CBS Philadelphia and ABC Florida are both cut off. Biden finished both interviews, called Obama Headquarters, and told them "Don't let ABC talk to my wife, and don't give ANY interviews to either of these stations" WHY? They asked QUESTIONS.
CBS's Station Manager was embarrassed so he didn't even run the interview again that day.....and they apologized. WHAT? Are you HEARING THIS? You can't ASK BIDEN ANYTHING?
10 Akun Depo 5k Paling Populer di Indonesia
10 hours ago
I wonder if he has any idea what Bush's Doctrine is...that is what Gibson asked Sarah, isn't it? So much has happened since that ugly interview that I've forgotten.
I posted some of the photos from the World War II Memorial on my blog tonight.
Hey, maybe CBS and ABC will play nicer now that they can only cover one side of the race. How about it John and Sarah, feel like holding out a carrot?
Maybe Joe the gaffer should take a couple of weeks off. That should be long enough.
If Ahmadinejad starts asking Biden policy questions he better kiss his unconditional meeting with President Obama goodbye.
Well, I think this behavior of Biden in particular, Nobama in a broader way, and the Left in general is Stalinism pure. And that just comes on top of the Marxist ideas well hidden by the Messiah.
One has to ask the question: How can that happen? Well, folks, it has been in the making for may, many years. Actually, it is favored by the principle itself of the election process. If one side plays fair game, and the other side uses just every hole in the process they can possibly find, nobody can talk anymore about a "fair process". A lot has been said before, last in Pris' article below, and some of the many excellent comments. Being from a "different world" and having the advantage of being able to see different sides, I allow myself to make some suggestions. The following is not necessarily in order of priority.
1. Electoral college. If there was a true general election and the popular vote counts, the effect any potential cheating would have is close to zero. No more "swing states".
2. If the campaign financing would disappear completely (and I mean COMPLETELY), the institutionalized bribery would stop. The candidates would get public financing, which would limit the expenditures (the only beneficiaries today are the MSM!!!). No more running around raising money.
3. Financing through a "party list" would provide the possibility for more "Joe the Plummer" types to go into politics instead of having basically lawyers in Congress because they are the rare people who can talk and lie at the same time and pull the money out of your pocket while you don't pay attention. Since the public financing for these conventions would be stricken, the money would become available for the campaigns.
4. No more money from companies, unions, foreigners, nothing. No more 503s and all these other committees. None.
5. Absolutely no more add-ons to laws, aka as pork barrels. That is bribery, too (actually reverse bribery, come to think about it).
6. Term limits for everybody. No more professional politicians. The representatives are supposed to represent the people. How can they do that, if they have never had a job.
7. ID cards for everybody citizen. Mandatory, and NOT the DL (I am actually for DL of everybody, if it is NOT used for ID purposes any more. On the basis of the ID Card, the government sends voting invitations out, which need to be presented at the voting place, together with the ID card. NO exceptions.
8. Central voting records, where upon voting, the record is compared with a central database, and the voting is recorded in the database. No more double vote, always a record. (The electronic voting machines in the U.S. today are independent, no central record, no proof who voted, and a modification takes about 7 minutes by a medium talented IT person).
9. The actions above make any action like the ACORN thing obsolete.
10. And, if we want to go further, which would be good, but not feasible: A civil knowledge test to qualify for voting.
11. And one more issue: Somebody running for high offices MUST pass the same formalities than everybody else who wants to get a security clearance.
Folks, today the U.S, is gliding into the status of a third world country. Bribery, cheating, vote suppression and the like are the order of the day. This is something which we criticize when it happens in other countries. Think about it. If the measures described above were implemented, I would venture to say that the current cheating, lying and hiding campaign of a certain B. Hussein Obama would not be possible.
Hi Mr. Z,
I like your suggestions 2 through 6 and the rest I'll need to think about more carefully.
About the electoral college, however, the reason we have it is to protect states' sovereignty, particularly the identity of the states with smaller populations, which would otherwise be swallowed up by the bigger states. The electoral college puts all the states on an equal footing. This was a major concern of the founders of the nation.
In any case I don't see how getting rid of it would cure the problems of our elections. Apparently there is cheating at many levels to be dealt with, including rigged voting machines.
biden took his ball and went home...waaaaaaaaaaaa
Did you see the look of arrogant outrage on Biden's face?
It don't matter, the guy has a Tin Foil suit!
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