UPDATE: From a Persian friend living in exile and fear in Ashraff, Iraq, on arrangement by America to keep the Iranian Freedom Fighters somewhat safe. This man has posted at Frontpagemagazine for a few years and had stopped for a while and we were worried about him. I don't read that much anymore, but Priscilla is a regular commenter there and, we'd been worried about SAM. She found this last night on the site:
"This is the uprising to uproot the mullah's regime, We have the Passdarans and the Hezbollah inside the country who kill our people to stop the movement , the regime has imported the Hezbollah of Libanon and the Venezuela's guards to back the Mullahs, and we have US administration who collaborates with the regime to keep them on power."
While Sam has been a supporter of Bush for having gone into Iraq, he has always said our administration, and it seems Obama's continuing it, has supported the Mullahs. Odd thought. This man was a very big scientist in Iran, very connected with their politics and the resistance to their theocracy, and I don't advocate or disparage what he said. I just think we should be aware of his opinion. If you find yourself wondering about SAM's remarks that we are collaborating to keep the regime in power, you might want to ask yourself WHY and maybe comment here?
I like good news a lot more than bad news. And this is definitely GOOD NEWS!
I think so, too, Waylon....but some don't..check out the comments on my piece 2 posts down on this subject.
The BBC is reporting shots fired.
Clear facts are slow getting out
They better be careful. The Ayatollah can let loose the Revolutionary Guards, who are not noted for their sensitivity to the opinions of others. I'd be waving my sign from the back of the crowd, both to facilitate my flight in the event of shooting, and to allow the bodies in front of me to provide a modicum of cover.
an iranian tea party!!!!!
I saw some of that on Fox and I read that the Iraians were using Twitter and FB to get the news out until the Gov't shut those down. Good luck with that. Hopefully some hackers will slap the mulluhs down...
Thanks, everybody..Dennis Prager's saying the same thing; "Other than the (hideous) transformation of the American economy, this is the biggest thing going today"
They're shooting, the people are standing strong.
Pat, if only the Tea Parties reached these numbers...but I think they will if O continues as is.
Hermit; the Rev. Guards don't seem quite as enamored as we'd thought..the pic I took down showed two of them smiling at the insurrection as if in agreement.
Vegas..they cut off dissent when young people are eager for the truth and I hope that happens for them.
The hotbed of Islamist extremist support and threat to us and other Westernized countries has to stop.
A shot from Tehran
The Iranians should call in the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani to mediate for them. The he could issue a fatwa against the Guardianship of the Jurist and abolish the valiyat al-faqih heresy ONCE and FOR ALL.
PS- If I were Barack Obama, I'd immediately rename the 82nd Airborne "The Mahdi Army"... and the 101st "Mohamed's Mujahadeen".
BHO is the Mahdi...
The 12th Imam is back.... and boy is he pist!
Seems like the Mullahs were very ham-handed in their handling of this "election". I think they're nervous, but unfortunatley we don't have the government in place to rabblerouse in the background & use this unrest to our advantage.
It may be put down or it may be the end of the Ayatollahs. When the people choose laws that follow religious principles it's democracy but when the religious authorities have veto power over the electoral system it is theocracy. Huge difference. The peoples' choices will obviously be strongly influenced by Islam but that doesn't have to mean perpetual war with the west.
I agree w/ shoprat and his take..
I also was struck with the 'Men in Black w/clubs' (Black Panthers) guarding some of our US polling places during the 2008 Pres election.. and the 'Men in Black w/clubs' guarding the streets of Iran during the elections there ...so --I posted my take!
Where are WE headed?!!!!!....
I think the mullahs are getting real nervous. This is starting to take on a life of it's own. I think it's got a strong chance of overthrowing Khamenei
This is fabulous!
I love seeing the Obama administration demonstrate what total cowards they are, while other governments stand up and condemn the Iranian gov't for oppressing the opposition.
Don't liberals fight the oppressor??? yeah, yeah....
I don't have high hopes for this uprising.
It looks a lot like the Shia uprising in Iraq after Desert Storm. It will be crushed as America stands aside and watches.
And with President Ogabe considering the freedom that Shia Muslims now enjoy in Iraq after knocking Saddam Hussein out of power a "mistake" I guarantee that is exactly what will happen.
To a Democrat, arming Stalinists in North Korea with nuclear weapons and propping up dictators in the Caribbean is "sound geopolitical strategy."
The weird beards in control of Iran won't let democracy get in the way of their jihadi mindset. I hope the more optimistic commenters here are right...but I doubt we'll see much change in Persia.
I spent most of yesterday trying to keep up with developments inside Iran. I found Twitter updates quite helpful.
Moussavi, although a reformist, is mullah-backed and, if I recall correctly, a cofounder of Hezbollah. Still, I welcome any and all challenges to Ahmadinejad, who, BTW, has left for some kind of meeting in Russia today.
Hussein Obama by apologizing and kissing the butts of tyrants across this globe has indirectly told those aspiring for freedom that he does not support them.
by the way, the one thing I would NOT be doing in THAT big a crowd is smiling. NO way.
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