Heidianne at Big Girl Pants is traveling today but wanted you all to see THIS ARTICLE........the subtle brainwashing is inescapable.....'Get those Americans ready for MORE GOVERNMENT JOBS....we need MORE GOVERNMENT JOBS' drip, drip, drip.....(thanks, media)
Here's one clippet from the article! : The numbers also reflect the Obama administration's intent to take on several enormous challenges, including the repair of the financial sector, fighting two wars, and addressing climate change.
Heidianne would say "Disgusting," as she often does. And she'd be right.
all of this:-czars-tax evaders-jetting w/ our $$$---is getting real old!
luckily - the slow slide is over -the avalanche has occurred and we have awakened!!!
We were wondering where the stimulus money was going - it's going to hire 270,000 more government employees!
Do federal employees pay into social security? A friend thinks they don't....anybody know? I tried to Google but it's way too complicated for me to find anything definitive.
So at what point do we all just work for the government?
Oh, nevermind. I just got my tax bill...
i thought that the commies didn't like the czars. in fact they incited a revolution and murdered the entire russian royal family as well as numbers of others they disagreed with?
but still the the name implying a nobel position in the government is a good joke. as we all know there are no noble positions in our government any more.
p.s. this is heidianne's son, jesse.
Yes, federal workers have money taken out for medicare and social security.
thank you so much for posting this i do think it's important. federal employees do not pay in to ss they have their own retirement plan. if a federal employee has enough hours in the private sector to be vested in ss he can collect both the government retirement and ss.
boy howdy!! your tax dollars at work.
Brooke..tax bill? blech!
HI, Jesse,
I keep saying how funny it is that a president who MANY believe is a socialist or communist would allow the word CZAR at all, anyway, but he believes he's impervious to ANY slightest criticism, so.......
Ya, the COmmies hated czars..until it happened at the White House!
Heidianne..you are SO welcome, it was an important bit of information.
So, who's right...Anon or you? DO Fed Employees pay into Soc Sec or NOT!? :-)
just spoke to a federal employee - it's called a social security/medicare deduction however it does not count towards there vesting in ss but rather the government retirement plan. so the answer is yes and no.
Thanks, Heidianne...so this HUGE amount of gov't hiring brings NOTHING to Americans. Pure and simple. It's even MORE unsustainable, MORE non-wealth building than we thought.
yep pretty much
I'm going back down again to watch Hannity, but ARE YOU STILL DRIVING AND TYPING!? grrrrr!!
More clueless and sometimes lazy people making good money and having big benefits.
In a country like France the real social inequalities are between public and private sector now.
My wife was upset at me today b/c I posted an angry comment on Facebook. But I am really getting tired of those clueless idiots who just don't get it.
Maybe I should leave on my own island and enjoy coconuts.
FrogBurger, you know my REAL name...add "ia" at the end and that's the name of the island Mr Z and a great friend who used to live here but moved to Indiana decided they're naming the island we want to escape to. I was to be Queen, of course! HAAA!!!
We SO feel your pain! xx
and PLEASE don't mention it here, of course, FrogBurger!! merci beaucoup, mon ami.
J'espere que ta femme est encore calme!! xx
Z, I am not an economist but I don't see how we can sustain an economy with all government jobs. We would find ourselves in a position of taxing them to pay their salaries.
Chuck, like Heidianne says "if you're looking for an argument, you're going to have to change the subject".
It ought to be the first rule in economics...but we've become soft and stupid, I think.
Here's one clippet from the article! : The numbers also reflect the Obama administration's intent to take on several enormous challenges, including the repair of the financial sector, fighting two wars, and addressing climate change.
The administration's "intent." Dang! I thought he was well into all of the above.
Growing the government is the best way to take out private business and the best way to control ALL the people.
I wonder how many of these jobs will be traveling to town hall meetings supporting Obamas health care bill.
Speaking of government stimulus funds...
I saw a report on TV the other day saying that there will be more road construction thanks to Obama's stimulus plan...This was shortly after my wife and I had returned from driving all over town running errands, and I had remarked to her that there isn't nearly as many work crews working on the roads as in previous years.
So now, I'm wondering...where is all this road construction being done?
Maggie, you are SO right,
Mark....I'll tell you where: OUR STREET, which needed ZERO work just got a complete re-asphalt for no reason!
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