The Nation
Weekly journal of opinion, featuring progressive ideas and analysis on politics and culture, publishing since 1865.
Town Hall Conservative Issues, Republican Politics, News, Presidential ... -
I was looking for information on Yahoo (Google has the same) and saw Town Hall has CONSERVATIVE attached (it's not written like that on the site so it's not pulled from there) and thought I'd check THE NATION to see what they were touted as and found they're PROGRESSIVE, not LIBERAL. And THEY have IDEAS!
Conservatives have "issues", "Progressives" have "ideas". right. typical. (The President of GOOGLE came out for Obama Monday of this last week..SURPRISE!)
I just read this again and thought "Who really cares? It's not that big a deal, you're being overly sensitive....delete it." But, I'm not. I'm TIRED of this subtle, constant drip, drip, drip of ...whatever @#*$&^*(^& it is.
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2 weeks ago
The left plays dirty, Z. Always has and always will. The sneaky b*stards can't force their agenda on us so they go about it behind our backs. They even change the language. Did you notice how quickly the Bailout Bill became "The Rescue Plan"?
You're right. They call us conservatives while they shy from the word "liberal" and use "progressive" instead. Just another way of changing the language so that they can more easily push their radical beliefs off on everyone without seeming to be radical. Unfortunately the sheeple buy into this crap and that's why we are where we are today. Sheeple don't notice any of this. *sigh*
Today, Obama opened up his PA speech with "This is the DAY the LORD has made........." Long pause........BIG APPLAUSE! WIn those gun-totin' Bible thumpin' Pennsylvanians....!!
Gayle, it's all too depressing.
I'd bet a thousand bucks today Obama will win. He stoops to supporting ACORD, of course he'll win.
His alliances are hideous, Americans don't care. It's breath taking...
People think Wall Street took a beating last week? Have they ever got a surprise if NOBAMA does win! Dow 5000, here it comes!
You're not being sensitive. The left is way better at playing dirty than our side and it shows. Sometimes it feels as though there is no hope to fight the monolithic left.
I agree with average american about the Obama economic downfall being worse than we're seeing, and I'll go one further... I think some of this economic angst is in part because the markets believe the MSM hype & believe an Obama presidency is a given.
I wrote about something like this recently Z. The abortion issue is the same way, I am anti-abortion but if your for abortion your pro-choice. We're coservatives, far-right, right-wingers, liberals are progressives. I personally am comfortable with being an anti-abortion, right-wing, conservative but this sanitizing the liberals annoys me to no end. Good post.
Marxist, Communist, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Democrat are all the same.
Don't let their loud denials and evasion fool you. Every one of these people is as RED as BLOOD.
Forget about "nuances" and stick to principle. At root and in flower a Commie is a Commie is a Commie.
And please remember the ultimate goal of Marx was to create a One World Dictatorship of the Proletariat. "Internationalism," which has crept up on as, as if by stealth, has been made manifest by Big Business working hand-in-glove with International Bankers. They have adopted Marxism in order to become a New World Order of OLIGARCHS who know no allegiance to any country or culture. Their gods are money and power --- and always have been.
J.J.J. Schmidt
J.J.J. Schmidt
Well, here's the crux of it. Conservatives want you to know what we believe, Liberals don't want you to know what they believe.
This is why liberals are so good at being against traditional values without telling us what they're for. They simply rail against and are hateful doing it.
They can't be honest because if they were they would be shouted down by the majority in this country.
They have to accuse us of being mean and with no compassion. They promise more "goodies" for the poor and "underserved". Their dirty little secret is, the poor and "underserved" have to be kept that way in order for the left to survive.
So, the answer for the left is, to create more dependence so that they can be the only source for the crumbs they deign to distribute.
For them this is progress. It's progress for them to attain and keep power. We, the unwashed masses are the fodder. That's all we are, a means to an end.
I’m going to disagreeing with Pris for the first time.
She said, “Liberals don't want you to know what they believe.” This is only partly true, because what liberals believe depends on what time it is. So they may want you to know what they believed at 5:00 p.m., but at 5:01 p.m., it is no longer relevant.
Progressives do have ideas . . . bad ones. Conservatives have issues, such as liberal policies that take away the core values established by our founders: equality, fraternity, justice, and liberty. To us, people who embrace dangerously radical ideas are scum; to progressives, terrorists are simply misunderstood youth who will one day redeem themselves as part of the Chicago power-elite.
The truth is progressives (or whatever you want to call them), live in a parallel universe. It is a place where Obama offers change and hope, where Pelosi makes credible statements, where Barney Frank is lucid, where John Kerry served his country, and where Al Gore invented the internet.
On the other hand, we’re normal but plagued with bad dreams that liberals actually do exist.
Oh no, say it ain't so Mustang. Ha, ha.
OK, you do make good points.
But, you have to admit, when Obama talks about change, he's not honest about what that means.
You're right in the sense that in his case, he talks out of both sides of his mouth. Let's see what time is it now?
In December 2005, after using Blogger for about a year, I became fed up sick with them because they ARE Google and Google has always been liberal/Progressive/Communist at the top if not throughout.
I switched to WordPress... at least they are not overtly liberal. I convinced several others to switch, Bookworm for one.
Ir amazes me that so many multi-million dollar internet connected companies are such die-hard radical Obama supporters...
I guess most of them are whiz-kids who were educated with a liberal edu-system and never studied the Constitution or the Cold War, dangers of Socialism, etc.
In Christ,
It's not so subtle anymore, Z.
When the little ones grow up with these words being thrown around, it becomes everyday language.
I'm still annoyed by the term 'progressives'. There's not much progressive about that group.
Anyway. That's why I'm constantly in my kids' ears whispering the truth.
I don't have to scream it like a liberal would.
Kids know the truth instinctively. We just need to validate it.
That drip-drip is everywhere Z, can't let it slide every time because before you know it, it's like common knowledge or fact to the lazy masses.
Having been a member of more than one faculty I know that "liberals" spend a great deal of time analyzing and arguing about what new name they are going to give an insoluble longstanding problem.
This enables them to imagine they are doing something to earn their pay, and it's the main reason why "liberalism" may be regarded as "symbolism over substance" or rhetoric over reality.
Whenever these people do manage to act, almost invariably their decision makes something worse, but they will always claim the moral high ground, and say, "At least we TRIED to solve the problem, the only trouble is we need to do a lot more [of the same thing that worsened the situation], "but those mean old conservatives insist on standing in our way."
- James Joseph Jeremiah Schmidt
Townhall has a picture of Coulter, Malkin and O'Reilly on the masthead. That's a little short of "ideas".
Yes, and I'm sure that Kos has michael moore alex baldwin and susan sarandon...there are bunch of great ideas, huh?
what's the matter, Ducky, is the light of truth too bright?
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