No, I do NOT have anything against rednecks, as a matter of fact, I like them! This just cracked me up and I've needed a break from being ANGRY about politics! and thought you might, too !!
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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Nice one, z. It sure does look real pretty up there on the wall.
I've needed a break from "ANGRY about politics!" and thought you might, too !!
A break from 'angry about politics'?? What's that? ;)
At least you don't have to change the batteries twice a year!
Shoprat-And what is wrong with being "working class"? Someone has to pay for all the welfare queens!
It's like ancient Rome, they got to the point that they started to despise and "shakedown" the "green grocers", then they started to fall.
You are helping stand between our beloved country and the darkness of chaos!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
A good one! Probably cheaper than batteries too.
Damn, that's pretty funny. I'd give it at least a 7 on a 10 scale.
Thanks for the laugh z.
Yes, you made my Wednesday!
I think that We all need a laugh today..Good timeing.
I'm not offended either. In fact, maybe I will install a few of those in my log house.
That was really great, how can anyone be offended?
It was good fun
And it's dual-purpose: Fire detector, 'emergency' snack!
Thanks for the laugh, Z!
Hilarious, isn't it?
Brooke: what you said has a KERNEL OF TRUTH! aaargh!!!!
Oh I luv Jiffy Pop!!! Cute!
Heck Z,
You put a frame around that, and you have a Warhol masterpiece!
You forgot to take the cardboard off so the popping will get your attention. Nice picture. We should all have one in every room.
Joe, BELIEVE me, that's NOT MY HOUSE or WALLPAPER!!! :-)
I thought it was a law or something that you had to have at least one in your home. I don't get the laughter. We have 2 in our house. Do you reckon we should have gotten the battery-operated kind instead? (HEHE!)
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