She added that Californians were obviously "CONFUSED". This is the new mantra of the Left, I guess; disagree with them and you're CONFUSED.
Then they interviewed the head of the Teacher's Union here in Los Angeles. He's none too happy, either! After all, we all know how throwing more money at the teachers helps educate our kids, right.....No matter that the statistics show that's not true? (I can't resist plugging the relevant film FREEDOM WRITERS here, please put it on your Netflix list, or STAND AND DELIVER) But, I digress. He went on to say they might have to cancel SUMMER SCHOOL this year! I love that idea! Kids home this summer might force their mothers home this summer. Maybe they'll tighten their belts and realize they LIKE being home. Let the kids have a summer, let the moms have some time off, too. I absolutely recognize that not all families can afford Mom not to work, but maybe if some families just tried to get creative or fire the nanny or give up an expensive vacation or bigger house or better car? Just a thought. Maybe our kids will do better in hard financial times?
This tightening belts in California or across the whole nation might have been a better solution than throwing nonexistent, or somebody else's, money at everything, don't you think?
As a stay at home mother, I have found that most women who work actually WANT to work. Please don't come to my blog and call me nasty names, I didn't say ALL of them. My own sister in law once told me "I don't know how you do it, if I had to stay home all day I'd be crazy after the first 15 minutes when I ran out of stuff to do". Apparently to some people, raising kids is just "stuff to do". I wish more women could afford to stay home and actually enjoy it. I feel so lucky that I have been able to raise my own kids.
Mothers should be at home with their children for as long as possible, whenever possible. That's a statement of fact not meant to be inflamatory or somehow disparaging to those mothers who didn't have options. I agree with lovelyp that it too often has been a choice to support a lifestyle (bigger house, fancier car). God bless all mothers who "choose" life.
I'm afraid to look!
and btw, lovelyprism I would never call YOU nay nasty names... NEVER
The left in this country has fascistic tendencies. It's not even socialism. It's more a Mussolini way of seeing things.
The left cannot handle the fact that the people have had enough. When the "revolution" came they were supposed to be leading it and instead they will be the ones standing against the wall.
Lovelyprism; it's kind of an irony; there are probably so many moms who can't stay home but would love to, and women like your sister in law can and won't! One of my sisters used to be a little taunted by the husbands she knew "You don't WORK?" She DID work at HOME and she now has absolutely AMAZING young adults as children. She worked HARD staying at home and making sure they did turn out as well as they did!
DaBlade...your son's piece at your blog today is super; I highly recommend everyone goes over there and sees it.. And, I agree....the husbands I mention in the comment just above this one, friends of my sister and her husband, did put a pool and Mercedes before their kids.
Im'd better NOT! :-)
FrogBurger...I'm looking forward to our interview, just haven't the time until later today.
Shoprat; that's why they were so afraid of Palin and are still in overdrive slamming her...and CHeney... I'm waiting for a real Michael Steele slam coming from Gibbs and obama soon...IF they can somehow pull that off.
If we didn't have to pay 33% of all we earn off the top to the federal government, then pay property tax, sales tax, gas tax, "eat in" tax at a fast food joint, and on and on, my wife could stay home. She'd like to, but we can't pay all the taxes and live a decent lifestyle without two incomes.
I now stay at home and it's pretty cool, luckily we had money saved up for just such an emergency. Hopefully come fall I'll be teaching.
CA needs to get it's financial house in order and fast...
Hermit, don't you LOVE it when everything's FREE? (not!)
Vegas aren't teaching?
Larry, I could reach through the screen and plant a big one RIGHT... on your forehead. (cuz Mr. Z's looking!! HEH HEH!)
No, missy, you're confused!
The grownups decided to stop enabling the taxaholics - just this once.
the sad thing is z they are going to get "their" tax money somehow... and california ain't the only state that is going to experience that!
p.s. go nuggets!
"Go, Nuggets" AWAY with you, Denver-ite, begone for at least a week! WHAT?
NOT HERE, you don't!! xx (smile)
Yeah, tightening belts is definitely a good idea. I feel that too many people these days don't know that they must save for a rainy day.
MK, I think you're right. Plus, it's HARD to save when costs are so high! I think our president's gloom and doom is forcing people to save, those who CAN, anyway, and that's exactly the opposite of what this economy needs right now !:0(
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