Having said that SCOTT WALKER PULLED IT OFF! I loved watching CNN's coverage last night, after the win. ALL liberals on the six person panel, of course (but no bias :-). The spin now is that Walker had so much money he had to win. (funny they didn't say that last night?)
Yes, Walker had money. In politics, money pays for GETTING SOMEONE KNOWN....getting a name out there to the public. Anybody here think someone in Wisconsin hadn't already heard the GOVERNOR'S NAME? Right. So, it wasn't money that did this. Also, Walker had the media mostly against him. He fought that on his own. And won.
Debbie Wasser"person" Schultz is eating her words tonight because, recently, she said "The Wisconsin recall will be a DRY RUN FOR THE ELECTION" We think so, too, Debbie. We hope so.
Here's a good one: John King, liberal reporter for CNN, said that he was very surprised because the exit polls didn't show this wide a margin. He thinks maybe "...Republicans just didn't want to talk on their way out." Really, Mr. King? Or, perhaps Democrats didn't want to say they voted Republican? Hmmmm
Whatever......some good news for Republicans, once in a while, feels good. No matter HOW the leftist media spins it.
By the way, a bunch of news articles are saying that union thugs brought in four buses from Michigan to vote for Barrett in Wisconsin. Check THIS out...it's a Republican talking to a talk radio host, whispering, because he snuck on and is talking about it, kind of giggling at what he pulled off. If you listen all the way through, you will definitely see this guy's for real. The talk show host tried to trip him up to see if he was making it up. No way. Get ready for lots of fraud, folks.
(Libs, don't even TRY to tell me this guy's lying and he's a hell of an actor:-)
Lets remember that the November election is the most important election of our time. Our own future is in our own hands, let's reverse this terrible mistake that the leftists made.
Despite the liberal judge who opened the gate wide for fraud by demanding polling officials not check photo IDs, despite bussed in goons from other states, despite all the whining and screaming from the public sector leeches, Walker chalks up another win.
He had driven a spike through the heart of government-sponsored, rent-seeking progressivism. Time to go for the kill.
I wonder what Obama is thinking this morning?
Oh, never mind. He's too much of a narcissist to see what's coming down the pike for him.
I posted on this today Z. These union clowns couldn't even keep almost 4 in 10 of their own voters from voting for Walker. Yeah, it's a dry run for November.
As to the fraud don't worry Z, Holder and the JD were there. They will be all over this ;)
BTW, where are your libturds to explain away this election?
Very encouraging outcome in Wisconsin. The stranglehold unions had on public service workers was BROKEN yesterday and we have the voters of Wisconsin and their courageous Governor & Lt. Governor, Scott Walker & Rebecca Kleefisch, to thank for it. Public service workers need to get it through their heads that they've demanded and received TOO MUCH in the way of compensation, health benefits and pensions.
Politicians have promised them the moon, the sun and the stars - TO BUY THEIR VOTES. Well, guess what? The politicians didn't pay for (didn't set aside the funds for) those promises. And we, the taxpayers who pay the taxes used to fund governments, AREN'T MAKING GOOD ON THE PIG IN A POKE PROMISES you believed you were going to get. YOU WERE LIED TO. You sold your votes to progressives, kept them in power and now you're screwed - just like the rest of us.
We all need to wise up and stop believing lying politicians who say everything we want to hear and then don't deliver. Regardless of party affiliation, politicians need to be held to account. Wisconsin took care of theirs, not the rest of us need to do the same!
It was a great day for Scott Walker and Wiconsin and it was a great day for America. For public service unions it was the worst day possible.
Leave it to the right to win a blowout and complain about fraud. Proof is a rabies radio caller no less but it doesn't matter.
... Governor Olympics or The Black Messiah isn't going to make much difference.
So public employee unions take a hit, the upper decile gets a tax cut and the rest get some scraps so they can buy some cheap crap from China.
Employment doesn't increase, health insurance becomes more expensive if you can get it and the upward transfer of wealth continues unabated.
Mittens or Obummer doesn't matter. Any progressive movement that might have been growing was killed by Clinton and we are going to have to wait for the decline to get a little worse(won't take all that long) to see what comes from the ashes but I fear it's going to be a militarist fascism.
MSNBC was good as well. Lefty Schultzy was having a fit. Perhaps I am getting a bit sadistic??
My, my --- even Glenn Beck is admitting the call was a fake:
This doesn’t make the call fraudulent, but it does make it unverifiable and therefore moot. Chris Plante reported in the following segment that caller ‘Mike’ did not stay on the line during the break for Plante to get his phone number.
Because the fringe right will believe anything.
65 percent of Walker's contributors were from out of state. He spent seven times more than Barrett.
Not to mention the GOP sponsored robo calls telling people that if they voted in the recall vote they don't have to vote in the election.
But, Walker will be in jail within the year anyway. He's the only Governor with a criminal defense fund.
You guys celebrate your own demise and you don't even realize it. So sad.
I love the way they try to use the exit polls to spin this.
Like people who voted for this so called racist,anti-woman,anti voting rights and workers rights and a "would be" Right hand man of Hitler are Obama supporters.
Lib our demise was when Obama hit the stage liike a rock star and sold you a bill of goods as being "the cool guy with brains from Heaven" .
The road to dictatorship is a road well traveled and you are the one who is sad.
Not to mention the GOP sponsored robo calls telling people that if they voted in the recall vote they don't have to vote in the election.
If your voters are that dumb, you've got problems.
Lost in all this is that the Dems regained the Wisconsin Senate.
Srgt. D...thank you for your service and yes, this is the most important election EVER.
SF....it bothered me SO much voting here in California yesterday and not showing anything but my voter pamphlet. They just had to believe it was mine. Actually, they didn't even ask for it, I just showed it to them for the spelling of my name. There's also DRIVE BY VOTING now, which I'd never seen. They'll come to your car if you can't get out of it. Seriously.
AOW...he's in damage control, that's for sure. This is enormous.
Chuck...thanks, that's reassuring!
FW, let's hope we can.
CoF..that's the truth.
Bunkerville...who can help it?
I'm hoping we can see links to the Robo calls...please provide.
Maybe the Republicans learned from the 2008 Obama thugs in Houston who were telling old people who said they were voting for Hillary to 'go home'. and they did.
The leftwingers are addressing a video which, if they listened, they'd know can't be fake. ...unless the guy's an Oscar Award Winning actor.
Also...sorry....many blogs are talking about this; People there Facebooked the four buses, too.
This win is huge.
Huge win for us. Huge loss for them. The Dems got the state senate back, though. But with Walker firmly entrenched in the capitol, that's not a major catastrophe.
Yo libturd....get back into your Spiderman Pajamas, suck your thumb and have moms tuck you in.
I see that Liberalmann is copying and pasting the same comment wherever he can find a posting about Walker's victory yesterday.
To use Liberalmann's words in reference to Liberalmann himself: So sad.
Libdip is pathetic. He supports a man who received millions in illegal campaign contributions from the Middle East in 2008, and that isn’t a problem for him … nor the fact that the unions flooded Wisconsin with somewhere around $50 million, but his diapers get in a wad if Walker obtains monetary support. Is this the typical “think progress” double standard? And then, of course, we can always depend on the Libdip’s bed wetting Uncle Ducky to provide us with inane commentary, as if we care about anything he has to say.
Well mustang the Dems were outspent by a very large margin in Wisconsin.
The Republican contributors were those monied folks who give the fringe right peeps jobs.
And if there is a more pathetic image than one of these right wing wimps waiting around to be given a job it escapes me at the moment.
Please hold of on calling me bed wetter. That's been my line for quite some time and you really should try to come up with your own material. Even a flacid attempt at creativity is good for you right wing types.
You’re out of luck Ducky. You can only run and hide from the truth for so long. The psychoanalysis of neurotic behavior teaches us to recognize the connection between bed-wetting and disorders associated with communist mentality. My advice is, embrace what you are.
"65 percent of Walker's contributors were from out of state. He spent seven times more than Barrett."
Uh Libman, It's interesting that you don't mention the tea party groups who helped in Walker's successful re-election!
We tea party members are "monied folks"? Really? Gee thanks, who knew?
Are there monied folks who participate in elections?
Well sure, but they're on both sides aren't they! You have yours, and we have ours. Actually, Soros comes to mind, but, you don't want to acknowledge him do you?
The rest of we grassroots folks do contribute, but in small amounts, it's amazing how enough of those add up, isn't it!
Here's a big difference. The unions get bail out money (taxpayer funds), and then donate a big chunk of it back by the millions.
Silly me, I call that money laundering. I guess that's ok with you, huh?
Save your complaints for those who are ignorant and in denial of what you're all up to. The people here are not amongst those who'd believe anything you like to spin.
You're wasting your time!
"65 percent of Walker's contributors were from out of state. He spent seven times more than Barrett. "
So what? The donations came from out of state people like me. I get solicitations from Walker and other Republicans candidates all the time.
I also get the official Obama campaign solicitations, ad nauseum. The latest plea would get me into a drawing to have dinner with Sarah Jessica Parker who is pimping for Obama.
Walker played it about right. He has committed no crime, and has saved the citizens of Wisconsin a from a terrible fate. Unfettered economic blackmail from local government unions will kill an economy.
That being said, I don't believe the Wisconsin election will have any effect on the Presidential election. What he has learned from this election is to be quiet about his support of the thuggish unions. He has their vote, anyway. The union bosses learned their tactics from mob bosses, and they control the rabble pretty well. Heck, most of the union bosses are in the mob, anyway.
The excitement is over. Now is the time to really trash the Prez. He is just another problem to put into the dust bin of history.
Ducky, with a guy like Obama and his paying off anybody who ever gave him a nickel these last four years, I'd probably leave out "republicans giving people jobs" if I were you.
That's the height of hilarious.
Gee, NOBODY gives jobs to their own people, DO THEY? (sarcasm here)
Anything to obfuscate from the truth: HE WON.
You'd be wise to read my posts: He had a lot of money; if you know anything about politics, you know that MONEY INTRODUCES PEOPLE TO VOTERS....
are you trying to tell us now that the governor's name wasn't known? :-)
And, Libman, I had to laugh at your funny remark about "Contributors from out of state"
At least HIS VOTERS weren't, huh? :-)
I defer to Jersey:
Meanwhile, you wingnuts are just loving Walker's re-win in Wisconsin, lauding his attacks on collective bargaining, a pillar of the American Middle Class. You really just won't be happy until we are a third-rate, Third World hell hole, with a few rich people on top (whom you will continue to worship), and everyone else scrounging at the bottom.'
Libmann, you think Republicans are after the THIRD WORLD HELL HOLE? You mean the ones trying to fight Obama from bringing us down to our knees as a country with his appeasing, his underfunding our military, his borrowing us so deep into debt we'll HAVE to become a third world country by definition of the term? I could go on, but I'm going to have to leave it up to you to educate yourself.
This comment of yours made me laugh out loud.
We are THRILLED at this election, disappointed in Americans who just can't settle for democracy and understanding a man had WON the first time....we're disappointed in libs who bused in illegal voters.
We're disappointed in people who don't understand that their burdensome salaries are taking manufacturing from this once-great country. Didn't you study ANY economics?
we're absolutely delighted, for once, however, in your DNC leader, Debbie Wasserman Schultz who said "this election is a dry run for the election" Let's hope she's right.
By the way, Lib...a lot of us are tired and bored enough with your posting your same exact comments at all our blogs, we don't need you posting other libs' comments here.
"everyone else scrounging at the bottom."
You'll be right at home. Pajama boy.
"a lot of us are tired and bored"
More proof that the snotty dipstick can't muster a single original thought. If it's not on a union bus or a placard....he's lost.
Boy...just a little while ago the union thug Hoffa was screaming.."Let's get the bastards" with ghetto boy not uttering one word when he hugged him.
Wonder if the gangster is choking right about now. Or maybe his Teamster thugs are considering kicking his ass?
My how the tables have turned.
Has anyone noticed that the fraudulent "CIC" has not one word about D Day? No...he's kissing Sarah Jessica Parkers ass and bowing to Bon Jovi today.
What a total POS.
What am I...an orphan here today? Talking to myself?
Hi, Imp! It's kind of quiet now but always picks up around 6 pm my time :-) After dinner your time, I guess?
No, you're not alone!!
And yes, DDAY was forgotten. I Googled and Obama's here sucking up to the LGBT community (aren't we proud?) and Mrs. Obama, who's suddenly into the military families, is meeting with campaign people in Pennsylvania or something.
NOTHING done for D Day.
I'm thinking this White House staff isn't sure what it IS.
I made myself laugh thinking of a liberal Harvard Prof's interpretation of our going into another country to save people.
Imagine the spin? The class would walk out thinking our soldiers were stupid dopes.
"No...he's kissing Sarah Jessica Parkers ass..."
No. I better not comment if I expect Z to remain friendly.
"No. I better not comment if I expect Z to remain friendly...
Let's hear it Bob....she's flexible and will give some latitude...if not....Poof...it's gone.
Let it be known..that today...68 years after the Axis enemies were soundly defeated at a cost of...Hold on folks:
There were 405,399 total U.S. military deaths. 291,557 were killed in action and 113,842 were from other causes. There were 670,846 wounded, and there are still 30,314 American soldiers, sailors, and airmen missing (but most definitely dead) around the world. Total U.S. casualties, dead and wounded, add up to 1,087,544.
Quite stunning I'll say. My father and father in law ( a flame thrower on Okinawa ) saw 4 years of active, continuous combat in the Pacific. My father in law started in Alaska and was in most every combat situation in the Pacific Islands all the way to Korea...after the Jap surrender.
We have his original letters to his wife from that terrible time...and with my father...he took pictures that I have and cherish.
My father saw combat too but was in the signal corp...not totally safe as he had to put up flags under hairy circumstances to communicate visually and via radio.
Yet today..the golfer in chief....has decided that the Greatest Generation ( yours and mine... a week after Memorial day) need not be mentioned. So...I wonder if sometime in August..the creep will visit Japan and apologize for Nagasaki and Hiroshima and bow down to the Jap emperor?
This man..this fraud...this shill...cannot be one of us. He cannot be a true citizen of this country when he ignores such momentous sacrifices made by our fathers..our grandfathers...our truly greatest generation that made this country possible.
I'd like both of my now deceased heros to get 5 minutes, alone with this socialist, marxist thug.
This man..this fraud...this shill...cannot be one of us.
He is not one of us. Even if we ignore questions about his Kenyan birth, we cannot overlook the fact that Obama is not culturally an American. He is a foreigner dressed in sheep’s clothing. He is neither entitled to, nor qualified for the office of the presidency.
Bob, open season for Obama! But, thanks for watching yourself :-)
Mustang, you're so right.
Imp....I honor your relatives and grieve that this PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES has DISSED all those amazing men who entered those waters pretty much knowing they can't make it to shore. What courage is that which can allow them to jump in?
I swear, you'd have to PRY my frozen fingers off the side of the ship.
I honor those men almost more than anything in LIFE.
I've been there and was in a German bunker with a slit where they put their guns and fired at our boys...a small concrete area with a very thin and long slit for the guns ... it's a horrible feeling.
The Germans were so amazing that their bunkers are still there and you can even STILL see huge divots in the sand dunes ..from bombs.
THat was one HECK of a confrontation. and so many of our precious blood was lost.
Of course, there's also another graveyard about 10 minutes drive from NOrmandy and that's a place the French gave the Germans right after the war, believe it or not. I was shocked.
As light and bright and white as NOrmandy is, the German graveyard for their war dead has very dark wooden gravestones and lots of grass, shady trees and red roses everywhere......and, at the entry is a sign which says HERE LIE GERMAN SOLDIERS, MANY OF WHOM DID NOT PICK THE CAUSE OR THE FIGHT.
Makes me weepy every time I think of it. Because THAT, my friends, is the Freakin' TRUTH. I don't care WHAT any of my dear commenters think about that.
Good Stuff Z.
And where is obama on D-Day? At least clinton flew over and tossed a wreath on the beach.
right on que, libnut is back to wear his/her ignorance like a badge of honor.
Of course, the national unions spent well over 50 million, but that doesn't figure into libtards fantasy, so let's just ignore that.
What's it like to not be able to be embarrassed by your own stupidity? juan williams surely knows the feeling well too, and they actually pay that moron to yap away on tv and radio.
What a place.
Imp, Well said. Well said.
Unions? Rights? The only 2 rights people should have are the right to good parenting by the man and woman who chose to create the person and the right to equal opportunity to develop their abilities. Period. I don't have a right to a "job" unless someone wants my talents and abilities.
Kid, Juan Williams is an enigma to me.
Sometimes, he seems fair, and then he's SO BONKERS my head spins, you know?
Z, I last heard the moron williams on radio with Stuart Varney, and Hannity on my ride home a couple weeks ago.
Varney spent 5 minutes or so detailing the poor state, the degraded state, of the economy over the last 3.5 years in factual, non-emotional data terms.
When he was done juan profusely argued that "Fox had taken a poll and most people thought things getting better" so obviously oblabber had done a fine job.
Like libtard, ignoring hard factual information and cherry picking some nondescript poll of who knows what kind of people, that said things were getting better. Hell - could be they found someone on match.com, that surely the economy was doing GREAT !
You know juan makes a ton of money appearing on TV and Radio. For spewing such nonsense that would even embarrass a 10 year old.
Unreal. Truly. That this pathetic nationwide over the air BS is acceptable by anyone...
LibBoy said:
"Meanwhile, you wingnuts are just loving Walker's re-win in Wisconsin,.."
Yep, you bet your boots we intelligent, well-informed people at Z's are happy about it!
As for us wanting to become a Third World Hell Hole, we won't have much choice if your guy stays.
All the other things I'd like to say, Z has pretty much covered.
What happened, yesterday, may not indicate anything, but it causes me to have a twinge of hope, anyway.
That's not exactly a tingle up my leg, but I'll take it. :)
LibBoy said:
"Meanwhile, you wingnuts are just loving Walker's re-win in Wisconsin,.."
Yep, you bet your boots we intelligent, well-informed people at Z's are happy about it!
As for us wanting to become a Third World Hell Hole, we won't have much choice if your guy stays.
All the other things I'd like to say, Z has pretty much covered.
What happened, yesterday, may not indicate anything, but it causes me to have a twinge of hope, anyway.
That's not exactly a tingle up my leg, but I'll take it. :)
For those of us who would like to remember D-DAY Properly, Go Here
"The unions get bail out money (taxpayer funds), and then donate a big chunk of it back by the millions...."
In a nutshell...these shits are getting paid to protest with taxpayer money too. They have the audacity to protest against the very people that pay their exorbitant, criminal blackmail.
Amazingly they fail to see that those who pay their extortion and bennies...are people that make a hell of a lot less than these thieves...with taxpayer money.
Kid, see? Juan Williams can be SO SO DUMB! But, sometimes, he's almost fair. Rarely, but...
He gets into that head of wood sometimes where he just doesn't hear the truth. Imagine making your impression of the economy based on what people think of it after hearing FACTS? And this is the mindset that votes.
ON the left.
Jan, I'm glad there's no tingle :-)
Good comment, by the way!!
Imp, I'm still laughing at "am I an orphan?" :-)
"Imp, I'm still laughing at "am I an orphan?" :-)
I like that Z...I like to make us laugh...that's why I am a true..IMP?
I wonder though if "Spiderman" is in bed with his demrat koolaide baby bottle watching Ed shitzzzz or madcow or matthews bedtime stories?
The next time I find one of Lib Boy's copied and pasted comments at my web site (or a comment that is almost word for word the same as one he made elsewhere), I am deleting that comment without any explanation.
I don't mind copied and pasted comments IF they are not, in my view, drivel.
AOW. All libturd does is copy and paste and it is always drivel. Delete on him should be easy but leaving it up gives the rest of us something to laugh about.
Reading Libturd and Duck is like going to Wal-Mart and looking at the Wal Martians.
So, prove me wrong. You guys just don't want to hear the truth. You just want to insult and delete posts. I understand how hard it is to realize you're wrong. Attacking is the best reaction for that, I guess..
Libman "prove you wrong?"
are you kidding? We're all bored doing that.
And, I can see you can't respond to the top post.... well, I do understand why.
Z, so libtard tells us about the shocking 124 mil the Bush's spent in 8 years on vacations. Michelle has spent about that or more on one vacation and they're always on vacation..
Does she apologize? Does she thank us for factual information that corrects what her master's have been telling her?
Nada. She comes back with more lies and makes two errors in one statement.
Walker spent more than his opposition which included the unions est at 50 mil. So, no he didn't. And the hidden error is that Walker didn't win because of what anyone spent. He won because thinking people are tired of being raped by public union parasite slug organizations.
I've said I don't have a beef with more of the Individuals. The organizations are as unAmerican and disgusting as you can get though.
Did we notice all the twittered death threats ? Gee did those come from the 'domestic terrorist tea party' people. No, they came from the fascist, violent liberals who also accused Walker of being racist. How does the race card fit into a public union dispute??
See libtard, we don't respond to you because you are too stupid to talk to. When someone ignores facts, the conversation is over. The conversation never even started with you. I have better conversations with 5 year old's. As Z said, everyone is bored with your childish fantasy based nonsense. Best case is we laugh at not only your ignorance, but your willingness to come back time and time again an put it on display like some red badge of courage.
The English language falls short describing how much you are Not a part of an intelligent mature conversation.
I'm being nice here.
Libnut, PS - I"m also trying to help you. Going through life on the path you are on now is gonna be painful. Think Animal House as a pop reference.
Anyway, I have some questions for you if you dunno mind.
Are you a school teacher?
Are you a public union person?
Have you graduated from high school yet?
Are you either juan williams or alan colmes ?
The group might be interested in your answers if you really want to join in at the adult table, so it would be a start.
Wait, here's another. Are you a cat who has learned how to type comments onto blog sites? If so, I might change my mind and be willing to tutor you part time. If in fact you are human though, you really should be more mentally developed by now so tutoring would require advance payment via money order to a PO Box...
Just fyi.
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