We on the right remind you to vote on November 2 and please vote only once and only if you're legal, because we have rules in this country and getting back to those rules just might help. Also, if you see fraud, please let someone know.
We speak to you today, however, to emphasize something we feel will convince you to vote for your Republican candidate: We want to take Congress over and SLOW DOWN.
We want to make sure all of your representatives have read the bills.
We want to review the Constitution and make sure people on both sides of the aisle are more familiar with it than what has been shown these last almost two years.
We would like to make sure that Democrats AND Republicans can weigh in on what's happening in Washington.
We really will stop earmarks.
We really will explain to you what's happening, not just promise that.
And we will never call any American "the enemy."
Oh, and we really are the "party of No"...No out of control government, no rushing to make mistakes.
But, as we said before, what we most want to do is SLOW DOWN, WAIT! we are in no hurry, especially not to hurry into passing bills that nobody knows the content of. We don't care if the president says "we can't go fast enough" (See the video at Mustang's blog) We know that 'going fast' isn't the answer, 'going all out to do it right' is.
Think before you vote.......we need a Congress which is really looking after America, not just growing government and throwing good money after bad. Thank you, America.
The Republican Leadership
I'm hoping to be able to crack open a bottle of champagne on November 3.
Ah, yes. Our Dear Marxist Comrade, The Great Uniter Strikes Again.
Barrack Hussein Obama:
Oct. 26th, 2010
It’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd.”
And we must Punish "Our Enemies"
"We really will stop earmarks."
For more years than I can remember I have advocated a "one bill, one subject" policy, either by law or by Constitutional amendment.
Lawmakers would have appoplexy over how impossible it would be to attach a bridge to nowhere to a bill about health care. To which I would reply, "Pity."
We want to review the Constitution?
That's actually going to take some time and you might just as well say you want everyone to recite an oath to the 10th Amendment and let that replace a couple hundred years of constitutional law.
And we're going to put right wingers in camps and force them to read Das Kapital (and Wealth of Nations and The Great Transformation and The general Theory...) until they have a faint clue about hat a Marxist is. They will be released when they pass a test.
until they have a faint clue about hat a Marxist is
History has given us enough examples to see the disaster Marx-inspired people create, Kwaky. The record speaks for itself: only misery.
You would've never enjoyed your ipod and other of your bourgeois gadgets if the US had been run by Marxists for a while.
Always, after what happened to Meg Whitman last night, I see how powerful the leftwing lies are and I wouldn't even chill the champagne yet...maybe the House, but a lot of races have tightened in the left's direction because people aren't questioning what they're hearing.
Mal...great guy, huh? :-) I don't think I"ll ever get over the ENEMIES thing.
Joe, "One bill, one subject"...how the heck hard can THAT be?
Ducky, leave it to you not to see the difference of reviewing the constitution in our American congress and expecting the right to read Das Kapital. Very revealing, thanks.
FB...he'll never get it.
FB...he'll never get it.
He'll get it when he can't get his ipod-like gadgets to look cool with his highschool buddies. Or when they start taxing those items like crazy with the VAT like they do it in France.
Then he'll whine like a baby.
First off, z, the right has no standing to being the exclusive arbiters of just what the Constitution means. That should be obvious.
Second, when you have so many calling Obama a Marxist, it indicates you should put in some time to understand just what you are saying, because you really do not understand. That should also be obvious.
I threw in a few other texts because you need to go beyond Hayek and I doubt many of you have even read him.
Ducky...stop being quite so rude. YOU tell US here what we "don't understand?" because we don't understand like you do? Please.
To all of you; My point of this post was that the Right SHOULD be saying something like what I wrote and, if they did, they MIGHT get numbers big enough to overcome the fraud we're already hearing about....DOn't you think?
I think many Americans want Congress to SLOW DOWN, I think it's one of the biggest beefs against Obama and it's legitimate.
the right has no standing to being the exclusive arbiters of just what the Constitution means.
True. However when the left says the Constitution should not matter b/c it's an "old" document, we're way beyond debating what it means. B/c if it's useless, there's no point of debating.
Second, when you have so many calling Obama a Marxist, it indicates you should put in some time to understand just what you are saying, because you really do not understand.
Very much like you insult Libertarians based on shallow cliches, proving you haven't done a thorough investigation, either.
Aside from that, feel free to enlighten us on Marxism. There's a lot to it but it would be nice if you could make us smarter instead of insulting everyone.
That would be a nice change from the usually useless comments.
FB, I think Ducky's done enough Marxism lectures here and he won't be welcome. I didn't build a blog to have lefties spew the filth here.
But thanks.
Meanwhile, another muslim "A VIrginia MAN" as FOX refers to him, has been arrested for "allegedly" trying to kill the most people in the DC transit system.
Good thing it's not a muslim, huh? heh
Oh, and Yahoo isn't carrying that story yet.
amen girl..pray we make a difference!
He won't spew b/c aside from his shallow "bourgeois boheme" rhetoric there's nothing to his thought process. Maybe he's been learning Marx on his bourgeois iPad.
...until they have a faint clue about what a Marxist is.
A Marxist is just another douchebag who comes against everything that America stands for.
Word is surfacing already of voter fraud in Nevada and a couple of other states. I have not been the least bit confident this election would be held on the up and up. They will use every dirty means possible to take it from us. It truly is time for an uprising here in our country. Possibly more than a war of words. The president has already declared us the enemy and relegated us to the bakc of the bus. What a unifier.
Cheers AOW, I'm with you, but I'm hoping that massive fraud won't fabricate a democrat win. Their resources are vast.
What a unifier.
How can a leftist be a unifier when their whole mantra and marketing is rich vs poor, powerful vs victims, whites vs. minorities, men vs women.
One of these days, Ducky will actually say something halfway intelligent, but personally, I’m not holding my breath. Fact: Obama is a communist. He is an adherent of Marcusian Marxism. Now I will grant that we must make certain inferences about this, given he’s suppressed all of his school records and there is absolutely no record of Obama writing anything beyond the Soros-funded myth about his father —but it is still possible to do so. My suggestion for Ducky is that he shouldn’t come over here and pretend as if he has intelligence; that too, like the existence of unicorns, is a myth. We’ve all witnessed Ducky’s haughtiness, and yet no one has seen any evidence of intelligence. None. This isn’t his fault though: he’s a leftist American hater. It’s what he does. As for the right’s entitlement to interpret the Constitution —someone has to protect America from the left, who would destroy her.
"How can a leftist be a unifier when their whole mantra and marketing is rich vs poor, powerful vs victims, whites vs. minorities, men vs women."
Exactly FB. Divide and conquer isn't new, is it.
Aow, me, too.
You know that if the leftists have their way, there will be plenty of fraud. I just wrote about how federal judges have said that Arizona can't make people who are registering to vote show ID or proof of citizenship or even do so in person. Just promising that you weally are who you say you are should be enough. Discrimination against the illegals-- I mean, the poor, you know.
The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) was the brainchild of (you guessed it) Frances Piven and Richard Cloward. It was their response to the Reagan victory in 1980. This is how the communists seek to destroy America. The bill became law over Bill Clinton’s signature —this should also not be a surprise. The 103 Congress was as much “Progressive” as is the 111th. Our question should be how is it possible for Arizona (or any other state) to discriminate against citizens when everyone has to prove their identity? If the issue is discrimination against illegal aliens, then the argument is moot. Illegal aliens have no standing … they cannot sue for the right to vote fraudulently. That said, I have no doubt that leftists believe otherwise, but then no one ever suggested that leftists have any brains. Readers … we need to demand Congress repeal this law.
for the record, you still must show ID to vote in AZ.
"This is how the communists seek to destroy America."
As Stalin said..."It's not who votes...but who counts the votes!"
Philly, Chicago, Houston....and so it goes with our home grown Taliban...Demorats.
Elbro, you may recall Meg Whitman’s housekeeper had expertly forged documents. When someone votes, we must be certain that they are who they say they are; that they are really citizens of the United States.
Mustang, THAT was them, TOO? No surprise, as you say.
You know what would help when I hear about the cases of Dem fraud already cropping up?....I'd be somewhat cheered if the mainstream media was reporting this information as they're SUPPOSED TO.
Every FREAKIN' JERK leftist journalist is CENSORING IMPORTANT NEWS and THAT IS UNAMERICAN. I'm more scared of THAT than ACORN bastards or whoever's behind this ballot 'accidental' ballot 'mistake' of the liberals with no consience.......odd that ONLY the Dems have their names checked if the ballots are "too sensitive", huh?
@#$(IY&*#@(*$& them all.
I'm SO PISSED off today. sorry, but I AM.
"It truly is time for an uprising here in our country. Possibly more than a war of words."
How right and prophetic you are.
There will come a day when states decide to depart from their statist and slavish connection to the Feds. Let the Feds die and let the states flourish.
We need to rule ourselves.
"Good thing it's not a muslim, huh? heh.."
I pray for the day when muslims rue the day they put their asses in the air for allah...rather than the US.
They are...running out of time...and our patience.
I do know what Marxism is and Obama certainly leans in that direction. The Constitution was made to LIMIT the powers of the FEDERAL government and to KEEP the FEDERAL government out of the lives of individuals.
If you think that the SCOTUS is infallible then I guess that Dread Scott and Separate But Equal should still be law since those were decisions handed down by the court. Or is it just the decisions that enhance the power of the feds. I also suppose you have no issue with the 9th Circuit saying that in order to vote you DON'T have to prove citizenship.
"THEY are running out of time", Major? I WISH. I think it's quite the contrary; they have a country they can hit (we have nowhere and are like a late-great big country swatting at flies and looking ridiculous in the process), they have no senate telling bin Laden what he can or can't do, they have no liberal press poo-pooing identifying a Christian by name, they have the money and the desire, and the country they want to hit is in total chaos economically and in about every other way (that being US).
When you say they're running out of time, what do you have planned for them? !!
"...and please vote only once..."
Screw that, i say play by the rules of the left, you good folks played nice and fair and look what that got you, the home of voter fraud, intimidation and scumbaggery is busy turning your country into another socialist european sh!thole. Do what you need to do folks, to save your country. You see, no one will remember or give a rats ass if you played by the book on the road to your country becoming a mediocre has-been.
my stepdaughter, Ms Z from Munich, and I were watching news tonight and she heard about the suspected voter fraud....she turned to me and said "What country are we IN?"
Ya, it's hard to believe, isn't it.
Elbro, you may recall Meg Whitman’s housekeeper had expertly forged documents. When someone votes, we must be certain that they are who they say they are; that they are really citizens of the United States.
then the law wouldn't make any difference
and still illegals cannnot vote in AZ
The court did uphold Arizona’s photo ID requirement and Federal Law still makes it illegal for a non citizen to vote.
The only way to keep illegals from voting in our elections is to not let them in here in the first place.
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