Local government"...........Joan Kroc and George Soros have also given large amounts of money (funny to see Beckel suggest Kroc's foundation is conservative tonight on FOX, did you see that!?).
They don't deliver mail or warheads upon targets, so no, the feds shouldn't fund it.
There are some people I just can't stand to watch, & Beckel is near the top of the list. He is the epitome of the cranky, overstuffed, pompous, angry looking I-know-what's-good-for-you
liberal Democrat. His body language tells all.
I wish I had a membership in NPR just so I could cancel it. The only reasons I listen to it at all are it's the only source of classical music for me in this area, & I love Click & Clack, the Tappit Brothers.
While I almost never agree with Juan, I certainly respect him for what he said. At least he had the guts to say what he believes.
Good blog Z...
I just blogged on this myself.
I'm thinking NPR needs to shut its mouth now...this morning, their Ombudsman is saying no other NPR employee's sparked such outrage as when Williams said, a few years back, that Michelle Obama's like Stokely Carmichael in a designer dress.
What about Nina Totenberg saying that Jesse Helms and his grandchildren should get AIDS?
Or any of the other things you can read in my COMMENTS on that last post I did on Williams?
Ya..NPR....you've screwed up, don't make it worse.
Interesting that some of our thoughts about SOros might be right: http://www.newsmax.com/InsideCover/soros-william-npr-firing/2010/10/21/id/374461?s=al&promo_code=B02A-1
And yes, I know...mentioning SOROS gets derision and chuckling from the left...I don't care.
It's time we got through that and started connecting the soros dots.
If people don't believe that Soros & his $$$$$$$$$ are behind this, then I have a bridge I'll sell them. They can have their choice of one on either the East Coast or Left Coast. Thankfully, Rupert M. has deep pockets, too. Maybe not quite as deep, but deep. And I was very proud of Roger Ailes. Go Fox!!!!!
How can America fund anything when we are flat broke....no,bankrupt.
As you all know, I'm sure, we just borrow more money from China and they just raised their interest rates.
Go to www.pandora.com and download it. It's free (up to a number of hours per ?) and you can pick any genre of uninterupted music you want. The unlimited yearly fee is only about $35. It's great!
Thank you, Randy! I'll check it out.
Z said...
I'm thinking NPR needs to shut its mouth now...this morning, their Ombudsman is saying no other NPR employee's sparked such outrage as when Williams said, a few years back, that Michelle Obama's like Stokely Carmichael in a designer dress.
I'm thinking that she looks more like James Brown in a designer dress.
Pull all funds and see how long NPR will last. Soro's will probably get bored and abandon them as well.
This was a big mess up and they had better make it right.
Leticia, the State funds are only 5.8% and SOros isn't finished ruining the country yet...give him time.
Apparently, the word is that they didn't like Williams appearing on FOX. They were waiting for a gaffe.
What's a REAL laugh is how you have to know they monitor Glenn Beck very closely at the WH and NPR, etc etc., and they can NEVER contradict with facts what he's presented.
Actually, it's no 'laugh' because the information is usually horrifying and confirmed and supported to the HILT....
shows me he IS right and we've got a far more evil bunch of thugs in the WH than even we thought.
Your Norman Thomas quote is probably bogus.
I just heard again a little while ago that they are after Mara Liasson. And, while I was at the typewriter in the next room I could hear Alan Colmes wound up like a dollar watch. (A colloquial expression) He was almost screaming.
SilvrLady...Colmes is screaming FOR Williams or for NPR censorship? (David Miller is saying at Malcontent's blog that WIlliams was not censored....Mal and my feeling is "if you can't say what you want and keep your job you're censored"...)
Anonymous "Probably", I know that. I keep it there because whoever said it is dead on. Also, I keep it there to remind myself and others that, in America, we named a public high school in the toniest section of Manhattan, NY, after an avowed socialist.
Thanks for the information.
Z said ".Mal and my feeling is "if you can't say what you want and keep your job you're censored"...)
thanks, mal...I thought that made sense! :-) WHAT is our buddy David THINKING?
But YOUR point about WHoopi Goldberg's hypocrisy ROCKED! How can she walk off the set in apparent outrage when O'Reilly says what HE said and champion Juan WIlliams against NPR after what HE said? GOOD ONE, Mal xxx
By the way, I wish Palin and Huckabee would just take it down the street...who cares what they think, as if CONSERVATIVES are going to be on NPR's side?
Honestly, I hate to say that, but it's just DUMB and the media's got them plastered EVERYWHERE over this.
Sure, I'm GLAD they're supporting Juan and against NPR, I agree, but is it really NEWS that THOSE TWO particularly would be angry at NPR?!
By the way, check this statement out from an internal memo at NPR:
“In appearing on TV or other media . . . NPR journalists should not express views they would not air in their role as an NPR journalist. They should not participate in shows . . . that encourage punditry and speculation rather than fact-based analysis.”
Get that? "Punditry and speculation" is what they think of FOX. Do they EVER watch it, or does their agenda prevent them from even seeing the truth?
Anymore, Snopes leans left. They are not always correct. I have debunked them before. Most of the time they give correct info but they do slip up...intentional or accidental. If they err it will be toward the left's favor.
Left you a message at the end of your last post about Juan.
Randy, Thanks....I just looked at SHATTERED AMERICA and think most of it is very good. I don't agree with everything and have to find the time to think it a little more through and give an opinion........
I like very much the idea of this piece.
I do believe that Bilderburg is NOT innocent and they very well might have picked THE ONE, as nutty as that would have sounded to me only a year ago!
I'll try to read it again soon....
Defund NPR and the sooner the better.
My goodness! I'm listening to so many people who aren't strong Conservatives and who are SO angry about NPR's bias. It's astonishing...they're giving name and incident, after name and incident of liberals who've said AWFUL things and NPR keeps them around....
I think this might have been the best thing that could have happened for Juan WIlliams and conservatism. And for AMerica.
The first sentence in the preface of the ongoing Shattered America rendering says it would probably be the most radical thing you will ever read. But it has to be thought provoking.
Radical solutions for unprecedented times?
Your Norman Thomas quote is probably bogus.
Somebody in the anonymous nutroots dispatcher's office ought to tell the Social Democrats USA Party to stop enthusiastically defending Thomas' quote then.
Barreled fish again?
Aw maaaaaa!
Finding the Norman Thomas quaote in its original context is as easy as going to the library, unless of course one is afflicted with the lack of reading comprehension skills all leftists suffer from.
Before Juan Williams was sacked by NPR for expressing an unflattering opinion about Muslims, NPR BLACKLISTED Steven Emerson for investigating jihadist groups IN AMERICA.
Norman Thomas was also a presbyterian minister.
The pledge of allegiance was written by a Christian socialist, Francis Bellamy. It did not include the words "under God."
Anonymous, Thomas was one of the first Protestants to go off the deep end; many are putting Scripture aside today and inventing their own version of Christian faith. It's only become worse today.
I believe it was Eisenhower who had "under God" put in, wasn't it?
We know all this.....
Do you think we're going to have a "EUREKA" moment and become secular because some Christians don't understand the Scriptures or appreciate all God has done for AMerica?
I could also respond that there's a lot of Christians that seem to think that the Republican talking points are divine. Or that there are Christians who conflate constitutional law with the teachings of Christ as if they overlap. No.
There's also a lot of Christians who really need to stop whining every time their politicsl party doesn't make office.
To present your political ideas as the "Christian" ones are disingenous. They are your political ideas, for better or worse.
I wrote the Thomas complaint a few days ago. I checked your PDF that you linked here
"Finding the Norman Thomas quaote in its original context is as easy as going to the library, unless of course one is afflicted with the lack of reading comprehension skills all leftists suffer from."
I did a Ctrl-F search for "socialism." Of course, the quote isn't there either. Are you pretending to have a source?
The lame thing about the current conservative movement is their complete disregard for facts.
No more from me.
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