Saturday, September 12, 2009
OUR Cup of Tea!
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"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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Isn't it great Z, being there with all those good people standing up for America!
This has been a great day.
You wouldn't have had enough pizza! I'm glad there was such a good turnout!
Was that question to much for you?
It is amazing how many people are getting disgusted with the left, their 'more taxes will solve any problem' and "it's America's fault" mindset.
Beautiful. Let's get rid of all the Duckies :)
Looks like it was a great event. Unfortunately I've been working for my contribution to the IRS today, but I've been protesting in spirit.
Pris, it was good...
Linda...they didn't ALL come back to our house :-)
Truth...LYFAO...I'm laughing because nobody knows what you're talking about again.
Shoprat...People are finally waking up. All it took for one leftie to go too far and too fast.
FrogBurger, are you going to write about Wash DC?
RK.... We felt your spirit!
I woulda figured that a city the size of LA would have had a bigger turn out, but 2000 is better than 2! We're taking the country back!
Couldn't get a tea party going in my town; there was too much football, hunting & NASCAR going on today to pry the locals away.
Good for you Z! So good to see just honest working people expressing our frustration with this administration's taxation without representation.
Steve, for a conservative event in LA (the cops were saying closer to 3000 at its most busy), that was ENORMOUS!
Oh, by the's the honking of SO SO many cars that was even more incredible...I mean A LOT
I love the top photo.
And what happened to Ducky?
Cool! Wish there'd have been one up here, but there wasn't.
Glad you had a good time and a good turnout, Z.
Z, that is great! What wonderful patriots we have in the country of ours. Thank you for being out there.
Let us know if the LA TIMES covered the event (I suspect not). I don't think the MSM will report about all the Tea Parties at all. They are like little kids covering their ears and singing "la la la" so they can't hear us! But we'll keep it up until they do!
I hope that's not one of your readers wearing that fanny pack, z. Such a fashion faux pas.
It gives the rest of the flea baggers a bad name.
A person that supports communism should be strongly advised about talking about Communist fashion. Wearing a Che shirt and the Code Pinko crew does not make one a fashion expert.
Fantastic bunch of photos, Z., and great to hear of the enthusiastic honking. You're right; straight-out automobile honks tended to represent conservative support. Had the drivers been lefties the honks would have been backed up with throwing things and loud cursing.
I went to my local event too and was warmed by the response and by the sheer good vibes of being surrounded with normal Americans.
It poured rain here from 3am until
about 3pm. A real gullywasher. It was great to see others had good weather for a protest march.
The upshot seems to be that these people believe that the entire world has completely turned upside down in just eight months to the point at which their everyday lives are unrecognizable to them.
Considering that the only thing that's happened is the bailout of auto companies, some stimulus spending and cash for clunkers I'd say their lives must have been pretty bizarre to begin with.
But you do, trying to make a false impression again?
You can try to fool your readers all you want but you and I know the TRUTH.
Beth, the biggest news story is that the LA Times or local news radio carries every occasion at the Federal Building ...they didn't this time. NOTHING. I have friend who're interesting in seeing if they covered it so they're looking, too.
There were a couple of helicopters flying overhead but no press on the ground at all. No press trucks parked nearby, nothing. They had let them know, I'm sure of that.
Zack, I'm glad you got to go to one, too.
It's about time people see the direction we're going.....the Alinsky protocols are in place..."embarrass them then nobody will notice" Sadly, the people are waking up to that.
We had hippies, very cool young business people, people who looked like they just got off a tennis court or golf game, businessmen and wives, oldsters, very young children turning cartwheels on the ground to keep themselves was a wonderful group, very mixed.
Everyone there, plus apparently the cars going by, were very into it......they know we can't let what's starting flourish or we'll never get our country back again..
As disgusting as I've been with a media like this, even I was surprised there's been no note of it in the paper or on the radio.
Truth, this made me laugh, especially of the surety in your tone!
I got an email last night from my blog partner who also has the 'keys' to my blog. He said he had to take your comment off knowing I was gone and couldn't, that it was something he felt better deleted. He's only done that about 3 times in 1 1/2 years..
So, you, I don't. I have no idea why he deleted it and I"m not interested in ....So happy you know the TRUTH and I DON'T !:-) I hope you're feeling really great about that!
Great pics. I'm thinking of a post with some of my favorite images just because they're so clever.
"I hope that's not one of your readers wearing that fanny pack, z. Such a fashion faux pas."
Don't get your hemp knickers in a wad Ducky...
"the only thing that's happened is the bailout of auto companies, some stimulus spending and cash for clunkers"
So let me get this straight... The subversion of the free market system, government seizure of private property, inflicting indebtedness upon our grandchildren's grandchildren... nah nothing much at all.
So Ducky, what is your point? Why do you even come here at all? You obviously are a masochist and let's not even get into your obvious lack of mental prowess.
"The subversion of the free market system" ... quite a statement.
Care to expound and why do I think this is going to be a screed from the Objectivist playbook.
Hey, the robber barons are gone and the attempt to bring them back to full strength under George "Chucklenuts" Bush resulted in disaster by their head guru, "Bubbles" Greenspan's own admission.
But let's hear it, I always enjoy reading total spaced Libertarians. You advocate a philosophy that makes no allowance for culture, community and country and then go into this bizarre war dance when what you didn't care about in the first place seems to be threatened.
As far as inflicting indebtedness, bore me later with that nonsense. Or do you want to talk about what that gibone, St. Ronnie Reagan, did to trash the budget of this country. You make the assumption we can get out of the whole you libertarian clowns dug without Federal spending. Okay, in an economy that's broke and depends on consumer consumption, who's going to spend to restart it? Really, I do so want to read your answer.
Stick to field stripping your pop guns. That seems to be what you understand.
Bob Gibbs was on CNN this AM with John King ,who held up a sign carried at the Wash DC protest as a damnation of ALL the million people there with signs calling for constructive...
on FOX just now a liberal called the events "DESTRUCTIVE"
She added that the poor president's had to cope with the LIES.
The biggest problem here is no longer healthcase it's the withering condemnation of half of America's opinion. Maureen Dowd, today, and others, are calling this RACIST. I'm surprised, considering how many Blacks were at the LA Tea Party many we all saw across the country as the conservative media reported on the thousands of people gathering on the way to the DC event.
Racist? Does that occur to any of you when you consider how this health care plan's been handled?
Have any of you seen bipartisanship?
Odd that John King would show the ONE SIGN that said BURY OBAMA CARE WITH KENNEDY. Not nice, is it. ONE SIGN. I saw one I didn't like at the LA event and told Mr Z and Heidianne, "That'll be the ONE SIGN the media'd pick up on".
Of course, the media decided not to at all report on 3000 people meeting together at the Fed Bldg, but CNN didn't miss a chance to find the ONE sign they found egregious, did they!
Yes, it's a "LIE" that you can't keep your insurance folks...even if there won't BE any private insurance after this healthcare bill is passed! it's a LIE that the gov'ts getting involved! ??
Quite a lot of LIES but those good people who marched all over this country aren't the ones telling them.
Pretty hard to see what racism has to do with it but I am quite convinced that Obama's race does intensify the rights existing antipathy.
My misanthropic, pessimistic nature occasionally breaks thru my generally jovial sarcastic facade, and this is one of those times.
I think that we'll witness aggressive, violent acts by the right against persons and institutions of the left, and the government (particularly the federal government) during the next year.
This anti-government fervor will continue to rise, fueled by the right wing radio merchants.
How long before G. Gordon Liddy reminds his listeners to "shoot at their heads"?
I also predict that we will see a breakdown of the command structure of the US Armed Forces as the Christian Dominionists within the military revolt against efforts to reduce their proselytizing. Too many of our military already believe they are fighting a new "Crusade" in the middle east, and there are many in the higher commands of all branches of service who feed and encourage that thinking.
Efforts to stop or silence any of these persons and groups will only feed their hatred, and serve to verify their own paranoia. A self-fulfilling prophecy of violence in the streets will result.
I'd like to be wrong about all this, but I can read. The hate, the fear, the potential for violence is palpable, barely below the surface.
I think you're right, Ducky.
And I think that the leftwinger extremism of smugly dissing everyone who has the guts to criticize this president's administration is the cause... I couldn't agree with you more; we're more divided than we have ever been. The media's barely mentioned A MILLION PEOPLE< you get it yet?
They OVER exaggerated the number of the big MILLION MAN MARCH,remember? But, this? belittle..scoff, lie. No biggie..they have an agenda to fill. People are seeing that now.
If the leftwingers hadn't criticized our country all over the world the last 8 years, I believe we wouldn't be in this situation. People are tired of having America insulted, seeing the fruits of that when enemies on the battle field yell foul and WE go to bat proving them RIGHT.
I'm tired of arguing this here...I believe the country's in more danger than it's ever been on more levels than you're equipped to see and it's beyond help.
Z, that was great! I loved the account of the honking.
As for Ducky, you hit the nail on the head...he is no longer equipped to see anything!
"Care to expound and why do I think this is going to be a screed from the Objectivist playbook."
Your own statement pretty much precludes any consideration of my words on your part, so why would I waste the effort?
I also predict that we will see a breakdown of the command structure of the US Armed Forces as the Christian Dominionists within the military revolt against efforts to reduce their proselytizing. Too many of our military already believe they are fighting a new "Crusade" in the middle east, and there are many in the higher commands of all branches of service who feed and encourage that thinking.
What? Examples, names please.
Gee duhkkky I just retired and I never heard any of this horse caca.
duhkkky honestly I have no idea where you come up with this stuff
the only place you'll find a chaplain is at the chapel...
and most of the time they're dealing with guys who have personal, financial or legal problems
very few of them are even 'Dominionists'
and even fewer of the rank and file are and even fewer go to chapel for church
I celebrated Easter in Iraq (the chaplain flew in from the ship to provide services)
Besides the chaplain and his assistant
I was the only one there
If you referring to Lt. Gen Boykin put that tin foil hat on cuz you'd be nothing more than a truther conspiracy theorist
GREAT Z!!... power to the people!!!
Way to bend the knee, G-Man.
this was AWESOME!
@ Ducky
"I am quite convinced that Obama's race does intensify the rights existing antipathy."
What you don't realize is that when we look at The Chosen One we do not see a black man, if such he could be called, after all he is as black as milquetoast.
All we see is Commie Crimson.
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