"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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Well that was very interesting! I HAD made my mind up to buy a Ford to support their decision and better business sense and let's face it, to punish GM and Chrysler. But I hadn't given any thought to extra taxes or tax breaks being associated with which car I decided to buy. None of them are worth the MSRP. The unions and the govt safety, emissions and other standards have driven up the cost of a car to more than what I paid for my first house. My Chrysler loan is SIX years and with one and a half left on the loan, it's not worth what I owe. And it's beginning to show signs of age. I find it odd that the govt regulations were part of the problem all along but nobody seems to know that. As of today, I'd buy a Ford. If things go the way of that article, I don't know. I might still buy a Ford. But I don't see the prices coming down anytime soon and NONE of the cars on the road are worth what they're charging for them. It's a CAR, just a car.
I can never understand lefties fascination with that cuban murderer. Then again i could never understand lefties fascination with communism, what with 60 million dead and counting.
Government Motors is going to put Ford OUT of business. I won't be buying Ford's either. GO Nissan!
These stickers are on a foreign car too. Go America, right?
A car frequently parked at grocery store near me sports the license plate "JEEHAD." I should check that vehicle to see if it also sports a BHO/Biden sticker. Heh.
The reality is that you encounter actual deconstructionists nowadays only slightly more often than zombies. People who keep going on about them sound like Grandpa Simpson ranting about the Beatles.
You’d think that Derrida was still giving sold-out concerts at Che Stadium. Sadly, no.
Just another "intellectual" Omamanite publicly displaying their bona fides.
You are right, it does say it all
Interesting timing though, z, since the OAS is meeting this week and there is considerable pressure on the U.S. to back Cub's readmission.
It will probably happen soon.
Indeed it does!
The Bolivians got Che didn't they?
I saw a show on history channel and one of the guys who was there when Che was done in said it wasn't personal. I'd hate to have those same guys mad at me on a personal level.
lovely, Rich's car piece was interesting, wasn't it...
MK..lefties STILL think Cuba's just wonderful. Even when Raoul had buttered up this administration, which fell for it and got Cuba some terrific press..until Fidel said "my brother doesn't speak for Cuba or me!" Charming. And the Left's beat goes on, doesn't it.
FJ...you think they'll put Ford out of business because they didn't play ball?
Chuck: Go America from someone who admires Che that much!!??
ALWAYS...are you KIDDING? JEEHAD in the Taliban Corridor's allowed?
Ducky, you look sillier by each comment.
Larry and Frank...they don't even see it.
Of COURSE there could be pressure on the US about Cuba's OAS status. Look at the UN..they have no moral compass, either. We're supposed to think the OAS has more integrity than America? WE know you don't reward regimes like Castro's with OAS membership only because we believe the Cubans who've lived there, we don't take seriously our left who's visited Castro and buys his ridiculous lies much like Sean Penn actually liked Saddam's shish kebob and thought HE must be a really good guy! Of course it'll happen soon! Obama's president, he could have owned this car, it's his raison d'etre...."Make friends with dictators.... then they'll be REALLY nice to you and their people!" OAS: Organization of American Socialists?
you can't make this stuff UP!
The admiration of leftists for despots and bloody revolutionaries like the Che is due to their contempt for individuality and individuals, and self-loathing in some cases (white guilt, etc...).
As a conservative, I loathe the herd mindset and the State. I have more faith in the individual than the group, which leads to mediocrity and even worse.
Indeed, the most horrible events in world history have been the consequence of collectivist thinking. This includes what the Church did in the middle-ages to Hitler and Stalin.
Castro and Che are ones of those tyrans who hijack individuals' good intentions to satisfy their lust for power.
I can't believe people who have those bumper stickers are so naive.
As a conservative, I loathe the herd mindset and the State. I have more faith in the individual than the group, which leads to mediocrity and even worse.
Really poor syntax, not what you meant to say but you do make a point.
Sorry, not a native so I'll keep making syntax mistakes. You'll have to deal with them.
easier to slam syntax than substance, FB.
Indeed, Z. The left is shallow most of the time and use ridicule when they have nothing to say.
Ducky is the typical pseudo-intellectual the left loves so much.
there is considerable pressure on the U.S. to back Cub's readmission.I never even realized that the Cubbies had been kicked out of MLB.
A mass murderer and an enabler of mass murder. This person has great taste.
Perfect picture for the post. Ignorance is bliss...until reality bites.
I never even realized that the Cubbies had been kicked out of MLB.wishful thinking on duhkkky's part...the Red Sox have almost as many penants as the Cubbies
compared to the Cubs the Red Sox look like the Yankees dynasty
i love how the left blames the u.s. for the situation in cuba. do they not realize that we are the ONLY country in the world who does not trade with cuba? how can the sanctions imposed by only one country so greatly determine the failures of another country?
it'll be a long time before we buy another car - nigel (the mini) is just 1.5 years old and although the mercedes is 10 years old, that thing will never die. as for the excursion 276,000 miles and still going. been beat to hell but it runs well...
i hope by the time we go to buy another car, the government will be out of the car industry. hey! a gal can hope, can't she?
FJ, Damn, you stole my thunder..was considering that same CUB thing. That's somewhere in...Plato, isn't it!?
Heidianne, as you know, we drive used Beemers....very good price, not many miles usually, solidly well built, attractive......and German (Heh)....Mr. Z likes that part particularly!!!!
Hmmm. I drive a 1995 Saturn, whose company will soon be either extinct or owned by a foreign entity of some sort.
What good does it do to "Buy American" if American is going to become non-American in time?
What happened to all the money I spent on my little Saturn back in 1995? Is any of it still in America?
We used to snicker because as late as yesterday afternoon, the average automobile found in Cuba was a 1954 Ford. The chickens have come home to roost; thanks to the American people voting for Barack Obama, that’s the way it will be here to in another 50 years … if we’re lucky. We might be operating oxen pulled carts.
BTW, is that Che pictured on the foreign made automobile, or Ducky?
in 1996 we had an exchange student from bad liebenwerder - mr. z did i spell that right? - in the form gdr. she arrived in the beginning of august and stayed through the end of june attending her senior year of high school.
one day in january she got an email from her parents - it seems that part of the reunification was to make good on all the deliveries of goods that had been prepaid to the socialist government. 16 years earlier, when she was 2, her parents prepaid for a BRAND NEW CAR. the car was delivered in january 1997.
thankfully, because of reunification it was actually a new car with new features - had it still been the gdr it would have been a car that they had ordered 16 years prior.
yep, boys and girls, this is our future.
Like many Greeks, Plato was a HUGE Cubbie fan...
101st time's a charm!
The level of ignorance among the Libs is appalling.
God forbid they should do a little research into Che's true story instead of relying on Hollywood to reinvent that murdering thug into a warm and fuzzy hero.
It won't be long before the reinvented life story of O'Bummer comes to a theater near you.
So Ducky's a Libertarian now?
Ohmygoodness. These comments are the BEST!
99% of the idiots who wear Che t-shirts and have Che bumper stickers couldn't even tell you what he did or who he was.
Ducky doesn't know who he is. He's all confused. The left is confused. Most of them want government but don't want to pay taxes, like Geitner.
Every body seems to have problems with the Che bumper sticker. Myself, I have a MUCH BIGGER problem with the nobama/biden piece of garbage. STUPID FRIGGING LEFTARDS. Look what they've done to US.
Hey, Average, good to see you! And ya..you're right. That's SO much worse, you're right.
Jen, great comments all, for sure.
And, you're right......most kids who champion che don't have a clue. But, he's a big lefty and they think he's Robin Hood and Michael MOore and Malcom X all rolled into one.!
oh the dripping irony... obama "bumpered" on a car that he is putting out of buisness... too rich!!
Ya, Pat, and I'm SURE the union members who won't have jobs'll be thrilled with him, too.
Except, their packages are probably so good that they won't have to work for a while. On us.
When I see stuff like this I get spitting mad. Words fail me and I revert back to the instinctual reptilian part of my brain that wants to kick in the back of that liberal moron's car.
Look at what your lunacy has wrought!
But unlike liberals, my brain has a logic center and the above is just a bout of fanciful dreaming.
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