Yes, I know..."Faith on WEDNESDAY?" you're asking yourself," Z's? I thought she does these on Sundays!" humor me, folks
Have a great day......maybe this is speaking to you today, too!
Photo by Mr Z Santa Monica
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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do the yellow flowers and faith together have a significance or subliminal message in getting people to root for your lakers z? have a great wednesday you and mr. z!
Good morning to you Z!
Every day of the week is an appropriate day for a faith blog!
Beautiful photo! Please relay my praise to Mr. Z.
We need faith on every day of the week.
BTW, I finall diid the meme on the 8 random things.
That's ok. Wednesday is a traditional catholic day for boiling codfish, er, something like that.
Perfect reminder for any day, and especially for those who will stand through God's strength on this one. Blessings.
Actually, I find the midweek boost refreshing! Especially in light of the troubled times we are now witnessing. Lovely post Z and thank you!!!
Didn't phase me one bit. I live in the bible belt, the people here go to church on Sunday AND Wednesday. At least here at your place I can have a little faith without all the traffic. :-)
With the view of losing my position after 30+ years on the department, yes, I could use a little God in my life right now.
Dear Z..every day is a day for remembering the goodness and faithfulness of our God...thank you.
We need daily reminders that God is still on the throne even if evil is on the march.
You know I love it!
Z, with Obama in the ME, it's the perfect time. Thank you for the inspiration to pray for our nation.
Sal's Gal
Thanks, Z. I really needed Isaiah 41:10 today.
good tidings today Z.
I always need these reminders, Z.
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