Click HERE and read his article...............We ran across this and thought "Man, who knew things WOULD get THIS BAD?"
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
I hereby advise all readers against transmitting via comments, or links to other sites, any material that may constitute criminal behavior, or give rise to civil liability, including (but not limited to) violation of local or state laws, United States Code or regulation, or any international statute to which the United States is a signatory.
Read your 2008 post- Mr Z--prophetic...
There were and are those of us who saw the slow slide via the likes of McCain-and and said NO MORE--
Now we have an avalanche--via bho and the dems...and people are waking up...
I see good things coming out of this-- via a long term implementation of the Founder's vision...
Mr. Z sure knew where of he spoke.
It is somewhat encouraging that Europe is slowly awakening to the facts...As christian soldier mentioned above, we too are waking up...but certainly not due to MSM.
I just hope it isn't too little too late...
I learn SO much about what is really going on through the internet and blogs like yours. I shudder to think what would be going on without them...Hasn't Obama appointed a czar to try to rule and reign over the internet? If he hasn't, I'm sure he will soon.
I agree with Mr. Z's prescient comment about where America was heading with Obama. Also some great comments on that article. I totally agree with the comment by Free Thinker about "Cultural Marxism" and "critical theory" — and these were ideas that were hashed out over time at FPM. I think in may respects that FPM contributed greatly to a broader understanding of where things were heading both culturally and politically — at least I think I learned a lot.
CS, it does feel like an avalanche, you're so right.
I see good things happening, as well. LOTS of new groups springing up against the socialism, etc.
Check out Smart Girls Blog and join...can't hoyt!
Sue,Thanks so much....Sen Dimint suggested we have to KEEP BLOGGING...get the truth out there, and I believe he's right. He has a VERY good book out, apparently.
Waylon, I think FPM really awakened a lot of us and honed our thinking/writing're right.
take good care, all! xxx
And the beat goes on. Every day there's some new abomination being foisted off on the country by the clowns in Washington and their master.
If Cap and Trade is passed by this Congress, The Nanny State will be tightening the noose, right down to our options as to where we can live. I just posted on this new tyranny.
A year ago, most Americans would have thought Mr. Z's post paranoid -- not that I felt that way, of course. And maybe most Americans still don't see the reality. They WILL wake up, but by then the noose will be so very tight.
It's true; I've written this before. At a time when the veil of Socialism and its affects seems to be pulled from Europe, and many countries begin leaning middle or slightly right -- the US, who apparently can learn NOTHING from history -- is taking the path JUST trod by Europe.
This is what I call "Historical Alzheimers" of the HIGHEST degree.
Yes, our politicians ARE that stupid. And ignorant. AND pushed into that picture by a bulk of the ignorant, piggish, unthinking, egocentric, entitlement-driven electorate.
The electorate of the US is NOT blameless.
I don't know if it is really socialism or a criminal syndicate similar to what rules Chicago using Socialism as a cover. Either way I don't like it.
More and more people are beginning to publicly complain.
Socialism has been tried and failed everywhere it's tried, but that never stops the left from trying it. Why, it's almost as if they really just wanted to tear the country down but just won't admit it publicly.
You will go down the same socialist road that everyone else has America, the only question is, can you learn from your mistakes before it's too late to change it back.
For Europe, it's too late, they've only started learning their lesson now, but it's too late now. Give it another 10 years and you'll see, you cannot embark on socialism and come back easily from it.
MK, who knows? Their socialism is LESS socialism than what Obama and the thugs are pulling over on us, that's clear....and most of their new governments are conservative and even going further that way.
Sad thing is the leftwingers are so good at sabotaging that...they're already screaming "anti-immigrant NAZIS" when any conservative gov't actually finds the guts to say "ENOUGH IMMIGRATION, it's time you come only if you're coming to live as a countryman, NOT bring your customs and lack of Judeo Christian values HERE" It's very clever of the left and might be the death knoll to Europe. Every time they get ahead, the damned leftwingers know just how to sabotage.
Like here. Alinsky rules.
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