SO....I came up with this recipe and I highly recommend it, we loved it and it's a GREAT way to use fruit that's not QUITE perfect to eat as it is anymore. I won't put exact amounts, but for the 3 nectarines, one peach and the apple, I did this:
Half a finely chopped onion...sauteed in olive oil till almost soft.....Peel and chop all the fruit up into small bits, whatever you like...and throw it into the sauteed onion ......
Throw in any dried fruit you might have....I used dried cranberries, just about 1/4 cup. You can cut up prunes, throw in some raisins......or not! I put in about 1 T of raspberry vinegar About 3 tsp of curry powder (use as much you like) a shake of red pepper flakes (optional) A shake or 2 of garlic powder (not garlic salt)
Experiment with it...use what you have.....make sure the apple (if you use it)'s soft and heated through and your fruit accompaniment is done! Takes 10 minutes! I poured it over sliced pork tenderloin after I'd baked it at 450 for about 40 minutes with garlic powder and chili powder coating it......... I HIGHLY recommend this way to get rid of fruit this sure beats throwing it OUT especially in economic times such as these! Bon Appetit!
Sounds good. I don't like over ripe fruit.
Speaking of fruit, do you get donut peaches out there? I don't know the correct name, but they are like a flattened peach. I love them!
You can't go wrong with the "other" white meat... ;-)
Z, are there no bounds to your seemingly endless array of skills?
Yes, Sue, I've seen them but never tried one. I will now that you recommend them. thanks.
DaBlade...thanks, that's very nice of you.
FJ...the FRUIT, the FRUIT.!!!
Sounds fantastic, Z!
The kids love fruit, and this might be the perfect way to get them to try something new.
Oh, I just love pork tenderloin!
A chutney really. Good stuff.
That sounds delicious! I love to be creative in the kitchen and make new things out of whatever's there. I'm currently growing a surprising amount of jalapeño peppers and the tomatoes aren't ready for salsa yet. If you have any clever jalapeño ideas, let me know!
I thought I was weird putting white grapes in a salad with vinegette dressing and grated parmesan cheese.
this is great z! (the idea of course i haven't tried the recipe) i have thought to my self if i was a gourmet chef i would use fruit in every entree. it does seem like a great accompanyier! p.s. is accompanyier even a word.... he he
Off topic....
Is this for real? I spotted it over at Drudge.
Always On Watch. That simply CAN'T be true.
Well, it's been DOING that for the last year, at least, but THIS? I know they hired at the WH 3 bigwig news producers, maybe this is the upshot of it? Oh, MAN, I hope we fight. This is FASCISM of the worst kind..again.
Faith, you know, you're right! Fresh Chutney! excellent point.
I hope you all try something like recipe's 'clad in concrete' with it, whatever you've got...
Lovely...Mr Z is a huge jalapeno eater; there's something I've made, again with fruit, where you don't cook anything, but just chop up papaya, pineapple, onions, nectarines or peaches, ANYTHING...then put in finely chopped jalapanos, sugar, and some raspberry vinegar AND green and red pappers...all choppped fairly finely...that's fantastic with barbecued flanksteak or chicken, maybe even halibut, etc.
That wasn't an 'invention' of mine, and if it's much different than that, if I have time to check the recipe, I"ll let you know.
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