Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday smile.......

You think it's time for her to retire? :-)  A bottle of white-out and a computer screen? YIKES!


Brooke said...

Gotta be a well played gag by a clever senior. :)

heidianne jackson said...

a clever BLONDE senior. ;) one of the oldest computer-age blonde jokes there is. i love it!

Z said...

Sorry, Heidianne, I'd never seen this! Loved it.
Brooke...of course it's a gag but I did hope we'd get a smile over it..there's so little to smile about these days if you watch THE NEWS :-)

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

This is an interesting point: sure, it's funny, but it illustrates the conflict and flaw in government thinking:

The US government wants to raise the retirement age for employees past 65.

Hell, the French are RIOTING because their government is proposing to raise the retirement age two years to 62!

Problem is, everyone has to be SOMEwhere. Businesses don't WANT people over 40 or 50. They cost too much. Plus, you have to HAVE a job at 65+ before you can retire FROM it.

At a time when businesses don't want older workers, the government wants workers to work to a higher age.



FrogBurger said...

BZ, I've learned seeing my dad being unemployed after 40 for so many years to live more thrifty and be ok with lower wages when I get old.

But you're raising a very good point. The more unemployment the more hirable people after 40 will be. It's a disaster in France in that regard. And the more taxes, fees, etc the gov will impose on businesses the less those people are good to hire.

It's actually depressing.

FrogBurger said...

oops - I meant "The more unemployment the less hirable people after 40 will be. "

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Stop making fun of my wife!!!!
She can't help being technically challenged....Oh...and she's not a blonde either!

Anonymous said...

Somebody took my picture when I wasn't looking!


The Vegas Art Guy said...

It made me smile...