(thanks, Bubba)
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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I don't watch MSNBC
HAHA! Z-I feel like that often! But if I threw my TV out the window, I wouldn't be able to watch ND destroy Michigan, right Chuck? Obama can't get enough of himself. He is constantly in front of his teleprompter and cameras.
Love it, Z! Yes, I feel that way too!
Yes, I'm feeling it...Excellent blog, please keep up the fight, we must NOT let the lefties get their way.
He loves the sound of his own voice, and cocks his head up so he can see what he looks like on the set.
We are all TIRED of looking and listening to him!
Thanks for the picture!
Excellent cartoon! It does seem that he is on some channel 24/7.
Its like Chavez and his 'cadenas' (chains) he takes over all airways and one feels chained!
Yeah I'm getting really tired of seeing this guy's mug on my TV all the time. He's literally done more than one televised speech a day since he ascended his throne. (LOL! The verification word for this comment is "koone"!)
Love the cartoon, guess I don't watch enough TV though...
Always turn off the tv or radio when Obama speaks
I am surprised his handlers don't have a better grasp on how they are wearing out the public's ear. Supersaturation of the same old bromides repackaged as truth. Drip. Drip. Drip.
deborah, he hired 3 bigwig expensive producers (on us) when he came in; they have to justify their $$$
I unplugged my TV some time before Obama was inaugurated. It's been blissful. I get more than enough news about him from the internet.
Just got back from the LA TEA PARTY....saw Heidianne there.
Will report in a while..with pix
it was amazing
I'm with Frogburger. I know that I should probably listen, just so I'll be up on the latest, but it's just SO OLD. I saw a commercial for some service website with his image on it. I nearly gagged.
It truly does feel like commie propoganda.
Pinky, when did you ever experience Commie propaganda?
I'm curious.
My guess is that Brezhnev wasn't a big TV personality in Texas.
jen must be brighter than you, Ducky.
Most of us learned about communist propoganda in schools...one needn't experience it to recognize it. your remark about Brezhnev is so silly I shouldn't even respond, but...
We have a media now doing that exact thing; Pravda is alive and well in America. Communie prop: Alive and well in our schools and universities in America now. Alinsky Rules, intimidation, ...
Well said, Pinky.
You think so, z. You want to try to tell someone in advertising about propaganda?
I imagine you think you are immune? Those are the easiest marks in this game.
You hold rigid, unchangeable beliefs. I can market anything playing into those. This nation stopped thinking a long time ago.
My 'rigid' views have to do with the constitution and love of this country. Because they don't agree with yours makes them no more rigid than yours.
Your comment is like suggesting I don't believe health care needs any reform. You always credit me and others here with extreme viewpoints that aren't true then attack.
Maybe if you stopped doing that we could actually discuss positive ways to fix things.
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