CEO's are now playing miniature golf.
Even people who have nothing to do with the Obama administration
aren't paying their taxes.
Hot wheels and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM.
McDonalds is selling the 1/4 ouncer
Parents in
children's names
A truckload of Americans got caught sneaking into
Dick Cheney took his stockbroker hunting
Motel Six won't leave the light on
And finally...Congress says they are looking into this Bernard Madoff scandal.
Hey, neat...the guy who made $50 billion disappear is being
investigated by the people who made $750 billion disappear.
Have a good day! Z and Mr Z
Trying times. That's what I know.
I've always been glad that in this country we can joke about things.
But if I were hit as hard as some people by the problems of the economy, I probably wouldn't be laughing.
But still, some humor is healthy.
Karen and Sue, it is trying times so it is good to laugh, but Sue's right; there is so much not to be glad about, so many problems with the job market getting worse and the thought of the incredible debt we're about to go into; buying companies, etc.
Humor's healthy; as 'humorous' as some of those are, they'd be so much funnier were we not in the shape we're in.
They say that Michigan's economy is so bad that the pimps and drug dealers are riding 10 speeds.
The bottom line is: The economy is so bad I can ill afford to put my two cents in.
psi bond...now THAT is rather funny..
Z: psi bond...now THAT is rather funny..
How funny you are, Z. The jokes you keep making me repost are by professional comedy writers, but it's my poor, unprofessional attempt that you find laughable (as in funny).
no, you little man...it's not the jokes.
Z: no, you little man...it's not the jokes
if you can't take criticism, little girl, grow up
Psi Bond..
Prehaps you'll be a grown up now, and open your own blog. Some of us have been discussing in private that there seem to be paid lefties encouraged to throw ugly remarks at conservative blogs in a final attempt to squelch all opinion other than the left's. I often wonder if you're one of them.
Beamish has begged me to keep you here because it's such fun for him, especially when he really nails you and you don't respond to that thread anymore! He's got a great blog and I KNOW he'd like you there. I've often thought it odd you don't try to comment there......he's at least as bright as he is here, does that worry you? Try it, he'll love it and you might, too!
My tech and I will just be deleting you from now on......it's too bad, too. I've actually enjoyed and learned from some of my leftists here, troll or not. You? Darn, you fell into the same persona you had at FPM which was so disliked there, too. Why? IS it that you're paid? Do you have to be like this for the pay?
Whatever, I don't wish you harm.
just know I'll be deleting a lot more now. Unless Beamish writes me and begs me to let you stay again.
Whatever, I don't wish you harm.
just know I'll be deleting a lot more now. Unless Beamish writes me and begs me to let you stay again.
I say delete them randomly, just to be funny.
Beamish has begged me to keep you here because it's such fun for him, especially when he really nails you and you don't respond to that thread anymore! He's got a great blog and I KNOW he'd like you there.
Grown-ups are not entitled to their own facts, Z. You exhibit a proclivity for saying not what is true but what you wish to be true. beamish has not responded to any of our threads, not when I have shown him in error about the facts, as in his feverishly argued judgment of stupidity against Kerry's 2004 Iran plan, or when I pointed out the phony distinction he promoted between two conservative groups desiring to suppress free speech, or when I point out his Stalinist strategy and he did not respond anymore, or when I exposed a contradiction in what he was saying and he just changed the subject, or when I stated he couldn't argue his way out of a torn paper bag without pejoratives, or when he blamed Obama for allegedly fascistically forcing a bank to receive bailout funds when it was Bush who did that. (Oh wait--that last one was Frog's blunder.) In every case beamish has failed to follow up when I showed that his argument does not hold water. And that has been every time. Your claim that the reverse is true is a ruthless manipulation of the truth. When you delete my posts responding to him, you misleadingly make it seem like I stopped responding, although I did not. beamish has not invited me to his blog, but I have no interest in visiting it and contesting anything therein because, unlike you, I do not consider him an intellectual challenge for grown-ups. Anyone who believes liberals are "imbeciles" is not better than those he would denigrate. Such is not a starting point for a worthwhile exchange of ideas. The same applies to anyone who believes that women are "imbeciles". Or the same with regard to gays or French people or blacks. Indeed, to members of any group that have been thrown under the bus in this country and repeatedly smeared, with colleagues cheering and encouraging it.
I've actually enjoyed and learned from some of my leftists here, troll or not.
You have boasted about the one other liberal I know of that you had been lucky enough to attract here, that he's supposedly concerned only with gay rights and you and he know each other so perfectly that you can complete each other's posts. I hate to have to be the one to tell you, Z, but you have issues with the truth. I have seen you delete his posts, too. The fact is: You have problems relating to anyone on the Internet with differing political views.
IS it that you're paid? Do you have to be like this for the pay?
Gee, I haven't heard that ridiculous conspiracy idea for years and years.
I can see how fond you and your friends are of conspiracy thinking. No, nobody pays me to post here. The economy is so bad no one can afford to pay me to do it. I do it for the fun of it; I do it for what I learn about the thinking of others; I would not accept money for it. However, I know that, given the explanations you favor, you are unable to believe that. It is the truth, nonetheless.
The plain truth is that what you strongly object to, my prefatory remarks to the jokes that you want to keep deleting forever, are nothing more than simple facts. Not opinions at all.
Confrontation with the facts is healthy. Criticism is healthy. Liking the critic is not essential. For a critic does not speak to win friends or gain love.
Don't expect beamish to beg you to allow me to have freedom of expression here free of deletions that ruthlessly distort the record. He must confidently believe that giving freedom of speech to "imbeciles" is a waste of resources.
Great, now you can add delusional to your list of reasons to get deleted. I have never said I haven't ever deleted Ducky, I have probably twice. I believe my friend with the key to my site has also deleted him.
I don't 'boast' about him, trust me.
We can finish each others' sentences because we know how the other thinks.
He is MOST CERTAINLY not mostly concerned with gay rights, as you say. He covers a wide range of subjects from Bush bashing to telling America terrorists don't exist in America..typical leftist. I often have to remind him to stop his imagination in outing Republican homosexuals as if being a homosexual was disgusting, even as he champions the homosexual celebs and politicians who really are homosexual and out of the closet, that's all. I find that hypocritical and disgusting.
I have amazing conversations with people of differing views, I wish I had more here. I also don't agree with many conservatives; for instance, I don't think obama's speech was the complete stinker many conservatives do. I also don't believe Bush is the perfect man many do. There are other people of different viewpoints here and I welcome them because they're never snide or ugly as you are.
I'm only leaving this in hopes that Beamish can have a little fun again..he SO enjoys it. Thanks.
"Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their
children's names"
But it wouldn't surprise me if those turds really didn't know their kids names. Perhaps that's why they named them after stupid things like apple and pear and all that, makes it easier to remember.
Great point, MK!!
Grown-ups are not entitled to their own facts
In every case beamish has failed to follow up when I showed that his argument does not hold water.
The fact is I stopped responding to you when it was adequately demonstrated that you didn't have a clue what you were talking about,
and from your reposting and rephrasing of the same defeated argument you made it clear you were after having the last word.
You want to believe the UN Security Council plus Germany are conspiring to arm Iran with nuclear weapons grade materials.
Nothing little 'ol me could say could possibly top your efforts to prove you're an imbecile.
If I haven't revisited dead threads to fulfill your need to have your incessant babble between Google refreshers responded to, I'm sorry. This isn't a chat room, and you're too painfully uninformed to make a coherent, concise argument.
The option for you to start your own blog and talk about anything you desire, or visit any other blogs to hijack threads remains open.
You've been asked to leave this blog because you show nothing for contempt for the hosts and the guests, and apparently you have a history of being a serial harasser of the host and other guests here on other websites.
If you want validation, go feed a parking meter.
Oh, DARN, psi bond. better try again.
Make sure you remember to include "when first posted!"
This is getting to be fun! Enjoy the work!
Since it's all right at this site to diss America, here are some more from the same sources, including a Muslim one, www.al-yemen.org:
How bad is it?
A truck of Americans got caught sneaking into Mexico. The most highly-paid job is now jury duty
Obama met with small businesses to discuss the Stimulus Package: GE, Pfeizer and Citigroup.
PETA serves chicken wings at their meetings. McDonalds is selling the 1/4- ouncer
The economy is so bad that today, Dick Cheney was waterboarding his stockbroker.
The economy is so bad, George W. Bush appeared in a flight suit and declared economic recovery was complete.
The economy is so bad, people are standing behind George Bush wherever he goes, hoping for free shoes.
The economy is so bad, Bill Gates had to switch to dial up.
The economy is so bad that I went to my bank to get a loan, they said, "What a coincidence! That's just what we were going to ask you!"
The economy is so bad, rapper 50 Cent had to change his name to 10 Cent.
The economy is so bad, Malia and Sasha Obama started a lemonade stand to raise money for bailouts.
It's so bad, the Lone Ranger sold his silver bullets on Ebay.
The economy is so bad that wives are having sex with their husbands because they can't afford batteries.
The economy's so bad, Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.
The economy is so bad, my sister had an exorcism but couldn't afford to pay for it, and they re-possessed her!
The economy is so bad, that a prostitute asked me if she could borrow $20 until she can get back on her back.
The economy is so bad, the Treasure Island casino in Las Vegas is now managed by Somali pirates.
It's so bad, they built an Indian reservation on a casino.
The economy is so bad, that the White House turkey turned down his Thanksgiving pardon-- all his wealth was in stocks, and he has nothing to live for.
It's so bad, a stripper was killed when her audience showered her with rolls of pennies while she danced.
The economy is so bad, that Martha Stewart did a show on creative uses for food stamps.
The economy is so bad, Angelina Jolie adopted a child from America
The economy is so bad, Barack Obama changed his slogan to "Maybe We Can!"
The economy is so bad that the only company hiring this week is the one that sends people to scrape bankers off the sidewalk on Wall Street.
It's so bad, they renamed Wall Street "Wal-Mart Street."
The economy is so bad, Angelina had to adopt a highway.
The economy is so bad, my ATM gave me an IOU!
The economy is so bad I saw a polygamist with only one wife.
The economy is so bad that I saw someone using the sun to get a tan!
Right now the only winner in this economic mess is vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, who has all her money in pelts.
The economy is in big trouble, but the Bush administration is now running it. So finally some good news.
The economy is so bad, I went to my bank the other day and the teller handed me a note saying, "This is a robbery!"
People in Africa are donating money to Americans
The economy is so bad that African television stations are showing 'Sponsor an American Child' commercials!
Mothers in Ethiopia are telling their kids,“finish your plate, do you know how many kids are starving in the US ?”
The Mafia is laying off judges.
Originally posted June 3, 2009 8:43 PM
Reposted June 3, 2009 10:25 PM
Reposted June 4, 2009 4:16 AM
Reposted June 4, 2009 11:50 AM
Reposted June 4, 2009 8:59 PM
Reposted June 5, 2009 3:45 AM
Reposted June 5, 2009 3:43 PM
Thanks for the tip, Z. You have always been kind to me.
Originally posted June 5, 2009 5:42 PM
Grown-ups are not entitled to their own facts.
In every case beamish has failed to follow up when I showed that his argument does not hold water.
The fact is I stopped responding to you when it was adequately demonstrated that you didn't have a clue what you were talking about,
That is spin not fact hiding the truth that you had no argument once your illogic and flawed representation of the facts were exposed. But thank you, beamish, for confirming, albeit inadvertently, that when Z claimed I stopped responding to you, she was not being truthful.
You want to believe the UN Security Council plus Germany are conspiring to arm Iran with nuclear weapons grade materials.
You are attributing to me something I never said. In the thread you bring up again, you argued doggedly that all of Iran's nuclear technology came from Russia. Recently, I heard Mitch McConnell say that that technology was supplied by France and Germany. He proposed that fuel rods be supplied by and under the control of Russia (which Bush proposed) and the U.S. (which Kerry proposed, and you insisted was stupid and goofy).
Nothing little 'ol me could say could possibly top your efforts to prove you're an imbecile.
Actually, I know that nothing I could say would change the opinion you had reached a priori about a broad range of individuals. Which is more revealing about you than about me. There is a relict kind of rightwinger that incorrigibly believes it has the absolute truth and the rest of us who don't are trash. It is an unkind kind that was more common in the mid-twentieth century.
I have no interest in changing your opinion of me. It would be simpler to change the opinion held by a stone.
If I haven't revisited dead threads to fulfill your need to have your incessant babble between Google refreshers responded to, I'm sorry. This isn't a chat room, and you're too painfully uninformed to make a coherent, concise argument.
Thank you again for confirming that Z was untruthful in speaking about the contest. It was lopsided since you displayed both immaturity undermining your contentions and a sadly inadequate understanding of logic at every point. If this is not a chat room, Z should not treat it as one for her friends and those willing to offer lavish praise for her posting efforts.
The option for you to start your own blog and talk about anything you desire, or visit any other blogs to hijack threads remains open.
Sorry, I have no present interest in starting my own blog and less in visiting yours. I have learned things here about rightwingers. Even when I teach, I learn.
You've been asked to leave this blog because you show nothing for contempt for the hosts and the guests, and apparently you have a history of being a serial harasser of the host and other guests here on other websites.
Even when a host on the Internet has shown bad manners, I have always been civil here and on other sites where I have posted. By contrast, you have shown nothing but contempt for me, and the insensitivity of an habitual harasser of common courtesy.
If you want validation, go feed a parking meter.
If you want validation, go look in the mirror.
The economy is so bad, parking meters are pleading for pickles (this typo is for you, Z).
Originally posted June 5, 2009 3:52 AM
Reposted June 5, 2009 3:45 PM
Great, now you can add delusional to your list of reasons to get deleted I have never said I haven't ever deleted Ducky, I have probably twice.
Z, The one item you pick out to condemn me as delusional is wrong. You have deleted his posts and announced that that is what you intended to do henceforward at least twice. You have an autocratic urge to manage the record of posts on your little piece of the Internet the way the Communists in the Soviet Union wanted to manage the history of the world in their encyclopedias---by ruthless censorship.
Your description of Ducky, whom you boast of as "your liberal", strongly suggests that you think he’s delusional. But beamish, of course, who believes all liberals (which apparently would have included Einstein) are imbeciles, is not delusional, according to your humble opinion. How funny you are, Z!
You have not denied the correctness of what I said, namely, the plain truth is that what you strongly object to, my prefatory remarks to the jokes that you want to keep deleting forever, are nothing more than simple facts. Not opinions at all.
You may call me snide and believe you are well mannered here and never rude, but the truth will set you free. We are all praying for you, Z.
Originally posted June 5, 2009 3:55 AM
Reposted June 5, 2009 3:46 PM
You're boring the heck out of me.
have fun!
Thanks, Z. You're a good person.
Who knew?
Everyone but me, I guess.
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