He's having quite a serious eye surgery Monday morning and needs your help. Please know that he's setting a really amazing example of leaning on the Lord and trusting in Him, really 'giving it to God', which I greatly admire. He's a good guy and deserves some of our time in prayer.......thanks so much.
And thanks to CJ for letting me know.
Here's to the best possible outcome!
All my good wishes and prayers to Free Thinke, another old friend. Here's to a successful surgery and speedy recovery.
Z, what a day, huh? There has to be some good news somewhere.
Praying for him, thank you Z.
Having had eye problems myself, you can know that I'm a prayer warrior on this one.
Thank you, Z.
We can also pray for salvation for FT.
i hope he "sees" it through his surgery z....
I wish free thinker a speedy recovery and he will be in my prayers tonight.
Just wanted to let y'all know, I believe in the power of prayer.
thanks,everybody. I know Free Thinker will appreciate this very much.
Steve..me, too. LOTS of doctors agree with us.
And, sometimes, we can pray and we think nothing's going on.......that's when real faith sets in, don't you think.
We're going to say a prayer for Rog.
Get well soon, FT!
my prayers are with him
get well soon FT.
Part of the delight in blogging is something like this...commenters I know can be counted on.
I know FT will greatly appreciate this.
I sure do hope his eye surgery went extremely well today! He's a very strong man and I thank you, for him, for your support.
And I thank CJ for having suggested this post; I had no idea things had come to this for FT.
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