Harry Potter, Don Quixote and Dreams of My Father (the one by President Obama)
The Huffington Post includes this in their short write-up which links to HERE for more on the story: "Many of the prisoners appear to have been sold by the Taliban or swept up indiscriminately in the vicinity of a battlefield." News from Huffington...hot off THEIR "Post", eh? (Imagine if a Conservative site said "appear to be..."? We'd hear "OUTrage...." or "Some NEWS!")
The funniest part of that linked blog is that the comments, about 35, spend so much time on Harry Potter's inclusion and so little on Obama's book. You can't make this stuff up. One Commenter complained that "FOX will be on this like white rice." Wouldn't you think any news service just might?
I had heard that they loved the Harry Potter books. It is a little odd, but who knows.
Haven't you heard, Z? Bro. Barry is da bomb in Gitmo. (No pun intended)
Actually, it gives me hope for the future if they're reading Potter. It means that they aren't complete automatons and can open their minds to a fantasy read about good triumphing over evil...maybe they can be rehabbed into rational human beings? If not, we can always use the target practice! LOL
(yes, me & Mrs. Steve are big Potter fans)
I'm surprised that The Anarchist's Cookbook wasn't a gem in the library.
Shorpat....Steve...I kind of felt uplifted that those guys would like Potter! I haven't read any but I figured that was somehow a good sign?
LA...Ya, I'd heard :-)
Steve....who knows if that's there or not! I'm still trying to get over 13,500 books bought by US for 250 monsters that Huffington now tells us the Taliban "sold us or were swept INDISCRIMINATELY from the battlefield" Did you get that part of the post? ARE THEY KIDDING?
I'm surprised the called it BATTLEFIELD and not something like "peace challenged acreage!"?? HA!!
LOL peace challenged acreage...that's hilarious...
and a keeper
(and that's no courtesy laugh)
Funny they rattle on and on about "Faux News".
Z, did the Torah make the list?
Fiction fantasy fans, I see.
Barack Potter? Harry Obama? Doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
Jesus Christ! Dreams From My Father?? So we really ARE torturing those poor devils down there then. No wonder everybody is so up in arms about it.
Thanks, Elbro...I have to admit I giggled a bit when that hit me!
And Mr. Z CRACKED up, too.
Chuck, I'm PRETTY sure the Torah's not there :-)
Average....THAT IS HILARIOUS! i LOVED that! TORTURING them with Obama's book! GOOD ONE!
you know that Bill Ayers, prolific author, only missed two years in about twenty with coming out with a book.....those two years are the two years Obama's books came out. Fascinating coincidence, huh?
Three works of fiction, huh?
Once again we see that gitmo is not the hellhole the left insist on portraying it to be, far from it in fact. Perhaps it should be closed, for being too soft.
glad you liked my post...
glad you liked my post :-)
Tell you what, mk. I round you up in a sweep when you have done nothing and I put you inside for an indefinite period with no access to an attorney, no charges, no trial and then I come back in a five or six years and find out how you like it?
CS..I always like your posts.
I just haven't been able to get around like I used to but I plan to return to my midnight blog visits!
MK: LOVE that...you are SO RIGHT, why didn't I think of that connection "Gee, we thought things were SO BAD THERE" (as if)
What, no Playboy?
So it's safe for terrorists to read Bill Ayers' book about Obama's father under the guard of heavily armed professional soldiers, but it's a national security risk to let them read the same work of fiction in a federal Supermax prison under the guard of glorified mall cops?
When's Obama going to change the national anthem to "The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down?"
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