Obama Attacks Fox News in N.Y. Times Magazine
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 5:57 PM
By: Jim Meyers
"I am convinced that if there were no Fox News, I might be two or three points higher in the polls," Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama told New York Times Magazine. In an interview with Matt Bai that will run this coming weekend, Obama complained about Fox News’ coverage of his campaign.
"If I were watching Fox News, I wouldn’t vote for me, right?" he said. (Z: You wouldn't vote for you then because you'd have finally got the correct details about your life and your alliances.)
"Because the way I’m portrayed 24/7 is as a freak. I am the latte-sipping, New York Times-reading, Volvo-driving, no-gun-owning, effete, politically correct, arrogant liberal. Who wants somebody like that?" (Z: He's got that right...though no one on FOX has ever said anything remotely like that. FOX tries to get the FACTS out, they need to also be thrown under that huge and growing BUS)
"I guess the point I’m making," he went on, "is that there is an entire industry now, an entire apparatus, designed to perpetuate this cultural schism, and it’s powerful." (Z: I guess what he doesn't realize is this "entire industry" is all the networks, all the big city papers, CNN, MSNBC, etc etc etc which absolutely is perpetuating a cultural schism, that's not FOX.)
Obama also said, referring to newsmen at Fox News and MSNBC: "If voters are … polarized and if they’re seeing two different realities, a Sean Hannity reality and a Keith Olbermann reality, then we’re not going to be able to get done the work we need to get done. (Z: comparing Hannity's demanding the facts is like Olbermann's profanity and mischaracterizations of mcCain and Palin?)
Has any of you heard Hannity use the kind of language, the face, the nasty insinuations about Obama or Biden that Olbermann makes every single day? EVER?
Does anybody doubt that an Obama administration will not allow any other point of view than his? ANYBODY? This is called 'reaching across the aisle', I guess?
BY THE WAY....100% of all the McCain adds are NOT negative and that's easily proven.
The Illinois law on the books only protected viable babies, not those born in spite of an abortion.
"temporarily alive", I believe, is that Obama called them?
Please, look these things up. The lies were rampant. Obama hates FOX because it's the TRUTH and he can't argue against it. He's got EVERY OTHER venue on HIS side and he's this angry? Imagine how he'd treat Conservatives as president? I'm sure he'll reach across the aisle as he's suggested!!!
By the way: There were NO CALLS for "KILL HIM" on the McCain trail...the FBI's testifying to that.
Yes John McCain was Much More Aggressive this time but Still Not Enough. He Just Don’t Know how to go for the Juggler.
The only REAL media is us bloggers who search out the truth about situations and put 2 and 2 together.
"Because the way I’m portrayed 24/7 is as a freak. I am the latte-sipping, New York Times-reading, Volvo-driving, no-gun-owning, effete, politically correct, arrogant liberal. Who wants somebody like that?"
Z, you are correct that no one on Fox has ever said that, nor even insinuated it.
Funny how the guilty have the urge to confess, huh?
I heard about the secret service investigation into the 'kill him' statement. The reporter who made the accusation is the only one who heard it. The Secret Service agents there have all testified that they heard no such statement and that the only thing they heard was Sarah for VP.
If he wants to dispute the "Smug" accusation, he is going to have a hard time doing so while he sits next to McCain at the debate and arrogantly laughs at every word the man says.
The only legitimate news organizations are those controlled by the left owned by left-wing corporations. (Fact: Most American billionaires are leftists; conservatives tend to be working people, both the comfortable and the struggling.) The left hates (and fears) anything that it does not control.
I think NObama's arrogance will be his ultimate undoing, not FOX News reporting a fair & balanced report.
I still want to know how Obama plans to face down Ahmedinejad when he's scared shitless of Shepard Smith.
...I am the latte-sipping, New York Times-reading, Volvo-driving, no-gun-owning, effete, politically correct, arrogant liberal. Who wants somebody like that?"...
I sure do wish we had this line coming out of his mouth on a youtube clip! The Republican could hold all it's campaign money for November 3rd and put it out there every hour on the hour all over the country!
Obama gives WAY too much credit to Fox. But wait: you think information is controlled NOW?
Just wait until you receive an Obama Presidency. Think of all the information you WON'T be privy to ever again.
Any link to the actual interview?
I won't quite say this is all fabricated but it reads like it's fabricated.
The quotes are completely out of synch with Obama's diction through the entire campaign. Bet you a cold drink this is fake.
Hmmm, hope that stays pretty much confined to Manhattan.
Like I say, he has to be careful playing the angry black man. Scares the clientele.
I'll take your bet Ducky! And for my cold drink I'll take anything but the koolaid you've been drunk on this entire election cycle.
The part that Z discussed here is at the very end of the article. Just to make it easier to find for you. Also please notice Obama throwing around the race card while in the same breath saying that it's not a racial thing. I'm holding you to your bet so when should I expect a visit?
I've reconsidered. The quotes are genuine. Obama is making a fuss about Fox because America isn't monocultural...
Papa, you never heard the "bet you a cold drink" line?
Cool Hand Luke. Great movie.
Obama is Mr. Whiney. Once he is the Supreme Leader maybe he can get the license pulled on Fox. That should make him happy.
Does that mean you won't be coming over to make good on your bet? I thought maybe you could come hunting with me this year. It would do you some good to get out in the woods and get some dirt under your fingernails.
Steve, believe what? He hasn't said anything.
The bit is that he doesn't strike people, unlike McCain, as having gone over the high side too often.
Why not just tax everyone that works hard? Lets tax the hell out of people who SUPPLY jobs. Also, lets tax the hell out of people who invest in the market too, that should help!
Oh I forgeot that's exactly what Obama is going to do with the Capital gains tax..LOL
BO must not have watched replay of Fox's post debate coverage. I had to check the channel because I thought I was on MSNBC it was so pro-Obama.
John needs to stop trying to attack...he's just not very good at it. Where's Newt when you need him?
Since when does a little thing like facts get in the way of Obama lies?
Obama wants to go the standard line from each according to his ability, to each according to his need which translates the workers and investors get screwed while the lazy and ignorant grow fat. Under such a system "need" invariably becomes maximum while "ability" invariably becomes minimum. This is the inescapable fatal flaw of socialism which renders it far more destructive than, admittedly imperfect, capitalism. The sooner people realize that utopia is impossible the better off people will be.
I thought McCain did a creditable job of trying to do what his conservative supporters have been complaining he wasn't doing enough, and I'm glad he did, but as others have pointed out he isn't that good at it.
I wish he had more clearly identified Obama's program as Communism, according to the definition Shoprat gives. McCain's phrase "Spreading the wealth" (or was it "sharing?")isn't going to get it across to the average American.
So once again Ducky makes a false accusation (about the quotes) and is caught redhanded, but he never acknowledges his error... as always.
Interesting enough, that NY Times article is entitled, "Working for the Working- Class Vote" while the Obama campaign and its supporters have been ruthlessly attack Joe the Plummer.
Its not about the working class, its about Obama. I hope the World Series doesnt get pushed back another half hour for the One.
I guess what Ducky doesn't understand is that people like Z and myself do our research and find truth before we make posts here on our blogs. We don't put up lies and smears we simply speak the truth and it incriminates chumps like Obama who couldn't find the truth in his own pocket.
thanks, Pops.
I always wonder at lefties who come preach at us here at our blogs.
As IF we didn't hear ALL the info from both sides and decide.
They just can't BELIEVE we can love America for all her goodness and her scars...got to COMPLETELY change her, bring her to her humble knees, equate her with mediocre countries, subservient to the UN, get her out of a war during which she made a country free, keep her so broke we'll never be able to help tsunami victims or anyone else again.....
America, as pictured by THE LEFT.
Not a pretty picture.
If it wasnt for the "by any means necessary" attitude of the Left, I would be a Leftist.
They are slowly turning me into a rightwinger. Who knows, maybe I will be the first atheist creationalist?
To leftists/liberals, the only fair and unbiased news outlets are ones that fawn over them and tell lies and half-truths about their opponents.
No seriously, it's not like he is just being an ass or something, he really believes that. It's like the polygraph thing, it only works if the subject knows the difference between the truth and lies and that lying is wrong.
He's got 98 percent of the mainstream media and he's got the gall to complain about the last two percent who aren't marching to his beat? Unbelievable. He won't be happy until it's wall to wall propaganda. This man is a smiling Stalin.
freedomnow, what about the Left would have you part of them? I'm so curious.
I admire your thinking so much, I'd really like to hear it on this (believe me)
hello fairness doctrine and truth squad. obama is going to get his way of hoping to silence the fox news, hannity, limbaugh opposition!!...yet conservatives are labeled the "repression-ists". even with all the left's mounting evidence of them as the true perps!!
I am an atheist, pro abortion, pro gun control, pro gay marriage, etc...
My agreement with you guys is based on our common belief that it is totalitarians who are the problems in world affairs and we also have a common distain for militant Socialists.
Yet Liberals keep pushing me farther away. Even on issues that I agree with them, I am disgusted with their tactics.
freedomnow, thanks...I didn't know.
Funny, this week, I finally stopped doubting God...this week, I knew. Imagine? QUITE a week.
Well...you have principles and that's another problem for the left! You may agree with some of their stances but you see totalitarianism for what it is and you see the way they're treating people, etc.
I admire you...quite a conundrum and you come out on the side of AMERICA. thanks, freedomnow.
If you ever find yourself in a foxhole, let me know! (xxx)!!
There's no conundrum.
Appeasement is silly.
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