Check THIS out. Barney Fwank's bill passed in the House.....Wall Street pay will be restricted IF the senate buys this, too.
Of course, some of us think that companies ought to have some say about executive compensation, but I'd have thought shareholders might be the ones, not the GOVERNMENT~! I happen to believe in this from the article: "The House bill includes Obama's suggestions to give shareholders a nonbinding vote on compensation packages and prohibit directors on compensation committees from having financial ties to the company and its executives." I've said all through this supposed "BIG BUSINESS MESSED UP THE COUNTRY" situation of the last few months "didn't the shareholders know what their CEO's and others are making?" See, I think companies ought to set limits, maybe...but reward for success, don't you?
I want fairness, I want our kids to think they can make as much as they want FOR HARD WORK and TALENT, don't you? The article goes on to say:
"But the bill goes farther than Obama wanted by prohibiting pay incentives that encourage employees to take financial risks that could threaten the economy or viability of the institution."
Ya THINK? Did Obama REALLY not want that? And, who's going to be on that BOARD which declares "THAT risk could threaten the economy or the viability of our institution!" HOW will we know that? WHAT?
WE SHOULD pay for good, come up with good ideas, better the company, right? NO!......NO RISKS ANYMORE IN AMERICA, THE LAND OF THE WELL REWARDED RISK TAKERS! Mandatory seat belts, mandatory helmets, mandatory alleviation of any threat to a company? WHAT?
Z, you are right on with this observation. This is the worst and most insidious damage done by socialist/communists. They incite class warfare, then declare victory by taking control so nobody can make big bucks.
In Sweden, I spoke to the high school kids there, and NONE of them wanted to try hard in school or life. Why bother when all of their earnings would be confiscated.
Hi, Opus, I don't believe our kids want to strive anymore, either.
Sure, there are exceptions, I know a few and their friends, but when I hear of so many kids who can't read 8th grade and they're in 12th grade...etc.., we have a kind of country-killing, history-ignorant, government-relying thing going on that no Conservative could find comfort in.
The Left knows EXACTLY who they'll vote for.........HAND OUTS.
Well, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face...
How then, do the clowns propose to tazx all thos "rich " people to pay for their nasty health care plans???
I want fairness, I want our kids to think they can make as much as they want FOR HARD WORK and TALENT, don't you? The article goes on to say:
Yeah, you want it so much that you want them losing a bundle in the Wall Street 401K and housing schemes.
You just love fairness so much that you want these folks skimming as much as they can and if you limit the skim then you are denying your children a chance at success.
The far right is insane.
Oh, Z..what's happening to our country? It's so devastating!
It's becoming unbearable to even think about.
Never, ever, until now, would I have even thought that anything like what is happening COULD happen here, but it is, and it's becoming a nightmare!
It makes me want to cry everytime I think about it.
Did you see the video of the secret service brigade at one of the recent town hall meetings, riding with windows down, and assault rifles visible for the protesters to see?
It is getting beyond scary.
Opus #6 --- class warfare is when you get lost in the inner city and get pulled out of your car and sapped senseless.
That's class warfare. Whatever it is you're talking about is some Limbaugh soundbite.
I am all for good incentives for work well done - within reasonable measures. After all, people get paid for doing their job, and well. And if they take on a risky position (like being a CEO in a company) they should be paid a reasonable amount more, and receive a reasonable bonus if and when they over achieve.
But here is the deal. If people work in a private company, the owner can pay whatever he wants to his employees - and only ethical questions come into play.
But if it is a public company, the situation becomes very different. The company is owned by the "public", and, therefore, the public must decide what is a reasonable compensation. Somehow, the compensations must be regulated and limited, linked to the long term success of the company, and to some degree, to success in a particular project. However, it must stay reasonable, and if the public at large is not able to determine what is reasonable, then somebody else has to step in - but not politicians who never earned a penny in their life. There must exist possibilities to tie this all to reasonable percentages of the net income of the company, of the department the people work for, to link a good portion to the long term trend of the company/department and the like. In addition, there needs to be a general cap of let's say $5M. During my times in companies, this was how my compensation was tied to the success and the trend of the company. Give me 1 hour, and I'll come up with a scheme.
But these high numbers are mostly linked to trading of obscure derivatives. This is the crux of the matter, IMHO. These things got invented to provide different instruments in which people could invest - and it is mostly bubbles. Investment should be a long term transaction in the traditional way, not something where you can speculate whether the value of something goes up or down - that should be forbidden, sorry to say that. If somebody wants to speculate, he should go to Las Vegas. The Exchanges should not be the place. The most obvious is speculation with foreign currencies. This is how this gangster George Soros has made, and still makes, his money. It should absolutely be forbidden to speculate whether the Dollar goes up or down to the Euro or Pound, for that matter. The same is true for day trading. This could be ended rather quickly: Force people to keep their investment for a certain amount of time - and this aberration of the system will disappear. End of the rant.
Damn it, Ducky, READ what I write, okay? Just keep reading..this is getting boring. And read on Class Warfare. Even YOU surprised me with that silly remark.
Jan, Hi,...I'm not sure that caravan/guns thing is quite what some are making it to be. EVERY president has some pretty BIG GUNS riding along with can see that! Pointed at citizens? Who knows for sure. I'm writing that one off like I wrote off that silly "Obama got dissed" video of his pointing to people in line with whom he's already shaken hands but is now introducing Medvedev...Some thought the line was dissing O by not shaking his hand...not true.
WV, they've done studies..taxing the richest isn't NEARLY, CLOSELY enough money to even HELP pay.
This IS class warfare, it's power and it's about deceiving Americans, 90% of which are saying they like their health care packages..funny, it was 80% before this whole thing started, but the polls went the fear people are finally feeling as they start asking "Why do I have to SUFFER? Why can't they just fix it for the uninsured and leave me ALONE?"
NO answer yet......
Mr Z...GOOD RANT!! xxx
~I'm not sure that caravan/guns thing is quite what some are making it to be. EVERY president has some pretty BIG GUNS riding along with can see that! Pointed at citizens? Who knows for sure. I'm writing that one off like I wrote off that silly "Obama got dissed" video of his pointing to people in line with whom he's already shaken hands but is now introducing Medvedev...Some thought the line was dissing O by not shaking his hand...not true.~
Z..I agree that many things have been misconstrued when it comes to Obama, however, the person who wrote the eye-witness account seemed to be telling the truth as to what they saw.
I've seen those motorcades, too, but never with the windows down, and guns visible.
Honestly, I don't know what to think anymore.
Who's right on class warfare? Opus 6 or Ducky? I love history. Let's re-visit some.
There's Michelle Obama's harsh campaign rhetoric - "they" keep you down, "they" set the bar higher just when you're almost there, "they" move the bar again, "they" don't let you blah, blah, blah. A little over the top, even for campaigns, dontcha think?
Remember Jeremiah "how-many-ways-can-I-stir-up-class/racial-envy" Wright - under whose tutelage the current occupants of the white house marinated for 20 years?
Class warfare? This administration (and the pathetic Mr. Frank) wallow in it! And why not? It pays them handsomely at the polls.
Barney Frank? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
What a joke it is for politicians and public employee unions to demonize the wealthy.
Every politician receives a pension for each political position he/she has held. From city councilman all the way up the line. It's called double dipping, and in many cases is quadruple dipping and more.
That's our money folks. They get state supplied cars, gas cards, per diem stipends, and God knows what else, all on our dime.
Book deals, and speaking engagements worth big bucks, become members of executive boards when they retire, because of their elevated positions, and lobbyists, all because of their access to those still in office, and the power brokers.
Oh, and their own private healthcare packages and they do not pay into social security. They have private funds.
Teachers do not pay into social security either. They also have private funds. Their unions collect dues from these public employees and contribute millions to political campaigns.
That's money we paid them, and in many cases it works against us in the form of strikes, and issue related campaigns. Not to mention the mediocrity of today's educational system, which is failing a large percentage of children.
And these people, all of them have the audacity to demomize the wealthy?
At least private business has to be efficient and provide a good product, or they're kaput!
So, is it capitalism that's failed, or patronage, tenure, nepotism, corrupt public "servants", government intervention, regulations, public unionization, incompetence, waste and entitlement, as the taxpayer is ripped off everyday.
No matter what a CEO's bonus is, it can't compare to the billions of taxpayer dollars we pay to be ill served, our children ill taught, and the general corruption, incompetence and greed we see in the public sector every day.
And we pay for it. In spades!
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