I emailed a very dear friend in Germany, a business man with whom Mr. Z dealt, and asked him what Germany's saying now about Obama. He wrote back today about what he's reading and seeing in Germany and this post today, below the image, is all his. His English is obviously very good and I only changed a few things that you might not have understood. Many Germans bought into the glamor and 'hope' but I think many of you will remember that, while the American media said Germany was glowing under Obama's spell as he spoke in Berlin, many Germans found it inappropriate that any American candidate would campaign there, particularly asking to speak at the Brandenburg Gates (he was turned down and wasn't happy), where only the highest Germans ever are allowed to speak. When I said to Mr. Z "But look how many thousands are out there to see him" he reminded me that on a rare warm night in Germany, anybody will come out for free food and rock music before any speaker. But, many Germans, of course, mostly the very left-leaning intelligentsia at the big papers and magazines like liberal Der Spiegel, loved him..HOPE! CHANGE! Hurrah for America! (remember, many of them only have the Int'l Herald Tribune to read in English, which reprints their owner, the NYTimes' articles so they don't get all the truth). The latest Der Spiegel cover, provided to me by my friend, is here along with Klaus's review of what even very liberal Spiegel is now saying:
P I T Y (SCHADE means PITY...or "How sad")
Obama's failed presidency.
Obama- a President of Disappointments
He is responsible for the big "Graben" (fissure) between the Americans and the demerger and schism of the American society. The article names many of his failures and shows that he did too many promises that he didn't keep. He failed with his so intensively announced project of national reconciliation, on the contrary, he has contributed to America's split. The cultural struggle has strengthened, rather than to (become) calm during his presidency. But the Republican-dominated House of representatives makes it extremely hard for him and in such a climate, no president would have the opportunity to shape the world to his wishes.
Consequently, for many citizens Washington became an object of hate, the epitome of mediocrity and botch-up. Many are willing to reckon up his deeds (ignore the problems) with his charisma, what is irrational and naive.He has stylized himself to the noble knight of the change. CHANGE stood on his flag.. His slogan "yes, we can" went around the world , but in America now the feeling prevails - even with his adherers and fellow party members, that he simply didn't deliver and perform on many fields.
What I notice in the financial economy and with my many international contacts is pretty alarming - at least for me. Many of these guys fear that Obama could win some terrain in the last months so that they believe he'll be re-elected.
What a creepy vision !! ** End of Klaus's input.
Thank you, Klaus, for your overview of the Spiegel article and the sense you're getting from those you talk to. It is alarming, you are so right.
10 Akun Depo 5k Paling Populer di Indonesia
10 hours ago
If Klaus thinks The Black Messiah has caused a schism he should wait till he catches Governor Olympics' act.
Better yet he should tend to business in Europe and worry about the coming crap storm while he's on the subject of schisms.
for many citizens Washington became an object of hate, the epitome of mediocrity and botch-up
Spot on!
"But the Republican-dominated House of representatives makes it extremely hard for him and in such a climate, no president would have the opportunity to shape the world to his wishes."
I have to say I think President Obama has achieved a great deal in shaping the world to his wishes... and against the wishes of the American people. We sent those Republicans to the House and more to the Senate in 2010 to stop Obama's agenda. The American electorate recognized the colossal mistake we made in electing him.
Strange that the Germans bought into Obama's campaign message of reconciliation, believed he would pursue that goal. Nothing in President Obama's history pointed to anything other than highly partisan behavior and divisiveness.
@ Fair Witness
"Strange that the Germans bought into Obama's campaign message of reconciliation, believed he would pursue that goal. Nothing in President Obama's history pointed to anything other than highly partisan behavior and divisiveness."
The Great Secret or Untold Story
That was a great article and great commentary from your friend. Love the title too.
It is good to see those scales drop from the eyes of the once rose-colored viewers.
Right Truth
Germany is a very weary country I hear. They don't fall for phony charismatic elitists so easily anymore.
Amazing how he used propaganda all over the world to choreograph his campaign.
Fool me once shame on you....
Ducky, any schism that Romney causes will be from people who don't understand that we'll have to tighten our belts, that that's the only way ANY economy (micro or macro) works. That's so simple it's beyond understanding why most libs don't get that.
Obama does schism to divide and conquer, via race, gender, immigration, etc. Big difference.
AOW..it was interesting to see that Europe's seeing thru him...
FW...Germans are often quite liberal so the highly partisan behavior suited them for America...LEFTWING. I did email Klaus back and explain that reference to Republicans and reminded him that we're less into making it extremely hard and more into keeping his leftwing policies to a minimum.
Right Truth, it sure is!!
Lisa...Germany's tired of paying, paying, paying. They've been paying French farming subsidies for YEARS (complicated but that's the gist of it) and now they're looked on as the MATURE BANKER OF EUROPE and that's got to stop.
My friend Klaus just sent me this email which amplifies his post beautifully:
"what you said about the preferences to speak at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin is correct with one
wonderful exemption:
The unforgotten President Ronald Reagan hold his historical and touching speech just some few meters from the gate though still separated by the Berlin Wall: "Mr. Gorbatschow, open this gate, tear down this wall"
A simple appeal brought a real "CHANGE" !
This happened on June 12, 1987, a quarter of a century ago. Our former Chancellor Helmut Kohl
just said in memory of this event:
" On November 9, 1989 the Berlin Wall fell, and not even one year later we had reached the reunification of our motherland
in peace and freedom, without bloodshed and with the agreement of our partners and neighbours. We wouldn't have achieved
that without our American friends und their years of stableness. And naturally this includes also the appeal of Ronald Reagan 25 years ago"
if you'd like a reminder of that great speech!
That's so simple it's beyond understanding why most libs don't get that.
Emotion is a very complex thing, Z. Applying incoherent complex solutions to rather simple problems (of their own creation), gives them self-serving sexual pleasure, bragging rights on unwatched cable new networks and center spot at swanky DC glass- clinking affairs.
even as liberals are bemoaning "the coming crap storm" in europe, they don't seem to understand what has caused it. somehow they intend to continue to spend money that doesn't exist and believe that it will all just magically work out.
it seems to me that germany, and to a lesser extent those in the uk, are beginning to understand there is no magic wand or beans that can fix this. it's time to pay the piper and we can't put it off any more.
THAT's what the republicans in congress were sent there to do. or at least to slow the growth until harry reid is not longer the head of the senate. unfortunately, i see precious few in congress - the house or the senate - who are willing to make the hard CUTS. slowing the growth is NOT going to save us now.
"epitome of mediocrity and botch-up" indeed...
Z: Now you've let the cat out of the bag.
The Ignorant Obama leftists (Obama thought "Austrian" was a language) thought that title meant the happy German people love Obama and wish him a cool, comfortable place out of the harsh sunlight.
Wie Shade!
Wie Shade...good one, SF :-)
even as liberals are bemoaning "the coming crap storm" in europe, they don't seem to understand what has caused it.
Cue Standard Socialist Excuse 1A:
They just didn't do it right.
Klaus just emailed that this is an even better video of Reagan's speech.
HJ, the problem is that the people won't tighten their belts and they'll probably not vote for someone who even hints at it...Americans want the help now. And, of COURSE the money's there, HJ...we just have to BORROW IT FROM CHINA (sarcasm!)
98Z...exactly true...sad, isn't it.
In other words, z, the schism will be caused by those who don't absolutely agree with you. Got it.
However, what you miss is that Obama tries to play middle of the road. He avoids conflict and Romney will create for more discord.
You ain't seen trouble but it's coming.
What may mitigate this a bit is that unless the left will not spend nearly as much hate on Romney as the right has on Obummer.
OWS, Athens, Cairo, Montreal, Santiago, Madrid ... people are in the streets and I guess it's all their fault for not eating what Klaus thinks should be on their plate.
Haven't seen it this stirred up since 1968, The Year of the Triphammer.
I'm guessing The Black Bush had Hillary put the fix in in Cairo. No elections for you and the Arab Spring meets the same fate as Prague. Different players, same game.
I'm guessing the armed domestic drones will be flying any day.
And the fringe right will sit it out as they always do. They'll whine about limiting the size of sugary crap but when Bloomberg puts in a stop and frisk rule that ignores probable cause, heck it's only the blacks and latinos. Doesn't effect us so America is still free.
Oh there's a schism all right. Haves vs. have nots also and several of you are going to be surprised which side of that one you're on.
But most of you will sell out for twenty pieces of silver. Gold preferred but silver in a pinch.
"Oh there's a schism all right. Haves vs. have nots also and several of you are going to be surprised which side of that one you're on."
Totally incomprehensible. Schism between haves and have nots is invented, and is Marxist puff.
"But most of you will sell out for twenty pieces of silver. Gold preferred but silver in a pinch."
Hell yes, I will take thirty pieces of silver. I will never be able to make up the losses caused by B Obama and company with their clueless financial programs. I will pray for Obama's demise for less than thirty pieces of silver. Barack Obama is the worst thing to happen to our nation in history.
Z said...
"Ducky, any schism that Romney causes will be from people who don't understand that we'll have to tighten our belts..."
Government Spending Decreased Under Obama
Ducky, you're full of it... But thanks for your comments.
The discord will come when far leftwingies can't take that most American understand Romney's a better man than Obama.
By the way, you don't think we'll need to tighten belts? REALLY? :-)
Keep borrowing from China, right?! too cute.
Oh, and what did Klaus suggest should be on someone's plate? Did you read the post?
Bob....I think most of us will never be able to make up for these last few years' losses; financial, emotional, etc....it's huge. Thank GOD people are finally waking up.
We'll just wait for DUcky and Libperson to catch up. Boy, are they going to be surprised...at least we know how bad it's going to get if we have another 4 years of the wrecker.
Libperson...not even worth reading your ridiculous link. THINK. You DO understand that WHERE spending is decreased or increased that's important, right? You DO understand that cutting military spending in general isn't a good idea unless you believe we're just another chump country like Obama does?
By the way, sometimes I wonder why the leftwingers with no blogs come and don't understand the points of the posts. Why bother?
This is all about Germany waking up to Obama, and the fact that even very left-leaning Der Spiegel is writing about it.
How hard is that to understand? How hard is it to see why Americans should find that interesting and very telling?
This is sad news for America; I had thought about selling Barack and Michelle to the Germans at a discount. Maybe also offering them Pelosi and a bunch more American-hating nitwits as a bundle.
Rats! I hate it when this happens.
Z, what an excellent Post.
I'll just leave you with this on a fine summer night :)
Kid, I LOVE that song. Thanks for the listen....singing along, my shoulders "feelin' it!"...
Honestly? I had such a busy day at work and I LOVE my work...but came home to comments by the lefties here which just tick me off; big, bad lefties who have no blogs but have all the answers...and I have to host them here by nature of the blogging situation.
I guess, in a perfect world, I'd only have people I want here, but I have to recognize it's a public blog...but some people have taken advantage knowing full well I'd rather they leave, and there I am..."why am I blogging?"
And then I read my WONDERFUL Conservative commenters and then you link a great song with such nice lyrics and music and I think "THIS is why I blog"
Thanks...I needed that :-)
Z, in my opinion, you just need to see liberals/progressives for what they are - Children. And pay them as much mind as you would a child telling you what reality is.
Granted, these older ones are more
dangerous, but still no more deserving of your attention/emotion/time.
Gonna blow for you now....:)
Gonna blow for you now....:)
And thanks for the reminder, Kid. xx
Z, that's a lyric in the tune. Jr Walker saying he is going to Blow for You Now just before he puts out that magical Sax. Give another listen.
PPS 1:01 and 1:52
He says it so fast I never caught that! And I always sing along..that is SO COOL!
Thanks, Kid! xx That is SUCH a good song...
Z, Yes, Some of Motown is SO GOOD, that it has been declared illegal by executive order. ;-)
Yes, kidding. SO good. And not just this one of course Mon Amie.
Kid, I always have loved MOtown.
A really amazing experience was seeing the Temptations and the Four Tops at a concert in a very small theater here in Beverly Hills....when the lights went down, they seated someone and I knew as he walked by it was Smokey Robinson. The Temps and the Tops did each others' songs..the temps doing Tops music, and vice versa....at the end, they got Smokey on stage and he sang a little..it was fabulous.
I SWEAR that the very next day I went to see my chiropractor and I was walking out of the treatment room back into the waiting room and the ONLY TWO PEOPLE in that large room were SMOKEY AND HIS GIRLFRIEND "IVORY"....I went over to him and said "YOu won't believe this, but I was at the concert last night" He looked amazed, too, because I swear that theater didn't seat more than 1200 people! Imagine, in the whole of LA and there we were? He was fabulous, introduced me to his girlfriend, etc. Really nice thing to happen!
All that the world is now discovering about this empty suit we were shouting about years ago.
I just hope they remember this the next time some snake oil salesman comes along.
RWT: Exactly, THAT's the point.
except liberal Americans....zzzzzz
Z, Smokey.. Fabulous experience. They were making All the music in those days for sure. I still can't listen to it without my body moving. So good it should be illegal.
What? I thought he was supposed to make the world love America as long as he kept apologizing.
I found it hilariously ironic when we were leaving the Piazza Narvona in 2009 and found a huge group of Tamil Tigers carrying signs of the heads of Sri Lanka, the Pope and Obama and calling them war criminals.
Rita, the Piazza Navona...isn't it wonderful? I wish I was sitting there now with Mr. Z.
Tamil Tigers calling anybody WAR CRIMINALS is amazing!
Unfortunately we didn't get to see much of it because the number of people gathering for the demonstration and the tone of the crowd worried us. We decided to leave quickly. If, in 2009 they were capable of blaming Obama for their genocidal acts, we knew any obviously Americans could be prime targets.
Rita, I didn't realize you felt threatened, but you're probably right to have felt that way with that crowd. And that Piazza isn't that large, is it.
When we got there they had close to half the Piazza filled. As they grew louder we left As we entered the street there were literally hundreds coming in with their signs. I took pictures of then first few carrying the signs. I should probably finish my Italy posts that I started
Secondly, the tequila shot is taken. They are the overlords of planet Earth. How Much BCAAs Should You Take?
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