Did you hear that they had to collect the knives and forks before Obama spoke at the Latino organization last week? HERE is Michelle Malkin's take and a video of the poor Board Member who added "I'm not kidding..." when she had to ask that people finish their lunch quickly so the forks and knives could be collected before Obama came out! Have you ever heard of that being requested before?
HERE is a review from POLITICO about other occasions when cutlery's been removed for Obama appearances......they say it's "without anyone realizing it.." Apparently, at this Latino event, they didn't know Obama was going to speak and the Board Member even said "We have another speaker coming"... But, lunch was quickly downed and cutlery was openly collected.
Malkin goes on to say "Knives are also routinely confiscated at Joe Biden’s dinner speeches, but that’s to eliminate any chance of audience members taking their own lives." Cracked me up!
But the most obvious point is when Malkin stated "If we were talking about Mitt Romney, who spoke to the same group earlier in the week, the MSM headline probably would have been something along the lines of “Presumptive GOP nominee doesn’t trust Latino audience with forks.” She's right, of course.
an insult to the Hispanic community--
So much for the notion of primus inter pares.
Wow, this is astonishing. The President of the United States is afraid of his own supporters?
I can't imagine how brutal the MSM would have been to Mitt Romney had he done this.
Obama gets a pass on every outrage. I cannot wait to get rid of this President.
Hmmmm....Quite insulting to Hispanics, I'd say.
An insult to any community! What? Someone is going to scream, "Fork you, Obama," and then attack with the silverware?
Although, Obama is such a pansy someone probably could take him out with a fork and a butter knife...
Maybe next time they should just serve soup.
They were probably afraid someone would yell out "Stick a fork in him, I think he's done."
By the way, the new headlines seem to be "POLLS: ELECTION WON'T INFLUENCE ECONOMY" ....
VERY clever on the part of the White House and their media...
"Well, heck, I LIKE Obama, so if people don't think Romney can do better, I'll just vote for Obama!"
I think people ARE nervous and really don't think the election might help BUT this is a really good thing for Obama.
Especially with people who won't bother to compare Romney and Obama's ideas, or realize Obama had a chance to do a lot better when he had a totally Democrat Congress......and all he did was borrow.
BTW-the Rs and Tea Party can use the insult to the Hispanics as a very forceful talking and action point!
Thus-my focus on the Hispanic Community - comment above---
We are seeing more and more Rs w/ a spine Trey Gowdy comes to mind!
CS: that could backfire, too. I think the Romney advisers aren't very good so far, but I think their having him stay off subjects like this is probably a good idea..... Plus, the media would only report what it saw as hypocrisy in the R's bringing this to anybody's attention...and mean spiritedness against their hero, don't you think?
I do understand what you mean, however.
Trey Gowdy is REALLY a good guy, isn't he. Very sure of the facts and strong in his delivery, too.
We need hundreds more like him in Congress!
I'm getting weary of 'preaching to the choir' but we just have to hope SOME of what conservatives are trying to do is reaching more and more Americans..
Sounds like more Malkin/Fox bullshit to me. Lap it up, lemmings. Hate away!
liberalmann...please inform yourself! It shows why you vote like you do when you look at facts, quotes, and video and still deny it.
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