Before continuing, let’s look at the time tested Democratic plan of action: Never let a crisis go to waste —even one we created ourselves.
The language used by the mainstream media doesn’t help. Sorry, state-run media: America is not standing on a fiscal precipice. Maybe it would be a good thing for the government to go bankrupt. You know, if government under George Bush had let GM and Chrysler go into bankruptcy, they’d be back on track right now and rehiring. Instead, Bush/Obama flushed a ton of our money down the sewer. We find it amazing that this ineptitude gives confidence to 47% of registered voters. Have we forgotten that we learn valuable lessons from our failures? The failure in this case is our collective stupidity electing unqualified persons to the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives.
Alison Fraser (Heritage Foundation) tells us that neither Boehner nor Reid’s plan will pass Standard and Poor’s smell test, and in fact, the US government spending will increase over the next ten years … suggesting that neither Congress nor the White House are taking this issue seriously. Realistically, why should they care if our interest payments will triple over the next ten years? After all, it isn’t their money, so there is no reason for their concern if the holders of our debt increase interest rates. Meanwhile, when Obama said “… every family knows that a little credit card debt is manageable,” the American people smiled, and winked at one another. All is well in River City; except, we aren’t talking about a little family credit card management problem, are we? Aren’t we talking about $14.3 trillion in debt? So get that stupid smile off your faces, America …
We should align ourselves with Americans who make the simple argument: forget all these idiotic and dishonest congressional plans. Just stop spending money on things not mandated by the United States Constitution. Naturally, those 47% of registered voters who continue to adore the communist in chief don’t quite understand all the fuss. Not at all.
Thanks, Mustang, I'm proud to carry your work here at geeeZ and hope I can print more in the future.
Well said Mustang!
All I can say is, to Congress, No guts, no glory!!
A pox on both your Houses!
The chief crisis we have, lives in the White House!
Mustang, once again you hit it on the nail. You are absolutely spot-on, my dear friend.
God bless you.
I agree with Mustang. I'm not sure how we are going to get the elected officials in D.C. to understand this. I thought the country was on the right track when the GOP took control of congress. I was evidently wrong. I would really hate to see a war in our country, but if changes aren't made and the deficit turned around, I think the American people will be forced to do something. The elections look good, but once the "new" congressmen get to D.C. their minds are changed and nothing gets done.
How do we get them to do the job they were hired to do?
Mustang said:
Realistically, why should they care if our interest payments will triple over the next ten years? After all, it isn’t their money, so there is no reason for their concern if the holders of our debt increase interest rates.
And there is the crux of the matter.
These politicians spend taxpayers' money like water and, at the same time, collect a good salary and benefits -- with even more perks at their disposal.
I'd love to know the answer to Lana's question:
How do we get them to do the job they were hired to do?
The disconnect between our elected public servants and the will of the constituents is surreal.
Mustang you are correct that there is no plan on what to cut. They are all playing politics with our future.
All I know is we cannot continue down this path. Obama got a debt limit in Jan of 1.5 trillion and here we are just 6 months later and he wants another 1.5 trillion?
We need to cut entitlements yet we have the biggest entitlement program of Obamacare coming down the pike.
This can't end up good.
I did an internship in a pharmacy and it is sickening to see how much free medication is dispensed. I am talking at least 6 to 8 hundred per month for many like Oxycodone,Xanax,Methadone. All controlled substances and here with health care that we pay for, I have to pay a 70.00 co pay for a 3 months of a measly 80 mg dose of blood pressure medication.
So not only are we paying for our own,we are paying for a bunch of addicts hooked on prescription medication via the government.
Thanks liberals!
"The failure in this case is our collective stupidity electing unqualified persons to the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives."
Well said Mustang. Yet who are those stupid people actually? To me they're not so stupid at all. They know full well that they will be rewarded for their votes for the welfare state. They have no shame, no honor and no incentive at all to take the right path to success. When people in "poverty" have all the necessary indulgences and toys that every working household has....what makes them continue to be qualified as "poor".
"Naturally, those 47% of registered voters who continue to adore the communist in chief don’t quite understand all the fuss. Not at all."
And why should they be concerned Mustang? For 50 years and 3 or more generations we've been picking up the tab. And we'll continue to do so to garner an electorate that's so unsophisticated and dishonest that we turn our backs on what the real solutions are.
Anyone who's on welfare or the public dole for housing, school, food, clothing and child care...should be DENIED the right to vote. Just as a judge should be dismissed form trying a case which he has a personal interest in the outcome ( like the gay judge who dismissed Prop 8 in California ) of his decision. It's clear that the illegals and entitlement crowd know this.
You landed MUSTANG? You are one lucky lady!
Opus, you aren't KIDDING! :-)
Nothing is going to change as long as conservatives keep letting the media Keep calling the Tea Party socialists a "conservative" movement.
Boehner's under fire from the Trailer Park Reich because he refuses to compromise with Obama on tax increases to continue paying for their Social Security and Medicare gravy boats - national socialist entitlements that the left-wing Tea Party is more than happy for someone else to pay for as long as no one with darker skin than George Peppard gets benefits from it.
Conservatives would do well to tell the Tea Party to go back to their beloved Democrat Party.
So, I guess the solution is to push the situation until we really are in default on something, whether is is Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment, Food Stamps,free condoms on college campuses, or interest on the debt.
I agree with much of what Mustang has to say, just restricting spending to constitutionally authorized items is pretty vague, and does not recognize the real situation.
Like others, I think that August 2 is not the REAL drop-dead date. I also think that Obama has no interest in coming to any sort of a deal, he just wants Republicans to look bad. To hell with the country, he thinks.
Obama and Reid are playing the Republicans like a violin. Has it not occurred to Republican leaders that it is OK to employ consultants? It happens every day in business, and these things follow patterns. The 'Pubs need help.
If you don't like Boehner's plan, then the alternatives are a Harry Reid plan, or no plan at all. Just what do you think will happen if/when we do manage to default on a payment to something or somebody?
It won't be pretty.
Spurious Missives
Thanks for the article. I agree completely. This is a pathetic spectacle.
Bob, some are reporting that WH officials are privately telling banks that there is no way we'll default.
This is all about Obama giving campaign speeches, acting indignant, as if he cares about this country more than Boehner does.
It is disgusting.
More disgusting is that Americans allowed ourselves to get into this mess from the start; as if Obama or Geithner knew what they were doing? EVER?
Whatever "plan" comes out of debt ceiling negotiations means nothing, because long-term plans mean nothing. This congress cannot bind future congresses because spending is year by year.
Because of this, I believe the GOP's main goal in all of this should be PR. They need to survive this and be strong going into the 2012 elections.
Only by taking the senate back and winning the presidency can they begin to restore fiscal sanity
Pris and Leticia: thank you for your kind words. The American people have to learn that there are consequences for making poor (political) choices. I personally believe that most people are slow learners, and improperly motivated. What I mean by this is that they want their president to succeed, when they ought to want their country to succeed. It isn’t the same thing.
Lana, I think part of what we see going on in Washington is freshman House members pushing back against the socialist left and the RINO GOP. The progressive party is ecstatic about this because they are in a position to make the GOP look like a bunch of morons; and it looks as though GOP leadership is helping them do that. If progressive and RINO politicians are successful, then the House will revert to Democrats next year. I would hate to see that happen … and so what those of us who regularly use our brains must do is insist on honesty and dedicated service from elected officials. Not service dedicated to themselves, but to the ideals of the U. S. Constitution.
AOW, the American people were fooled into thinking that we could reduce corruption among elected officials if we just pay them a nice fat salary. Didn’t work, did it? And some of these people are simply dishonest by their nature; what a sleaze Geithner is, and Kerry —and I’ll never understand why we didn’t put Ted Kennedy in prison.
I know you’re right, Lisa. My daughter works for a Pharmaceutical company … and as we both know, this is just the tip of the iceberg. We the people deserve a full accounting from our government … but we never seem to demand one. Not long ago, Hillary Clinton promised the UN $100 billion. Obama gave his friend George Soros and Brazil $7 billion to help develop off shore drilling, and that was after Obama destroyed the American oil industry. Wasting of our money with treason as icing!
I think Impertinent is right in his assessment; there are people who know exactly what they are doing when they vote for imbeciles. I think I was referring to the folks in the middle who can go “either way” in the voting process. The White liberals (as distinguished from the communist left) who thought it was time for a black man to be president and who now understand that if anything, racial relations have gotten worse in the USA, not better. We owe a debt of gratitude to both Obama and Holder for that (snark). Like you, I think that there is more to being an American than a birth certificate. In our day, everyone had to serve America —in some capacity. Now, only half of the American people pay taxes. So in effect, they don’t own part of America; they only gorge themselves at the trough paid for by others. IMO, everyone should pay taxes, or no one should … If you only make $12,000 a year, $120.00 is not too much to ask. And the democrats are always talking about a level playing field! Balderdash!
Beamish, the promise of a reduction in discretionary spending is BS. If it’s discretionary, then Congress can decide whether or not to pay it … what we should be talking about is the non-discretionary waste of capital, and there are large portions of the SSA that has nothing to do with paying a supplemental annuity to elderly people. I suggest that most of these monies are going to illegal aliens and bums, but Congress won’t address these “entitlements.” They’d rather attack the earned entitlements of military pensioners because they know that for the most part, these people never complain about anything. I agree with Pris … a pox on both houses (of Congress).
Bob, it is not too much to ask Congress to identify one or more Articles of the Constitution before spending OUR money. I do not believe the Constitution is out of date; I simply think we’ve ignored it for so long (when it is convenient to do so) that we have come to think of our founding law “just an old piece of paper.” If that is the attitude among most Americans, then we can say with certitude that the communist left has done its job and this country is done. You see, the US Constitution LIMITS government power; it is what keeps us FREE from government tyranny. I hope you will agree that there is more than one kind of tyranny; one of these is economic. I refuse to knuckle under, as have most blacks, by voluntarily enslaving myself to socialist government. If we the people govern, then we’d better start taking our country back from the political elite.
@ Silverfiddle: EXACTLY!
Semper Fi
Z sayeth: " More disgusting is that Americans allowed ourselves to get into this mess from the start; "
Well, about 43% of Americans along with a few other ignorant slobs elected the worst President in anybody's history book.
The situation remains that we should take action, now, to limit the debt ceiling while attacking our basic financial problem, spending. This may just be too much to expect, and it is possible that Silverfiddle has articulated the best plan for Republicans, do the PR thing and let it go until the 2012 elections.
Now we know why our founding fathers insisted that we have the right to bear arms, and it wasn't to bag the Thanksgiving turkey.
Did you all hear Soros is "retiring"? I wish he'd retire from ruining America, but this 'retirement' will probably only give him MORE time to put dastardly plans to implementation.
"Fiscal sanity" will never ever EVER occur until you address monetary policy.
The two go hand in hand and there are very few Americans (much less indivduals within the political class) that understand this.
Z you are right that he
he probably just said he is retiring so we can think he's out of th picture for the 2012 election but to think he has more time on his hands to further bankrupt is a creepy thought of a creepy man.
I agree with Bob about Aug 2 not beign the drop dead date but Obama will use it to his advantage and if SS checks don't go out I wish the Republicans would get smart and let the people know that is Obama's choice.
Beamish, the promise of a reduction in discretionary spending is BS. If it’s discretionary, then Congress can decide whether or not to pay it … what we should be talking about is the non-discretionary waste of capital, and there are large portions of the SSA that has nothing to do with paying a supplemental annuity to elderly people. I suggest that most of these monies are going to illegal aliens and bums, but Congress won’t address these “entitlements.” They’d rather attack the earned entitlements of military pensioners because they know that for the most part, these people never complain about anything. I agree with Pris … a pox on both houses (of Congress).
I have difficulty believing any of the far-left radical communists that make up the majority rank and file of the Tea Party really have a problem with either house of Congress beyond the fact that they're not stocked with clones of Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders.
We are in the present mess we have because of 76 years of no one dismantling the Social Security Ponzi scheme and replacing it with nothing, and 46 years of no one dismantling the Medicare / Medicaid Ponzi schemes and replacing it with nothing. Because whenever the subject of actually shutting down these massive financial waste generators and budget breakers comes up, most people break leftward and start crying about how grany will have to eat dog food or how they worked hard all their lives to pay for their first two years of Social Security bennies and first four months of Medicare (on average). Even spittle-flecking communists that stamp their little feetsies and insist they are "conservative" get in on the act, screaming "Don't touch my Social Security! Don't touch my Medicare!"
76 years and 46 years is a long time to wait for alleged "conservatives" to grow a set of friggin' balls, which is why I find the screeching cryptoleftism of the Tea Party to be laughable and pathetic. Is the Tea Party going to ever get around to not backing limousine liberals like Donald Trump or neo-fascist UFO hunters like Ron Paul or insisting candidates sign a pledge declaring black people were better off as slaves, and begin working towards dismantling the welfare state instead?
My magic 8-ball says "You're kidding, right?"
It is a complete fraud and slander against right-wingers to call the Tea Party movement "conservative." It's even more insulting than when Pat Buchanan tried to get conservatives to go along with his running for President with the friggin' commie Lenora Fulani.
The Tea Party demands tax increases on "the rich" and gives a full-throated defense of continued Social Security and Medicare spending.
They're not conservatives. They're tax-and-spend Democrats embarassed their party nominated a black man. If Obama were white, they wouldn't have a problem with him at all.
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