad turn of events where people have lost so much money, yet Obama was so happy looking, himself.

I hope this all blows up in his face.

He is a stupid vain man being used .


CJ said...

What did I say you're disagreeing with? I'm missing something here.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

McCain should outright say "If you're voting for me because I'm white and Obama is black, go to hell. Racists belong in the Democratic Party. If you're voting for me because Barack Obama is a left-wing idiot, I welcome your support."

As it is, McCain has quite a hurdle before him - how do you persuade people to vote against Obama, knowing that his election as President absolutely kills any chance of Hillary Clinton running in 2012?

And then, there's McCain's "bipartisanship" mantra, which has alot of us convinced that he himself is going to vote for Obama.

Z said...'re right, now that I read your piece again (and it's a good one)...I don't disagree with much.

But I do believe America was founded on exactly those premises of fairness,honesty, civility, kindness...I think people were better for having been people of faith. I believe that conscience does play a part in a society and kicking God off of Main Street in every way doesn't promote conscience anymore, it defeats it, it mocks conscience.

But, then, I'm old fashioned enough to remember that SHAME isn't a dirty word, either...that it can keep people from making choices which ruin their lives.'s getting tough out there. I need your optimism. I count on it!

BB-Idaho said...

Since 1970 we have had 28 years of GOP admins and 12 of DEM. C'mon, now, ain't that enough? :)

Z said...

BB...we've had a Dem congress at this crucial time and all we got was Dodd and Frank cheating and obfuscating. Clinton agreed that the Republicans were trying to stop Fannie Mae etc...CLINTON.

McCain is NOT BUSH...

No, it's not enough. Socialism is NEVER the answer....really, NEVER. Unless you feel differently about where you want America to go. I couldn't take a chance and vote for Obama with his ties to ACORN (don't believe CNN, they've yet to give the truth)..

mcCain isn't someone I'd have picked but I'd vote for my dentist against a man like Obama, who'd go speak in Germany like he did (German politicians were asking how we'd feel if they campaigned at the Lincoln Memorial but all we heard here was how they LOVE HIm. they don't but the media stopped reporting after the german joy had died down)..who shows his ego by scraping the flag off a plane to put his new logo up, who'd redesign the presidential seal for himself while campaigning, who'd lie SO MUCH.

At least we have a chance of remaining America with mcCain. At least we never have to wonder about his or Palin's pasts...

And Obama is given a free pass by your media; doesn't that scare you?

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


I'm losing my optimism. Had the stuffing kicked out of it when I found out that I may encounter disenfranchisement at the ballot box this year.

I still think McCain will win, but it won't be by the 20% spread I was predicting earlier this year.

But if McCain loses, who will I blame?

Well, the in-the-tank-for-Obama media is an easy target.

But, I think I'll blame several widely supported "conservative" radio hosts and commentators who will make more money off of a Democrat Presidency for all their work campaigning against McCain after he had the GOP nomination sewn up.

Z said...

beamish, there has to be something you can do. I'd go to my local TV station and beg to talk to a conservative and get this on the air somewhere, I SWEAR>

I tried calling here in LA yesterday to make sure I was registered but the number the big ballot book had on it is wrong. Seriously. "OH, we don't do that here." "Well, the VOTER INFO GUIDE says you do" "oh. let me check....oh, that's incorrect, ma'am.." hmmm I see. it goes to 14 MILLIION Los ANgelenos and somebody made a big booboo?

had you moved or something and they're using that as an excuse??

BB-Idaho said...

"And Obama is given a free pass by your media; doesn't that scare you?" No. Like I noted before, I managed to get by through 28 years of GOP. :) (although some of the nice folks at the McCain TownHall
Meetings DO make me ponder...

Anonymous said...

I think McCain will win, call me crazy, but I do.

I take my kool aid with Splenda if anyone cares to know, though.

Honest, I had to respond to what Beamish said about the so called popular "Conservative talk show people".

I have been harping on this theme for some time now, Beamish.

Let me add this, they made a job of doing things to Bush too.

Now, I am not saying I have agreed with George Bush 100 % of the time, but the so called "Conservative" Establishment is pretty ruthless about its so called power it enjoys.

They have done a number on McCain, and I think it is wrong of them .

We have our candidate. Now, that is how we do elections and knocking them, second guessing them at every opportunity, underming them , inciting people to be angry at every single little perceived boo boo, is too much.

There are some choice words I would love to lay on some of them and their buddies at some of the magazines and papers they like to quote.

I see them trying to take down Sarah Palin, too..too much threat there I guess.

Extreme partisan ship of any party is disgusting and negative.

Say what you want to about John McCain, but he loves his country and I know he would take care of it , if there is a threat.

The man , still has goodness in him, in spite of what he has gone through.

He is not perfect, but he is a good man and these attacks, from teh right wing are hurting us and this country.

Ronald Reagan would flip if he heard what goes on all the time on these shows and radio shows.

ALl some people care about is themselves, making a dollar at our expense.

They want and are addicted to power.

And this is why I do not listen to many talk radio people.

Sick of their egos.

You put your finger on it, Beamish.

How the heck can anyone win a fight with your so called allies beating on you , too.