"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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Now, if the cartoonist had drawn Israel with Mr Obama's foot on it, then it would have been complete.
Too bad it's not Lady Liberty herself refusing to wear a veil and telling Kamal Jaqi not to bring a scimitar to a gun fight.
And the Statue of Liberty was given by France. Argh!
Wow, Obama is the only one to go into the tank for the oil sheiks.
Things you learn at a way right site.
Obama is as corrupt as the other ones, indeed. Including by the banks from which he got so much money.
BZ, good point...
Beamish, that would be a fantastic cartoon!
FB...millions of Americans are grateful for that gorgeous lady; she sure brought a lot of my relatives hope!
Ducky...don't be silly. This isn't a left/right thing about the oil.
Obama's just set a whole new standard in bowing and scraping. I won't write what I'd love to here..I have a reputation to uphold, but it has to do with bending down to Arabs.
Great Z, love the burqa on the statue.
Duck, go back and check Willie's record on Middle East oil, one of the largest increases of imported oil from the ME happened on his watch.
American presidents will continue to go along with M.E. royalty until we have our own independent energy policy. It is what it is.
You're right, Z, it isn't a left or right issue - it's an American issue. Only partisans think the other side does it more than theirs.
Where is Ducky? I'm reading about the street fights in Iran? Are you still ahead of the curve, Ducky?
Z-FREEDOM -that is the battle cry from the Iranians and it is spoken in English!!---When called upon-I hope- we - I-will be as brave...
The Rsss and the Dsss have 'bowed' to the Dark Side (Lucifer's kids) --anyone or group who wish to wrest freedom from us all...
I always enjoy reading your insight filled posts.....
I just snagged that cartoon.
I wonder how the muslims see it though, appeasement, weakness, both?
MK...the next target
If this is what the Europeans see they need glasses. That doesn't look like a bow to me. The burka on the statue is good though.
FrogBurger, I'm am on record in these blogs stating that there is a centrist movement in Islamic countries.
It's unfortunate that idiots like Bush with his "axis of evil" nonsense and the subsequent failure of our military, which can't resolve these situations anyway, has strengthened the hard liners.
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