I have rarely posted on this issue but I do feel that information like that included in Canada Free Press's article HERE deserves a long hard look; there's more information now than had been "covered" before and the whole thing deserves a read. Yes, I KNOW, the Left's made you feel like a rightwing nutcase for even suggesting Obama wasn't born in America. I KNOW, Saul Alinsky got to America before we even realized it and you are now to feel like a freak for even caring about the birth certicate...after all, as the White House reminds us "HE WON."
Don't chastise me for posting this....I just happen to think information like that in the above link deserves reading and at least a thought. Wh
Did America lose on a much deeper level than just his policies being so bad for us and his demeanor making you wish we had a president who really spoke up for America and who stood up to those around the world who don't? "...Because without America there is no free world" is the masthead slogan for Canada Free Press. Imagine we're still looked at as FREE when so many of our freedoms are being stripped and insulted..........even the freedom to have someone FINALLY put the birth certificate to rest AFTER a bipartisan committee has examined EVERYTHING?
"Because Without America There Is No Free World" just makes me sob my heart out -- to hear us called "good" for any reason by anybody any more.
I thought his evidence was very telling. I never thought the birth certificate was cleared up. I've heard it loudly declared to be cleared up but I never saw the evidence.
Faith, I know what you mean about sobbing at those words...We've lost so much recently...How free are we anymore when we have a government imposing so much on us? When we have a media unwilling to dig for the truth?..when we're borrowing ourselves into debt with dangerous countries, our borders are still open and we even reward illegals with health care when our own are suffering, when our own gov't is insulting the things so many of us stand for? I can't name all of the heartbreak here...
but I can sure feel your pain.
The birth certificate? I think this is a popular fight that, in the end, will be a losing topic. I'll wager you could have, absent SCOTUS, clear proof of no true citizenship and that person holding said proof would be tarred and feathered.
I've been deliberate never to write about this stupid issue as an entire post. I only joke about it. My contribution to the litany goes like this:
Obugger can't produce his birth certificate. He used it to roll a fatty.
The reason he won't release his (long form) birth certificate is because he wants to qualify for his health care plan.
Ya, BZ....just wanted to show YET ANOTHER piece of information ... on top of all the "YES HE IS" information which barely exists in comparison.
As an American adoptee and as an adoption blogger, I feel that I am pretty knowledgeable about this issue. Something that many folks fail to understand. Hawaii does not issue a long form birth certificate any more. In fact, several states are doing that. My birth state of Indiana is included with that. I guess I am suspect too. Shame on me for being an ungrateful little adoptee.
The State of Hawaii says that the Birth Certificate exists, and that he was born there. If you don't believe the statement by the State of Hawaii, why would you believe a printout, even if it's the long form?! The basic problem I have with this whole subject is that people are asking the State of Hawaii for evidence that they will not believe is valid. What is your purpose, then?
I support the search for Truth and Honesty... but if you will believe the Long Form if it's released by the State (or the President) then you should logically believe the short form. Please tell me what I'm missing here.
According to this blogpost
, the Supreme Court has finally agreed to hear arguments on the eligibility of Obama's presidency.
The reasonable answer to all this is for Obama to produce his birth certificate. And until he does so, every person who has ever taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States is derelict in his duty.
""...Because without America there is no free world"
No truer words have been said in the 21st century. Imagine what evil will roam the earth unchecked, if WE are not there to stand between it & the innocent...
Bravo to you, Z for continuing to post on this, if for no other reason than to keep a fire lit under the MSM. Because the MSM is not doing its job, it IS up to people like us to investigate this man, & pound the pavement until somebody hears!!
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