Obama's problem is that he does not know who the enemy is. To him, the enemy does not squat in caves in Waziristan, clutching automatic weapons and reciting the more militant verses from the Koran: instead, it sits around at tea parties in Kentucky quoting from the US Constitution. Obama is not at war with terrorists, but with his Republican fellow citizens. He has never abandoned the campaign trail.
That is why he opened Pandora's Box by publishing the Justice Department's legal opinions on waterboarding and other hardline interrogation techniques. He cynically subordinated the national interest to his partisan desire to embarrass the Republicans. Then he had to rush to Langley, Virginia to try to reassure a demoralised CIA that had just discovered the President of the United States was an even more formidable foe than al-Qaeda.
"Don't be discouraged by what's happened the last few weeks," he told intelligence officers. Is he kidding? Thanks to him, al-Qaeda knows the private interrogation techniques available to the US intelligence agencies and can train its operatives to withstand them - or would do so, if they had not already been outlawed.
So, next time a senior al-Qaeda hood is captured, all the CIA can do is ask him nicely if he would care to reveal when a major population centre is due to be hit by a terror spectacular, or which American city is about to be irradiated by a dirty bomb. Your view of this situation will be dictated by one simple criterion: whether or not you watched the people jumping from the twin towers...
President Pantywaist's recent world tour, cosying up to all the bad guys, excited the ambitions of America's enemies. Here, they realised, is a sucker they can really take to the cleaners. His only enemies are fellow Americans. Which prompts the question: why does President Pantywaist hate America so badly?
Z: Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration; he doesn't hate ACORN community organizers or unrepentant terrorists or Harvard elitist thugs or Chicago mobsters or George Soros or those who actually think nationalizing healthcare and taking over private companies is a really good idea. He doesn't hate anyone who's not Republican. I mean, to be fair...........
Why do you conservatives keep deleting my comments? I thought you believed in free speech?
I've read this guy before. He is BO's greatest critic. Too bad it takes an overseas media source to actually criticize The One. The US media is too in the tank. That's simply enchanting.
Lynne. never deleted you, not last time you accused me of it either.
talk about 'free speech', why the heck won't Moveon or KOS accept conservative comments....oddest thing, huh?
Well you should delete her, she is all over the place like flies on Horse crap.
NYGuy, more like horse crap on roses, no? :-)
I was going to suggest to President Obama that we register the terrorists from Gitmo like we do sex offenders. Then we could just look on the internet to see where they are.
Whadya think?
Obama's problem is that he does not know who the enemy is. To him, the enemy does not squat in caves in Waziristan, clutching automatic weapons and reciting the more militant verses from the Koran: instead, it sits around at tea parties in Kentucky quoting from the US Constitution. Obama is not at war with terrorists, but with his Republican fellow citizens. He has never abandoned the campaign trail.
That is why he opened Pandora's Box by publishing the Justice Department's legal opinions on waterboarding and other hardline interrogation techniques. He cynically subordinated the national interest to his partisan desire to embarrass the Republicans.>The funny thing about embarassment is you get to choose when and by what measure things can embarass you.
And so, Democrats on intelligence committees in the House and Senate that were fully briefed on interogation techniques used are now out and about on the boob tube telling everyone that they approved of and fully funded "torture," despite Republicans meekly telling them, "no, you didn't."
Grand theatre, really.
The Telegraph has been no friend of The One.
Good clarification Z. We need to be fair always.
He has a simple principle. If you can't say something bad America then don't say anything.
Chuck, I believe that's a triple negative sentence!!? I went back to see what you were referring to about FAIRNESS and had to read my own sentence 3 times ....!!\
Shoprat, too true, and too sad. :-(
Breaks my heart to have a president like that, it really does.
"President Pantywaist"? Ouch!
BHO will be doing another apology tour in June. I wonder how he'll be received this time.
Heroic commentary by Gerald Warner, Z, thanks for sharing. Henceforth I will read him regularly as one of the few in print really laying the truth out there. Of course, he's only asking rhetorically "Why does Obama hate America so badly?" We all by now have figured it out, and for the sake of this fine British columnist may I suggest: for the same reason he rudely sent back the bust of Winston Churchill. Old fashioned values like Freedom, Military strength, Tradition, Christianity are anathema to him. A near-brain-dead, television-addicted population of know-nothings has elected a monstrosity.
Always, he's going BACK to Europe to seal the deal of Hate-America First? Oh, man.
Zack, AMEN. I wish you had seen last night's televised correspondents dinner.....the sycophancy and fawning...
It gave me the creeps to think that many supposedly intelligent people know SO little about our constitution and have such cheap values.
He doesn't hate anyone who's not Republican. I mean, to be fair...........Z, it was an attempt at humor. Obviously not a very good one.
Chuck, I got your humor, but i had to admit that my sentence was a MESS!
Well said Z, he doesn't hate all Americans, just the good ones.
I like the sound of president pantywaist, suits him well.
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