SO, the Democrats planted a guy to siphon off Republican votes..............think this is the only instance? Who paid for it?
Faux Tea Party candidate DeStefano says: "Any American citizen can run for any office they want," DeStefano said. "I think it's time we get past this crap."
Crap, Mr. De Stefano? Really? but what do you say to the following, pal?:
"The operatives said a county Democratic employee is running at least the Web elements of DeStefano's campaign." Oops. That IS crap, DeStefano, but not the kind YOU meant.
If we win many seats in November, it'll be lucky; with fraud at the precincts, with Holder and his treatment of the New Black Panthers with their night sticks and camouflage clothing, with the way the Obama people threatened at least those voters in Houston in '08, which even GLORIA ALLRED complained about, with the way Pennsylvania blocked servicemen ballots..........what's next? Now Democrats are paying for supposed-Tea Party candidate websites? REALLY? For more of this 'crap', read HERE, it's perfectly astonishing.
This was America. Imagine? HERE is the new edition to the post I mentioned in my Joe Conservative's blog. You MUST read IS what America can and should be..........You'll love it, I promise.
Don't be surprised at anything from the left, no bit of scumbaggery will be off the cards for them. That's really how low they'd have to go to cheat and steal a victory.
Anything but the issues Z, that's the goal of the Dims this year.
What's left, their record?
Anything but the issues Z, that's the goal of the Dims this year.
Just this year? EVERY TIME that's what they do. The left list of economic disasters is long in other countries and in the US.
I think this faux tea party idea will backlash. We're not in the stone ages of communication anymore. People get informed quickly.
As in a Trojan Horse. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, & look this gift horse in the mouth for sure. I only hope the voters on our side know the difference.
A conservative sweep in November is not a foregone conclusion. I say this because dead Democrats continue to line up to vote early and often, homeless people are still being bribed with whiskey and cigarettes to cast their vote, angry rappers educated through Flocabulary can’t wait to intimidate citizens at voting precincts, and we can’t know what ACORN is up to since they went in to stealth mode. But, if you want to attend a political rally sponsored by MTV and you can prove that you’re a dyed in the wool American hating progressive, send your photograph and a summary of your political views.
I agree with Silverlady, only rather than looking inside the horse's mouth, I'd advise looking in the other end. That's where anything from Obama is like to come from.
They know that they must use cheating and fraud or they'll be defeated. Nothing is too low for these people, Z!
Nothing surprises me this election cycle.
Wonder where the NEW BLACK PANTHERS will be stationed this go-round? HMMM? How about inside Alcatraz? Yes, I know it's closed, but that is where they belong. Let them swim home.
SilvrLady, didn't you think it just plain ODD that Iran's pipsqueak met with the N B Panthers for dinner in NYC? The media said NOTHING.
This election, I"m hoping they'll all be in tehran!
This guy isn't the first to do this. There's the third candidate in Nevada using the tea party name as well. His name escapes me at the moment.
Then of course there's Gov. Charlie Crist running as an independent in Fla. who's in the dems pocket as well.
Murkowsky in Alaska, running as a write in after she lost the primary. She and Crist are Republicans, or were.
Sore losers and cheaters and the ends justify the means. There is no honor among thieves.
Your link to JC's blog is broken. :(
Like the John Birch Society hunting for commies at CPAC.
I'm shocked, Z! Just shocked! As Claude Rains said in Casablanca.
By the way, do y'all think the Duck might pop out of the Trojan Horse's innards?
Speedy, the link's back..thanks for letting me know.
de nada! ;)
Hi Z,
I came to your site via Bumbling Genius. He has a link, so I assume you won't mind some traffic.
This is really sleazy. I wonder where he got the idea for this stunt. Maybe here,
Republican Runs Street People on Green Ticket.
Mr. Pearcy and other drifters and homeless people were recruited onto the Green Party ballot by a Republican political operative who freely admits that their candidacies may siphon some support from the Democrats.
Or, maybe here,
In testimony Thursday University of Texas student Garrett Mize said he was approached in late 2009 by former Perry chief of staff Mike Toomey about a possible petition drive putting the Green Party on the ballot.
Your outrage is a little selective. I can't decide which is sleazier, what this guy did or that he stole such a time honored Republican dirty trick.
Karen Howes said...
They know that they must use cheating and fraud or they'll be defeated. Nothing is too low for these people, Z!
Can you give some examples of Dems voter fraud? I'm always hearing about "massive voter fraud", so there must be a few convictions you can point to.
Craig, I know well who you are. Beamish and you had quite some time together at Susannah's blog until Beamish outdid you with facts.
Republicans doing the same thing as Dems doesn't make it good because it's Republicans! What's your point again?
As for Democrat fraud? I don't have the time:
I know you'll disagree, but I think having Black Panthers outside voting precincts is pretty threatening....that the Holder Justice Dept doesn't find that appalling isn't the Republians' fault!
Google Gloria ALlred and see how SHE felt by Democrats threatening voters during the primary in Houston! Big black guys telling voters that if they're not voting for Obama to go home...and little old ladies LEFT!? I think that's a little fraudulant!
I think PA not counting servicemen's votes was fraud, too, frankly.
the whole thing's ugly.
I'll be eager to see how the accusations against Republicans play out.
I'm just so delighted that SOMEWHERE, SOMEHOW< the truth about the Left's coming out........except, of course, somebody got ALlred to shut her trap because she's suddenly become silent..OH, except to bring out an illegal who was fired a YEAR AGO and have her accuse Meg WHitman the day before the Univision (MX TV) debate with Brown...fraud, too? ya, probably. Anybody'd have to be a MORON not to see how that happened.
COme to think of it, maybe this is how the Dems got Allred to shut up about Houston? :-)
there you go, Craig.
There's a lot more....look at both videos.
a time honored Republican dirty trick.
Talk about selective outrage.
I came to your site via Bumbling Genius. He has a link, so I assume you won't mind some traffic.
Craig, I know well who you are. Beamish and you had quite some time together at Susannah's blog until Beamish outdid you with facts.
Hold on.
I'm gonna go make some popcorn.
Can you give some examples of Dems voter fraud? I'm always hearing about "massive voter fraud", so there must be a few convictions you can point to.
I'm not going to spend much time on on emprical searches for this because finding Democrat operatives convicted of voter fraud is almost as easy as finding window licking morons in the target-rich Democratic National Convention setting. It's like hunting for grains of salt on a pretzel. Not much of a challenge.
Democrats convicted of voter fraud
Democrat convicted of voter fraud
same case... more Democrats convicted of vote fraud
ongoing voter fraud trial of 15 indicted Democrats...
I didn't even tap the headlines from East St. Louis, Illinois. Democrats get busted over there all the time for it.
The nutroots are coming out of their spyder-holes... there must be an election coming up. ;)
Heather, pass the salt!
Beamish...thanks. I know you could post a hundred more ...and you'd still get someone refuting this stuff. Let's see what impact my videos I linked might have on ol' Craig.
What's the point of Craig's "challenge" to find Democrats convicted of voter fraud? Even that unfiltered search string whips up over 92,000 results in 0.29 second on Google, but my computer is running slow today.
Why not a hard challenge, like "Give examples of leftists capable of rational thought?"
We need some potent opposition around here. I feel like I'm throwing rag dolls into wood chippers.
Heather, pass the salt!
What's the point of Craig's "challenge" to find Democrats convicted of voter fraud?
No point. He apparently just likes to visit blogs of conservative, professing Christians in order to give them trouble.
Dan, @ Bumbling Genius was kind enough to point out his need to reconcile with Christ, but it didn't sit well. And I was disappointed because his abrupt departure interrupted the discussion we were having.
It'd be great for Z to give him a chance, here, though. After all, he has a good name...
Hey! I'm late to the all the popcorn gone? These things tend to go on for a while, so maybe you've all just settled in. I'll find a seat in the back row w/ my raisinettes & Coke.
(Beam, you're a whiz!!! And yes, #1Fan, there's an election coming up. The other side is getting desperate.)
What's the point of Craig's "challenge" to find Democrats convicted of voter fraud?
No point. He apparently just likes to visit blogs of conservative, professing Christians in order to give them trouble.
My favorite flavor of troll. They claim they want honest, respectful discussion, but won't even agree on the obvious, salient point that they're imbeciles.
Last I saw of this particular Craig, I led him by the nose into touting the goodness of KKK members over at Susannah's.
You can't fix stupid.
Last I saw of this particular Craig, I led him by the nose into touting the goodness of KKK members over at Susannah's.
I think I saw that thread but haven't had time to wade through all the comments.
Not sure about stupid, but if his linked blog site is an indication, I would think "closed-minded" would be an apt description. It's kind of a shame, too, as respectful, honest discussion can be quite edifying. Seems like a waste of time to go rounds with someone who isn't listening.
Well, Craig there had asked what the KKK had to do with FDR's "New Deal" national socialism initiatives so I obliged him in naming off some of the DemoKKKrats in FDR's administration that implemented it.
He went off whimpering about Michelle Malkin or something, but never got around to explaining how exactly the Jim Crow DemoKKKrats in Congress that pushed through the Tennessee Valley Authority project for FDR were actually conservatives-in-disguise.
All glitter, no dance beat. I suppose I should wait for the target to be set up before firing on it.
Craig... you have the floor. Muhahaha.
Have fun :)
(hmmm...Z, can I have free refills on Coke?)
If Craig is like other leftist trolls, we won't be seeing him again.
Too many facts that befuddled him, I guess.
But, keep that popcorn handy.
Sus..yes we DO refills :-)
Hi Z,
First, I read your post on the very sad anniversary of your husbands passing. It's a lovely reminder that life is fragile and we should never take the ones we love for granted. My heart goes out to you. I thought of you when I hugged my daughter and wife this morning.
On to the topic at hand. Republicans doing the same thing as Dems doesn't make it good because it's Republicans! What's your point again?
I've been reading all over your blog how despicable the Dems are, they will do anything to get elected. My point is not to defend this lone bad actor (there could be more), but to bring to your attention the abuses by Repubs. In fact, as my links show, there has been an organized and widespread effort by party operatives to use this slimy tactic on a grand scale, recruiting multiple "candidates" to influence elections. Dispicableness (my word)is non-partisan.
I googled like you told me and this is what came up. Is this it? A right-wing group in Houston engaged in a systematic voter suppression and intimidation effort used a doctored photo in its showcase video.
I think PA not counting servicemen's votes was fraud, too, frankly.
Do you mean when the Repubs asked for more than the normal 10 days after an election to recieve overseas ballots and were denied? Hardly voter fraud.
who was fired a YEAR AGO. Hmmm, about 5 years after she, Meg, found out Nikki was undocumented and just about when she decided to run. Anybody'd have to be a MORON not to see how that happened. Well said.
Later. NBPP & Texas caucus, next time.
ey, kids.
Did you really think I'd run away. I have more fun talking to those I disagree with than those with whom I agree. Beamish, still up to your childish taunts. Let's go.
I'm not going to spend much time on on emprical searches for this because finding Democrat operatives convicted of voter fraud is almost as easy as finding window licking morons in the target-rich Democratic National Convention setting. It's like hunting for grains of salt on a pretzel. Not much of a challenge.
Well, you found some. Despite 5 years of intense investigation of Democrats by the politicized Bush DOJ, this is all you could come up with? What did the the DOJ get for their efforts? about 120 people have been charged and 86 convicted as of last year. Massive voter fraud all right.
Wow, your examples are a real eye opener. 1. Chicago Alderman election. Not really the big time, but it'll get better, won't it? 2&3. The mayor race in the Appalachia, VA (population 1900). 4. The Benton County, Mississippi supervisor election. Benton Co. pop. 8026. This is massive fraud? 92,000 hits on google and this is what you got?
I was hoping for some big juicy fraud, like here, here or here.
The last one isn't a conviction, but an example of dirty, and sometimes illegal, practice of voter suppression used by Republicans all over the country. Google 'caging' or 'voter suppression'. It's all right out of the Republican playbook.
I have to go to work now, but I'll pick it up later. Get something from the snack bar and keep those insults comin'. Hi, Heather!
Craig, thanks for your sympathy and thanks for thinking of my situation in regard to your family...hold them close.
As for Houston? NO, that's not the situation I talked about...I linked to the far bigger one....little old ladies leaving the precincts due to intimidation. NOt good.
No, Whitman did not know she was illegal until a year ago; that's been can take the information another way but then you're grasping a bit too hard. WHat politico with aspirations of running for office would ever have kept this woman on if they'd known?
You don't see a 'problem' with the timing? :-) Craig, a bit too ideological, even for my taste!
I believe reading Beamish's comments ought to help you out....nobody here's said Republicans are pure as the driven snow!! But, when the media harps on Republicans and softsells anything Dem?....Republicans don't enjoy anything even NEAR "state owned media" and it feels like we've got it now. Also, it must feel like that to a heck of a lot of AMericans because FOX is so high in the polls and their stats who a large amt of Dems and Indies watch, which surprised me. Everybody's hungry for BOTH sides. Actually, CNN has started representing both sides a couple of times a week!! FOX does with 90% of their interviews but people were sold such a bill of goods about that "mean old rightwing station opening up" before it did that the reputation's never quite left. My doc's assistant thinks FOX is opened by Republicans! Does she even THINK about who "owns" CNN or MSNBC? :-)
Yes, we'll do a LOT to win our country back, Craig...but most of us don't believe in cheating. Heck, my leftist troll Ducky even said HE didn't believe in that...I was impressed!
I think we're too far gone and our children WILL be living in a very different world, where they're paying off debt forever, where they're told things are true without hearing another side of any story, where little ones are taught to sing about their liberal leaders "mmmm Barack Hussein Obama!" , where you DO vote for liars, where we print money, where we get in debt to countries who want to overpower us AND sell F16s to Saudi Arabia........oh, there's so much more!
We're working on it, but I fear we'll never be the world leader again....that ought to make Obama smile.
Craig, can we see that "play book"? I'd LOVE to read it.
It's nothing like Alinski's Democrat play book, is it?
Craig, I'm interested that you have a daughter, by the way......Perhaps you're very young because those of us who grew up in the sixties and seventies remember an America I know your daughter would be so proud of...self reliance, less gov't control, her own choices on what to eat, study, think, people trusting her intelligence to make decisions on her own.......
she'd have liked that; but, she'll never really know it if the Obama people get their way. very painful to see.
Get something from the snack bar and keep those insults comin'. Hi, Heather!
Hey there :)
I'm not insulting you. My conscience would have me back here apologizing within an hour.
Just making an observation concerning your comment history.
You have to admit that it's hard to NOT believe you have a "Christians are stupid" chip on your shoulder when you've openly linked to a blog site and forum dedicated to bashing Christian beliefs.
For the record, I prefer civil, non-combative discussion and am unashamed to admit I have a soft spot for Z's longtime resident leftist visitor.
Speaking of Ducky, Z, did you get my e-mail?
My point is not to defend this lone bad actor (there could be more), but to bring to your attention the abuses by Repubs.
You probably won't get anyone here blindly defending Republican underhandedness.
Corrupt people do dishonest things. Even honest people can make mistakes.
It just means we shouldn't place our trust in any mere human being...because people will eventually fail to deliver, regardless of their political affiliation.
How did I know Craig's rebuttal would focus on the word "massive?"
Because that exaggerating force-multiplier to his rhetoric was his, and his alone.
And so we're supposed to think (as Craig apparently does) that a mere "86 people" couldn't possibly commit "massive" voter fraud. As if they were robbing banks, and being just one person could only steal one dollar each.
Can we get some trolls that aren't stumped by Velcro around here already?
As if it weren't predictable, the cases I cite as voter fraud are actual cases of Democrats paying people to CAST BALLOTS or people CASTING MULTIPLE ILLEGAL BALLOTS with names and adresses of people dead or fictional...
And Craig's examples are a alleged telephone switchboard jammed, alleged Republican party registation rolls padded, and an effort to see if registered voters are actually living, much less living at the address they've registered under.
My examples deal with actual voter fraud convictions for illegal activities, and Craig's examples involve phone calls to a swtichboard (not illegal), signing up people to join the Repubvlican Party (not illegal), and mailing people letters to see if they live there (not illegal).
Someone get some smelling salts for Craig.
Stop booking me in cage matches with these jobbers.
I deserve a championship match.
Thanks, Beamish........exactly right.
Craig, by the way, I don't believe your take on the servicemen from PA not voting is correct. Funny how we can have days and days after an election to announce a winner when the Dems don't like it, but let (supposedly) more days than allowed to get (mostly, but not all, patriotic conservative) servicemen's votes and "We can't wait!, they went over the time allotted!"
ya, right
How about a gummy bear?
But not out of my stash. My fight contract riders specifically state my locker room is to be stocked with women, liquor, gummy bears and purple felt tip pens. ;)
How about a gummy bear?
But not out of my stash. My fight contract riders specifically state my locker room is to be stocked with women, liquor, gummy bears and purple felt tip pens. ;)
Aw, you caught me.
I felt guilty about offering something I don't actually have.
And, in the spirit of disclosure, I must confess that I am only now preparing the popcorn.
Do I want to know why you want purple felt tip pens?
Alright, Heather.
The Beatles sucked, but as solo artists were cool.
Do I want to know why you want purple felt tip pens?
On second thought, don't tell me.
I think I'll just let you guys continue your discussion without interruption.
The Beatles sucked, but as solo artists were cool.
LOL! What?
I can't say I liked any of their stuff.
Do I want to know why you want purple felt tip pens?
It's the "show you care" factor. Sort of like how rock stars want a bale of peanut butter and cheese crackers. To test to see if the entire contract was read and followed. ;)
Don't mind me, I'm just over here explaining away my sense of humor...
Don't mind me, I'm just over here explaining away my sense of humor...
Thanks for condescending. :)
Guess I'd better go before I get into trouble.
(Z~ I'm thirsty...My refill, please?)
My fight contract riders specifically state my locker room is to be stocked with women, liquor, gummy bears and purple felt tip pens.
This had me squirming a bit as the first part looks a tad misogynistic. Surely that's not the case, here, I thought. Beamish doesn't disrespect women like that.
But then the realization hit that it is so easy to hit the wrong key while typing in a hurry and end up changing the entire meaning of one's comment.
So, I took the liberty of attempting to decipher the true intent within the context of this discussion.
My fight contract riders specifically state my locker room is to be stocked with a Republican "playbook", a teapot, one "I *heart* the Beatles" bumper sticker, a complimentary supply of Chinese take-out with a "massive" amount of garlic (I just threw that one in for fun), gummy bears and purple felt tip pens.
Did I miss anything?
I'm sorry, I should have started a new paragraph to say, "Hi". I didn't mean to single you out as insulting, even though you did call me a troll. I got so upset my eyes bulged out and my hair stood on end. I must have looked like tr...ah, errr, nevermind.
By the way, I don't dislike Christians or Christianity. I'm married to one. Well, she's Catholic, maybe not a Real Christian. I'm only opposed to what some Christians want to do in the public sphere (i.e., teach I.D., deny people theirs civil rights). If they were Druids, I'd feel the same way.
If your going to cite a couple voter fraud cases from local elections in Podunk, MS to make a case that Dems are inherently cheaters, I can play that game too.
Jury convicts all 8 defendants in Clay vote-buying case
Craig's examples involve phone calls to a swtichboard (not illegal), signing up people to join the Repubvlican Party (not illegal), and mailing people letters to see if they live there (not illegal).
In the first two, the accused plead guilty. Do people plead guilty to somethings that not illegal?
As to the last one. The Republican party has engaged in voter suppression as a strategy to win elections.
Paul Weyrich, father of the modern conservative movement, co-founder of Heritage Foundation and Moral Majority, said (on tape) in 1980,
"Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome -- good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."
Take a look here States’ Actions to Block Voters Appear Illegal.
Hundreds of thousands of people denied their right to vote. You call yourself a patriot and you have no problem with these un-American tactics? I linked to the IG's official report on Bush's politicizing the DOJ. The report was issued in 2008, so you can't accuse Obama. Your so obsessed with fascism or totalinarianism from the left. What do you call that?
To beamish's cheerleaders here. Google 'massive voter fraud'. It comes up every election cycle and it's Republicans making the claim. They want to scare you, (boo, ACORN) distract you from their heavy handed subversion of democracy. Don't take my word for it and don't take beamish's. Stop being sheep, dig a little. Educate yourselves.
I'm sorry, I should have started a new paragraph to say, "Hi". I didn't mean to single you out as insulting, even though you did call me a troll. I got so upset my eyes bulged out and my hair stood on end. I must have looked like tr...ah, errr, nevermind.
LOL! Ok then.
I don't remember specifically saying you are a troll. However, I do wonder what you're up to.
I'm only opposed to what some Christians want to do in the public sphere
Well, I guess we all have thoughts about what some people want to do in the public sphere. Are you here to interact on a learning level or do you just like to debate?
If your going to cite a couple voter fraud cases from local elections in Podunk, MS to make a case that Dems are inherently cheaters, I can play that game too.
Actually, if I were making a case for Dems being inherently cheaters, I'd start with your telling flippant disregard for fair elections held for your fellow Americans in "Podunk," Mississippi. (Is that near Kosciusko?) Then I'd proceed to demonstrate that the majority of case evidence of tampering with vote totals by falsified and illegal ballots in elections has led to the convictions of Democrats or agents thereof.
I'm not playing a game. The split of voter fraud convictions between Democrat and Republican, where illegal ballots were knowingly and intentionally cast, don't even break even. It's a significant difference enough to say voter fraud is a "Democrat thing."
As to the last one. The Republican party has engaged in voter suppression as a strategy to win elections.
Paul Weyrich, father of the modern conservative movement, co-founder of Heritage Foundation and Moral Majority, said (on tape) in 1980,
"Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome -- good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."
Well you've certainly cracked the case, Sherlock. We can understand that there's a strategy to suppress votes to win elections implemented by the machinations of the Republican Party and all of its nefarious goblins and demons because of a 30 year old quote from a conservative activist.
But wait, there's more!
"Tens of thousands of eligible voters in at least six swing states have been removed from the rolls or have been blocked from registering in ways that appear to violate federal law, according to a review of state records and Social Security data by The New York Times.
The actions do not seem to be coordinated by one party or the other, nor do they appear to be the result of election officials intentionally breaking rules, but are apparently the result of mistakes in the handling of the registrations and voter files as the states tried to comply with a 2002 federal law, intended to overhaul the way elections are run.
Still, because Democrats have been more aggressive at registering new voters this year, according to state election officials, any heightened screening of new applications may affect their party’s supporters disproportionately.
So, we've got vote registrations not in compliance with federal law purged from the rolls, and now Democrats are afraid screening their new registrations for compliance with the law might toss them out as well.
And the Republican Party involvement starts where?
You did not just get up from the mat with that, did you?
Where's my championship-caliber match?
This had me squirming a bit as the first part looks a tad misogynistic. Surely that's not the case, here, I thought. Beamish doesn't disrespect women like that.
It takes a special kind of chick to put up with mysogyny.
I just want to sell supermarket tabloids...LOL
yeeeea..Beamish is back and nails it :-)
It's a significant difference enough to say voter fraud is a "Democrat thing."
It takes a special kind of chick to put up with mysogyny.
I can imagine.
I just want to sell supermarket tabloids...LOL
Ah. Ok Mr. Supermarket Tabloid Cover Model. I'll be watching for your picture.
Actually, I just wanted to practice my newly acquired liberal communication skills.
Three easy steps:
1. Disregard what was actually said (check)
2. Reformulate the data into what I would have preferred the speaker to have said (got it)
3. Respond to the imaginary statement I concocted apart from reality.
How'd I do?
Stop cheerleading me, you sheep. Get on the cattle car to Craig's re-education camp.
I just want to sell supermarket tabloids...LOL
Ah. Ok Mr. Supermarket Tabloid Cover Model. I'll be watching for your picture.
I'm the illegal space alien that has shaken hands with every President elected since 1960. I know Walt Disney's brain powers a mind control laser based in Alaska.
Actually, I just wanted to practice my newly acquired liberal communication skills.
Three easy steps:
1. Disregard what was actually said (check)
2. Reformulate the data into what I would have preferred the speaker to have said (got it)
3. Respond to the imaginary statement I concocted apart from reality.
How'd I do?
Not bad. But you forgot that no one's going to believe you're liberal, much less leftist, if you keep demonstrating this level of analysis. C'mon, now step it up. Call someone you disagree with a racist Neanderthal ocasionally.
I'm the illegal space alien that has shaken hands with every President elected since 1960. I know Walt Disney's brain powers a mind control laser based in Alaska.
But you forgot that no one's going to believe you're liberal, much less leftist, if you keep demonstrating this level of analysis. C'mon, now step it up. Call someone you disagree with a racist Neanderthal ocasionally.
Drat. I don't think I can do it.
I couldn't even be properly feministically angry about your women and liquor crack. My face turned about three shades of red, though.
But notice how I'm interjecting completely irrelevant commentary so as to distract you from the ongoing debate.
But notice how I'm interjecting completely irrelevant commentary so as to distract you from the ongoing debate.
We have time to chit-chat between lefty Craig's revisits to the drawing board. But we should probably stand by and keep quiet while he works.
Despite the absurdities involved in the indulgence, I've heard it's "rude" to assume leftists are incapable of rational thought before demonstrating precisely that fact of nature.
So I'm trying to be "nice."
If you want to debate me, you're just going to come up with a position that I disagree with.
So I'm trying to be "nice."
Nice is good :)
If you want to debate me, you're just going to come up with a position that I disagree with.
It's more fun to see how many times you'll let me get away with elbowing you in the ribs.
It's more fun to see how many times you'll let me get away with elbowing you in the ribs.
You have 2,999,974 of 3 million chances left :P
And the Republican Party involvement starts where?
This is a partial list. Since you won't do your homework, I have to.
N. Carolina
Here is how the Bush DOJ plays a role.
More Republican dirty tricks.
* New Mexico. Two families reported visits by a private investigator inquiring about relatives that the state Republican Party alleges voted fraudulently in the June primary. The private investigator requested identification for relatives in question as proof of their eligibility, potentially in violation of federal law. The Bernalillo County Clerk confirmed both individuals' legitimate registrations. On October 27, 2008, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund filed a lawsuit seeking an injunction to stop further intimidation.
* Virginia. A phony State Board of Elections flier was posted around the Hampton Roads area, stating that Republicans vote on Tuesday, November 4th, and Democrats vote on Wednesday, November 5th. The Virginia State Police determined that flier was an "office joke" and not intended to deceive voters.
* Philadelphia fliers. Deceptive fliers about the consequences of voting were distributed in a predominantly African American neighborhood in Philadelphia.
Some more,
* Greene County, Ohio. A law enforcement officer in Greene County, Ohio sought the names of 300 voters who registered and voted at the beginning of Ohio's early voting period in a town made up largely of students. The effort, which was later withdrawn, was criticized as an effort to intimidate student voters and deter others from voting.
* Hamilton County, Ohio. In a move that could intimidate and deter voters, Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters recently requested, via subpoena, personal information for 40% of the voters who registered and immediately cast a ballot during the weeklong period in which Ohio allows same-day registration and voting.
* California. Dozens of voters reported that a firm hired by the California Republican Party tricked them into registering with the GOP when signing a petition they believed to toughen penalties against child molesters. The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder is reviewing 9,000 registration affidavits submitted by the firm to determine if any of the party affiliation changes were involuntary.
* Travis County, Texas. County officials are looking for a man who may be providing misleading information regarding the state's straight-party voting option, telling voters that in addition to a straight-party vote, they must also select the name of the candidate they would like vote for president. In actuality, doing this would de-select the mark automatically made by the straight-party vote.
* Madison County, North Carolina. Residents have complained of misleading calls that provide inaccurate information regarding absentee ballot deadlines. The State Board of Elections is investigating.
* Kern County, California. A radio host announced that Republicans are being urged to vote on November 4 and Democrats on November 5. Although the host has said he meant it as a joke, the county elections chief has asked the radio station to stop providing misleading information.
* Baltimore City, Maryland. In Maryland, people with felony convictions can register to vote when they have completed the terms of their sentence, including probation and parole. The Baltimore city elections board sent letters to 422 people with felony convictions who registered to vote asking them to verify that they had completed their sentence, but the letter did not provide any information on what proof these voters must provide, who to contact, or a deadline for response. Although the state Attorney General has said it would attempt to contact these individuals, it is unclear if they will be added to the rolls for the November election.
* Texas. In early October, an email widely circulated falsely warned voters that a straight-party vote would not register a vote for president. In fact, if a voter using Texas ballots separately records a vote for president after voting straight-party, the vote for president will be deselected and will not count.
* Florida. The St. Petersburg Times reported that the Republican National Committee sent non-forwardable mailings to older Democratic voters, falsely stating that recipients are registered as Republicans and suggested that undeliverable mailings could be used to compile challenge lists. The RNC claimed that the controversial mailing was just a fundraising piece.
* Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Attorney General announced that he will deploy more than 50 assistant attorney generals and state agents on Election Day to polling places around the state to guard against voter fraud. This is expected to intimidate voters.
* Minnesota. The non-profit group Minnesota Majority, pretending to be from the Secretary of State's office, made calls to voters questioning their registrations in a supposed attempt to uncover voting irregularities.
Craig's examples involve phone calls to a swtichboard (not illegal), signing up people to join the Repubvlican Party (not illegal), and mailing people letters to see if they live there (not illegal).
In the first two, the accused plead guilty. Do people plead guilty to somethings that not illegal?
You haven't put me on the mat with this one yet.
BOOYAH. Oh, yeah. Look at me. LOOK. AT. ME. Swatting away your pesty retorts like the insignificant gnats they are.
How's that for smug, arrogant preening. See Heather, I have learned something here.
Heather said,
Actually, I just wanted to practice my newly acquired liberal communication skills.
Three easy steps:
1. Disregard what was actually said (check)
2. Reformulate the data into what I would have preferred the speaker to have said (got it)
3. Respond to the imaginary statement I concocted apart from reality.
Have I done any of those things? Please, let me know if I have and I'll do my best to rectify.
OOps. In my list of states I meant to say, pay attention to which party is trying to ensure the peoples franchise and which is trying to deny it.
That is all.
With regard to the list of dirty election details, it comes as no surprise to me to hear that individuals in either party would engage in such behavior.
Human nature is corrupt. That's not news. are a few of your points:
* Virginia. A phony State Board of Elections flier was posted around the Hampton Roads area, stating that Republicans vote on Tuesday, November 4th, and Democrats vote on Wednesday, November 5th. The Virginia State Police determined that flier was an "office joke" and not intended to deceive voters.
* Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Attorney General announced that he will deploy more than 50 assistant attorney generals and state agents on Election Day to polling places around the state to guard against voter fraud. This is expected to intimidate voters.
* Madison County, North Carolina. Residents have complained of misleading calls that provide inaccurate information regarding absentee ballot deadlines. The State Board of Elections is investigating.
(awwwww mannnn! Z, do you have any napkins? Craig just knocked over my Coke...)
Hi, Susannah!
I don't mind his knocking over a coke, I do mind when liberals come to conservative sites and feel they need to teach us something, as if all of us don't watch all the leftwing bias news AND FOX, which at least shows more than one side 99% of the time.
I don't think they can QUITE understand how we can listen to both sides and not become liberals..ugh!
I couldn't even be properly feministically angry about your women and liquor crack. My face turned about three shades of red, though.
Here, Heather, watch me. I can get "properly feministically angry". It's called being socially awkward for the sake of speaking up for yourself, instead of flirting and receiving unending ego-strokes.
Dear "conservative" men, please do not act like knuckle-draggers. It refelcts poorly on you, and on us as a group.
And as for you turning three shades of red? That is SO adorable it's nearly not believable!!
This is not my site, and, while it is not my place to correct others on this board for saying things I would not say, I did not see that it is wrong to suggest in a non-aggressive manner that it made me uncomfortable. And yes, my face most certainly was red. I'm far from perfect, but I do not make a habit of lying on blog forums--and I'm not going to pretend to be embarrassed just for the sake of being cute.
As far as being "feministically angry" goes, it was in context to my difficulty with understanding the liberal mindset in general--not a "pass" concerning the need for men to behave in a respectful manner.
I'm sorry you have interpreted my comments as attempts to have my ego stroked. I will readily admit that I can get a kick out of engaging in a verbal sparring match. I do it in "real life", too, and I didn't consider that others here might view it in a bad light.
I offer sincere apology to any who feel I have been acting inappropriately.
As far as being "feministically angry" goes, it was in context to my difficulty with understanding the liberal mindset in general--not a "pass" concerning the need for men to behave in a respectful manner.
Being "feministically angry" is equivalent to the liberal mindset?
How about we break down "feministically angry" into the desire for consistency?
That simplifies things a bit. That way, us independents, and even conservative women can get in on the whacko feminazi fun!
Heather, there's no need to apologize for your behavior. I'm just indulging in my need to be uninhibited, I guess.
You just be who you are, and I'll be me.
You irritate the hell out of me and I have no desire to hide it.
You don't owe me an apology at all.
I probably owe you one, but I'm overdue for offending someone.
Sorry you came around at the wrong moment. :-)
But notice how I'm interjecting completely irrelevant commentary so as to distract you from the ongoing debate.
I suppose it would be good to clarify this point, while I'm at it.
The remark has repeatedly been made that Craig was not offering enough of a challenge in this discussion. My husband and son recently were at a football game and explained to me about the "home-team advantage", in which fans make a lot of noise to try to distract the visiting team when they have the ball. As I have not made a secret of being friendly toward Z's regular leftist visitor--and I know he doesn't see eye-to eye with many on this site--the thought of running interference for Craig amused me.
My bothering of Beamish here was intended to be a joke which related in my mind to the football game discussion --nothing more.
It's okay Heather...don't even go there.
Stop now.
It's just funny...
And we all know how much you adore Ducky and you are obviously a saint for that. ::rolls eyes::
You're just too good.
And when I say you "adore Ducky", I don't mean anything other than bloggy-friendly-conservative-befriending-a-liberal-in-an-attempt-to-create-world-peace kind of adoration. I don't want you to blow an aneuryism thinking that I'm implying that YOU'D do anything inapporopriate.
oh...damn this is funny.
I'm gonna burn in hell for this.....
I probably owe you one, but I'm overdue for offending someone.
Sorry you came around at the wrong moment. :-)
Well, I can be irritating...but it usually is not intentional. If I had a tail-chewing coming, I had it coming.
Sometimes, it's good to have someone hold up a mirror so I can see things I've been blind to.
And, if nothing else, it's good to know where I stand with you.
Honesty is always an admirable trait.
Take care,
Like I said, it was probably just bad timing. ;-)
I don't know if it's honesty as much as poor impulse control.
Ok Z, so my Coke is cleaned up, & I'm now paying attention.
I had to read back several comments to get this, but I think this is where it started...(correct me if I'm wrong, please):
"My fight contract riders specifically state my locker room is to be stocked with women, liquor, gummy bears and purple felt tip pens"
Ok. Heather & Jen's discussion aside, what the h*ll does this comment have to do w/ misogyny?? I thought Beam's comment was hilarious!!
Imo,women (read: groupies) who hang out in men's locker rooms have nothing to do w/ misogyny, & everything to do w/ flaunting their sexuality for attention. Have you people never heard of Inez Sainz? .
Or, maybe it's just me. As the 'little sister' of two BIG brothers, I tend NOT to be hypersensitive to perceived slurs against my femininity...
Life's too short for that kind of nonsense, people...
...oh, & if I'm totally off the mark on this comment, don't mind me, I've been cleaning up this spill I had...
I must admit I thought B's remark was hilarious, too, mostly because I know where it's coming from and I know he's not a woman hater! He says things to get a rise (so to speak :-), too.........
BUT, we're all different!
I just regret so much that men can't even compliment a woman at work anymore because she can sue if he says she looks particularly nice that day, but maybe that's just me. And, of course, it's the DELIVERY of the man, HOW he says it. But.........
We need to be less sensitive, not MORE. MORE SENSITIVE is getting us only into ugly divisiveness in our society and ridiculous PC stuff that has only made the situation WORSE, in my opinion
Got all the Coke up yet? (off the floor, not your nose!(HA!)
Beamish's comment didn't bother me, actually. I didn't perceive it as a blow to my femininity. I rather like the idea of male groupies around the name of equality and all. :P
It was Heather's comment about "feministic anger" that I was responding to.
I just reject the temptation to throw all ideas aside because they don't jive with the "conservative" ideal (i.e. feminism).
And, life's too short for what? Speaking up?
I think that life's too short to keep your mouth shut, but whatever floats yer boat.
Speaking up doesn't make me unhappy, it makes me feel much better, in fact.
Jen~ To be frank (not a man's name...well, never mind)...To be honest, I didn't 'get' the feminist anger part, myself...What I do know is that Heather is a cool gal. I'm just getting to know her; & what I know, I like.
"And, life's too short for what? Speaking up? I think that life's too short to keep your mouth shut, but whatever floats yer boat"
Oh dear, dear Jen. You clearly don't know me...or you would NOT challenge me in such a way. So, I'll give you a pass on that...
Life's too short for PC @#$%, & feminist's perceived slight against their person (physical or psychological) at every turn. Life's too short for hypersensitivity & ruminating over every perceived victimization...that's what life's too short for...
Oh & Z, the Coke's all cleaned up. Otis slurped up the last drop! ;)
I'm afraid I've not been entirely forthcoming with you. I don't think I can sugar-coat this into being delicate enough for you, so I'll just come right out and say it.
The idea that a left-wing / liberal Democrat could add anything intelligent to a discussion is something I consider to be the height of absurdity. I've been looking for brainpower on the left for quite some time, over 30 years, and I'm here to tell you it just ain't there. Too me, I find people who believe otherwise about leftists and brainpower to be a truckload of bizarre.
Which leads me to you. I needed no confirmation of the readily demonstrated fact that leftists are incapable of rational thought, but if I did, you'd fit the bill.
This is not a personal attack. I just don'r see any rational basis for you to dismiss actual cases of voter fraud, WHERE ILLEGAL VOTES ARE CAST, then try to gin up phone calls to a switchboard or verifying the legitimacy of vote registrations to be "Republican voter fraud." And if Democrats are stupid enough to fall for a sign telling them to vote the day after the Election Day polls close, this merely confirms further what is widely known - stupid people vote for Democrats.
It seems to me you don't even know the rules of the game you want to play.
Show me examples of Republicans vote fraud convictions, where illegal ballots were actually cast in an election, or sit down and shut your tired ass up with your "do your homework" nonsense, you lightweight.
Or, maybe it's just me. As the 'little sister' of two BIG brothers, I tend NOT to be hypersensitive to perceived slurs against my femininity...
I don't have brothers. Maybe that's my problem?
Susannah, you are right to point out the "groupie" thing. My reaction was to the "stocking" of one's locker room.
I get that it was a joke, honestly, and wasn't really offended--just uncomfortable, even while finding it to be amusing.
The reference to misogyny was my way of saying that I understand there was no harm intended. It's just not the kind of thing I tend to joke about and would probably have said nothing if my gummy bear comment wasn't referenced.
We need to be less sensitive, not MORE. MORE SENSITIVE is getting us only into ugly divisiveness in our society and ridiculous PC stuff that has only made the situation WORSE, in my opinion
Can't argue with that.
Yee-hah, Beam!
(gummy bears, anyone?)
"My reaction was to the 'stocking' of one's locker room."
Heather, I get that. It's just that Beam was joking harmlessly,& it was funny -- purple felt tip pens! And even if he wasn't, the whole notion that women who frequent locker rooms in search of male sexual attention is the men's fault & therefore misgynisitic (even if the women were invited) is too much of a leap for me.
Me? Brothers, male cousins (all), best friends who were guys, and having a personality very similar to my father, who is a very sensible, practical kind of man.
Here: maybe this will help...
Z's right, though. We're all different & view things differently, esp. on blogs where we can't read facial expressions/body language, etc...No harm, no foul.
[resisting the urge to say something truly mysognistic for a cheap laugh]
That's my schtick, actually. Cheap laughs. Tweaking noses and running from all the angry women who come after me all riled up with pitchforks and torches. Or frying pans.
Hey, I gotta get the girls to notice me somehow.
See, I can't resist for long.
Anyway, if... if if if I've offended... zigged when I shoulda zagged... mea culpa. My apologies, I'm sorry, and I'll try to be more obvious about when I'm not serious, and try to be more serious when I'm not obvious.
Heather, I can take all the elbows to the ribs you want to throw at me, but I'm not gonna budge on Ducky. There's two kinds of people in this world, those you'd leap on a grenade for, and those you'd not cross a street to pee on if they were on fire. Ducky is in category two. I don't care who's friends with who or whatever. If he ever catches fire, you can pee on him ;)
Susannah, exactly life's too short. Best to make the time fly having fun. ;)
Jen, if you ever stopped speaking your mind, I'd worry about you. Feisty is good. :D
Z, yes... I do say things to rile people up sometimes. Other times I just think I'm far more hilarious than I actually am.
I should come with a warning label.
Beam, you are not more hilarious than you think you are. TRUST me. :-)
This is MY blog and if I say you're really hilarious, you're really hilarious.
Susannah, you couldn't be a FRANK if you tried!!!
I just hate to see people I love fighting over something I said to be funny.
I'm not even sure how to "stock" a locker room with women. With my luck they'd all be militantly gay, happily married, too old, too young, or Rutger Hauer lookalikes.
Though I'm sure the Rutger Hauer lookalikes have there feminine charms as well, given use of the liquor stocks.
I need therapy. Y'all are going to kill me.
Okay, somebody PLEASE pass me something from the liquor cabinet...I'm clearly in need of some relaxation!!
Seriously, one thing that bothers me is putting a social stigma (redundant?) on anyone who speaks up. I, for one, dislike political correctness. I also do NOT think it's being "politically correct" to speak up when the need arises.
I'm offended by the concept political correctness. As if one way were correct and the other ways incorrect, and anything offensive to someone is automatically incorrect.
:: pours everyone a glass of Riesling ::
Heather, I get that. It's just that Beam was joking harmlessly,& it was funny -- purple felt tip pens!
Oh yes! I know.
And thanks, I appreciate your sweet vote of confidence.
I know you don't like Ducky. It's nice that you don't hate me because I do.
Newbie enters blog discussion and says to herself "Okay, I know I can say some really dumb things--and I can be irritating. So, watch out for THAT guy because he's already unloaded a couple times and he's scary"
It amuses me that the one person on this site I figured I'd better be careful to not irritate doesn't seem to be irritated by me.
On the one hand, it's a relief. On the other, it's tempting to keep testing just to see what I can get away with.
If I'd realized I'd annoyed Jen so much, I wouldn't have worked so hard to be annoying.
I know you don't like Ducky. It's nice that you don't hate me because I do.
Oh, I never hate anyone without valid reason, and never hastily. But once I'm sold on disliking someone, it's hard to change my mind otherwise. I keep my fuse hard to light because it's short.
It's bad enough to accidently annoy someone without actively seeking to annoy them on purpose. That is ultimately such a waste of time.
I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt until I can doubt the benefits of doing so. I still remember vividly what it was that turned me on Ducky to the point I give no quarter and expect none. I'm comfortably sure he will force the same conclusion from you. I'll try not to say "I told you so."
Anyway, aside from all that, you're not going to annoy me if I know that's your intention. I'll only frustrate you. :P
I still remember vividly what it was that turned me on Ducky to the point I give no quarter and expect none. I'm comfortably sure he will force the same conclusion from you. I'll try not to say "I told you so."
No worries.
If I crash and burn, I won't come crying to you for sympathy.
My liking Ducky isn't a logically ordered thing. The way you feel about him is your business. I do respect that.
It's bad enough to accidently annoy someone without actively seeking to annoy them on purpose. That is ultimately such a waste of time....Anyway, aside from all that, you're not going to annoy me if I know that's your intention. I'll only frustrate you. :P
I'm not really hoping to aggravate you. I seem to be good at irritating some people without trying, but my purpose has never been to make anyone angry.
I do unfortunately have an antagonistic streak. Knowing that you're not likely to chew me out means I haven't been watching myself as closely as I otherwise would. To recognize the tendency and not consciously control it is as good as deliberately trying to irritate, IMO.
I usually enjoy reading your commentary, generally appreciate a good joke and it is kind of fun to poke at you, just to see what you'll say.
Sometimes, though, it's best to not feel too comfortable.
Enjoy whatever's left of your discussion with Craig.
Jen "Seriously, one thing that bothers me is putting a social stigma (redundant?) on anyone who speaks up. I, for one, dislike political correctness. I also do NOT think it's being "politically correct" to speak up when the need arises."
I think it's 'politically correct' NOT to speak up; after all, speaking up might correct, chasten, embarrass and teach!....some don't appreciate that so they call you cruel, know-in-all....oh, my, it's SO politically incorrect to tell the TRUTH these days. And yes, pass the vodka!:-)
Heather, DUcky is not entirely unlikable but, sadly, he represents himself here that way; right off the bat. I"ve watched to see if his comments are coming off of someone else's angry remarks to him and they're 90% not. Tough to feel sorry when he whines about us. And,really, it makes for fun.
I don't know how well you monitor your comments at your place, but wanted to thank you for the link to your blog post.
It did offer a sense of perspective I just don't seem to have.
Heather, DUcky is not entirely unlikable but, sadly, he represents himself here that way; right off the bat. I"ve watched to see if his comments are coming off of someone else's angry remarks to him and they're 90% not. Tough to feel sorry when he whines about us. And,really, it makes for fun.
I understand what you mean, Z. The first thing I wondered when visiting your site is what in the world is his problem.
And, considering the fact that many of his comments here have been less than gracious, I think it's nice that you still will give him a chance.
As I said to Beamish, my interest in Ducky was not due to a logically deduced "Oh, this guy looks like he'd be a lot of fun to hang out with..." sort of thing.
I don't consider myself a *saint* where Ducky's concerned,and we don't agree on many issues, but guess I feel a little defensive about it, as it bothers me a lot when I cannot reason my way through my own behavior. And, so far, I don't believe he is as offensive via e-mail as he appears on screen. So, maybe I'm just setting myself up to wreck. I don't know.
Heather & Jen~ You both are welcome @ my blog any time. Glad you both stopped by.
Any friend of Z's is a friend of mine. (Hey, & maybe we could get Beam to bring that bottle of Reisling!)
I appreciate your offering the chance to clear the air at your place.
Jen's irritation at me is understandable. I irritate myself most of the time and don't expect anyone here to sympathize with my personal issues.
You may need to top off your Coke. Craig could return at any moment. :)
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