Thursday, May 21, 2009

Beamish Alert: On GITMO

Beamish does it again on the Gitmo MUST read it and the very funny comments by a great bunch of thinkers..........enjoy!


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I'm getting a complex from all this attention.


highboy said...

I think it makes perfect sense to move detainees from Gitmo to the states. Obama will need the prison space there for all of us who are on his Homeland Security watch list.

Z said...

which complex is THIS, beamish! :-)
You always joke have have multiple personalities, so pick one, give it the complex, then pick another one. DONE! heh


I'm listening to the differences in Obama's "mess in Gitmo...these last 8 years" speech....and Cheney's words this morning and it's almost tear provoking. It's the kid and the adult; the man who cares about HIMSELF and the man who cares about AMERICANS. I've never seen a president who looks at the office as more a job for HIM than the WORK HE MUST DO FOR US.
I remember the inauguration day smiling and waving as he approached the podium to become president and thought "what's different about this? I can't quite put my finger on what's 'wrong'" then I realized no president had done that before...big SMILES, big WAVES "LOOK AT MEEEE!!"..and we're seeing this illustrated every day.
"it's all about ME! The people voted for ME and I have a MANDATE" As if he can do no wrong.
When he's doing so MUCh wrong that even the people are finally waking up......I think.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


Only one of my personalities has been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. The others are quite sane.


I still think you have the better blog, so there nyah :P

FrogBurger said...

I don't mind moving the prisoners to the State if they're not released in the States.
What I mind is Obama's saying Gitmo has made the US less safe. As far as I'm concerned we haven't had any attacks since 9/11. Maybe he's setting expectations b/c one is coming :(

Z said...

Beamish, if that's what you think, I'd much rather have your SANE self here next time, thankyouverymuch!
But thanks...I appreciate that

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Did you see the evil Karl Rove's blasphemy against our Messiah?

FrogBurger said...

But Cheney should also shut up b.c right now the GOP takes the hit. I've got the feeling it's good for Obama to have Cheney on his back.

Z said...

Frogburger: the problem is that it will be much easier to attack any prison in America by terrorists than it would have been at Gitmo.

A MUCH bigger problem is a sitting president continually insulting the last administration.
This is new for America. Clinton did it ... while living in Paris, I've told the story here that I was watching a Labor Convention LIVE and Clinton ripped into Bush as if he had NO RIGHT to change some of Clinton's 'accomplishments'...
there's a hubris and ego in the Left one doesn't see that much on the Right; that's becoming clear and sadder to me.

One MUST NOT slam past administrations for all the world to see; especially when THE ONE thinks his smile and personality will make people love us in spite of the fact that they're probably asking themselves about this phenomena themselves!; Imagine obama missing the point that he's singing kumbaya "let's give Iran till the end of the year and then get tough on nukes" and, the day after, Iran tests a missile!??
I'm quite sure Netanyahu didn't miss that.

Z said...

Frog...I thought so, too, but I'm starting to think we're wrong.

When an American citizen hears obama giving iran chances till the end of the year, considering Gitmo terrorists coming here, etc etc........and there's cheney reminding us, in an adult manner, of WHY they had to do the things they did, I'm thinking Americans are going to wake up to who's the child and who's the adult..and realize they miss being in the hands of adults.

FrogBurger said...

I agree with everything you say but I wish it would be someone else who could step up instead of just Cheney. I guess the GOP is such in a disarray that nobody wants to step up.

FrogBurger said...

And I don't like the neo-cons like Cheney. That's why we're in trouble now, despite the good job on the security issues. They compromised the principles of small government.

Z said...

Copy/paste that and watch the 20 minute STeele speech, Frogburger; I think you'll be relieved and encouraged.

I do see your points, but I"m tired of Cheney getting all the heat for having done the right thing.
I'm talking terror here, not economy, by the way. xx

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Call Cheney what you like, but he's not, nor ever was a "neocon." That term has been misused and abused so much that if it ever had a relevant meaning, the life has been stomped out of it.

Hell, I'm probably closer to being an actual "neocon" than Cheney, having (mis)spent an inordinate touch of my political formative years reading commies and anarchists like Trotsky and Bakunin (before rejecting it all and growing the lowercase "L" libertarian / conservative I am today)

The difference between Cheney's and Obama's command of national security issues is the difference between a porterhouse steak and pablum.

We can hope Obama's political gainsaying on the "last eight years" doesn't come back to bite him on the ass in the form of dead Americans in a terrorist attack on our soil.

Obama says the anti-terrorism initiatives of the Bush administration "didn't make us safer." As a leftist, he's ideologically obligated to make nonsensical statements. Don't expect him to explain why no terrorist attacks have occurred on American soil and many terrorist plots have been foiled since 9/11 using the Bush anti-terrorism initiatives he's badmouthing - and implicitly rejecting.

Nope. Just make sure to remember, if God forbid a terrorist attack does indeed occur on Obama's watch, that Obama must eat the blame for the policy changes that will allow it to occur.

Obama standing on the rubble of the next terrorist attack blaming Bush is NOT going to play well in Peoria.

highboy said...

Frog you do have a point about the sacrifice of small government principles. Its why I didn't want to vote for McCain. If he would have won, it would have made him the standard for conservatism. We had majority power for 8 years and all the Republicans did was sit on it. Both parties have made themselves worthless. Deregulation was fine for democrats in 1999 which is why they all voted for it, including Biden, while Clinton signed off on it. The Republicans opposed it because the Dems didn't. Fast forward to the Bush regime and its the exact opposite. The Republicans need a Ron Paul to become their beacon if they want to get back their principles, and its good we'll have 4 years of the current disaster for Republicans to start acting like Republicans again while America is forced to be reminded why socialist/communist ideals have always failed. But in regards to terror, Gitmo has done nothing but keep this country safe.